Imágenes de páginas


With which is incorporated the American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular

Entered at the Post-Office at New York, N. Y., as second-class matter.

VOL. XXIII., No. 7. NEW YORK, February 17, 1883.

WHOLE NO. 578.




"The plan adopted in this book has been to deal solely with the very greatest names in the several departments of English literature-with those writers whose works are among the most imperishable glories of Britain, and with whom it is a disgrace for even the busiest to remain unacquainted."-From Preface.

"We can warmly recommend this excellent manual."-St. James' Gazette.

Science of Law," etc. "International Scientific Series." 12mo, cloth, $1.75.

CONTENTS:-Chapter I. Nature and Limits of the Science of Politics; II. Political Terms; III. Political Reason-
ing; IV. The Geographical Area of Modern Politics; V. The Primary Elements of Political Life and Action; VI.
Constitutions; VII. Local Government; VIII. The Government of Dependencies; IX. Foreign Relations; X. The
Province of Government; XI. Revolutions in States; XII. Right and Wrong in Politics.


THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. By JOHN KEBLE. Printed in red and black, with a por-
trait of the author, from Mr. G. Richmond's Drawing. Vellum, gilt top, $1.50.
OF THE IMITATION OF CHRIST. By Thomas a KemPIS. A Revised Transla-
tion. With a frontispiece on India paper, from a design by W. B. Richmond.
Vellum, gilt top, $1.25.

THE PARCHMENT SHAKSPERE. Volume four. Vellum, gilt top. $1.25 per vol. THE PARCHMENT SERIES "deserves loving conservation by all who prize the rare arts of excellent typography and paper-making.”—Vanity Fair.

IV. HYGIENE FOR GIRLS. BY IRENEUS P. DAVIS, M.D. 16mo, cloth, $1.25.

"Many a woman whose childhood was bright with promise endures an after-life of misery because, through a false delicacy, she remained ignorant of her physical nature and requirements, although on all other subjects she may be wellinformed; and so at length she goes to her grave mourning the hard fate that has made existence a burden, and perhaps wondering to what end she was born, when a little knowledge at the proper time would have shown her how to easily avoid those evils that have made her life a wretched failure."-From Introduction.

TO 1860. By ALBERT S. BOLLES, author of "Financial History of the United
States, from 1774 to 1789.' 8vo, cloth, $3.50.

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This work contains a full account of tariff legislation, U. S. Banks, receipts and expenditures, deposits, organization and management of the Treasury Department, etc.

VI. THE VIRGINIA COMEDIANS; or, Old Days in the Old Dominion.
A Novel. By JOHN ESTEN Cooke. Two vols. in one, 16mo, cloth, $1.25.

A new edition, in response to frequent applications, of a novel long out of print, and which on its first appearance, nearly thirty years ago, made a marked impression.

VII. CORNELIUS NEPOS. Prepared expressly for the Use of Students learning to Read at Sight; with Notes, Vocabulary, Index of Proper Names, and Exercises for Translation into Latin. By T. B. LINDSAY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Latin in the Boston University. 16mo, half leather, $1.50.

D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 1, 3, and 5 Bond Street, New York.






With a Brief Review of Recent Events in Egypt. By Rev. HENRY M. FIELD, D.D., author of "From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn," and "From Egypt to Japan.' crown 8vo, with a map,

I vol., This volume is the account of a journey in the track of the Israelites along the Red Sea, among the peaks of Sinai, through the Desert of the Wandering, and up to the Promised Land. All of Dr. Field's powers of observation and description are brought into play in his book, which will undoubtedly prove the most delightful popular narrative of travels in the desert of Mount Sinai that has ever been written.

Of Dr. Field's last volume of travels it was said by a high authority, "I have never, within anything like the same space, seen so much said of Egypt, or so wisely or so well. Much as I have read about Egypt-many volumes, indeed-I have found some of these descriptions more graphic, more realistio, than I have ever met or expect to meet elsewhere.'


Newman Smyth's Reply to Joseph Cook.


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Being a Translation of the Section of his System of Christian Doctrine comprising the Doctrine of the Last Things. With an Introduction and Notes. By NEWMAN SMYTH, D.D., author of Old Faiths in New Light," "The Orthodox Theology of To-day," etc. I vol., 12mo, $1. This is a faithful translation of that part of Dr. Dorner's "System of Christian Doctrine" which relates to the future state of the soul; with an Introduction and Notes by Dr. Newman Smyth. The object of the book is to set forth clearly and accurately the views of the great German theologian on a subject of the highest interest and importance, wherein he has been strangely misrepresented in this country, and particularly by the Rev. Joseph Cook, in his recent lectures on Future Probation.



By MARY ADAMS. I vol., $I.

An Honorable Surrender is a love story of a very fresh and unconventional type. It presents some situations that have an unusual interest, from their originality and piquancy, as well as from the brightness and literary finish of the narrative, and the author exhibits a keenness of insight into character very unusual in a first novel.




By R. BOSWORTH SMITH, M.A. With maps and portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, $5.


Late Dean of Westminster.

Three lectures delivered in Edinburgh, in November, 1882. By GEORGE GRANVILLE Bradley,
D.D., Dean of Westminster, Honorary Fellow of University College, Oxford. Ivol., 12m0, $1.



An Account of the Search for the Jeannette and a Sledge Journey through Siberia. By WILLIAM H. GILDER, Correspondent of the New York Herald, with the Rodgers Search Expedition; author of "Schwatka's Search," I vol., 8vo, with maps and illustrations, $4.




By PAUL JANET, Member of the French Academy. Translated from the Second French Edition. With a Preface by Professor Robert Flint, Ď.D., LL.D. I vol., 8vo, $2.50.


THE RELIGIONS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD, Including Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia, Persia, India, Phoenicia, Etruria, Greece, Rome. By GEORGE RAWLINSON, M.A. I vol., 12mo, $1. Uniform with "The Origin of Nations."



By JAMES ANTHONY FROUDE, M.A. Fourth Series. I vol., 12mo, $1.50.

These books are for sale by all booksellers, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, by

Charles Scribner's Sons, 743 & 745 Broadway, New York.

The Publishers' Weekly.

FEBRUARY 17, 1883.


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4 00


Special rates for yearly or other contracts. A deduction of $3 per page for standing matter. Pages for re-insertion must be ordered kept standing. Special positions, $5 per page extra. Applications for special pages will be honored in order of receipt. Books wanted, one insertion of five lines free: Books for

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Short advertisements must be paid in advance.
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Single copies, 8 cents; postpaid, 10 cents.
Address P. O. Box 943, N. Y.


$3 20

I 00

31 & PARK ROW, N. Y. 32

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FUNK & WAGNALLS will issue on the 28th inst., "The Lives of Illustrious Shoemakers,' by Wm. Ed. Winke; and the second volume of the important Herzog-Schaff Religious Encyclopædia."


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A. D. F. RANDOLPH & Co. will issue March 15th the volume on Genesis in their American (stereotype) edition of the " Pulpit CommenOf the remaining twelve volumes already published in England, one will be issued here on or about the 15th of each succeeding month until completed, and the forthcoming volumes of the series will be brought out simultaneously here and in England.

ROBERTS BROS. will issue this month "Gatherings from an Artist's Portfolio in Rome," a collection of sketches, stories and anecdotes by James E. Freeman, who has for some time resided in Italy. They have in preparation a selection from "Living American Poets," which is intended as a companion volume to Living English Poets," recently issued in London by Kegan, Paul & Co. and of which the Messrs. Roberts will publish an American edition printed from the original plates.

CHAS. SCRIBNER'S SONS have just ready the Rev. Dr. Henry M. Field's new book, "On the Desert, with a brief review of recent events in Egypt.' The volume is a most interesting account of a journey in the track of the Israelites, along the Red Sea, among the peaks of Sinai, through the Desert of the Wandering, and up to the Promised Land. They have also just issued Dr. Newman Smyth's reply to Joseph Cook, entitled "Dorner on the Future State," and the

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new novel, An Honorable Surrender, by Mary Adams. The author is said to exhibit a keenness of insight into character very unusual in a first novel.

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HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co. will publish next week, with President Gilman's "Life of James Monroe," in the series of American Statesmen, the "Lowell Birthday-book," uniform in general style with the popular Longfellow, Whittier, and Emerson Birthday-books; a new and revised edition of Holmes' "Professor at the Breakfasttable," with a new preface; and a new edition of Dr. Jeffries' "Color Blindness," in which he has incorporated the result of thousands of examinations made since the publication of the first edition. The first volume of the Riverside Shakespeare which Mr. Richard Grant White is editing for Houghton, Mifflin & Co., and which had been announced for publication in February, will not be published until some time in March. "LandD. APPLETON & Co. have just ready marks of English Literature," by Henry J. Nicoll; "The Science of Politics," by Sheldon Amos, in the International Scientific series ; Keble's "Christian Year," à Kempis' "Imitation of Christ," and the fourth volume of Shakspere's works in the Parchment series; "Hygiene for Girls," by Dr. Irænaus P. Davis; History of the United States from 1789 to 1860," by Albert S. Bolles; "Cornelius Nepos," prepared expressly for the use of students learning to read at sight, with notes, vocabulary, index of proper names, and exercises for translation into Latin, by Prof. T. B. Lindsay; and a new edition of John Esten Cooke's "The Virginia Comedians."


A. C. ARMSTRONG & SON, whose ventures heretofore in giving the public good cheap editions of standard works have met with deserved success, have been induced by the continued demand for a new and popular edition of the famous "Widow Bedott Papers," to publish a cheap issue at the reduced price of $1.25. The work, we understand, has sold steadily ever since it was first published, and in its new and attractive dress, and at the lower price, will be sure of an increased circulation. They have in press a new and revised edition of Dean Stanley's Sinai and Palestine, in connection with their History.' The present edition of this work (which has been out of print for some time) has been carefully conformed to the last. English edition, including the new maps and illustrations.

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WHITE, STOKES & ALLEN will issue on the 19th inst. the " Poems of George Eliot," printed on extra fine laid paper, wide margins, and bound in a variety of elegant bindings; a bright, humorous description of a tramp around Europe, entitled "A Jolly Summer," illustrated by a number of droll sketches; and a new edition of "Esau Hardery," by W. O. Stoddard. They have also prepared a timely souvenir, entitled "Easter." It is a ribbon-tied booklet, cut in the shape of an Easter egg overflowing with flowers, one side of the cover showing a robin's egg with Easter lilies, etc., the other a combination of wild roses, lilies-of-the-valley, and other spring flowers. The sentiments are compiled and arranged by Rose Porter. They have also gotten up the cover designs as Easter cards,. which may be had plain and with fringes.


The abbreviations are usually self-explanatory. A colon_after initial designates the most usual given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Benjamin; C: Charles; D: David; E: Edward; F: Frederic; G: George; H: Henry; 1; Isaac: J: John; L: Louis; N: Nicholas; P: Peter; R: Richard S: Samuel; T: Thomas: W: William.

Sises are designated as follows: F. folio: over 30 centimeters high); Q. (4to: under 30 cm.); O. (8v0: 25 cm.); D. (12mo: 20 cm.); S. (16m0: 171⁄2 cm.): T. (24m0: 15 cm.); Tt. (32m0: 12 cm.); Fe. (48mo: 10 cm.). Sq., obl., mar., designate square, oblong, narrow books of these heights. Where figure instead of letter symbols are used, the record is from publisher's designation, and not measurement. Adams, Herbert B. Saxon tithing-men in Am- | erica: read before the American Antiqua. rian Soc., Oct. 21, 1881. Balt., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1883. 4+23 p. O. Johns Hopkins Univ. studies, no. 4.) pap., 25 c.

Ames, J. G., Spofford, A. R., and Baird, Spencer, F. Report regarding the publication and distribution of public documents; submitted, in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives adopted Aug. 8, 1882. Wash., D. C., Government Printing Office, 1882. 2+66 p. O. pap.

This report dwells specially upon the great number of documents printed by authority of Congress and the lack of system and economy in their distribution; under the present practice of distribution nearly all documents, whatever their cost or value, are distributed by from two to four agencies, each in ignorance of what the others are doing. The committee recommend a single agency, and that a prom!nent place should be given in the distribution to public, university and college libraries; as it has been found, after repeated inquiries, that not more than one in eight of the principal libraries of the country is supplied by Congress with the documents published for general distribution. Besides the report and the proposed bill and resolutions providing for the printing and distribution of public documents, contains "Tabulated statement of the documents of the 46th Congress and of the 47th Congress, first session," and 'Acts and resolutions of Congress, permanent or continuous, in their operation governing the printing and distribution of public documents."

Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific States of North America, V. 4: Mexico V. I, 1516-1521. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1883. 112+702 p. map O. cl., $4.50; leath., $5.50; hf. cf., hf. rus. or hf. mor., $8; rus. leath, or tree cf., $10.

It has been deemed advisable, for several reasons, to deviate from strict numerical order in the publication of the several volumes of this history, and pursue a more chronological course. Thus, instead of continuing the annals of Central America, as presented in the second volume of the series, the fourth volume of the series is next issued, which is the first volume of the history of Mexico. The three succeeding volumes will bring the histories of Mexico and Central America, side by side, down to about 1800. The San Francisco Sunday Chronicle says of the work: "Of Mr. Bancroft's research and impartiality too much cannot be said in praise. He has demonstrated in this book, as in all that he has written, that truth is the ultimate end of his work. He is rigidly fair in his treatment of the Spaniards, holding that with their lights they were not to be condemned for acts which have been paralleled in our day by nations which boast of their civilization and enlightenment. Although he describes with so much spirit the martial events in the conquest of Mexico, he is no admirer of war, seeing in it only a relic of barbarity, a survival of the time when brute force ruled the world. The notes to this volume will be found of great value by scholars, as they give many hints for special study." A list of authorities quoted covers 92 p.

*Blatchford, S: Reports of cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Second Circuit. V. 19: [April, 1880-Sept., 1881]. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1883. I2+6o4 p. O. shp., $6.50. *Bradwell, James B. Reports of the decisions of the Appellate Courts of the State of Illinois. V. II: containing all the remaining opinions of the 1st, 3d and 4th districts up to the Ist day of Jan., 1883, and all the remaining opinions of the 2d district up to 26th Dec., 1882. Chic., Chic. Legal News Co., 1883. 716 p. 8°. shp., $3.50.

Bürstenbinder, E. ["E. Werner."] Herman from the German by Mary Stuart Smith. N. Y., G: Munro, 1883. 25 p. Q. (Seaside lib., no. 1515.) pap., 10 c.

Bürstenbinder, E. ["E. Werner."] No surrender; from the German by Christina Tyrrell. N. Y., G: Munro, 1883. 54 p. Q. (Seaside lib., no. 1525.) pap., 20 c. Buxton, H. J. Wilmot. English painters; with a chapter on American painters by S. R. Koehler. N. Y., Scribner & Welford, 1883. il. D. (Illustrated art hand-books.) cl.. $2. *Campbell, J. L. Geology and mineral resources of the James River valley, Va.; with map and geological sections. N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1883. 119 p. O. cl., $1. Chamberlain, Parthene B. Chosen vessels. N. Y., T: Y. Crowell & Co., [1883]. 208 p. il. D. cl., $1.25.

Two interesting stories, "Just from Elim" and "Through the Amorites," by the author of "What about Fred;" both the stories have a strong religious vein, and portray how the heart is gradually led to Christ through suffering the last story is about a fashionable young Catholic who is converted to Protestantism through Moody and Sankey, and turned out of his home by his father. *Chaney, H: A.

Michigan reports.

Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Michigan from April 5 to June 21, 1882. V. 48. Chic., Callaghan & Co., 1882. 16+720 p. O. shp., $3.50. Chellis, Mary Dwinell. The Revere estate. N. Y., Ward & Drummond, 1883. 343 p. il. D. cl., $1.25.

An interesting story of Christian work and domestic joys and sorrows.

*Oranch, W: Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States in Feb. term, 1812, and Feb. term, 1813. V. 7. 3d ed., ed., with notes and references to later decisions, by F: C: Brightly. N. Y. and Albany, Banks & Bros., 1883. 15+415 p. O. shp., $3.50.

*Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe; fac-simile reprint of the first ed. published in 1719; with an introduction by Austin Dobson. N. Y., Scribner & Welford, 1883. 364 p. D. cl, $4. Ebers, Georg. A word, only a word: a romance from the German by Mary J. Safford. N. Y., W: S. Gottsberger, 1883. 4+348 p. S. cl., 75 c.; pap., 50 c.

An historical novel; the scene opens in the Black Forest in the 16th century with a very terrible picture of the persecutions and sufferings of the Jews. Ulrich, the boy who becomes the hero, goes to Italy and studies to be an artist: his dissipations interfere with his studies, and he turns soldier and fights at the battle of Lepanto; this battle, with the rest of the hero's military adventures, are very graphically described; the work altogether gives an excellent picture of the customs and thoughts of the period.

Emerson, G: H., D.D. The doctrine of proba

tion examined with reference to current discussions. Bost., Universalist Pub. House, 1883. 175 p. S. cl., 50 c.

A controversial work; discussing the doctrine of probation as held by Evangelical churches, and particularly by the Universalists. The consideration which weighs chiefly

* In this list, the titles generally are verbatim transcriptions (according to the rule of the American Library Association) from books received. Books not received are indicated by a prefixed asterisk, and this office cannot be held responsible for the correctness of their record. This list will be reprinted, verbatim, with all the notices of the books received, in the TRADE LIST ANNUAL.

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with the author-"that the probation theory diverts from the true Christian doctrine that life is a discipline "-is presented with much fulness.

*Farwell, W: W. Questions for law students on Story's" Equity pleadings." Chic., The Chicago Legal News Co., 1883. 2+98 p. S. flex. leath., 50 c.


Fletcher, Rob., M.D. On prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets; from contributions to North American ethnology. V. 5. Wash., D. C., Government Printing Office, 1882. p. il. Q. (Department of the Interior, U. S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain region, J. W. Powell in charge), pap.

A review of the whole subject of prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets, commencing with a summary of the observations and arguments of Prof. Broca's interesting article, pub. in Paris, 1877, and including an account of the additional discoveries which have been reported since that date. | *Gateley's universal educator: an educational cyclopædia and business guide; ed. by C: E. Beale and M. R. Gateley. Bost., M. R. Gateley, 1883. $6.

Gibbon, C: What will the, world say? a novel. N. Y., G: Munro, 1883. 62 p. Q. (Seaside lib., no. 1495.) pap., 20 c.

Gosse, Edmund W: On viol and flute: selected poems. N.Y., H: Holt & Co., 1883. p. D. cl., $1.75.


These 'Selections' cover a wide enough variety of forms in metre and topics in thought, but the atmosphere of schularship pervades them all; the influence of classical studies and classical associations has determined in many instances the choice of subject and treatment; but when the poet has given himself up to the modern school of dreamers in nature, like Wordsworth, or in foreign lands, like Arnold, he is most in his element."-The Critic.

*Gould's lawyers' diary for the year 1883.

N. Y., W. R. Gould, 1883. 433 p. D. cl., $1. Graham, H: Grey. [Jean Jacques] Rousseau. Phil., J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1883. 8+227 p. S. (Foreign classics for English readers.) cl., $1.

Biography of the celebrated author of the "New Helöise," Emile," etc., b. at Geneva 1712, d. near Paris 1778. Based upon former biographies and several recent French publications which throw further light upon the life of Rousseau.

*Hakes, D. S. Pearly portals; for the Sabbathschool. Bost., G. D. Russell, 1882. 35 c. Havergal, Frances Ridley. Ben Brightboots, and other true stories, hymns, and music. N. Y., A. D. F. Randolph & Co., [1883]. 8 +145 p. I il. S. cl., 75 c.

Short stories, hymns, and music for children; "Ben Brightboots," a cat story, which covers 49 p., is the only long story in the book.

Hawthorne, Julian. Dust: a novel. N. Y., Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1883. 402 p. por. and il. D. (Our continent lib., no. 3.) cl., $1.25.

A novel of English society during the early part of this century. Its strong point is its realistic descriptions of the manners and conversation of the period. It has an interesting plot turning upon the sacrifice one man makes of his good name to save the honor of a friend. There are also two love stories and two very charming heroines. By the author of "Bressant," "Sebastian Strome," etc. A very good portrait of the author opens the book.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The house of the seven gables, and The snow image, and other twicetold tales. [Riverside ed.] In 12 v., V. 3. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1883. 641 p. 1 il. D. cl., $2.

See note under Hawthorne, Weekly Record, P. W., Jan. 20. '83 [574).

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. A wonder book, Tanglewood tales and Grandfather's chair. [Riverside ed.] In 12 v., V. 4. Bost., Hough.

ton, Mifflin & Co., 1883. 637 p. I il. D. cl., $2.

Haydn, Jos. Dictionary of dates and universal information relating to all ages and nations. 17th ed., containing the history of the world to the autumn of 1881, by B: Vincent, revised for American readers. N. Y., Harper, 1883. 14 +796 p. O. cl., $6.

In this latest edition of Haydn's dictionary, the American editor, Mr. George Cary Eggleston, has corrected errors in the English work with respect to American matters, has added American dates to all important titles from which they were omitted in the English work, and has inserted such additional titles relating to American subjects as were necessary to fit the work for the use of American readers. Haygood, Atticus G., D.D. Sermons and speeches. Nashville, Tenn., Southern Methodist Pub. House, 1883. 428 p. D. cl., $1.25. 19 sermons and addresses by the president of Emory College, Oxford Ga., delivered before the college 1879-'82. The principal ones are: Lovick Pierce, 1785-1879; The new South; Garfield's memory; The faith that saves; St. Paul to young men; Kenneth H. McLain; or, the Christian student; The new South, from a Southern standpoint; The negro a citizen; The life to come. Höflich [pseud. for H. Enderis ?] Blumenlese deutscher u. englischer Stammbuchverse für das Autograph-Album gesammelt u. zusammengestellt von Höflich. 2d ed. Manchester, Mich., Enterprise Pub. House, 1882. 64 p. S. pap., 25 c.

A collection of German and English album verses. small number of prose selections are also included. almanak :



Hollandsch - Amerikaansche jaarboekje voor het jaar 1883. [First year]. N. Y., Morris Coster, 1162 Broadway, 1883. 32 p. il. D. pap., 25 c.

Contains, in addition to the calendar for the present year, practical hints to the Dutch immigrant, concerning his rights and duties in this country, citizenship, money, weights and measures, etc.; also, interesting sketches of early New York.


Hope, A. J. B. Beresford. The Brandreths: a novel; sequel to Strictly tied up." N. Y., G: Munro, 1883. 45 p. Q. (Seaside lib., no. 1530.) pap., 20 C. Hope, A. J. B: Beresford. Strictly tied up a novel. N. Y., G: Munro, 1883. 46 p. Q. (Seaside lib., no. 1521.) pap., 20 c.

Jay, Miss Harriet. My Connaught cousins: a novel. N. Y., G: Munro, 1883. 49 p. Q. (Seaside lib., no. 1532.) pap., 20 c.

*Jewitt, Mrs. Belle M., and Holbrook, J. P. Singing on the way; a collection of hymns and tunes for Sunday-schools, social worship and congregations. Cin., R. W. Carroll & Co., 1882. 35 c.

Johnson, W: S. The guide: a service-book for Sunday-schools. Bost., Universalist Pub. House, 1883. 112 p. T. bds., 18 c.

One object in preparing this little book was to provide a form of service in which the several departments of the Universalist Sunday-schools would have a part, which would at the same time be instructive and interesting, as well as more formal than the forms usually followed. Another object was to furnish a service which would give prominence to the distinctively Universalist doctrines.

Jung, Theodor. Bonaparte and his times, 17691799; tr. by Mary Neal Sherwood. N. Y., G: Munro, 1883. Pt. 2. 58 p. Q. (Seaside lib., no. 1332.) pap., 20 c.

Maguire, H. W. The Black hills and American wonderland; from personal explorations. N. Y., G: Munro, 1883. 35 p. Q. (Seaside

lib, no. 1528.) pap., 10 c.

Malet, Lucas. Mrs. Lorimer: a sketch in black and white. N. Y., G: Munro, 1883. 44 P. Q. (Seaside lib., no. 1531.) pap., 20 c.

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