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Under date May 6th, Dr. M. writes, that a violent war exists among some of the native tribes in the vicinity of the Colony; and that many of those who would escape from King Boatswain's forces, have taken refuge under the guns of the Cape. It appears that Boatswain's motive in the war, is to make slaves to supply vessels now upon the coast. It is impossible to imagine, says Dr. Mechlin, the misery that such a war occasions among the vanquished natives. It has not been unusual for the population of whole towns to die of starvation, their crops of rice and cassada having been destroyed by the enemy.

We have received no letter from Abduhl Rahhahman, but we perceive that he has informed some friend at the north, (under date April 13th) that he has ascertained that his relatives in Teembo are still the reigning family of the country, and is able to receive communications from them in the space of 15 days. "My brother," he says, "is the present King, having been enthroned three years since; and his benignant and placid qualifications endear him to all his subjects." He expresses the deepest sympathy for his children, who are still in slavery in Mississippi, and says, "their emancipation would be paramount to every other consideration." He adds,

"Longevity could not be desirable to any one whose furrowed cheeks and hoary locks are on the verge of the grave, under the frozen impression that his offspring are still suffering in bondage. 'Tis all-the last, last hope! the prop of tottering age! who, filled with filial piety, could drop a tear upon the dust of their departed sire."-"I have written to Sierra Leone for a more direct correspondence with my brother, and expect a return by express."

Dr. Richard Randall.

We had fondly hoped that he who had so generously and promptly offered himself to fill the dangerous, but important and honourable station from which death had so recently removed the beloved Mr. Ashmun, would have long been spared to aid an enterprise so worthy of his talents, and in regard to which, so much from his abilities was reasonably expected. But it has pleased the Ruler of the world to take him from us; and while we are allowed to weep, it is not for us to question either the wisdom or benevolence of Heaven.

Our lamented friend was born at Annapolis, Md. and his father, Richard Randall, Esq. a gentleman highly esteemed, was for many years, the collector of the customs in that place. Having received his education at St. John's College, Dr. Randall engaged in the study of his profession, with Dr. Ridgley, of Annapolis, and subsequently took his degree as Doctor of Medicine at the Medical School in Philadelphia. About the year 1818, he received the appointment of Surgeon's Mate in the Army, and was soon advanced to the rank of Post-Surgeon; but in 1825, he resigned his commission, and commenced the practice of medicine in Washington City. Of the manner in which he discharged the appropriate duties of his profession, one who knew him intimately, observes, "Such was his unbounded benevolence and philanthropy, that no exposure to weather, no indisposition of body, no sacrifice of private interest, could prevent his efforts to relieve the distresses, and promote the happiness of his fellow beings. To the poor, and those not well able to pay, he was particularly attentive, and not unfrequently performed surgical operations of the most difficult kind, without any other reward than that (which indeed he most valued) of a consciousness of having fulfilled his duty. Instances, unknown even to his friends till recently, have come to light, in which, not only his medical services were gratuitously rendered, but even medicines and other supplies furnished to the needy and afflicted at his own expense."

But his abilities as a man of science could not remain unnoticed, and in 1827 he was elected to the professorship of Chemistry in the Medical Department of Columbia College.

Dr. Randall had, for some time previous to his departure for Africa, been an able and efficient member of the Board of Managers of the Colonization Society. In the various deliberations of this Board he evinced a deep interest, and the opinions which he not unfrequently expressed, were manifestly those of a discriminating, judicious, resolute, and benevolent mind. He was always prompt, always decided. "The magnitude of the object of the Society, (observes one of his friends) the attained success, the illimitable prospects for usefulness which the scheme displayed, soon engaged the feelings of his generous and benevolent mind." None who were associated with him in the management of the Society's affairs, can forget the amiableness and frankness of his disposition, the candour and liberality of his sentiments, the ardour of his feelings, the energy of his intellect, and the force of his purposes.

"He was" (observes one intimately associated with him in his professional duties, and from whose highly interesting notice of his death we have just quoted) "a generous, kind, noble-minded man. Withal, he had a warmth of feeling, which, uncontrolled, would have been enthusiastic, in the ordinary sence of the term, but which it was his constant, and almost invariably successful effort to order by a sound judgment. The achievements and talents of his predecessor, AsиMUN, made a strong impression on him. He

once thought that Ashmun was a weak enthusiast, and that his character here was blazoned forth by equally deluded visionaries; but his judgment was enlightened, and his opinions have been repeatedly expressed to me in terms of the highest admiration of the extraordinary and diversified abilities of that greatest earthly friend to the African Colony."

In further sketching his character, the same friend has observed most justly, that it is no wonder, considering the "fine talents, the experience, the practical views, and enterprising spirit of Dr. Randall," that he should direct his thoughts towards "such an object as the Government of the Colony of Liberia." "That station required a knowledge of the objects of the Society here and there. He had attained this 'knowledge at the Board of Managers. That station required a mind naturally firm, abounding with energy, liberalized by education and moral principle, and softened with benevolence. These traits strongly marked RANDALL'S mind. That station would be completely provided for, if to the above qualifications were added skill and experience in medicine. He was an accomplished, experienced Physician; and that nothing might be wanted to protect the "verdant spot in the wilderness," he had spent his early life in the army, where he had acquired military knowledge, so necessary to defend the Colony against the natives. It is not remarkable that Dr. Randall, with such capacity, should have been ambitious to sustain such an institution as the Colonization Society, nor, when he had determined to do so, that he should extend to it his most efficient aid. It is probable that many years will not pass ere the Colonization Society will be esteemed an object for united and almost unanimous sanction in this country. Religion and Benevolence point to it, as America instrumental in the regeneration of Africa. Honored, then among men, will be the memories of BACON, ASHMUN, and RANDALL."

When Ashmun died, the Managers felt that the colony had lost a governor, upon the wisdom and energy of whose measures its prosperity, if not its existence, seemed mainly dependent. Dr. Randall was deeply sensible of the shock which our Institution experienced in this event. The writer of this, (immediately after his return from the sad but sublime scene of Mr. Ashmun's death) heard his remarks on the subject; and though his purpose was not fully disclosed, the workings of his generous, yet unpresuming mind, could not be concealed. His hesitation was evidently the result of a diffidence in his own powers, and unmixed with aught of selfish apprehension. His views were not distinctly expressed, yet his eye, his tones, his whole manner betrayed his deep devotion to the work in which he died. "When admonished of his danger, and implored to remain in the flattering career which he had commenced in Washington, he replied, that in doing his duty he disregarded his life; that with his feelings and purpose, he could readily exchange the endearing intercourse of relations, the alluring pleasures of refined society, the promised success of professional exertion, for the humble duty of promoting the happiness of the poor negroes in Africa, and his expression is well remembered, and be happy in so doing.”

The hope was cherished, that the medical knowledge of Dr. Randall, would be a sufficient safeguard against that exposure, and those intense efforts which almost inevitably destroy those who are encountering the untried influences of a tropical climate. But the objects which presented themselves in Africa, were too numerous and exciting, and the motives for exertion too powerful to allow due weight to the dictates of prudence. His enthusiastic desire to prosecute successfully the enterprise in which he had embarked, was not to be controlled, and he fell a victim to the influence of sentiments which honour humanity, but which, alas! all must regret, had not temporarily been restrained.

We rejoice in the belief that there is a quickening an undying energy in virtue. The noble minded bequeath to after ages, an invaluable and imperishable legacy, the legacy of their example. The fires which consumed the Martyrs, lighted the church to triumph; the sufferings and sacrifices of our fathers, are to their descendants, among the most precious motives to virtuous action, and we trust that the names of those who have fallen in the glorious work of Africa's redemption, will prove as "way-marks" guiding an immense population on the shore where they perished, to knowledge, liberty, and religion.

Washington, June 22d, 1829.

At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the American Colonization Society this day, Dr. THOMAS HENDERSON presented the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

Inasmuch as it has pleased Almighty God to remove by death on the 19th of April last, from his sphere of usefulness and duty, Dr. RICHARD RANDALL, Colonial Agent at Liberia

Be it resolved, That the Board of Managers hereby express their deep sorrow for the death of their amiable and valued colleague and Agent, and that in remembrance of the deceased they will wear crape for one month on the left arm.

Resolved, That the relations of the deceased be assured of the sympathies of the Members of this Board, the more deeply felt because of their personal knowledge of his worth.

Resolved further, That a Portrait of the late Colonial Agent be obtained and placed in the Room of the Board of Managers of the Colonization Society. Resolved, That a copy of these Resolutions be transmitted to the relatives of Dr. RANDALL, and that they also be published in the papers of this city.

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Necessities of the Society.

These were never so urgent as at present. Large drafts have come upon us from the Colony, and it is all-important that our funds should be greatly increased, and that speedily. Without this no expedition can be sent out the ensuing autumn. We therefore entreat every Auxiliary Society to renew immediately its efforts, and every Minister of Christ to take up a collection for our cause. It is particularly requested that all Clergymen who may take collections would communicate their names, and that of the post office at which they will receive the Repository.

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THE following story is so interesting in the incidents related, and told with such beautiful and affecting simplicity, that we know not how to deny it a place in the Repository. It may also excite curiosity for more information in regard to Missions in South Africa; and we have before us an admirable work on this subject, from which we shall be able to gather much to gratify and animate the friends of the Redeemer. We propose to commence a Review of this work in our next number.

EARLY in the eighteenth century, at an obscure village in Lusatia, there lived a poor man whose Christian name was George, the humble associate of a few refugees, who, having escaped from Austrian intolerance, after suffering the loss of all things for the testimony of a good conscience, had sought refuge on the estate of a Saxon nobleman. In the midst of a forest they built habitations, and a church, and there supporting themselves by painful labour, they worshipped the God of their fathers, according to the rites which had been transmitted to them through many ages, as descendants from the Hussites. Scarcely, however, had these fugitives found rest for the soles of their feet, than, moved by the greatest principle in operation throughout the universe-the love of God manifesting itself in love to man, there were those among their little company who went forth to the ends of the earth, carrying to the most forlorn of their fel

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