Act of the British Parliament to prohibit and restrain American trade, vol. i. 418.
Alexander, William, Esq. Franklin's letter to, on the origin of the Stamp Act, vol. i. 321.
America asserts her right of exclusively taxing herself, vol. i. 295. Anecdotes of Bradford, vol. i. 36of Ralph, vol. i. 54—of Gov. Clinton, vol. i. 171of Beatty, vol. i. 230-of Gov. Denny, vol. i. 270 of Franklin, vol. ii. 296.
Arguments against the Right of the British Parliament to tax America, vol. i. 418.
Arnold, General, his treacherous conduct, vol. ii. 95-Verses on ditto, vol. ii. 97-How rewarded by the British Government, vol. ii. 100, 101.
Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion, vol. i. 127.
Art of Virtue, vol. i. 129.
Barclay, David, Interview betwixt Franklin and, vol. i. 438-letters to Franklin, vol. i. 439-459.
Beatty, Mr. anecdote of him and Franklin, vol. i. 230.
Bernard, Governor, Dispute with Lieutenant-Governor Hutchinson and, vol. i. 383.
Bollan, Franklin and Lee's Memorial to the King, vol. i, 514.
Bond, Mr. Thomas, proposes and establishes an Hospital in Phila- delphia, vol. i. 188.
Boston, Resolutions of the Town of, vol. i. 103-Tumult with the people and the soldiers, vol. i. 366-Bill considered, vol. i. 420- Bradford, Andrew, anecdote of, vol. i. 36.
Bradock, General, arrives in America, vol. i. 209-Service rendered to his army. His character, vol. i. 211-His defeat, vol. i. 219-223-Death, vol. i. 251.
Brown, Dr. turns the Bible into doggrel verse, vol. i. 33. Burgoyne, General, surrenders with his whole army to the Ameri- cans, vol. ii. 57–59.
Burnet, (son of Bishop Burnet,) notices Franklin, vol. i. 48. Busy-body, Franklin writes several pieces under that title, vol. i. 95.
Caricature occasioned by the Stamp Act, vol. i. 326.
Charter, the first Royal, granted to Pennsylvania, in 1681, vol. i.
Chatham, Lord, his Motion relative to America, vol. i. 490-Visits Franklin, vol. i. 496-His plan for settling the disputes with the Colonies, vol. i. 498-Rejection of the same, vol. i. 499. Clapham, Colonel, vol. i. 231.
Clarkson's Life of Penn, Refutation of censures on Franklin in, vol. i. 301.
Clifton, John, first proposes the lighting of the streets of Philadel- phia, vol. i. 195.
Clinton, Governor, anecdote of, vol. i. 171..
Coleman, William, Character of, vol. i. 98-Liberality to Franklin, vol. i. 100.
Colonies, plan for their Union, vol. i. 202.
Collins, John, some account of, vol. i. 19—30—44.
Collison, publishes Franklin's "New Experiments in Electricity," vol. i. 238-426..
Congress, General Assembly of, vol. i. 432-Their declaration of Rights: their petition to the King, vol. i. 514-Send their pro- ceedings to Lord Chatham, vol. i. 514-Present a second peti-
tion, vol. ii. 30-Declare the independence of the Colonies, vol. ii. 30-Appoint a deputation to meet Lord Howe and hear his pro- positions of Peace, vol. ii. 23-Resolution respecting General Sullivan, vol. ii. 44-Report of the Committee appointed to con- fer with Lord Howe, vol. ii. 41-Assemble at Philadelphia, vol. ii. 35.
Cook, Captain, passport granted him by Franklin, vol. ii. 88. Copley, Sir Godfrey, his gold medal presented to Franklin, vol. i.
Creed, Franklin's early religious, vol. i. 125.
Dartmouth, Lord, made Secretary of State for America, vol. i. 349. -His good wishes towards the Colonies, vol. i. 416.
Daschkaw's, the Princess, letter to Franklin, vol. ii. 228.
Delor introduces Franklin's Electrical Experiments into France, vol. i. 241.
Denham, Mr. an early friend of Franklin, vol. i. 60-His death: trait in his character, vol. i. 78.
Denny, Governor, anecdote of, vol. i. 207.
De Romas, invention of the Electrical Kite, falsely attributed to, vol. i. 340.
D'Estaing arrives in America with six sail of frigates, vol. ii. 83. Causes of his want of success, vol. ii. 84.
Dubourg, Mons. translates Franklin's Philosophical papers into French, vol. i. 329.
Dunkers of America, some account of the, vol. i. 178.
Ecton, in Northamptonshire, birth-place of the Franklins, vol. i. 5. Electrical discoveries, general account of Franklin's, vol. i. 240. Electricity applied to various purposes by Franklin, vol. i. 241,
Emblematical design used by Franklin, vol, i. 423. Epigram, a curious, vol. ii, 81.
Fires, Indian method of concealing, vol. i. 230.
Fothergill, Doctor, Character of, vol. i. 105-Letters to Dr. Franklin, vol. i. 440, vol. ii. 58.
Franklin, early history of the family of, vol. i. 1-Thomas born, vol. i. 5-The name formerly an order of rank, Note, vol. i. 4- Benjamin Franklin born, vol. i. 9-Placed at the Grammar School, vol. i. 10-In the employ of a tallow-chandler, vol. i. 12-Youthful anecdote of, vol. i. 12-General character of his father, vol. i. 13-Erects a monument to his father and mother, vol. i. 15—Dislikes the business of a tallow-chandler, which he quits, vol. i. 16-Passion for letters, the cause of his becoming a printer, vol. i. 17-Is apprenticed to his brother, vol. i. 17— Displays a turn for writing poetry, vol. i. 19-Method of teach- ing himself English composition, vol. i. 21-Effect produced by his reading Tyron on vegetable diet, vol. i. 22-Course of read- ing pursued by him, vol. i. 25—Writes for the New England Courant, vol. i. 26-Differs with his brother, the printer, to whom he is apprenticed, vol. i. 27-Leaves his brother and proceeds to New York, vol. i. 29-Quits New York for Philadel- phia, vol. i. 31-Becomes acquainted with Dr. Brown, vol. i. 33 Account of his landing at Philadelphia, vol. i. 35-Is em- ployed by Keimer the printer, vol. i. 38-Resides at Mr. Read's, his future wife's father, vol. i. 40-Returns to Boston, vol. i. 42 -Second visit to Philadelphia, vol. i. 45-Is introduced to Burnet the Governor of New York, vol. i. 48-Is deceived by Sir William Keith, vol. i. 51-Relinquishes vegetable diet, vol. i. 51-Proposal made for establishing a new religious sect, vol. i. 52-Resumes his vegetable diet, vol. i. 53-Pays his addresses to Miss Read, vol. i. 54-Forms new acquaintance, vol. i. 55— Embarks for London, vol. i. 58-Contracts an intimacy with Mr. Denham during the voyage, vol. i. 59-Arrives in London, vol.i. 60-Becomes acquainted with Mr. Hamilton, vol. i. 61-Ob- tains employment as a printer, vol. i. 63-Writes a dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, with remarks on Wollaston's Reli-
gion of Nature, vol. i. 63-Becomes acquainted with Mr. Lyons, Dr. Mandeville, Dr. Pemberton, and Sir Hans Sloane, vol. i. 64
Is employed by Watts, vol. i. 68-Prowess as a swimmer, vol. i. 73-Engages as clerk with Mr. Denham, vol. i. 75-Is intro- duced to Sir William Wyndham, vol. i. 76—-Quits England, vol. i. 77-Lands at Philadelphia, vol. i. 77-Mode of Life, vol. i. 78-Employs himself again as a printer, vol. i. 79-Quarrels with Keimer, and quits his employ, vol. i. 83-Makes paper money for New Jersey, vol. i. 84-Enters into partnership with Meredith, vol. i. 85-His moral and religious principles, vol. i. 86 Commences business with his partner, vol. i. 89-Founds a Literary Junto, vol. i. 91-Industry in his profession, vol. i. 94 -Projects a newspaper; is forestalled in his intentions, vol, i. 95-Writes under the signature of the Busy Body, vol. i. 95- Purchases the paper started in opposition to his proposed plan, vol. i. 95-Separates from Meredith and commences on his own account, vol. i. 100-Writes on the necessity of Paper Money, vol. i. 102-Opens shop as a stationer, vol. i. 103-Declines an offer of marriage proposed by Mrs, Godfrey, vol. i. 105-Re- news his intimacy with Miss Read, vol. i. 107-His marriage to Miss Read, vol. i. 108-Projects the first Subscription Library in Philadelphia, vol. i. 109-Luxury first introduced into Frank- lin's family, vol. i. 124-His Religious Opinions, vol. i. 125- Composes Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion for his own use, vol. i. 127-Projects for attaining moral perfection, vol. i. 128- Extensive project, vol. i. 143-Observations on reading History, vol. i. 145-United party for virtue, vol. i. 145-Religious Creed, vol. i. 146-Publishes Poor Richard's Almanack, vol. i. 146-Mode of conducting his newspaper, vol. i. 148-Sends a Printer to South Carolina, vol. i. 149-Recommends a know- ledge of accounts as a part of female Education, vol. i. 150- Begins the study of languages, vol. i. 152-Inconsistency of the common mode of teaching languages, vol. i. 153-Pays a visit to Boston, vol. i. 154-Loses one of his sons, vol. i. 154-Appointed Clerk of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, vol. i. 156-First turns his thoughts to public affairs, vol. i. 158-Made post-master
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