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IN CONGRESS, Sept. 2nd, 1776.

Congress being informed that General Sullivan, who was taken prisoner on Long Island, was come to Philadelphia with a message from Lord Howe,

Ordered that he be admitted, and heard before congress.

General Sullivan being admitted, delivered the verbal message he had in charge from Lord Howe, which he was desired to reduce to writing, and withdrew.

September 3rd.

: General Sullivan having reduced to writing the verbal message from Lord Howe, the same was laid before congress and read as follows.

The following is the purport of the message sent from Lord Howe to congress by General Sullivan.

That though he could not at present treat with congress as such, yet he was very desirous of having a conference with some of the members, whom he would consider for the present only as private gentlemen, and meet them himself as such, at such place as they should appoint.

That he, in conjunction with General Howe, had full powers to compromise the disputes between Great Britain and America on terms advantageous to both, the obtaining of which delayed him near two months in England, and prevented his arrival at this place before the declaration of independence took place.

That he wished a compact might be settled at this time, when no decisive blow was struck, and neither party could say they were compelled to enter into such agreement.

That in case congress were disposed to treat, many things which they had not as yet asked, might and ought to be granted to them; and that if, upon the conference, they found any probable ground of an accommodation, the authority of

congress must be afterwards acknowledged, otherwise the compact could not be complete.

September 5th.

Resolved, that General Sullivan be requested to inform Lord Howe, that this congress being the representatives of the Free and Independent States of America, cannot, with propriety, send any of its members to confer with his lordship in their private characters, but that ever desirous of establishing peace on reasonable terms, they will send a committee of their body to know whether he has any authority to treat with persons authorised by congress for that purpose on behalf of America, and what that authority is, and to hear such propositions as he shall think fit to make respecting the same.

Ordered, that a copy of the foregoing resolution be delivered to General Sullivan, and that he be directed immediately to repair to Lord Howe.

September 6th.

Resolved, that the committee "to be sent to know whether Lord Howe has any authority to treat with persons authorised by congress for that purpose, in behalf of America, and what that authority is, and to hear such propositions as he shall think fit to make respecting the same," consist of three.

The members chosen, Dr. Franklin, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Rutledge.

Eagle, off Bedlow's Island, Sept. 10, 1776. Lord Howe presents his compliments to Dr. Franklin, and according to the tenor of his favor of the 8th, will attend to have the pleasure of meeting him and Messrs. Adams and Rutledge to-morrow morning, at the house on Staten Island

opposite to Amboy, as early as the few conveniences for travelling by land on Staten Island will admit. Lord Howe, upon his arrival at the place appointed, will send a boat (if he can procure it in time) with a flag of truce over to Amboy; and requests the Doctor and the other gentlemen will postpone their intended favor of passing over to meet him, until they are informed as above of his arrival to attend them there.


unfavorable In case the weather should prove for Lord Howe to pass in his boat to Staten Island to-morrow, as from the present appearance there is some reason to suspect, he will take the next earpurpose. liest opportunity that offers for that this intention he may be further retarded, having been an invalid lately; but will certainly give the most timely notice of that inability. He however flatters himself he shall not have occasion to make further excuses on that account.

September 13th.

The committee appointed to confer with Lord Howe having returned, made a verbal report.

Ordered, that they make a report in writing, as soon as they conveniently can.

September 17th.

The committee appointed to confer with Lord Howe, agreeable to order, brought in a report in writing, which was read as follows:

In obedience to the orders of congress, we have had a meeting with Lord Howe: it was on Wednesday last, upon

Staten Island, opposite to Amboy, where his lordship received and entertained us with the utmost politeness.

His lordship opened the conversation by acquainting us, that though he could not treat with us as a committee of congress, yet as his powers enabled him to confer and consult with any private gentlemen of influence in the colonies, on the means of restoring peace between the two countries, he was glad of this opportunity of conferring with us on that subject, if we thought ourselves at liberty to enter into a conference with him in that character.

We observed to his lordship, that as our business was to hear, he might consider us in what light he pleased, and communicate to us any proposition he might be authorised to make for the purpose mentioned; but that we could consider ourselves in no other character than that in which we were placed by order of congress.

His lordship then entered into a discourse of considerable length, which contained no explicit proposition of peace except one, viz. that the colonies should return to their allegiance and obedience to the government of Great Britain. The rest cousisted principally of assurances that there was an exceeding good disposition in the king and his ministers to make that government easy to us, with intimations that in case of our submission, they would cause the offensive acts of parliament to be revised, and the instructions to governors to be reconsidered; that so, if any just causes of complaint were found in the acts, or any errors in government were perceived to have crept into the instructions, they might be amended or withdrawn.

We gave it as our opinion to his lordship, that a return to the domination of Great Britain was not now to be expected. We mentioned the repeated humble petitions of the colonies to the king and parliament, which had been treated



with contempt, and answered only by additional injuries; the unexampled patience we had shown under their tyrannical government; and that it was not till the last act of parliament, which denounced war against us, and put us out of the king's protection, that we declared our independence. That this declaration had been called for by the people of the colonies in general; that every colony had approved of it when made; and all now considered themselves as independent states, and were settling or had settled their governments accordingly; so that it was not in the power of congress to agree for them, that they should return to their former dependent state. That there was no doubt of their inclination to peace, and their willingness to enter into a treaty with Britain that might be advantageous to both countries. That though his lordship had at present no power to treat with them as independent states, he might, if there was the same good disposition in Britain, much sooner obtain fresh powers from thence, than powers could be obtained by congress from the several colonies to consent to a submission.

His lordship then saying that he was sorry to find that no accommodation was likely to take place, put an end to the conference.

Upon the whole, it did not appear to your committee that his lordship's commission contained any authority of importance than what is expressed in the act of parliament, viz. that of granting pardons with such exceptions as the commissioners shall think proper to make, and of declaring America or any part of it to be in the king's peace, upon submission: for as to the power of inquiring into the state of America, which his lordship mentioned to us, and of conferring and consulting with any persons the commissioners might think proper, and representing the result of such conversation to the ministry, who, provided the colonies would subject them

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