Imágenes de páginas

Dutch, the fervile homage paid to their governors, &c. in Java, 30. Their cruelty tos
wards the Chinese, 34.


Earth, calcareous, experiments relative to, by Lavoifier, 108.

Eloquence, what fpecies of government favourable to, 460. Its most memorable epock

in Britain, 461.

English East India Company, originally the feudal tenants of the Mogul, 47.

Eupen, Van, the celebrated Flemish patriot, an original letter from, Note to 343-


Farmer, Dr. Richard, where born, and educated, 391. Some account of his tutors, and
his college, 392. Takes a degree, and becomes a tutor himself, ib. Obrains
a living, 394. His Iarning, 395. Is nominated mafter of Emanuel, and is
offered a mitre, 398. Obtains a refidentiaryship of St. Paul's, 399. His epi-
taph, 410.

Fell, the Rev. John, a native of Cockermonth, 503. Is educated at the dissenting
academy at Mile-end. Repairs firft to Norwich, and then to Beccles, 506.
Is appointed minifter of the diffenting church of Thaxted, 506. Becomes
tutor at Homerton, near Hackney, 508. Difputes with the students, 508.
Lift of his works, 516.

Frederick the Great, fends for the count de Hertzberg during his laft illness, 235.
Frederick, Colonel, an extraordinary character, 323. Period of his birth, 325. Ac-

count he ufually gave of himself, 326. Offers to join Paoli, 327. Repairs to
England, and teaches foreign languages, ib. Vifits Theodore in prifon, and
fhares his fcanty earnings with him, 328. Receives the crofs of merit, and a
brevet of lieutenant-colonel from the duke of Wirtemberg, 329. Sets out for
Antwerp, to procure a loan for some great perfonages, 331. An account of his
daughter and grandchildren, 332. Is reduced to great diftrefs, 333. Deter-
mines to put an end to his exiflence, 334. His epitaph, 335. Character,
336. Defcription of his perfon, 337. Peculiarities, 338. Poverty, 339-
Papers, 341, to 361. A further account of his daughter and grand-children, 340.


Genealogy, an account of Mr. Pennant's, 628.

Genoa, its claims on Corfica, 6. It imposes ruinous taxes, 7. The perfidy difplayed

by its government towards the Corficans, 9.

Godwin, Mr. becomes united to the author of the Rights of Woman, 454.
Gray's account of Mason the poet, 300.


Herculaneum vifited by the abbé Barthelemy, 187.

Hertzberg, Ewald-Frederick, count de, defcended from an ancient Pomeranian family,
230. Is fent to the academy of Old Stettin, and employed in the department
of foreign affairs, 231. Is made counsellor of legation by the king of Pruffia,
232. Gives advice to Frederick the Great, 232. Brings about an accommo-
dation between Ruffia and Sweden, 234. He remains about the perfon of
Frederick at his death, 235. Receives the order of the black eagle from his
fucceffor, ib. Commences a hiftory of the reign of Frederick II. 236. His
laft illness and death, 237. Character, 238, 239, 240. Epitaph, 245.
Hocke, General, the fon of an oftler, 553. Is educated by his aunt, ib.
helper in the royal ftables at Verfailles, 554. Is kidnapped, ib.

Becomes a

makes an


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excellent foldier, 555. Fights a duel, 557. Is elevated to the rank of cor-
poral, 558. Receives a commission, ib. Signalizes himself in several actions,
559. Becomes general Leveneur's aide-de-camp, 560, Is appointed general of
brigade, 561. Obtains the command of the army of the Mofelle, 562. Re-
Heves Landau, 564. Is imprifoned, 564. Releafed and employed again,
$64, Defeats the emigrants at Quiberon, 568, 563. Puts an end to the war
of La Vendee, 571. Embarks in an expedition against Ire and, 572. Is ap-
pointed to the command of the army of the Sambre and Meufe, 577. Croffes
the Rhine, 578. Is nominated minifter at war, 579, Death, 580. Funeral
proceffion, 582.


James, Sir William, his birth and early attachment to a seafaring life, 45. Procures
the command of a ship in the Virginia trade, 46. Is taken prisoner by the
Spaniards, ib. His fhipwreck, and return to Cuba, ib. Enters into the service
of the English East India Company, 47. is attacked by a fleet belonging
to Angria, 49. Appointed commander in chief, of the company's marine
forces, 50. Takes fort Victoria and Severn-droog, 5t. Affifts at the capture
of Gheriah, 52. Makes a remarkable paffage from Bombay to Calcutta, 33-
Returns to England, becomes chairman of the court of directors, and obtains
a feat in parliament, 54. His death, ib. Epitaph, 55.
Ireland, the people of it discontented ever fince the time of Elizabeth, 463.

An attempt made to invade that country by Hoche, 572. Qriginal procla
mation to the people of, in cafe a descent had been effected, 573.

Impeachment of Mr. Haftings, 493. This meafure not approved of by all the members

of oppofition, ib. Note. A reproach to those who conducted it, on account of
its length, 494. The indelicacy of Mr. Burke upon this occafion, 499.

Kayferslautern, the battle of, 564.


King, the Rev. Mr. patronifes George Anderson, 248. Sends him to Oxford, 249.
Kippis, the Rev. Andrew, born at Nottingham, 209. His education, 210. Becomes

a diffenting clergyman, 211. Is employed as a writer in the Monthly Review,
212. Undertakes the editorfhip of the Biographia Britannica, 215. Death
and character, 218. Verfes to his memory, 220.

Kerk, Reinier de, his birth and parentage, 30. Enters into the Dutch navy, 31. Re-
pairs to Batavia, ib. Is employed in a civil capacity, by governor-general Val-
kenier, and fails to Mangala, 32. Settles the difputes between the kings of
Bantam and Palembang, to the advantage and satisfaction of the company, 33.
Returns to Batavia, and joins the army employed against the Javanese and
Chinefe, 35. An inftance of his craft, 36. Is entrusted with the command
of a factory, 57. Appointed chief of Samarang, 38. His generous conduct to-
wards a fallen enemy, 39. Marries, and fettles in the capital of Java, 40.
Becomes, first director-general, and then governor-general, 41. He abolishes
a degrading ceremony, ib. He reduces Guach, procures the ceffion of Landak
and Succadana, &c. 42. Exercises an act of defpotism, 43. His death and
burial, 44.


Landau, the blockade of, raised by general Hoche, 564,

Lavoifier, Antoine-Laurent, his birth, 105. Receives a gold medal for an essay, 106.
Travels through France, 107. His grand difcoveries refpecting air, 108. His



Is employed by Turgot,
The effect of his difco-

new theory is adopted throughout Germany, 109.
110. Endangers his life by his experiments, 111.
veries, 112. New projects, 113. Becomes farmer, and affifts in the new
order of things, 114. Appointed treasurer of the French academy, 115. Is
cut off, along with the other farmers-general, 116. An account of his perfon,
&c. 117.

Libels, celebrated refolution of the houfe of commons on this fubject, 526.`
Loudon, Field-marshal baren de, his birth, 57. An account of his family, 58. Enters

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into the Ruffian fervice, and is made a lieutenant, 59. Repairs to Berlin, and
offers his fervites to the king of Pruffia, by whom he is rejected, 60. Is gra-
ciously received by the emprefs-queen, 61. Is wounded and taken prisoner by
the French, 62. Retires to Vienna on his half-pay, 63. Obtains the rank of
major, marries, and begins to ftudy, 64. Becomes a lieutenant-colonel of
Croats, in confequence of the recommendation of prince Kaunitz, 65. Behaves
with great gallantry in Lufatia, 66. Enters Saxony, and pushes his hutars to
the neighbourhood of Drefden, 67. Seizes on the town of Peitz, and protects
the flanks of the Auftrian army, 68. Is invited to Vienna, 69. Joins the
Ruffians, gains the battle of Kunnerfdorff, and receives a magnificent fword
from the empress Elizabeth, 70. Attacks general de Fouqué, and feizes on
Glatz, 71. Attacks the Pruffians at Pfaffendorf, 72.. Is prefented with the
lordship of Klein-Betfchwar, 73., Becomes a member of the Aulic council of
war, and accompanies the emperor Jofeph into Poland, 74, Is elevated to the
dignity of field-marshal, and makes war on the Turks, 75. His victories, 76.
His death and character, 77, 78,

Lucas, Dr. the famous Irish patriot, attacked by Mr. Burke, 463.
Lutber, his hymns, imitated by Bürger, 118.


Mafon, William, his parentage and education, 298. Obtains a fellowship at Pem-
broke-hall, Cambridge, 299. Becomes acquainted with Gray, to whom he
fubmits his monody on the death of Pope, 300. Enters into orders, is nomi-
nated chaplain to the king, and obtains a living, 302. Marries, and lofes his
wife, 305. His writings uniformly in favour of liberty, and he himself a Whig,
until the latter part of his life, 317,

Medals, the cabinet of, committed to the care of the abbé Barthelemy, 185. Some
account of, 193.

Mellmann, Job-William-Lewis, born in Mecklenburg, 175. Repairs from Gottin-
gen to Mofcow, 176. Becomes profeffor of eloquence in that university, and
is treated with great cruelty, 177. Dies of hunger, 178.

Mijers, an account of feveral celebrated ones, 151. Three fucceffive generations in
the family of Daniel Dancer, 152.


Neubauer, Francis, born in Bohemia, 221. Difcovers talents for mufic, and enters
into the fervice of the prince de Weilburg, 222. Inflames bis fancy with the
juice of the grape, and afterwards recurs to brandy, 223. Compofes a capital
fymphony, 224. His death, ib.

Nile, Bruce obtains a grant of the territory in which its fources are fituated, 317.
He vifits them, 133.


Orator, Condorcet the greateft in the convention, according to the teftimony of

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Patagonians, their existence afferted by Mr. Pennant, 640.

Pennant, Thomas, a Cambro-Briton, 627. Antiquity of his family, 628. Educa-
tion, 631. Commences his travels, 632. Publishes a paper in the Philofo-
phical Tranfactions, 633. Marries, 634. Improves his house and grounds,
635. Sets out for the continent, on the death of his wife,, 637. Finishes his
Zoology, and becomes F. R. S. 637. Maintains the existence of the Patago-
nians, 640. His ingenious theory on this fubject, 641. His journey to the
Hebrides, ib. Tour in Kent, 642. Tour in North Wales, 643. Journey to,
Chefter, 643. Tour to the Land's End, 644. His account of London, 645.
Promised termination of his literary life, 646. His poft-existent performances,
647. His patronage of literary men, 649, 650. His private character, 651,
652. His peculiarities, 653.

Penfions. Mr. Burke is gratified with two, the firft in early life, 468. The laft, a
little before his death, 497.

Firate coaft, a description of, 48.

Pliny, 48.

Was infested by free-booters in the time of

Poland, the emperor Jofeph II. vifits that country, in company with general Loudon,
274. The emprefs of Ruffia determines to place one of her dependents on the
throne, 273. Sends a body of Ruffians thither, and overawes the deliberations,
274. Commotions in that unhappy country, 606, 607. Catharine II. feizes
on a large portion of territory, under pretext of adjufling limits, 609. Difputes
about the Diffidents, 610, 611. Account of the confederation of Bar, 613.
Bold action on the part of the confederates, 614. First partition of the terri-
tories of the republic by Auftria, Ruffia, and Pruffia, 614. National revolt in
favour of liberty, 617. The Poles once more fly to arms, under Kofciusko,
620.' The cities of Warfaw and Cracow declare themselves, 622. Fatal
battle of Maciejovitch, 623. Abdication of Stanislaus, 624.

Pondicherry, taken in confequence of the suggestions of Sir William James, 54.
Proceffion, defcription of the grand one, at the interment of Hoche, 581.

Proteftants, the Irish, excluded by their Catholic brethren from all the offices of state,
and even from fome of the profeffions, 461.

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Quiberon, an account of the difaftrous affair at, 568, 569.


Rabbins, a whimsical contest between one, and the Abbe Barthelemy, 181.


Sarsfield, Lady, becomes the wife of the Baron de Newhoff, known afterwards by the
name of Theodore, and title of king of Corfica, 5.

Shakspeare, a German frolick in honour of his birth-day, 120.

Silk, the cultivation of in Pruffia, encouraged by the Count de Hertzberg, 242.
Premiums bestowed by him for this purpose, 243•

Stanislaus Auguftus, king of Poland, an account of his family, 595. His education
is fuperintended by his mother, 597. Sets out on his travels, 598. Is
introduced to the court of St. Petersburgh, ib. Receives the order of the



White Eagle, and is appointed minister from Poland, 599. Is difgraced, 601,
Becomes a candidate for the crown, 604. Is protected by the empreís, fos,
Is crowned king, 608. Convokes an extraordinary diet, 612. Is carried off
from his capital, 614. The first partition of Poland, ib. The king protris
against it, 616. Determines to yield to circumstances, 617. Is terrifel
into fubmiflion, 619. Is forced to retire from Warsaw, and repairs to St.
Peterburgh, 624. Perfon and character, 625.


Tempest, Lady, takes compassion on Daniel Dancer, 156.

Theodore-Stephen, king of Corfica, his defcent and birth, 2. Is patronifed by the
Duchefs of Orleans, 3. Joins the army commanded by Charles XII, 4
Accompanies the Baron de Gortz into Sweden, 5. Repairs to Madrid, and
marries an Irish lady, ib. Returns to France, whence he fets out for Florence,
and is employed by the emperor, ib. Releases the Corfican deputies from
prifon, 10. Has an interview with the malecontents, ib. Is offered the crown
by them, 11. Determines to folicit foreign fuccour, and embarks for Re-
dofto, 12. The Bey of Tunis is ordered to affift him, 14. He arrives at
Aleria on board a fhip of war, 15. Is received as a deliverer, and crowned
king of Corfica and Capraja, ib. An account of his fubjects, ib. His plans
of reform, 16. Inftitutes an order of Chivalry, 17. Publifhes a counter-
manifefto, in reply to the Genoefe, 18. A plot formed against his life, 1j.
The people become difcontented in confequence of the intrigues of the priefs,
ib. He determines to quit the island, zo. Convokes the states, and takes his
leave in an eloquent fpeech, ib. Nominates a council of regency, 21. Rey
pairs to Conftantinople, ib. Is reported to have fled to Livonia, 22.
in London, contracts debts, and is fent to the King's Bench, ib.
relief from feveral perfons of quality, 23. Renounces the kingdom of Carica
for the benefit of his creditors, 24. Solicits relief by an advertisement, z6.
Repairs from the liberties of the Fleet to an obscure lodging in Westminster,
where he dies, and is buried at the expence of an oilman, ib. His epitaph,
28. An account of his perfon, ib.


Turks, the, at the inftigation of the Count de Bonneval affift the Baron de Newhoff
in his defigns on Corfica, 13.

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Vendean War, put an end to, by Hoche, 571.

Venn, Rev. Henry, his birth and education, 254. His extraordinary zeal as a

preacher, 256. Lift of his publications, 257.

Verney, Lord, appoints Mr. Burke his nominee for the borough of Wendover, 468.


War; in this fcience nearly every thing depends on the genius of a commander, 57.
Warrants, general; the nation indebted for their abolition to Mr. Wilkes, 55%.
Water, the nature of, afcertained by Lavoifier, 107.

Whiggifm, modern, often fufpicious, 518.

Wilkes, Joby, a native of London, $19. Is fent to study at Leyden, 520. On his
return, marries, and fettles at Aylesbury, ib. The commencement of his
political career, 521. Publishes the North Briton, 522. Fights Lord Talbot,
523. Is illegally arrested and fent to the tower, 524. Is discharged by chief
iuftice Pratt, 525.
Fights Mr. Martin, caz.

Complains to parliament, 526.

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