BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DATA: VOL. XIV XXIX For particulars of this document, see Vol. XI. XXX The Relation of 1638 (Paris, 1638), is a composite, although for convenience classed by bibliographers as Le Jeune's. His Relation proper, as superior of the Jesuit missions in New France, occupies Part I. of the document. It is addressed to the provincial at Paris, and signed at Three Rivers, August 25, 1638. Part II. consists of the usual Huron Relation, rendered by Le Mercier to Le Jeune, and is dated at Ossossané, June 9, 1638. For the text of this document we have had recourse to the original printed Relation (first edition), at Lenox Library, which is there designated as "H. 69," because described in Harrisse's Notes, no. 69. Collation (H. 69). Part I.: Title, with verso blank, I 1. ; 66 Table des Chapitres," pp. (2); text of Le Jeune (11 chaps.), pp. 1-78. Part II. (separately paged): Half-title, with verso blank, I 1.; text of Le Mercier (Huron Relation, 10 chaps.), pp. 1-67 (misnumbered 76); "Extraict du Priuilege du Roy" (dated Paris, Dec. 14, 1638), and "Permission du P. Prouincial" (dated Paris, March 26, 1638), on verso of p. 67. Page 12 of Le Jeune is mispaged 2. Harrisse's line-title of this edition is incorrect. There is a second edition of this Relation, known as" H. 70," and it collates as follows: Relation de ce qvi s'est passé | en la | Novvelle France | en l'année 1638. | Enuoyée au | R. Pere Provincial | de la Compagnie de Iesvs | en la Prouince de France. Par le P. Pavl le Ievne de la mefme Compagnie, | Superieur de la Residence de Kébec. | [Cut, with storks] | A Paris, | Chez Sebastien Cramoisy Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy, rue fainct Iacques, aux Cicognes. | M. DC. XXXVIII. | Avec privilege dv roy. I Title, with verso blank, i 1.; "Table des Chapitres," pp. (2); text of Le Jeune, pp. 1-78; half-title, with verso blank, I 1.; text of Huron Relation, by Le Mercier, pp. 1-67, with Privilege and Permission on the verso of p. 67. In Le Jeune's Relation, pp. 23 and 35 are misnumbered 2 and 3, respectively. That the second edition is an entire reset, is evidenced by variations on every page, in the head-lines, line-endings, spelling, contractions, and typographical arrangement. The following particulars will be sufficient to enable collectors to distinguish between the two editions. In the first edition, the fifth line of the title-page is in larger type than in the second edition, and while in the former the eighth line ends with "en," in the latter it ends with "IESVS." Le Jeune's baptismal name is spelled "PAVLE" in the first edition, but "PAVL" in the second. Other differences, mainly of punctuation, may upon comparison be noticed in the title-pages. The head ornament to the "Table des Chapitres" consists of seventeen parts in the first edition, and of eighteen parts, equally divided, in the second edition. The initial R is much larger in the first edition than in the other. In the Permission (which bears an earlier date than either of the Relations), the signature, misprinted "BSTIENNE EINET" in the first edition, is corrected to "ESTIENNE BINET" in the second edition. We have noticed many more differences or corrections, as, e.g., "de cefte perfecutions" changed to "de ceste perfecution," and "tousjour" to "toufjours.' Harrisse's Notes, p. 62, mentions a Latin version "dans le recueil du P. Trigaut " (Cologne, 1653). He doubtless here refers to the following Latin work, in 12m0, 60 pp. : Progressvs Fidei | Catholicae | in Novo Orbe. | I. | Jn Canada, Sive | Noua Francia. | II. | Jn Cochin China. | III. | In magno Chinensi | Regno: | De quo R. P. Nicolaus Trigautius | Societ. Iesv libris V. copiosè & accuratè | fcripfit. | | Coloniæ Agrippinæ, | Apud Joannem Kinchium fub | Monocerote veteri. | Anno M.DC.LIII. | Permissu Superior. & Priuil. S. C. M. general. | As the name of Trigaut appears so prominently upon the title, the authorship of the entire work has, in several catalogues, been attributed to him. A close examination of the phraseology, however (note the colon in the eleventh line), reveals that he is actually accredited only with Part III. The book is merely a compilation: Part I. is a rather free translation into Latin, in condensed form, of the New France Relation of 1648-49, by Ragueneau, which had originally been published in Paris, in 1650. On p. 3 of the work it is called "Excerpta ex Relatione." Doubtless both Parts II. and III. are by Trigaut, who was a Jesuit missionary to China, and in his later years an author of several publications relating to that field; he died in 1628, twenty-five years before this Cologne compilation. In making the above ref erence, Harrisse appears, curiously, to have confounded the Relation of 1638 with that of 1648-49; it is evident, also, from the style of his citation on p. 96 of the Notes, that he had not examined the Progressus Fidei, but had taken his title at second-hand. It is a very rare book, the only copy known to us being in the Brown Library. Copies of the Relation of 1638 are in Brown (first edition), Harvard College (second edition), Lenox (both editions), and New York State libraries; in Laval University, Quebec (second edition), and in the British Museum (first edition). For further references, see Harrisse, nos. 69, 70, 99, and p. 62; Sabin, vol. x., nos. 39954, 39955, and vol. xvi., p. 538. Also, the following sales catalogues: Dufossé's Libraire Américaine, n.s., xxie année, no. 2898, copy offered for 300 fr. (he has also offered copies of late years at 170 to 225 fr.); Dodd, Mead & Co., April, 1896, no. 42, copy of second edition (a Lenox duplicate) offered for $50; O'Callaghan, no. 1217, second edition, but called there "first issue," sold for $45; Harrassowitz (1882), no. 25, priced at 125 marks. NOTES TO VOL. XIV (Figures in parentheses, following number of note, refer to pages of English text.) I (p. 7). Concerning the Bissiriniens (Nipissings), see vol. v., note 19 (but for "winter" read summer"). 2 (p. 9). For sketches of the Agniers (Mohawks) and the Andastes, see vol. viii., note 34, pp. 300, 301. 3 (p. 13).—The small village of Arendaonatia, although in Tiny township, was at some distance from the main trail connecting the mission towns north and south.-A. F. HUNTER. 4 (p. 17).—Regarding the separation here referred to, see vol. x., pp. 279, 281, 307. 5 (p. 27).— Ekhiondaltsaan: see vol. xii., note 7. 6 (p. 33).—Angouteus is probably a misprint for Angoutenc (vol. xiii., note 15). 7 (p. 39).-Sonontouan was the chief town of the Seneca tribe (vol. viii., notes 21, 35). 8 (p. 81).— This game of the dish is described by Brébeuf in vol. x., pp. 187, 189. 9 (p. 99).— Cheveux relevez: a sedentary tribe living west of the Petun or Tobacco Nation, according to Champlain's map of 1632. The latter visited (1615) this people,- to whom he gave the above name, on account of their peculiar mode of dressing the hair,- and describes them at some length (Voyages, Laverdière's ed., pp. 512, 513, 546-548), praising their enterprise, industry, and uncommon domestic neatness. They were then at war with the Fire Nation (Mascoutins), in which they were assisted by the Neutrals. Sagard (Canada, p. 199) mentions the same tribe, under their Huron appellation, Andatahouats; this name is derived from ondata ("wood" or "forest"), thus signifying the people of the forest." Sagard also met (p. 197) some Indians “of the gens du bois, a distant tribe, far towards the Southern sea, dependent on the Cheveux relevez, and, as it were, the same people." Laverdière (Champlain, p. 512), says: "From the word Ondatahouat is formed Outaouat, or Ottawa - the name by which all the Upper Algonquins were afterward designated. Champlain, in his large map of 1632, places them west of the Petun nation, which leads to the be |