Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Artificial dentures, idealism in, 472;
made by carving, 494; continuous gum
work, 494; arrangement of, 499, 502,
503; discoloration, 503; made irregu-
lar, 503; tricks and devices, 503; criti-
cisms on, 505; want of individuality,
508; culmination of excellence, 509.
Artificial car, 315; bridge for a nose,
329; jaw and obturator (author's
case), 331, (Woodward's case), 339;
lip, 345, 350.

Artificial noses, 314, 341, 345, 348, 351;
impressions for, 342, 350, 352; mak-
ing a cast, 342, 353; of rose pearl,
343; manner of attachment, 344, 348,
350, 354; and lip, 345, 348; use of
spectacles with, 348, 350, 356.
Artificial palates, history of, 259; for
acquired lesions, 253-258; for congen-
ital cases, 259-312; first for a congen-
ital cleft, 261; first use of India-rub-
ber, 259; Delabarre's, 260; Snell's,
262; Stearn's, 263; Sercombe's, 267;
Parkinson's, 270. Author's, 271–287;
first (1860), 271; improvement of
(1863), 274; original invention, 276;
latest invention, 283; of hard rubber,
272; essential features, 266, 279; gold
springs discarded, 274; characteristics
of shape, 280, 281; support for, 282;
for universal use, 284. Method of
making, 288; pattern of, 296; shape
of pharyngeal portion, 297; made in
sections, 301; directions for vulcaniz-
ing, 305; introduction and use of,
306; hanging, 307; attachments, 257,
307; experience with, 308; durability
of rubber, 309; best age for introdu-
cing, 310; care of, 310; benefit from
wearing, 310, 312; results depending
on the patient, 311; training the voice,
311; effects upon speech, 241, 258,
312; and obturator, case in practice,
357 on the Snell-Sercombe plan,
256; objections to common sheet rub-
ber, 256; molds, see "Palate-molds."
Artificial velum, see "Artificial pal-
ates"; definition of, 214.

Atrophy of the face, 322; of the jaw in
old age, 511.

Austen (Prof.) on aesthetics, 484; on
concealment of art, 506.
Author's cases from practice: regulating
teeth, 96-157; obturators, 239-251,
272, 285, 287, 357 (see also "Buccal
and nasal protheses"); artificial pal-
ates, 253-258, 271-287, 357; fractures,

Bad results from extraction, 44, 47, 117;
using a gag, 151.

Ballard's theory of thumb-sucking, 11.
Bandage in regulating teeth, 119, 137.
Bandages, origin and use of, for frac-

[blocks in formation]


Bicuspids, extraction of, 189.
Breath-consonants, 434.
Bridge for a nose, 328.

Bristowe's division of vowel sounds, 424.
Buccal and nasal protheses, 313–360.
Buckingham's obturator, 226.
Buck's method of wiring a jaw, 373.
Bulb for an obturator, 245; made of
gold, 246.

Bullock's splint, 397.
Bush's splint, 393.

Canine teeth, extraction or retention of
temporaries, 7; as affecting expres-
sion, 483, 498.

Capacious jaws of idiots, 32.

Care of regulating apparatus, 66; of arti-
ficial palates, 310.

Cartwright, his examination of skulls,

2; on the cause of irregularities, 13.
Carving instruments, 292; teeth, 494.
Causes of irregularities of the teeth, 4, 7,
8, 10, 11, 24.

Celluloid for noses, 311; for an ear, 351.
Central incisors, proper presentation in-
sured, 165.

Changes wrought by the loss of teeth,
474, 481, 528.

Character as shown by the teeth, 496.
Characteristics of an artificial palate,
266, 279-281; of sculpture, 471; of
each tooth, 491.

Chief focus of facial expression, 512, 519.
Chin-cap and skull-cap, 137.
Chinese and Indians' teeth, 4.
Chopart's splint, 392.

Civilization affecting development, 13,
19, 22, 24.

Clang, composition of, 413, 422.
Classification of consonants, 433; of con-

sonants unsatisfactory, 456.
Classification of facial expressions, 522.
Cleft palate always on the median line,
204; and harelip, 204, 208, 461, 463;
origin of, 207; evils of, 209; defective
speech with, 209, 458-464; surgery of,
210; common features, 283; muscles
relaxed, 289; impressions, 290; pre-
liminary treatment, 293; detection
and correction of errors, 293, 294;
treatment, see "Artificial palates."
Closing the jaws with apparatus, 119,


[blocks in formation]

Coleman's investigations into irregulari-
ties, 2.

Color used in plaster, 94; of artificial
teeth, 506.

Comparison of skulls, 497.

Compensation for loss of the palate, 458.
Composition of a clang, 413; of articu-
late language, 421.

Compound and comminuted fractures,


Compress, submental, 381-407.

Compressed sponge in impressions, 93;
wood for wedges, 189, 191.
Compressor nasi, misuse of, 311.
Conditions of perfect dental develop-
ment, 23; of a proper diagnosis, 40.
Condyles, absorption of, and new articu-
lation, 189; fracture of, 364, 407, 411.
Conservatism in diagnosis, 41.
Consonants, classification of, 433; forma-
tion of, 433; breath and vocal, 434;
mechanism of, 435-455; classification
unsatisfactory, 456; and vowels, new
table, 457.

Constrictor superior of the pharynx,
232, 238, 419, 429, 458, 462.
Continuous-gum work, 494.
Contracted dental arch, theories of ori-

gin, 11, 12, 27, 98, 99, 111; maxilla,
Tomes's case of, 116.

Contrast in speech in congenital and ac-
quired palate cases, 213, 464; between
ideal arts and mechanic arts, 468.
Coronoid process, fracture of, 364,407,411.
Correct articulation of paramount im-
portance, 43.

Correlation of irregularities to idiocy,


Crib-band in regulating, 177.

Critical period in regulating teeth, 66.
Criticism on fracture treatment (Moon's),
396; on teeth as now made, 505.
Cross-bar and hooks, 78.

Crowded position of teeth before erup-
tion, 16; during eruption, 17.
Crushing an arch, 97, 100, 127.
Crying, 523.

Culmination of excellence in artificial
teeth, 509.

Cups for impressions, 90; extemporized,
251; for palates, 291.

Defects of the palate, see "Palatine de-
fects"; of the speech, 209, 212, 459,


Definition of abnormality, 4; of obtura-
tor, 214; of artificial velum, 214; of
fine art, 468; of mechanic art, 468.
Deformities, definition of, 2; of jaws
seen in private practice, 29; of jaws
seen in public schools, 29; resulting
from the loss of teeth, 474, 481, 528.
Deformity of the jaw created by treat
ment, 108; increased by enlargement

of arch, 108, 141; of the face, 317, 822,


Degeneration of the race, 19, 22, 24.
Delabarre's artificial palate, 260.
Demeanor in taking impressions, 92.
Dental arch, normal type, 2; triangular,
theories of the origin, 11, 12, 27, 98,
99, 111; variations of, 28, 41; triangu-
lar or V-shaped, 97, 100, 107, 113, 122;
crushed, 97, 100, 127; widened, see
"Expansion of dental arch."
Dental development of the future, 25;
societies, recognition by, 275; palatal,
and nasal protheses, 813-361; nerve
injured by fracture, 364.
Dento-ceramic art, 485, 504.
Desault's splint, 392.

Description of vowels (Tyndall's), 426
of an extraordinary cleft palate, 463
of facial muscles, 513-518.
Destruction of facial bones, 333.
Development of teeth independent of
jaws, 5, 19; influenced by heredity,
9, 12, 100, 106.

Diagnosis of idiocy (Down's), 27, 38; of
fracture, 368.

Diagnosis of irregularities, 40-56; Mc-
Quillen's, 187; Stellwagen's 188.
Difficult impressions, examples of, 93,
322, 333.

Directions for vulcanizing artificial pal-
ates, 305; for making a splint, 408, 409.
Disastrous results from neglect of regu-
lating apparatus, 136.

Discoloration upon artificial teeth, 503.
Discouraging experiments in regulating
teeth, 155.

Discrepancy in size between jaws, 110.
Dislocation, Ribes's method of reducing,
368; with fracture, 368.
Disordered eruption, 6.

Disorganization of dental system in ab-
solute idiocy, 33.

Displacement of fragments in fractures,
366; muscular action in, 366; Elliott
on, 867; illustrations of, 402, 405.
Division of language into vowels and
consonants, 433.

Double harelip, 204, 460, 463.
Down's (Dr. Langdon) examination of
idiots, and diagnosis, 26, 38; asylum,
dental peculiarities, 34.

Drawings of teeth from nature, 490.
Duct compressor used for splint, 406.
Dwarf's teeth, 18.

Dwinelle's (Dr.) invention for jack-
screw, 70.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

velopment, 21; of lunacy or insanity
on development, 25; upon the nervous
system by regulating teeth, 55; of ne-
crosis, 370; of civilization on physiog-
nomy, 527.

Elasticity of the alveoli, 60.

Elastics, 76; rubber tubing for, 77, 81;
application of, 77, 147, 152; fastenings
for, 80; twisting incisors with, 103,
147; complicated results of, 147; con-
trary effects of, 149, 160; eight oper-
ating at once, 153; and silk ligatures,
163; for nose-elevator, 321.
Elevator for a nose, 320.
Elliott on displacement, 367; his use of
gutta-percha, 390.

Elongation of upper incisors avoided,
132; of laterals arrested, 155; of up-
per incisors, 171; of laterals, 178.
Elsberg's explanation of vowel sounds,


English and Italian vowels, 425.
Enlarged tonsils associated with irregu-
lar teeth, 11, 99.

Errors corrected in cleft-palate impres-
sions, 294.

Eruption of teeth, 16; orderly, 5; dis-
orderly, 6.

Etiology of irregularities of the teeth, 1.
Examination of idiots, Dr. Down's, 26;
author's, 30-34.

Expansion of dental arch, apparatus for
upper jaw, 70, 100, 107, 129, 163, 180,
183, 184, 200; apparatus for lower jaw,
71, 72, 79, 145; author's methods,
96-156; Tomes's method, 116; Flagg's
method, 162; J. D. White's method,
179; Westcott's method, 183.
Experiments in regulating, 155; with
pharyngeal muscles, 243; in articu-
fation, 431; with cleft-palate people,


Explanation of the Yankee twang, 212;
of vowel sounds by Elsberg, 423; of
whispered speech, 452.

Expression of the canine teeth, 499; af-
fected by the teeth, 502; anatomy and
physiology of, 510; dependent upon
muscular action, 512; centering about
the mouth, 512, 519, 520; of the face
classified, 522.

Extensive absorption from pressure, 249.
External features, study of, essential,
53, 141.

Extraction, premature, 5; of canines
(temporary), 7, (permanent), 483, 498;
selection of teeth for, 43; unjustifiable,
44, 46, 54; bad results from, 44, 117,
198; or retention in doubtful cases,
45, 51; or retention of upper laterals,
45, 51; of upper laterals, 45, 51, 54,
156, 199; necessary, 48, 109; of low-
er incisor, 48, 142; of sixth-year mo-
lars, 48, 109, 151, 155; justifiable, 49;

of first bicuspids, 49, 169; by Dr. Bar-
ker objected to, 114; Truman's views
on, 114; of second bicuspids, 167; of
bicuspids, 189; of temporary incisors,

Extraordinary deformity of palate, 463.
Extreme pain, illustration of, 525.
Eyes and mouth the centers of expres-
sion, 512; muscles of, 518.

Facial deformities, treatment, 313-361;
atrophy, 322; deformities, prothesis
for, 324; deformities the result of a
gunshot wound, 331; bones, destruc-
tion of, 333; deformities considered
æsthetically, 474, 481; features, irreg-
ularity of, 486; muscles, illustration
and description, 513-518.
Factors of a diagnosis, 40.
Failure of staphyloraphy, 211, 358; in
wiring a jaw, 402.

False articulation of teeth, 52, 110, 124;
joint in fractures, 370.
Farrar's screws, 74.
Fastenings for elastics, 104.
Fauchard's obturator, 219.
Fear, illustration of, 526.

Feeble mind, inert effects on dental de-
velopment, 24.

Fees, 56; Westcott's advice regarding,


Fibrous union of fracture, 372.
Figure-drawing, Wiegall's, 475.
Fine art, definition of, 468.

Fixtures for regulating, period for wear-
ing, 64.

Flagg's system, gag, gold band, etc.,
162; practice with upper and lower
centrals, 164; use of knots, 166; use
of nine ligatures, 168.
Flasks for palate-molds, 302.
Flattening incisors, 104.

Focus of facial expression, 512, 519.
Forces used in regulating teeth, 68.
Formation of a clang, 413, 422; of vow-
els and consonants, 424; of conso-
nants, 433; and classification of H,


Forms of teeth, ideal, 490; to copy and
to avoid, 501.

Four-tailed bandage, 378.

Fractured jaws, impressions of, 409.
Fractures of the upper jaw, 361; of the
upper jaw, treatment of, 362; of the
lower jaw, 362; of the lower jaw, lo-
cation of, 363; of the ramus, 363, 407,
411; of the alveoli, 364; of the con-
dyle and coronoid processes, 364, 407,
411; paralysis from, 365; compound
and comminuted, 365; displacement,
866; Elliott on displacement, 367; dis-
location with, 368; diagnosis, 368;
prognosis, 369; irregular union, 370;
false joint, 370; non-union, 370, 372;


time required for union, 371; fibrous
union, 372; ligatures, 372; sutures,
873; wire ligatures, 373, 375; Syme's
treatment, 877; submental compress,
381, 385, 393, 396, 397, 401, 404, 407;
Harrison Allen's case, 388; best treat-
ment of, 392; Moon's criticism on
treatment, 396; reduction, 398; au-
thor's method of treating, 398-411;
failure in wiring, 402; illustrations of,
402, 405; triple, of inferior maxilla,
402, 405; of superior and inferior max-
illa, 405; double, of superior maxilla,
405; of inferior maxilla, reduction of,


Fragments, displacement in fractures,


French nasal vowels, 430.

Function of the trigeminal nerve (An-
stie), 21; of absorption and reproduc-
tion of bone, 57; of absorption and
reproduction of bone not simultane-
ous, 60; of absorption and reproduc-
tion of bone more rapid in youth, 61;
of the palate in speech, 209, 212, 420;
of the palatal and pharyngeal mus-
cles, 298; of the trachea, 417; of the
larynx, 417; of the nasal fossæ, 418;
of the pharynx, 418, 419; of the
tongue, 420; of the teeth, 420; of the
lips, 421; of the nares, 421; of the
nostrils, 421; of the facial muscles,
513-518; of the fifth and seventh pairs
of nerves, 521.

Fundamental tones of voice, 413.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

H, formation and classification, 451.
Hamilton's bandage, 380.
Hammond's wire splint, 375.
Hanging an artificial palate, 307.
Hard-rubber palate, 269, see also "Ob-

Harelip, case of double, 204, 461, 463;
and cleft palate, 208; and cleft palate,
articulation with, 460, 463; Little's
case, 463.

Harmonizing teeth with character, 496;
divers colors among teeth, 507.
Hayward's splint, 397.
Head-voice, 418.
Hebrew idiots, 33.

Heister's obturator, 218.

Hereditary type changed by sucking, 10,
11, 106; cases of irregularities, 53, 65,
100, 106, 113.

Heredity influencing development, 9.
Herriott's case of nose, lip, and denture,

Hickory bow used in regulating, 175.
High or selective breeding, 14.
Hill's (Berkley) splint, 394.
History of obturators, 215; of artificial

vela, 259; of the author's palates, 271.
Holmes (Prof. O. W.) on expression of
the mouth, 519.

Hoopes's nose, lip, and obturator, 345.
Houzelot's splint, 393.

Hullihen's obturator, 223; staphylora-
phy, 357.

Human voice, origin of, 415; figure,
proportions and relations, 475.
Hythe Church, skulls, 3.

Ideal arts and mechanic arts contrasted,
468; head, rules for drawing, 478;
type desirable, 489; forms of teeth,
Ideality in dental practice, 468; in an
artificial denture, 472.

Idiocy, Down's examination and diag-
nosis, 26, 27, 38; correlation of irreg-
ularities to, 26-39.

Idiots on Randall's Island, 30; author's
investigation of, 30-34; capacious jaws
of, 32; among the Hebrews, 33; in
Paris asylums, 34; in Dr. Down's
asylum, 35; jaws of, usual type of,
35; in Pennsylvania Training School,


Illustration of second dentition, 17; of
general disorder of the teeth, 33, 147,
157; of mechanical dentistry, 469; of
facial muscles, 513; of pterygoidei,

Imitation of defects admissible, 503.
Impression-cups, 90; extemporized, 251;
for palates, 291.

[blocks in formation]

Impressions and models, 89; cups for
taking, 90; mixing plaster for, 91;
method of taking, 91, 290; conditions
of success, 92; demeanor in taking,
92; restoration when broken, 92;
morale, 92, 291; of posterior nares,
98, 295; in difficult cases, 93, 322, 333;
compressed sponge in, 94; cups for,
extemporized, 251; of palatal perfora-
tions, 251; difficulties of taking, in
palate cases, 288; distorted, 289; of
cleft palate, 290; cups for palates, 291;
requirements of, 292; detection of er-
rors in, 293; method of proving, 293;
correction of errors in, 294; of the
pharynx, 294; of the uvula, 294; of
the nasal cavity, 295, 322, 334, 342,
852; for an artificial nose, 342; for an
artificial nose, Wildman's method of
taking, with paraffine and wax, 352;
for a fractured jaw, 409.
Incisors, upper lateral, extracted, 45, 51,
54, 156, 199; lower, extracted, 49, 142;
tipped-up, 100; twisted, 103, 147, 170,
194; flattened, 104; shortened, 134,
172; correct presentation insured, 165;
elongated, 171, 178; temporary, ex-
tracted, 197.

Inclined planes, 82, 161, 177; objections
to, 83, 161; for lower jaw, 83; for up-
per jaw, 84; the advantages of, 85.
Indians and Chinese, dental arch of, 4.
India-rubber, first use of, for palates,


Infancy, care of the teeth in, 25.
Inferior dental nerve, injury to, 364;
maxilla, triple fracture of, 402, 405.
Influence on offspring of correcting ir-
regularities, 10; of prolonged nursing,
10; of enlarged tonsils, 11, 99; of
thumb-sucking, 11, 106; of civiliza-
tion on development, 20; of the tri-
geminal nerve, 21.

Inherited irregularity altered by thumb-

sucking, 106; syphilis, effects of, 206,
316; syphilis, prosthetic treatment of,

[blocks in formation]

Instruments for carving, 292.
Interdental splints, 384 (see "Splints").
Intermaxillary bone, loss of, 204, 271,
461, 463.

Investigations of skulls by Cartwright
and Coleman, 2; by Mummery of the
type of jaws, 3; into the cause of ir-
regularities by author, 29; into the
mechanism of speech by author, 430.
Irregularities of the teeth, and idiocy, by
Down, 26, 38; by Tomes, 27; by au-
thor, 30-34; by White, 36; by Pierce,
37; by Stellwagen, 37.
Irregularities of the temporary teeth, 1;
etiology of, 1; developmental causes

of, 4; accidental causes of, 4, 8; pres-
ence of temporaries a cause of, 7;
extraction of temporaries a cause of,
7; nursing a cause of, 10; thumb-
sucking a cause of, 11; general causes
of, 24; prevented, 25; foretold, 25;
correlation of, to idiocy, 26-39; meth-
ods of investigating, 29; observations
of, in private practice and in public
schools, 29; observations of, in asy-
lums, 34; in diagnosis of idiocy, 38;
diagnosis and prognosis of, 40-56;
questionable treatment of, 44, 51, 114,
117, 155; in an underhung jaw, 52;
from mal-occlusion, 52, 110, 123; in
protruding upper jaws, 52, 131; treat-
ment of inherited cases of, 53, 65, 100,
106, 113; age for treatment of, 61;
possibilities in adults of correcting,
62, 160; V-shaped arches, 97, 100,
113, 122; prognostication of, 114; sad-
dle-shaped arches, 115, 198; in pro-
truding lower jaws, 127-136; in facial
features, 486; in artificial teeth, 503;
cases of, from practice, see "Regulat-
ing cases from practice."
Irregular union of fractures, 370.

Jack-screws, first use of, by Dwinelle,
70; different forms and application
of, 71, 73; adaptation of, to a plate,
102; in widening the arch, 102, 107,


Jaw, John Rowse's, 33; artificial, 331,


Jaws, ancient and modern, 3; and teeth,
growth of, independent, 5, 19; diverse
types mixed, 15; of cretins, 80; of
idiots, 31-36; of an absolute idiot, 34;
protruding upper, 52, 122, 181; retreat-
ing lower, 52, 122, 144; closed by ap-
paratus, 119, 137; protruding lower,
127, 136.

John Rowse's jaw, 33.

Jumbled-up teeth, 146, 156.
Jumping the bite, 53, 124; apparatus
for, 84.

Key for tightening ligatures, 374.
Keystone of an arch, 76, 98.
Kinloch's method of wiring a fracture,

Knots, Flagg's use of, 166.
Knowledge of natural philosophy re-
quired, 68.

Krackowizer's surgery, 332.

Language divided into vowels and con-
sonants, 433.

Larynx, anatomy and function of, 417.
Laughter, action of the muscles con-
cerned in, 523.

Laws of harmony in facial features,

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