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inbow. But this disturbance was
that which, in the fifteenth century,
Ages and produced what may
f enlightenment. We refer to the
Gutenberg, and to the discoveries
us, and of the southern stars by
nnavigated the Cape. This dawn
flood of scientific light in the next
and discoveries of Copernicus,
Kepler, and Bruno, who dared to
1 form opinions contrary to the

hought and breaking away from
: seventeenth century, in the dis-
nd of the thermometer. Almost
more wonderful and important
d the proof of its identity with
e succeeding century. In 1682
ethod of measuring the sun's
Venus, which was successfully

and Delisle. It was in this
phers, Francis (Lord) Bacon, in
scartes, in France, expressed
hodoxy-the former teaching
be built up on facts and
er, that it is more honest to
than to say that we know that
from another, or that is not
wton discovered the doctrine

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active fruit, and that modern theological criticism menced, notably with Astruc's examination of the B legend of special creation.

In 1773 public attention was drawn to the discrep existing in the two accounts of "creation" by the pu tion of Brydon's Travels. In 1775 Werner called att to the importance of the study of geology; and in Hutton published his Theory of the Earth, and I came into collision with the clergy through the publi of his geological researches and opinions, being comp like Galileo, to make a formal retractation of them, t they are now accepted as true. In 1801 Lamarck pres a new science-"Biology "--to the world; and in Liebig discovered chloroform. In 1843 Joule gav results of his experiments on the mechanical equi of heat, which, in 1849, enabled Helmholtz to prop the newly-discovered doctrine of the "conservati energy." In 1847 the first publication appeared on pa tology, by a French physician, Boucher de Perth which the old theological theory of the recent origin o was questioned, and the first link forged in the chain. lishing the great antiquity of man. In 1858 Herbert Sp published his first essay on the great doctrine of Evol since which he has, with untiring energy, given to the in a series of publications-First Principles, Biology, logy, and Sociology—the most perfect synthesis of philo that it would appear possible for the mind of man to ceive. In 1859 Charles Darwin published his Ori Species. It was not, however, till 1872 that Bishop C

these pioneers of science and freedom of opinion, who, b their works, have so nobly and so bravely risked opprobriur and struggled against the power of ecclesiasticism an the despotism of custom, but to the large number o witnesses who in other ways-by imprisonment, b pecuniary losses, or by injury to fair fame and repu tation-have fought for liberty and freedom agains deep-rooted prejudice and erroneous and superstitiou teaching. Among these we may specially mention th names of the late Thomas Henry Huxley and Charles Brad laugh, to both of whom we owe a deep sense of gratitudeto the former for his relentless protest against positive creeds and theological dogmas and for his untiring devotion to science; to the latter for the firm and implacable attitude he so stoutly maintained against a powerful Government, and which resulted in the establishment of the right of affirmation in lieu of the old and superstitious administration of oaths. These pioneers of science and liberty have given us truths for legends; have discovered and demonstrated satisfactorily what ecclesiasticism, after many centuries of trial and opportunity failed to do-have given correct explanations of the phenomena of nature, and have taught correct theories of the universe and its order.

The author takes this opportunity of expressing his acknowledgments to those authors from whose published works he has quoted, or to which he has referred.

W. W. H.

freedom of opinion, who, by
so bravely risked opprobrium
ower of ecclesiasticism and
out to the large number of
ays-by imprisonment, by
ry to fair fame and repu
erty and freedom against
erroneous and superstitious
may specially mention the
nry Huxley and Charles Brad-
e a deep sense of gratitude-
protest against positive creeds
for his untiring devotion to
e firm and implacable attitude
inst a powerful Government,
blishment of the right of affir
superstitious administration of
nce and liberty have given us
wered and demonstrated satis-
after many centuries of trial
-have given correct explana-
cure, and have taught correct
s order.

portunity of expressing his
uthors from whose published
Ich he has referred.

W. W. H.


Airica, Greece, Italy, and Kome―irues- Scriptures.


The Legend of Creation : its two discordant Accounts compared with Geological Discoveries and with Each Other-Origin of the Legend-The Akkadian and Persian Accounts-The Legend of the Fall of Man, and of his Redemption--The Legends of the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, and Jonah and the Big Fish-The Rainbow, Daniel and the Lions' Pit, etc.


Inspired Revelation-The Christian Scheme of Salvation, and the Immorality of its Conception-The Deity as a Murderer-The Elect and Chosen Ones.


The Christian Bible-Divine Jealousy-The Ark and Mercy Seat-The Sacrilege of the 50,000-The Lost ScripturesHilkiah's Find-The Witch's Opinion Sought-The Divine Scroll Destroyed by Fire-Ezra Re-writes the Burnt Pentateuch from Memory-Later Additions-The Septuagint Copy-The Samaritan Copy-The Massorah-The Originals all Lost.


Anonymity of the N. T. Writings-The Manufacture of Gospels -The Earliest Gospel, Essenian-Selection of Gospels-The Four Canonical Gospels-Pious Forgeries-The Epistles-Greek Originals-The Dark Ages, and After-Inspiration-Biblical Acts Attributed to Divine Command-Punishment by Death for Trivial Offences-Bible Obscenity-Immoral Teaching of the N. T.Born in Sin-A Smell of Cooking—Inspired Errors in Science.

Inspired Contradictions.



Misrenderings of the Original Text.


The Jessæans, or First Christians-Alexander's Military Expedition against Darius-Ptolemy, Governor of Egypt-Alexandria the Centre of Civilization-The First University Founded-Rise of Rationalism--Siege of Alexandria-Decline of Learning and the Restoration of Paganism-The Essenes-A Messiah Expected -Joshua-ben-Pandira: His Identity with Iesous; and with



onfucianism; of Egypt, es-Scriptures.

dant Accounts compared ch Other-Origin of the counts-The Legend of on-The Legends of the and the Big Fish-The

cheme of Salvation, and Deity as a Murderer-The

y-The Ark and Mercy The Lost Scripturesought-The Divine Scroll e Burnt Pentateuch from int Copy-The Samaritan Lost.

e Manufacture of Gospels lection of Gospels-The ies-The Epistles-Greek Inspiration Biblical Acts ment by Death for Trivial Teaching of the N. T.ired Errors in Science.

Alexander's Military Expenor of Egypt-Alexandria University Founded-Rise -Decline of Learning and enes-A Messiah Expected Iesous; and with with

Wicked Principles-Constantine's Conversion and its Im diate Effects-Conversion of Paganism into Christianism-Ea Disputes and Church Councils-Cruel Murder of Hypatia Christian Monks-Evolution of Mariolatry and Madonna Wors -Post-Constantine Science-Christian Divisions-Ultimate Effe of Constantine's Conversion.

Pythagoras and Jesus-Legendary Character of the Miracul Birth of Jesus-The Silence of Contemporary History-Marks Divinity-The Place of Jesus in the Trinity-Christian Definit of its Deity. XVII.

The Title of Messiah--The Messiahship of Jesus-Salvation for All-Legendary Character of the Messiah's DoingsMythos.

The Teachings of Jesus not Original-The Non-fulfilment his Chief Prophecy, and the Consequent Rise of Modern R gious Charlatanism.

Trial and so-called "Crucifixion "-Roman Mode of Gibbeti -Helena's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in Search of Nails-Exa nation of the Gospel Narrative-No such Place as Golgotha The Gospel of Peter-More Inspired Contradictions-Unnatu Darkness-Zodiacal Origin of the "Crucifixion" Legend.

Miracles of Great Antiquity-Bred of Ignorance and Supers tion-Not Believed by the Early Fathers-The Miracles Attribut to Jesus-Silence of History-The Jews Anxiously Looking for Messiah-Unable to Accept Jesus-The Evidence of the Jo Gospel-Special Miracles-Miracles not for Man, but for t Glorification of the Deity and the Church-Disease as a Punis ment for "Sin"-Casting out Devils-Unfulfilled Promises-T Magician's Star-Resurrection and Ascension.

Ancient Pagan Symbols Adopted by Christians-The Cro Sacred Heart, Sacred Monogram, Lamb, Fish, Triangle, a Tripod-The Dove.

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