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fmile, although he is provoked; when he muft look ferene in the height of defpair: and when he must act the ftoic, without the confolation of one virtuous fentiment, or one moral principle! How unhappy mult he be, even in that fituation from which he hopes to reap mot benefit; I mean amidft ftars, garters, and the various herds of nobility! Their lordships are not always in a humour to play: they choose to laugh; they choofe to joke; in the mean while our hero muft patiently await the good hour, and muft not only join in the laugh, and applaud the joke, but muft humour every turn and caprice to which that fet of fpoiled children, called bucks of quality, are liable. Surely his brother Thicket's employment, of fauntering on horseback in the wind and rain till the Reading coach paffes through Smallberry-green, is the more eligible, and no lefs honeft occupation.

moves the whole machine. Every gamefter is eaten up with avarice; and when this paffion is in full force, it is more ftrongly predominant than any other. It conquers even luft; and conquers it more effectually than age. At fixty we look at a fine woman with pleafure; but when cards and dice have engroffed our attention, women and all their charms are flighted at five-and-twenty. A thorough gamefter renounces Venus and Cupid for Plutus and Ames-ace, and owns no miftrefs of his heart except the queen of trumps. His infatiable avarice can only be gratified by hypocrify; fo that all thofe fpecious virtues already mentioned, and which, if real, might be turned to the benefit of mankind, must be directed in a gameter towards the deftruction of his fellow-creatures. His quick and lively parts ferve only to inftruct and affift him in the moft dexterous method of packing the cards and cogging the dice; his fortitude, which enables him to lofe thoufands without emotion, must often be practifed against the ftings and reproaches of his confcience, aud his liberal deportment and affected openness is a fpecious veil to recommend and conceal the blackeft vil-is then our gamefter is in the greatest dan


It is now neceffary to take a fecond furvey of his heart; and as we have feen its vices, let us confider its miferies. The covetous man, who has not fufficient courage or inclination to encreafe his fortune by bets, cards, or dice, but is contented to hoard up thoufands by thefts lefs public, or by cheats lefs liable to uncertainty, lives in a flate of perpetual fufpicion and terror; but the avaricious fears of the gamefter. are infinitely greater. He is conflantly to wear a mafk; and like Monfieur St. Croix, coadjuteur to that famous empoisonneufe, Madame Brinvillier, if his mafk falls off, he runs the hazard of being fuffocated by the ftench of his own poifons. I have feen fome examples of this fort not many years ago at White's. I am uncertain whether the wretches are ftill alive; but if they are fill alive, they breathe like toads under ground, crawling amidit old walls, and paths long fince unfrequented.

But fuppofing that the fharper's hypocrify remains undetected, in what a itate of mind must that man be, whofe fortune depends upon the infincerity of his heart, the difingenuity of his behaviour, and the falfe bias of his dice! What fenfations

mut he fupprefs, when he is obliged to

The harper has alfo frequently the mortification of being thwarted in his defigns. Opportunities of fraud will not for ever prefent themfelves, The falfe dice cannot be conftantly produced, nor the packed cards always be placed upon the table. It

ger. But even then, when he is in the power of fortune, and has nothing but mere luck and fair play on his fide, he muft ftand the brunt, and perhaps give away his laft guinea, as cooly as he would lend a nobleman a fhilling.

Our hero is now going off the ftage, and his catastrophe is very tragical. The next news we hear of him is his death, atchieved by his own hand, and with his own piflol. An inqueft is bribed, he is buried at midnight-and forgotten before fun-rife,

Thefe two portraits of a fharper, wherein I have endeavoured to fhew different likeneffes in the fame man, put me in mind of an old print, which I remember at Oxford, of Count Guifcard. At first fight he was exhibited in a full bottomed wig, a hat and feather, embroidered cloaths, diamond buttons, and the full court drefs of thofe days; but by pulling a fring the folds of the paper were fhifted, the face only remained, a new body came forward, and Count Guifcard appeared to be a devil.


$113. The TATLER's Advice to bis Sifter Jenny; a good Lefon for young Ladies. My brother Tranquillus being gone out of town for fome days, my fifter Jenny fent


ed it from the reprefentation fhe gave me of his." I have every thing in Tranquillus," fays fhe, " that I can wish for and enjoy in him (what indeed you told me were to be met with in a good hulband) the fondness of a lover, the tenderness of a parent, and the intimacy of a friend.”It tranfported me to fee her eyes fwimming in tears of afection when she spoke. “And is there not, dear fifter,” said I, "more pleafure in the poffeilion of such a man, than in all the little impertinences of bills, affemblies, and equipage, which it cot me fo much pains to make you contemn? She answered fmiling, "Tran quillus has made me a fincere convert in a few weeks, though I am afraid you could not have done it in your whole life. To tell you truly, I have only one fear hanging upon me, which is apt to give me trouble in the midit of all my fatisfactions: I am afraid, you must know, that I fhall not always make the fame amiable appearance in his eyes, that I do at present. You know, brother Bickerstaff, that you have the reputation of a conjurer, and if you have any one fecret in your art to make your fifter always beautiful, I should be happier than if I were mistress of all the worlds you have fhewn me in a starry night." "Jenny," faid I," without having recourfe to magic, I fhall give you one plain rule, that will not fail of making you always amiable to a man who has fo great a paffion for you, and is of fo equal and reasonable a temper as Tranquillus ;-Endeavour to pleafe, and you must please. Be always in the fame difpofition as you are when you ask for this fecret, and you make take my word, you will never want it; an inviolable fitelity, good-humour, and complacency of temper, outlive all the charms of a fine face, and make the decays of it invisible." Tatler.

me word the would come and dine with me, and therefore defired me to have no other company. I took care accordingly, and was not a little pleased to fee her enter the room with a decent and matron-like behaviour, which I thought very much became her. I faw the had a great deal to fay to me, and easily ducovered in her eyes, and the air of her countenance, that the had abundance of fatisfaction in her heart, which fhe loaged to communicate. However, I was refolved to let her break into her difcourfe her own way, and reduced her to a thousand little devices and intimations to bring me to the mention of her husband. But fading I was refolved not to name him, fhe begun of her own accord: "My hufband," lays the, "gives his humble fervice to you;" to which I only answered, "I hope he is well," and without waiting for a reply, fell into other fubjects. She at last was out of all patience, and fid, with a fmile and manner that I thought had more beauty and spirit than I had ever obferved before in her; "I did not think, brother, you had been fo ill-natured. You have feen ever fince I came in, that I had a mind to talk of my husband, and you will not be fo kind as to give me an occafion." "I did not know," aid I," but it might be a difagreeable fubject to you. You do not take me for fo old-fashioned a fellow as to think of entertaining a young lady with the difcourfe of her husband. I know nothing is more acceptable than to fpeak of one who is to be fo; but to speak of one who is fo-indeed, Jenny, I am a better bred man than you think me." She fhewed a little diflike to my raillery, and by her bridling up, I perceived the expected to be treated herefter not as Jenny Distaff, but Mrs. Tranquillus. I was very well pleafed with the change in her humour; and upon talking with her upon feveral fubjects, I could not but fancy that I faw a great deal of her husband's way and manner in her remarks, her phrafes, the tone of her voice, and the very air of her countenance. This gave me an unspeakable fatisfaction, not only because I had found her a husband from whom the could learn many things that were laudable, but also becaufe I look ed upon her imitation of him as an infallible fign that the entirely loved him. This is an observation that I never knew fail, though I do not remember that any other has made it. The natural flynefs of her fex hindered her from telling me the greatnefs of her own paffion, but I ea fily collect

§ 114. Curiofity.

The love of variety, or curiofity of feeing new things, which is the fame or at least a fiiter paffion to it,feems wove into the frame of every fon and daughter of Adam; we ufually fpeak of it as one of nature's levities, though planted within us for the folid purposes of carrying forward the mind to freth enquiry and knowledge: ftrip us of it, the mind (I fear) would doze for ever over the prefent page; and we should all of us reft at ease with fuch objects as prefented themfelves in the parish or province where we first drew breath.

It is to this fpur which is ever in our fides, that we owe the impatience of this defire for travelling: the paflion is no ways bad,--but as others are-in its mifmanagement or excefs;-order it rightly, the advantages are worth the purfuit; the chief of which are to learn the languages, the laws and customs, and underftand the government and intereft of other nations,to acquire an urbanity and confidence of behaviour, and fit the mind more cafily for converfation and difcourfe; to take us out of the company of our aunts and grandmothers, and from the tracks of nursery miflakes; and by fhewing us new objects, or old ones in new lights, to reform our judgments-by tafting perpetually the varieties of nature, to know what is goodby obferving the addrefs and arts of men, to conceive what is fincere,-and by feeing the difference of fo many various humours and manners-to look into ourselves, and form our own.

This is fome part of the cargo we might return with; but the impulfe of feeing new fights, augmented with that of getting clear from all leffons both of wisdom and reproof at home-carries our youth too early out, to turn this venture to much account; on the contrary, if the fcene paiuted of the prodigal in his travels, looks more like a copy than an original-will it not be well if fuch an adventurer, with fo unpromising a fetting-out, without cate, without compafs,-be not caft away for ever;—and may he not be faid to escape well-if he returns to his country only as naked as he first left it?

But you will fend an able pilot with your fon-a fcholar.-

If wildom could fpeak no other language but Greek or Latin-you do well-or if mathematics will make a gentleman, or natural philofophy but teach him to make a bow, he may be of fome fervice in introducing your fon into good focieties, and fupporting him in them when he has done but the upshop will be generally this, that in the most preffing occafions of addrefs, if he is a man of mere reading, the unhappy youth will have the tutor to carry, -and not the tutor to carry him.

But you will avoid this extreme; he fhall be escorted by one who knows the world, not merely from books-but from his own experience-a man who has been employed on fuch fervices, and thrice made the tour of Europe with fuccefs.

That is, without breaking his own, or

his pupil's neck; for if he is fuch as my eyes have feen! fome broken Swifs valetde-chambre-fome general undertaker, who will perform the journey in fo many months, "if God pe mit,"-much knowledge will not accrue;-fome profit at least,

he will learn the amount to a halfpenny, of every flage from Calais to Rome;-he will be carried to the beft inns,-instructed where there is the best wine, and fap a livre cheaper, than if the youth had been left to make the tour and bargain himself. Look at our governor! I befeech you:fee, he is an inch taller as he relates the advantages.

-And here endeth his pride-his knowledge, and his use.

But when your fon gets abroad, he will be taken out of his hand, by his fociety with men of rank and letters, with whom he will pafs the greatest part of his time.

Let me obferve, in the first place,-that company which is really good is very rare

and very thy: but you have furmounted this difficulty, and procured him the best letters of recommendation to the most eminent and respectable in every capital.

And I anfwer, that he will obtain all by them, which courtesy strictly stands obliged to pay on fuch occasions,—but no more.

There is nothing in which we are so much deceived, as in the advantages propofed from our connections and discourse with the literati, &c. in foreign parts; efpecially if the experiment is made before we are matured by years or ftudy.

Converfation is a traffick; and if you enter into it without fome ftock of knowledge, to balance the account perpetually betwixt you, the trade drops at once: and this is the reafon,--however it may be boafted to the contrary, why travellers have fo little (efpecially good) converfation with natives, owing to their fufpicion, or perhaps conviction, that there is nothing to be extracted from the converfation of young itinerants, worth the trouble of their bad language,or the interruption of their vifits.

The pain on thefe occafions is ufually reciprocal; the confequence of which is, that the difappointed youth feeks an eafier fociety; and as bad company is always ready, and ever laying in wait-the career is foon finifhed; and the poor prodigal returns the fame object of pity, with the prodigal in the gospel.

Sterne's Sermons.

$ 115. Controverfy feldom decently conducted. 'Tis no uncommon circumftance in controverfy, for the parties to engage in all the fury of difputation, without precifely inftructing their readers, or truly knowing themfelves, the particulars about which they differ. Hence that fruitlefs parade of argument, and thofe oppofite pretences to demonstration, with which moft debates, on every fubject, have been infefted, Would the contending parties firit befure of their own meaning, and then communicate their fenfe to others in plain terms and fimplicity of heart, the face of controverfy would foon be changed, and real knowledge, instead of imaginary conqueft, would be the noble reward of literary toil. Browne's Elays.

$116. How to please in Converfation. None of the defires dictated by vanity is more general, or lefs blameable than that of being diftinguished for the arts of converfation. Other accomplishments may be poffeffed without opportunity of exerting them, or wanted without danger that the defect can often be remarked; but as no man can live otherwife than in an hermi

tage without hourly pleasure or vexation, from the fondnefs or neglect of thofe about him, the faculty of giving pleafure is of continual ufe. Few are more frequently envied than thofe who have the power of forcing attention wherever they come, whofe entrance is confidered as a promise of felicity, and whofe departure is lamented, like the recefs of the fun fron northern climates, as a privation of all that enlivens fancy and inspires gaiety.

hope of contributing reciprocally to the entertainment of the company. Merriment extorted by fallies of imagination, fprightlinefs of remark, or quickness of eply, is too often what the Latins call, the Sardinian laughter, a distortion of face without gladness of the heart.

For this reafon no itile of converfation is more extenfively acceptable than the narrative. He who has ftored his memory with flight anecdotes, private incidents, and perfonal peculiarities, feldom fails to find his audience favourable. Almost every man liftens with eagerness to extemporary history for almoft every man has fome real or imaginary connection with a celebrated character, fome defire to advance or oppofe a rifing name. Vanity often croperates with curiofity. He that is a healer in one place, qualifies himfelf to become a fpeaker in another; for though he cannot comprehend a feries of argument, or tranfport the volatile fpirit of wit without evaporation, yet he thinks himself able to treasure up the various incidents of a story, and pleates his hopes with the information which he fhall give to fome inferior fociety.

Narratives are for the most part heard without envy, because they are not fuppofed to imply any intellectual qualities above the common rate. To be acquainted with facts not yet echoed by plebeian mouths, may happen to one man as well as to another, and to relate them when they are known, has in appearance fo very little difficulty, that every one concludes himself equal to the task.


§ 117. The various Faults in Converfation and Behaviour pointed out.

It is apparent that to excellence in this valuable art, fome peculiar qualifications are neceflary; for every man's experience I fhall not attempt to lay down any parwill inform him, that the pleafure which ticular rules for converfation, but rather men are able to give in cinverfation holds point out fuch faults in difcourfe and beno stated proportion to their knowledge or haviour, as render the company of half their virtue. Many find their way to the mankind rather tedious than amusing. It tables and the parties of thofe, who never is in vain, indeed, to look for converfation, confider them as of the least importance in where we might expect to find it in the any other place; we have all, at one time greateft perfection, among perfons of or other, been content to love thofe whom fashion: there it is almoft annihilated by we could not cfteem, and been perfuaded to univerfal card-playing: infomuch that I try the dangerous experiment of admitting have heard it given as a reafon, why it is him for a co mpanion whom we know to be impoffible for our prefent writers to fuctoo ignorant for a counfellor, and too trea- ceed in the dialogue of genteel comedy, cherous for a friend. that our people of quality icarce ever meet but to game. All their difcourfe turns upon the odd trick and the four honours: and it is no less a maxim with the votaries

He that would please must rarely aim at fuch excellence as depreffes his hearers in their own opinion, or debars them from the


of whift than with thofe of Bacchus, that talking fpoils company.

Every one endeavours to make himfelf as agreeable to fociety as he can; but it often happens, that thofe who molt aim at fhining in converfation, over-fhoot their mark. Though a man fucceeds, he fhould not (as is frequently the cafe) engrofs the whole talk to himleif; for that deftroys the very effence of converfation, which is talking together. We should try to keep up converfation like a ball bandied to and fro from one to the other, rather than feize it all to ourselves, and drive it before us like a foot-ball. We fhould likewife be cautious to adapt the matter of our difcourie to our company; and not talk Greek before ladies, or of the latt new furbelow to a meeting of country juttices.

But nothing throws a more ridiculous air over the whole converfation, than certain peculiarities, eafily acquired, but very difficultly conquered and difcarded. In order to display thefe abfurdities in a truer light, it is my prefent purpose to enumerate fuch of them, as are most commonly to be met with; and first to take notice of thofe buffoons in fociety, the Attitudinarians and Face-makers. Thefe accompany every word with a peculiar grimace or gefture: they affent with a fhrug, and conradict with a twisting of the neck: are angry with a wry mouth, and pleafed in a caper of a minuet-ftep. They inay be confidered as fpeaking harlequins; and their rules of eloquence are taken from the pofture-mafter. These should be condemned to converfe only in dumb-fhew with their own perfons in the looking-glafs; as well as the Smirkers and Smilers, who fo prettily fet off their faces, together with their words, by a je-ne-fçai-quoi between a grin and a dimple. With thefe we may likewife rank the affected tribe of Mimics, who are conftantly taking off the peculiar tone of voice or gefture of their acquaintance though they are fuch wretched imitators, that (like bad painters) they are frequently forced to write the name under the picture, before they can discover any likeness.

Next to thefe, whofe elocution is ab. forbed in action, and who converfe chiefly with their arms and legs, we may confider the profeffed Speakers. And firft, the emphatical; who squeeze, and prefs, and ram down every fyllable with exceffive vehemence and energy. Thefe orators are remarkable for their diftinct elocution and

force of expreffion: they dwell on the inportant particles of and ike, and the fignificant conjunctive and; which they feem to hawk up, with much difficulty, out of their own throats, and to cram them, with no lefs pain, into the ears of their auditors. Thefe fhould be fuffered only to fyringe (as it were) the ears of a deaf man, through an hearing-trumpet: though I must confefs, that I am equally offended with the Whisperers or Low Speakers, who feem to fancy all their acquaintance deaf, and come up fo close to you, that they may be said to measure nofes with you, and frequently overcome you with the full exhalations of a ftinking breath. I would have these oracular gentry obliged to talk at a diftance through a fpeaking-trumpet, or apply their lips to the walls of a whispering gallery. The Wits, who will not condeicend to utter any thing but a bon mot, and the Whitlers or Tune-hummers, who never articulate at all, may be joined very agreeably together in concert; and to thofe tinkling cymbals I would alfo add the founding brafs, the Bawler, who enquires after your health with the bellowing of a towncrier.

The Tatlers, whofe pliable pipes are admirably adapted to the "foft parts of converfation," and fweetly "prattling out of fashion," make very pretty mufic from a beautiful face and a female tongue; but from a rough manly voice and coarfe features, mere nonfente is as harsh and diffonant as a jig from a hurdy-gurdy. The Swearers I have spoken of in a former pa per; but the Half-fwearers, who split, and mince, and fritter their oaths into gad's bud, ad's fifh, and demme; the Gothic humbuggers, and thofe who "nick-name God's creatures," and call a man a cabbage, a crab, a queer cub, an odd fish, and an unaccountable mufkin, fhould never come into company without an interpreter. But I will not tire my reader's patience by pointing out all the pefts of converfation: nor dwell particularly on the Senfibles, who pronounce dogmatically on the moft trivial points, and peak in fentences; the Wonderers, who are always wondering what o'clock it is, or wondering whether it will rain or no, or wondering when the moon changes, the Phrafeologifts, who explain a thing by all that, or enter into particulars with this and that and t'other; and lafly, the Silent Men, who seem afraid of opening their mouths, left they should catch cold, and literally obferve the pre


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