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it is estimated will be received by the District (from all sources except the United States) during the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which payment is to be made. Such amount shall be decreased or increased, as the case may be, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1953, and for each fiscal year thereafter, by 20 cents for each dollar by which the estimated revenue for the fiscal year ending one year before the beginning of the fiscal year for which payment is to be made exceeded or was less than the actual revenue received during such fiscal year.

(b) Out of any amount appropriated under the authorization contained in subsection (a) of this section, the sum of $1,000,000 shall be credited to the water fund of the District of Columbia, established by law (D. C. Code, 1940 edition, title 43, ch. 15), and the remainder shall be credited to the general fund of the District of Columbia.

(c) If the charter is accepted pursuant to title XIX

(1) the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall, after June 30 and on or before December 31 of each year, beginning with the calendar year1950, certify to the District Manager the amount_authorized by subsection (a) of this section to be appropriated for the next fiscal year;

(2) any amount appropriated under such authorization shall (on or before July 31 of the fiscal year for which the payment is made) be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Director of the Department of Finance; and

(3) in any fiscal year in which the expenses of the District government are less than the amount of revenue received by the District (from all sources, including the United States), any amount appropriated shall, to the extent of any such surplus, be set aside by the Director of the Department of Finance and shall be used exclusively for the construction, reconstruction, repair, and improvement of public schools in the District of Columbia.

(S. 1527 an act to provide for home rule and reorganization in the District of Columbia was introduced June 1, 1949, by Senator Estes Kefauver and is a companion bill to H. R. 4981.)



H. R. 4981 (Klein)
S. 1527 (Kefauver)

H. R. 28 (Auchincloss)

H. R. 2505 (Marcantonio)

1. District committees in Con-

1. Retains existing District of Columbia committees. 1. Creates Joint District of Columbia Com

1. Same as H. R. 28.

[blocks in formation]

5. Compensation of Council


6. Functions of Council.

of Council.

3. Creates a District Council with 9 elected members
and 2 appointed by President with consent of

4. Must be qualified elector, resident and domiciled
in District, holding no other elective public office,
and no District-paid appointive office.

[blocks in formation]

5. $5,000 a year. Chairman to receive $7,500 plus 5. $3,000 a year.
$3,000 expense account.

6. Acquires ordinance-making powers of Board of
Commissioners and Zoning Commission, both of
which are abolished. May pass legislative pro-
posals on any subject within power of Congress in
its capacity as legislature for District of Columbia.
May not pass proposals or ordinances on 6 enumer-
ated subjects. Can create and abolish advisory

7. Organization and procedure 7. Election of Chairman for 2-year term; appoint-
ment and duties of secretary; first meeting called
by member having highest vote; regular weekly
meetings except during July and August; form of
legislative proposals and ordinances; to be con-
sidered 13 days before passage; procedure for zon-
ing ordinances; two-thirds vote required to pass
them over NCPPC disapproval; power to investi-
gate and punish contumacious witnesses.

[blocks in formation]

6. Same as S. 1527.

6. Same as S. 1527.

7. Same as S. 1527 except that presiding officer 7. Same as H. R. 28.
is called "Mayor"; provides for acting
Mayor during absence, disability, or non-
election; first meeting called by chairman of
Joint Committee; meetings open to public
and participation of D. C. officers; prescribes
methods of conducting business; 34 vote to
pass zoning ordinances over NCPPC disap-



H. R. 4981 (Klein)
S. 1527 (Kefauver)

8. Legislative veto procedure.. 8. Legislative proposals of Council to be deposited

[blocks in formation]

with Congress, referred to District of Columbia
committees, numbered, and published in Record
and as documents. Such proposals to become
law if not disapproved by concurrent resolution
within 45 days after deposit or by President within
10 days after submission. Such proposals to be-
come law in emergencies, on certification by Presi-
dent of Senate and Speaker. Reserves power to
Congress to enact, amend, or repeal District laws.
Prescribes procedure for disapproving legislative
proposals, including limits on debate. Bond
issues to be submitted to referendum and approved
by majority vote.
9. Council to appoint a District Manager to serve
at its pleasure; his salary to be fixed by ordinance.
To be chief executive officer of District of Colum-
bia government. Has power to appoint and re-
move executive personnel, supervise administra-
tion, prepare reports, advise Council, delegate
duties, appoint assistants. Transfers certain cen-
tral service agencies and their functions to office
of Manager. Authorizes Manager to create, reor-
ganize, and abolish offices and positions in his

10. Council authorized to provide for and adopt an
annual budget effective July 1, and to appropriate
funds for emergency purposes. No provision for
congressional review of District of Columbia
budget, Leaves budgetary details to be fixed by

[blocks in formation]

10. Prescribes procedure for preparation and 10. Same as H. R. 28.
submission of budget by Manager to Coun-
cil, for public hearings thereon and revision
thereof, for its adoption and deposit with
joint committee, for the latter's review and
recommendations, and for final action by the
Council. Manager to submit a budget mes-

11 Borrowing.

11. District can incur debt by issuing bonds for
capital projects, not exceeding 5 percent of assessed
value of taxable real property. Bond issues sub-
ject to referendum approval. Maximum maturity
30 years or life of improvement. Bonds to be sold
publicly and paid in annual installments. Short-
term emergency borrowing permitted, not exceed-
ing 5 percent of current appropriations. Borrow-
ing allowed in anticipation of revenues, not ex-
ceeding 25 percent of current revenues. Council
authorized to levy property taxes to pay bonds
and notes.

12 Financial administration.. 12. Describes powers and duties of Finance Di

13 Executive departments...

rector; provides for work programs and allotment
of funds; for accounting supervision and control;
for annual post audit of District finances by GAO;
and for payment for intergovernmental services.
Creditor government to be reimbursed for net cost
of such services.

13. Consolidates present administrative agencies of
District of Columbia into 12 departments along
functional lines. 12 departments are: Health,
Welfare, Recreation, Public Safety, Finance, Law,
Public Works, Libraries, Labor, Commerce, Cor-
rections, Professional and Occupational Standards.
Each department headed by a director appointed
and removable by Manager. Directors' salary
to be fixed by Council. Directors may reorganize
their departments, with Manager's approval.
Council may reorganize or abolish boards or com-
missions transferred to executive departments.

[blocks in formation]

13. Same as S. 1527, with 2 exceptions: (a) 13. Same as H. R. 28. S. 1527 requires cost of maintaining and improving National Park Service facilities used by the District of Columbia Recreation Department for public recreation programs to be borne by District, while H. R. 28 makes such cost a Federal expense (sec. 1004-b); (b) councilmanic resolutions authorizing Public Works Director to acquire land for recreational use, over disapproval of NCPPC, would require two-thirds vote under S. 1527 instead of 34 under H. R. 28 (sec. 908-c).



14. Independent agencies.

15. Board of Education..

16. District elections.

[blocks in formation]

15. Establishes a Board of Education, with 7 mem-
bers elected by qualified electors of District, to
perform functions of present Board and administer
vocational rehabilitation in District. Board
members must be qualified electors, resident and
domiciled in District of Columbia, hold no
other elective public office, or District-paid ap-
pointive office. To receive $20 per meeting at-
tended. Board to appoint a Superintendent of
Schools, elect its own president whose term is
2 years, and appoint a secretary. Three members
of Board, appointed by its president, shall be the
Commission on Vocational Rehabilitation, which
shall appoint a director who shall appoint a staff.
16. Creates 5-member Board of Elections, appointed
by President with consent of Senate, for 6-year
terms at $1,500 a year. Members must be quali-
fied electors, resident and domiciled in District,
hold no other office or employment in District of

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

H. R. 2505 (Marcantonio)

14. Same as H. R. 28. Also forbids restric-
tive covenants, discrimination, or segrega-
tion on land or projects under jurisdiction
of Redevelopment Land Agency on account
of race, creed, color, national origin, or
ancestry (sec. 1204c). Also creates a 3-
member FEPC, first appointed by Presi-
dent, at $7,500 a year each, to prevent dis-
crimination in employment in the District;
defines unlawful employment practices;
complaint procedure, judicial review and
enforcement (sec. 1206).

15. Same as H. R. 28, plus directives to
Board of Education and Superintendent
of Schools to take steps to eliminate segre-
gation and discrimination in the use of
school facilities, and to reassign school
personnel accordingly (Sec. 1103-e and f).

16. Same as H. R. 28, except that Board of
Elections shall have 4 members appointed
for 2-year terms; all elective officers shall
serve for 2-year terms; omits provision for
numbered positions on Council and School

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