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WHILE reserving for the last volume my acknowledgments in detail to those who have assisted me in various ways, I take this opportunity of expressing my special thanks to Mrs Wordsworth, and to Mr Gordon Wordsworth (the Stepping Stones, Ambleside), for the access they have generously given me to the MSS. of the Poet's works, some results of which may, i trust, be seen in Volumes VI.

and VII.

I have also specially to thank Mr J. R. Tutin, of Hull, for his assistance. Mr Tutin has compared the proof with the text of the successive editions; and, owing to his careful revision, I have been able to make both corrections and additions to that part of the work in Volumes III., IV., and V.

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What I owe to the suggestions and researches of Mr Henry Reed, Philadelphia, will be seen in the Notes to The Excursion; but I am indebted to him for much besides, which can only be adequately acknowledged in the Life of the Poet in Volume VIII.

W. K.


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