Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Tiraboschi, 155, 159.

Tiresias, 758.

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Unities, the, 348 n. 430 n. 605.
University education, advantages of,

Unwin, Mrs., 829.
Urban, Pope, 153.
Urbino, duke of, 161.
Ursula, St., 724.

Vinctus' of Eschylus, ib.; from
Anacreon, the λéyew Åtpeída,' ib.;
from the Medea' of Euripides,
'Éportes imip,' 21; 'from the Arme-
nian,' 819; of the Greek War-
song, 'Seóte raides,' 854; of the
Romaic song, Ènaiva pis,' etc.
855; of a Romaic love song,Ustica, 169.
864; from the Portuguese, Tu Usurers, 622.
mi chamas,' 867; of the 'Ro- Utraikey, 92.
mance muy doloroso del Sitio y Utrecht, 350.
Toma de Alhama,' 889; from
Vittorelli, 'Di due vaghe don-
zelle,' 891; of Francesca da
Rimini,' 899.

'Trecentisti,' the, 344.

Vacancy, 127.
Vacca, Dr., 126.


Tree of knowledge, 420, 509, 605. Vaccination, 606.
Tree of life, 509, 510.

'Tis done and shivering in the Trelawney, Mr., xxviii., 462 n.

[blocks in formation]

Valentia, Lord (now Earl of Mount-

norris), 65 n.

Valenza, cardinal of, 252 n.
Valière, Madame la, 834.

Dic-Valour, the grave of, 583.

Trinity College, Cambridge, 15n.

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Vampire, The, a Fragment,' 818.
Vampire Superstition, 204.
Vanessa, Swift's, 834.

Vanity of Human Wishes,' John-
son's, 648 n.

Varro, 165 n. 336 n.

'Vathek,' 73 n. 210 n. 267 n.
Vatican, 136 n. 144.

Vauban, Marshal, 691.

Authenticity of Vaucluse, 160.

the tale of, 65 n. 656, 659.
Truth, stranger than fiction, 760,


Tully's 'Tripoli,' 642.

Tu mi chamas,' translated, 867.
Tunis, 637.

Tombs, folly of erecting large ones, Turin, 156, 278 n.


Tomerit, Mount, 90.

Tonga Islands, 575, 585 n.
Tonson, Jacob, the book seller, 299 n.

763 n.

Toobonai, 577.

Tooke, John Horne, 406, 770.
Torre, village of, 162, 163.
Torstenson, 542.

Torture, 128, 468.
Tournefort, 204 n. 667 n.
Tower of Babel, 667.

Town and country, 776.

Town life, 732.

Turkey, state of manners in, 103.
Turkey, women of, xxiii. 90, 676.
Their life in the harams, 313.


Turks, character and manners of
the, 103, 213 n. 217 n. 313.
Turnpike road, 725.
Turpin, 769.

Tuscany, 154, 161.
Tusculum, 169.

Tweddell, John, his account of Su-
warrow, 710 n.
Tweed, the, 56.

Twilight, 646.

Townshend, Rev. George, his 'Ar- Twiss, Horace, esq., 312 n.

mageddon,' 174, 175 n.

Tyranny, 895.

Tyre, 77, 128, 703.
Tyrian purple, 769.

Trafalgar, 88, 146, 593.
Trajan's column, 139.
Translations:-of Adrian's Ad-
dress to his soul when dying,' 5;
from Catullus, ad Lesbiam,' ib.;
of Tibullus, Sulpicia ad Cerin-
thum, ib.; of the 'Epitaph on
Virgil and Tibullus, by Domitius
Marsus,' ib.; from Catullus, 'Lu-Ulissipont, 72 n.
gete, Veneres, Cupidinesque,' ib.;

of Horace's 'Justum et tenacem,
ib.; from Anacreon, Megovutio

[ocr errors]

0' çarç,'6; from the' Prometheus


Ugoccion Contrario, 272 n.
Ugolino, 337, 623.
Ukraine, the, 316.

Ulysses, 806, 807. His dog Argus
638. His whistle, 751.
Umbritius, 166.
Uncertainty, 697.

[blocks in formation]

Venetian dialect, xxiv. 311.
Venetian fazzioli, xxv. 311 n. 616.
Venetian noble, sketched by Gritti,
386 n.

Vengeance, 232, 354.
Venice, the gondolas of, 127, 128,
148, 309. St. Mark's, 128, 150,
357, 358, 385. Lion and Horses
at, 128, 149. Rialto, 127, 309.
Bridge of Sighs and State Dun-
geons, 127, 147, 358 n. Piaz-
zetta, 150, 307. Carnival, 305,
307. Manfrini Palace, 308. Ri-
dotto, 312. Women, 311, 315.
Morals and manners in, 149,
305, 308, 309, 315, 386 n. 392.
Present state of, 386 n. Prophecy
respecting, 387 n. Account of the
ancient Nobility, 393. 'Ode on,'
894. See also, xxiii. xxiv. 127,
128, 152, 305, 358n., 795, 826.
Ventote, George, 105.
Venus, 632, 776.

Venus of Medicis, 132 n., 156,
308 n., 654, 826.

Venusia, 169.

Venuti, Abate, 166 n., 167.
Vernet, 748.

Vernon, General, 592.
Verona, xxiii. Amphitheatre of,
Juliet's tomb at, Tombs of the
Scaligers, and Claudian's old man
of, 571, 571 n. Congress at,

Verres, 96.

Versatility, 777.

Walton, Izaak, 'a quaint old cruel

coxcomb,'751. Defence of, 751 n.
Waltz, The; an Apostrophic Hymn,
Waltzing, 732. Sheridan's lines
on, 194 n.

Wanderings of Cain,' Coleridge's,


"Verses found in a Summer House Wapping, 582, 824.

at Hales-Owen,' 863.
Verses: Remember thee!' 864.
'Versicles,' 892.

Vespasian, the emperor, 165, 169
Vesta, temple of, 189 n.
Vesuvius, 569, 699.
Vevay, 120 n., 121 n.
'Vicar of Wakefield,' 773 n.
Vice, 79, 661.

Vice, suppression of, 59.

Vicenzo, Damodos, 105.
Vico-Varo, town of, 169.

Victor, St., priory of, near Geneva,

278 n.

Victory, 113, 707.
Vienna, 102.

Villeneuve, 280 n. 282 n.
Vincent, Rev. Dr., 175 n.
Vineyards, the best, 749.
Vintage, 605.

Virgil, 598.Epitaph on,' 5.
Virgin Mary, portraits of, 630, 646.
Virtues, the, 661.
Visconti, 126, 167 n.

Vision of Belshazzar,' 257.
Vision of Judgment, 394.
Vitellius, 898.

Vittorelli, sonetto di,' 891.
Voice, fascination of a sweet, 630,

Voltaire, his character by Lord
Byron, 124. His history of
Charles XII. quoted, 316. His
character by Dr. Warton, 678.
And by Lord Holland, ib. His
Vous pleurez,' ib. His defence
of the Calas family, ib.
Vopiscus, 168 n.
Vossius, 166.

Vulgarity of style, 841.


Wahabees, the, 93.
Walcheren, 816.
Walcot, Dr. (Peter Pindar), 407 n.
Walker, lexicographer, 312.
Wallenstein, 542, 566.
Walpole, Horace, Lord, xxxii. His
talents underrated, 351. His
incomparable Letters,' ib. His
'Castle of Otranto' and 'Myste
rious Mother,' ib.
Walpole, Sir Robert, 177. His po-
litical axiom, 664. His conver-
sation at table, 834.
Walsh, Rev. Dr. R., his account
of Ali Pacha's assassination,
91 n.

War, 694, 698, 709, 711, 716.
Warburton, Bishop, 680 n.
Warriors, 659.
Warsaw, 722.

Warton, Dr. Thomas, his character
of Crashaw, 643 n. His character
of Voltaire, 678.
Warwick, Earl of, 823 n.
Washington, George, 137, 406,
569, 571, 698, 712, 870.
'Wat Tyler,' Southey's, 397, 410,
411, 798, 800.
Watch-dog, 605.
Waterloo, xxiii. 113, 114, 115,
118, 569, 572, 702, 711, 873.
'Ode on,' 873.

Watkins, Dr. John, his Remarks
on Don Juan,' 785.

Watson, Bishop, his reply to the
moderator in the schools of Cam-
bridge, 506.

Watts, Alaric A., esq., 780.
Way, William, esq., 59 n.
Weber (a German hack writer),

173 n.

'Weep, daughter of a royal line,'

Weight of human ashes, 868 n.
Weimar, 349 n. 542.

'Well, thou art happy, and I feel,'

Wellesley, Marquis, 192.
Wellesley, Sir Arthur, 74 n. 82 n.
See Wellington.
Wellesley, Hon. William Long Pole,

Wellington, Duke of, xxiii. 76 n.
192 n., 572,702, 711, 734, 736,
739 n.
Welsted, 829.
Wengen Alps, 119 n.

Were my
bosom as false,' 258.
Werner; or, The Inheritance; a
Tragedy, 532.
Werther, effects of Goethe's, 349 n.
Mad. de Staël's character of, ib.
Wesley, Rev. John, 690.
West, Benjamin, esq., Europe's
worst dauber,' 189.
West, Mr. (American artist), his
conversations with Lord Byron,

Westminster Abbey, 728, 827.
Wetterhorn, 287 n.

What matter the pangs,' 903.
'When a man hath no freedom to
fight for at home,' 901.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

"When Time, or soon or late, shall
bring,' 860.

"When to their airy hall,' 4.
'When we two parted,' 846.
Whetter, statue of the, 156.
Whigs, 733.
Whiskers, 193.
Whist, 645.

'Whistlecraft,' 305-307 n. 325,
788. The humour of, not wit,

Whitbread, Samuel, esq., 407 n.
733, 863 n. 'The Demosthenes
of bad taste,' 572 n.
White, Henry Kirke, esq., 62,
63 n.

White, Lydia, 346.

White, Rev. Blanco, 80 n.

[ocr errors]

Who kill'd John Keats?' 902.
Why, how now, saucy Tom?'
Widdin, 663.
Wieland, 62 n.

[ocr errors]

Wilberforce, William, esq., 661,
736. The Washington of Afri-
ca,' 758.

Wildman, Colonel, the present pro-
prietor of Newstead, 844 m.,
847 n.

Wilkes, John, esq., 404, 405,

Wilkie, David, 78 n.
William the Conqueror, 721.
William III., 9 n.

Williams, Mrs., fortune-teller, her
prediction concerning Lord By-
ron, xii.
Williams, H. W., esq., his Tra
vels in Greece,' 79 n., 134 m.,
135 n., 854 n., 855 n.
Willis, Dr., anecdote of, 178.
Will o' the wisp, 695.
Wilson, Professor, 590 n. 804. His
minor poems, 651 n. His City
of the Plague,' 351, 804. Cri-
tical notes by, passim.
Windham, Right Hon. William,
168 n.

Windsor Poetics,' 868.
Wine, 632, 633, 650.
Wingfield, Hon. John, xiii. xviii.

33 n. 83 n.
Winkelmann, 164, 165, 654 n.
Wisdom, 116, 151, 685.

Witch of Endor, 256, 257 . 291 n.
"Without a stone to mark,' etc.,
Wives, 638.

When all around grew drear and Wolfe, General, 592.
dark,' 878.

Wollstoncraft, Mary, 798

[blocks in formation]

Women, Spanish, described,


660, 678, 731, 798-802, 825,
885 n., 902 n.

World, its vicissitudes, 653.
lics of a former, 714. A


Re- Yanina, 89.
glo-Yarrow Unvisited,' parody on,791.
York, the late Duke of, xvi. n.
Young, Dr. E., 733, 877 n.
Youth, 372, 614, 649.
Yussuff Pacha, xxx

ngham, Rev. Francis, 803.
xall, Sir Nathaniel, his cha-
ter of the Prince of Wales,

79 n. Venetian, 311. Their urious blunder,' 727. 'The great,'
natural situation, 634.
Theescribed, 730, 732, 733, 746,
love of match-making, 737, 763.53.
English, 740, 741.
'Wooden spoons,' 647.
Woodhouselee, Lord, 153 n.
Worceste, 136 n., 827.
Words, 615.
Wordsworth, William, esq., his
'Lyrical Ballads,' 53, 799, 805.
His 'Excursion,' 457 n. 581 n.
590, 645, 768, 801. His 'Peter
Bell,' 646, 800, 801. His '


, Ichabod, esq., 63. His
wlation of Dante, 623 n.

Walter Rodwell, esq., his
Wr. Ionicæ,' 63 n. 102.
Writ 720.
Wag- Writi a, 794.

goners,' 646. His sneer at Dry-

den, ib. His 'Leodamia,' 650 n.
His description of Carnage, 699.
His Yarrow Unvisited,' 791.
Lord Byron's Review of his early
poems, 805. See also, 63, 180,
307 n., 345, 602, 613, 645, 646,


Zanetti, 150.
Zanga, 12, 35 n.
Zante, xxxi.


Zappi, Giov. Battista, 340n.
Zara, 348, 350, 369.
Zegri, 570.

Zeluco, 68.

Wyche Pope's advice to, 54 n. Zeno, Carlo, 151, 159.

[blocks in formation]

Ziani, Sebastian, Doge, 150.
Zinghis Khan, 710.

Ziska, John, 540, 568.
Zitza, 89, 96, 852 n.

Zoroaster, 746 n.

Zosimado, 101.

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