Imágenes de páginas

lating to slavery," 313-324; official
letters as Vice-President and Presi-
dent, 325-399; early political
speeches, 403-408; nominated but
not elected governor of N._Y., xiv,
406; excursion over Erie R. R. at
its opening, 1851, 409-416; welcome
to the French minister, M. de Sar-
tiges, 417; laying of corner-stone
for addition to Capitol, 417; at
White Sulphur Springs, 418-419; in
New England, 1851, 420-425; wel-
come to Kossuth, 426; farewell din-
ner on retiring from presidency,
427-428; interest in plan for hos-
pital in Buffalo, 428; southern tour,
1854, 429-440; western tour, 1854,
441-443; entertained in London,
1855, 444-445; speeches in 1856 as
candidate for President, ii, 1-33;
return from Europe, 1856, 3;. ar-
rival in Buffalo, 31; on the death
of President Harrison, 37-38; wel-
comes John Quincy Adams, 39;
speaks in behalf of Ireland, 41; ad-
dresses as chancellor of the Univer-
sity of Buffalo, 43-55, 59-61; pre-
sides at dedication of Buffalo Gen-
eral Hospital, 56-57; presides at
"Atlantic cable' banquet, 58-59;
speaks at Buffalo Central School on
Washington's birthday, 61; presides
at Union meeting, 1861, 62; cap-
tain of the Union Continentals, 64
and note; at opening of Board of
Trade rooms, 1862, 67-68; auuress
as first president of Buffalo His-
torical Society, 69-84; speaks at
opening of Christian Commission
Fair, 1864, 85; sketch of Joseph
Clary, his first law partner, 98-105;
the Rathbun failure, i, ix-x, II, 104
note, 163; on the death of Lincoln,
ii. 106-108; welcomes President
Johnson, 109: a founder of the Hu-
mane Society, 110-111; interview
with Humboldt, 112-114; president
of Southern Commercial convention,
114-116; presides at dinner in honor
of Gen. Barry, 117; on the death
of Judge Skinner, 121-123;
Samuel F. B. Morse, 124-127;
opening of the B., N. Y. & P. Ry.,
128-129; presides at meeting of S.
P. C. A., 1873, 129; Historical So-
ciety reminiscences, 130; interviewed
on public affairs, 131-141; opens
International Industrial exhibition,
1873, 142; facsimiles of signature,
148; miscellaneous correspondence
prior to the Civil War, 149-393; sal-
ary as teacher in 1821, 150-151; re-
signs militia office, 151; suggests Jus-
tice McLean for president, 152-153;
discusses possible presidential candi-
dates, 156-158, 169-171, 183-187, 191-
194; proposes a marine hospital at
Buffalo, 160; prevents closing of
pension office at Buffalo, 161-162; on
the safety fund system, 164-166; on
protection of Buffalo harbor, 166;




complains that his speech on the
"Caroline" was not fully reported,
168; answers questions of the Erie
County Anti-Slavery Society, 173-
175; a possible candidate for office
of New York State Comptroller,
176-180; disturbed relations with
Thurlow Weed, 181-183; candidate
for vice-chancellorship of New York
state, 188-190; on the New Jersey
contested elections, 197-207; forged
request that he become candidate
for lieutenant governor, 208;
clines invitation to Philadelphia,
1840, 210; tries to obtain redress
for "Caroline" outrage, 217-218; de-
sires senatorship, 219-220; urges ap-
pointment of Dr. Foote as postmas-
ter at Buffalo, 222-223; investigates
loss of Buffalo harbor appropriation.
224; urges building a warship for
the lakes, 233-234;. letter on pro-
tection sent to Whig convention,
Dutchess Co., N. Y., 1842, 237-238;
suggested for the vice-presidency,
1842, 241; letter declining renom-
ination for congress, 1842, 241-245;
invited by citizens of Ann Arbor to
be their guest at public dinner,
1842, 251; establishes a German
Whig paper at Buffalo, 1843, 253-
255; opposes annexation of Texas,
255-256; declines to be candidate
for governor, 1844, 256-260; invited
to attend Whig meeting in Ohio,
1844, 260; invited to Vermont
Whig state convention, 1844, 261;
invited to Whig meeting, Mayville,
1844, 263; nominated for governor
of New York, 1844, 263-266; de-
feated, 267-268; elected comptroller
of New York state, 1847, 272; dis-
turbed relations with Daniel Web-
ster, 274-275; to friends of Ireland,
New York, 1848, 275-276; nomin
ated for Vice-President, 1848, 276;
endorsed by Philadelphians, 278-
279; his position on the slave ques-
tion, 279-280; hostility of Buffalo
Express, 1849, 287-288; invited to
public dinner at Detroit, 1849, 289;
trouble with Thurlow Weed, 290-
293, 334; invited to Philadelphia,
July 4, 1850, 294; appointed a life
member of the American Sunday-
school Union, 299: on the escape
of the Crafts, fugitive slaves, 301-
304; invited to visit England, 305-
306; on Dr. Lord's sermon on the
"Higher law and fugitive slave
bill," 306-307; elected member of
Clay Literary Society of Philadel
phia. 307; invited to Washington's
birthday celebration in New York,
1851, 308; receives New York state
tablet for Washington monument,
311; on the Boston fugitive slave
cases, 312-314: as to his ancestry,
320-321; on the Compromise bill,
321-324; letter to National Whig
convention, 1852, withdrawing his

name as presidential candidate, 324-
328; endorses Gen. Scott's nomina-
tion, 330; receives tribute from
Kentuckians, 330-331; invited to
return to Buffalo, 1853, 338-340;
southern trip, 339, 341:344; elected
honorary member of Wisconsin State
Historical Society, 344; death of
his daughter, 345; his early life,
349-350; episode with Weed, 350-
351; European trip, 351-357; nom-
inated for President by the Ameri-
can party, 358; gift of a cane from
Henry Clay's home, 360; presiden-
tial campaign and defeat, 361-368;
chairman of committee to investi-
gate Germain's steamship project,
373-374; on the relations between
North and South, 375-378; remin
iscences of his sojourn in Sparta,
N. Y., in 1814, 381-388; invites
Prince of Wales to visit Buffalo,
389; asked to visit S. Carolina as
commissioner from the North, 1860,
390-392; chairman of Buffalo Com-
mittee of Public Defense, 397; mis-
cellaneous correspondence, 1861-1874,
419-450; "The Fillmore Guards'
named, 419; invited to Nashville,
1863, 427; favors McClellan for
President, 1864, 431-435; disap-
proves Lincoln's administration, 433-
434; advocates instruction in nat-
ural science in the schools, 440-442;
aids Humane Society movement,
443, 447-448; president of board of
trustees of Grosvenor Library, 443-
445; in New York in 1872, 445;
suggests founding home for news-
boys and bootblacks, 446; portrait
painted by L. G. Sellstedt, 446; his
will, 451-453; bibliography, 455-463;
proceedings of the Buffalo Histor-
ical Society relative to Fillmore,
1874-1899, 465-517; his cabinet,
475; his resemblance to Pope Pius
1515; sale of library, vii.
Fillmore, Mrs. Millard. See Fillmore,
Abigail Powers, and Fillmore, Caro-
line C.

Fillmore, Millard Powers, biographical
notes, 1, 25 and note, 25;


trip, 441 note; in Fillmore's will,
ii, 451-452; his private secretary
during presidency, 492.

Fillmore, Mimee (Mrs. Nathan Dil-
lings), i, 20.

Fillmore, Miranda Waldorf (Mrs. Cal-
vin T. Fillmore), i, 25; ii, 452.
Fillmore, Miriam (Mrs. Nathan Col-
grove), i, 20.

Fillmore, Nathaniel,, grandfather of
Millard Fillmore, inherits his fath-

er's sword, i, 19; sketch of, 20;
children, 21-22.

Fillmore, Nathaniel, father of Millard
Fillmore, 1, 3, 21; children, 24-26;
death, 25 note; sketch of, ii, 471;
reminiscences of, 488, 492.
Fillmore, Olive Armstrong
Henry S. Johnson), i, 24.


Fillmore, Orra Hamlin (Mrs. Sher-
lock Fillmore), 1, 24.

Fillmore, Philippia, 1, 21.
Fillmore, Phoebe Maria, sister of Mil-
lard Fillmore, 1, 26; death, ii, 252
and note.


Fillmore, Philura Hartshorn
Lavius Fillmore), 1, 22.
Fillmore, Phoebe Millard (Mrs. Na-
thaniel Fillmore), i, 3, 21; chil-
dren, 24-26.

Fillmore, Richard, 1, 21.
Fillmore, Septa, i, 22.
Fillmore, Sherlock, 1, 24.
Fillmore, Simeon, 1, 21; children, 24.
Fillmore, Spiller, 1, 21.

Fillmore, Susanna Glezen (Mrs. Na-
thaniel Fillmore), 1, 21, 24.
Fillmore, Thankful, i, 21.
Fillmore, Thankful Carrier (Mrs.
Ebenezer Fillmore), i, 19, 21.
Fillmore, Thankful Downer (Mrs.
Henry Fillmore), 1, 20.

Fillmore, Theodosia (Mrs. Thomas
Pember), i, 23.

Fillmore, Zerviah (Mrs. Joshua Bush-
nell), i, 23.

Fillmore, Zerviah Bosworth (Mrs.
Comfort Fillmore), i, 20, 22.
Fillmore family, i, 17-26.
Fillmore Guards, The, ii, 419.
Fillmore, Hall & Haven, lawyers, 11,
101 note, 472, 490, 491, 499-504,

Fillmore Rangers, of New Orleans,
letter to, from Fulmore, ii, 284-

Filmer, Sir Edward, 1, 17.
Filmer, Mrs. Elizabeth Argall, 1, 17.
Filmer, James, 1, 17.

Filmer, Robert, of Herst, England, 1,


Filmer (Fillmore) family, 1, 17.
Fire protection in Buffalo, 1824-32, i,
51-52 and note.

Fish, -, loan commissioner, Monroe
Co., N. Y., letter to, from Millard
Fillmore, i, 254-255.

Fish, Hamilton, Secretary of State,
ii, 136 and note.

Fisheries, Fillmore's messages concern-
ing, cited, 1, 301, 302, 304, 306, 307,
309; letters on, 373-375, 384, 378-
381, 384.

Flint, Dr. Austin, ii, 47.

Florida, rumor of negro legislation
for, denied, ii, 248-249.

Fobes, Abraham, spy of War of 1812,
i, 86-88, ii, 154.

Foote, Dr. Thomas M., ii, 46; recom-
mended for Buffalo postmaster, 222-
223; sketch of, 223-224; diplomatic
post for, 288, mentioned, 283; in
Europe with Fillmore, 356.

Forbes, Abraham. See Fobes, Abra-

Foreign vote, Fillmore on the, ii, 347-


Forman, Joshua, of Onondaga Hol-
low, ii, 93.

Forsyth, John, Secretary of State, and
the Maine boundary dispute, 1, 142
note; the burning of the "Caro-
line," 158.

Fort Erie, visited by Prince of Wales,
1860, ii, 389-390.

Fort Polk, removal of, 1, 302.

Fort Stanwix, Indian treaty, 11, 75.
Fortification without jurisdiction, Fill-
more's opinion on, 1, 168-169.
Forward, i, 351.

Forward, Walter, Secretary of the
Treasury, letter to, from Fillmore,
ii, 232.

Foster, Henry A., i, 118, 128.
Foster, T. F., of Georgia, i, 206.
Fox, Mrs. Esther P., 11, 65 note.
Fox, H. S., and the Maine boundary

dispute, 1, 142 note; burning of the
"Caroline," 1, 158, 160.

Fox, J. M., of Philadelphia, owner of
Fillmore ms., ii, 287, 320, 342.
Fox, Watson A., 11, 397 and note.
France, convention between U. S. and,
1853, 1, 307; our attitude toward,

Frankfort, Ky., dinner to Millard Fill-
more, 1, 429-430.

Frankfort Commonwealth, quoted, 1,


Franklin, Lady Jane, urges rescue of
her husband, 1, 339-340,
Franklin, Sir John, 301, 340.
Franklin, Col. Walter S., clerk of the
House, death, 1, 147 note.

Franklin st. (formerly Tuscarora st.),
Buffalo, 11, 79.

Fraser, A. D., and others, of Detroit,
letter to, from Fillmore, ii, 289-290.
Frazer, Capt. -, of U. S. revenue
marine service, 1, 398.

Fredonia, N. Y., act concerning state
road to Perry, N. Y., 1, 48.
"Free bank system," i, 276-283.
Freemasons, legislative measures con-
cerning, 1830, 1, 46-47.

Freimüthige und West New Yorker
Anzeiger, 11, 253-255-

Frelinghuysen, Theodore, Fillmore's
speech for, 1, 404-406.

Fremont, Col. John C., gift of two
grizzly bears to National Museum
of France, ii, 300.

Front ave. (formerly Sixth st.), Buf-
falo, ii, 294.
Fugitive slave law, 1, xxiv-xxv, 301,
309-310, 333-337, 342, 362-363, 432-
433, 436; Fillmore's letter on the
case of the Crafts, 11, 301-304; Dr.
Lord's sermon on "The Higher Law
and the Fugitive Slave Bill," 306-
307; Fillmore criticized, 365; Fill-
more's "North and South" letter,
1859, 375-378; opinions of Gen.
James Grant Wilson, Wm. Cullen
Bryant, Charles Francis Adams,
Charles O'Conor, and Robert C.
Winthrop on Fillmore's action in
signing the law, 476-478; his own
explanation, 493.

Galbraith, John, 1, 94.

Galena, Ill., visited by Millard Fill-
more, 1, 441 note.

"Galena," steamboat, 1, 441 note.
Gales, J., and W. W. Seaton, eds.,
"Register of debates in Congress,"
cited, i, 292.

Galignani, cited, 11, 355.

Garay grant, Tehuantepec, 1, 365.
Garland, Hugh A., elected clerk of
the House of Representatives, 1,
147 note.

Gates, Seth M., M. C. from New
York, ii, 194-195.

Gayle, John, of Mobile, letter to,
from Fillmore, 11, 279-280.
"General Armstrong," brig, 1, 307.
Genesee st. (formerly Busti ave.),
Buffalo, 11, 79.

George, Samuel K., reminiscences of
Fillmore, 11, 515.

George's Island, Boston harbor, Fill-
more on appropriation for fort, 1,

"Georgia," steamship, 1, 329.
"Georgiana," bark, 1, 308, 309.
Germain, Rollin, steamship project,
1859, ii, 373-374-

German papers in Buffalo, 1840-45, 11,

Gerolt, Baron, introduces Fillmore to
Humboldt, ii, 112.

Gholson, Samuel J., 11, 166.
Giddings, Laura Fillmore (Mrs. Wal-
ter Giddings), 1, 23.
Giddings, Walter, 1, 23.

Gilbert, Mrs. Sarah D., ii, 65 note.
Glezen, Susanna (Mrs. Nathaniel Fill-
more), 1, 21, 24.

"Golden Era,'

441 note.

steamboat, 1, xxviii,

Goodlee, W. G., ii, 332.

Goodman, Alfred T., letters to, from
Fillmore, ii, 427, 435-436.
Goodrich, Guy H., ii, 102, 416.
Goodspeed, Charles E., owner of Fill-
more ms., 11, 283, 284, 371.
Goodyear, Dr. Miles, of Cortland Co.,
N. Y., 11, 47.

Gorsuch, - murdered, 1, 369.

Gould & Sill, law firm of Whites-
borough, N. Y., ii, 92-93.
Gowan, John E., letter to, from Fill-
more, ii, 277-278.

Grace Methodist Episcopal Church,
Buffalo, Young Men's Association,
work for newsboys and bootblacks,
11, 445-446.

Graham, Wm. A., Secretary of the
Navy, 1, 355; letters to, from Fill-
more, 328, 332-333, 346, 358, 363,
367, 368; 11, 333-334; resigns, 1,
378; in Buffalo, 1851, 414 note.
Granger, Francis, New York assem-
blyman, ii, 122, 169-170, 196, 216,
220, 226.

Grant, U. S., his cabinet criticized by
Fillmore, 11, 136.

Gratiot, Charles, Chief Engineer, U.
S. A., ii, 166.

Great Lakes, surveys ordered by Con-


gress, 1, 139-140; the warship
"Michigan", built, 11, 233-234;
nance for lake service, 1842, 235;
Rollin Germain's steamship project,
1859, 373-374; memorials, etc., of
Buffalo Committee of Public De-
fense, 1862, urging protection of
lakes and rivers on the frontier,

Greeley, Horace, imprisoned for debt,
1, xxix and note; letter to, from
Fillmore, 11, 449-450.

Greeley, P., Jr., Boston, letter to,
from Fillmore, 11, 282-284, 370-371.
Green, James, British agent in Nicar-
agua, 1, 359.

Green, Julia Etta (Mrs. Charles De-
Witt Fillmore), 1, 26.

Greenough, Horatio, statuary for the
Capitol at Washington, 1, 386.
Grey, Lord, ii, 295; letter from, con.
cerning Lord Elgin's failure to visit
Buffalo, ii, 296.

Greytown, Nicaragua, municipal ordi-
nances and organization, 1851, 1,

[blocks in formation]

Habersham, Richard W., of Georgia,
1, 221.

Haddock, Charles C., postmaster at
Buffalo, ii, 224.

Haddock, Lorenzo K., trustee of the
Grosvenor Library, death, ii, 444.
Hadley, Dr. George, 11, 47, 373.
Hall,, mayor of Brooklyn, welcomes
Millard Fillmore, 1856, ii, 11, 14.
Hall, Nathan K., Postmaster-General,
in Buffalo, 1851, 1, 414 note; west-
ern trip with Millard Fillmore, 1,
441 note; secures charter for Uni-
versity of Buffalo, ii, 46; founds
famous law firm, holds cabinet of-
fices, 101 note; suggested for of-
fice, 196; the Germain steamship
project, 373; on the Buffalo Com-
mittee of Public Defense, 1862, 397
note; named executor of Fillmore's
will, 452; death, 465.

[blocks in formation]

Harvey,, 1, 381.

Harvey, Sir John, and the Maine
boundary dispute, 1, 142 note, 142-

Haskell, Capt. Mark, of Cape Ann, 1,
18, 30-31.

Haven, Ida, owner of Fillmore ms.,
ii, 306, 357.

Haven, Solomon G., letters to, from
Fillmore, 11, 306, 354-357; death,
419-420; reminiscences of, 502-504.
Haven, Mrs. Solomon G., recollections
of Fillmore, 11, 489-493.
Hawes, Albert G., 1, 99, 100.
Hawaii, independence advocated in
Fillmore's message, 1851, 1, 300;
message concerning, cited, 305, 306.
Hawes, Samuel W., 1, xxxii note.
Hawley, Dr. J. E., of Tompkins Co.,
N. Y., 11, 47.

Hawley, Seth C., 11, 214.

Hayti, question of recognizing its in-
dependence, 1, 372.

Hazen, Brunetta Fillmore (Mrs. Levi
Hazen), 1, 22.

Hazen, Levi, of Rome (afterward
Lee), N. Y., 1, 22.

Hazletine, Abner, 11, 180.

Heacock, Rev. G. W., trustee of Gros-
venor Library, ii, 444-445.
Heacock, Mrs. R. S., 11, 65 note.

[blocks in formation]

work at Buffalo, 1, 266.

Hinton, Mrs.

of Washington,

school exhibit, ii, 298-299.
Hodge, Sarah, ii, 65 note.

Hodge, Valorus, i, xxxii note.

Hodge, Wm., school trustee, Buffalo,
1823, ii, 151; death, 472 note.
Hodge, Mrs. Wm., ii, 65 note.
Hoffman, John T., governor of New
York, letter to, from Fillmore, ii,

Hogan, Robert, of New York City, ii,

Holbrook, Josiah, letter to, from Fill-
more, ii, 298.

Holland, N. Y., bill, concerning
funds, i, 47.

Holland Land Company, settlers' pro-
test against forcing payments, i, x;
names village New Amsterdam (now
Buffalo), ii, 76-77.

Hollister, Mrs. Emily Weed, of Roch-
ester, N. Y., owner of Fillmore ms.,
ii, 154, etc., to 334.

Hollister, John, requests pass through
St. Lawrence river, 1, 327.

Holt, Horatio A., sued by Buffalo City
Bank, 1, 252.

Holt, Mary (Mrs. Clary), ii, 98.
Hone, Philip, 1, 407.

Hopkins, Nelson K., ii, 444; remin-
iscences of Fillmore, 516-517.
Hosmer, Dr. Geo. W., gift of portrait
of acknowledged by Fillmore, ii,
344-345; reminiscences of Dr. Hos-
mer and Fillmore, 508-512.
Hosmer, James K., reminiscences of
Fillmore, ii, 508-512.
Hosmer, W. H. C., of Avon, N. Y.,
ii, 388.

Hospital, Buffalo, proposed, 1, 428.
House of Representatives. See United

States, House of Representatives.
How,, mayor of St. Louis, 1, 441.
Howard, Benjamin C., of Maryland,
and the Maine boundary dispute, 1,
141, 144.

Howard, Jacob H., of Detroit, 11, 290.
Howard, Joseph, Jr., petition to N. Y.
legislature concerning


at Aurora, 1, 45-46.
Howse, Mrs. Sabina, 11, 65 note.
Hudson's Bay Company, Fillmore's
message, with report and papers,
cited, 1, 303.

Hulett, Lyman Rathbun, suspected of
forgery, ii, 104 note.

Hull, Edmund, assemblyman, N. Y.
state, i, 43, 48.

Hülsemann, J. G., 1, 305, 337, 340,

Humane Society, Buffalo, aided by
Fillmore, ii, 110-111, 129, 443, 447-
Humboldt, Alexander von, Buffalo
celebration and Fillmore's interview
with, il, 112-114, 440; Sellstedt's
portrait of, in Buffalo Public Li-
brary, 113 note.

Hume, James D., report on British
tariff, cited, 1, 198, 222.
Humiston, Harriet Fillmore

John Humiston), 1, 23.
Humiston, John, 1, 23.


Hungarian exiles, Fillmore's message
concerning, cited, 1, 303.

Hungerford, Benjamin, of Sparta, N.
Y., 1, 6; ii, 382-388.

Hunt, Washington, governor of New
York, in Buffalo, 1851, 1, 414 note;
welcomes Fillmore to Lockport,
1856, ii, 28; mentioned, 196; sends
to Pres. Fillmore the New York
state tablet for Washington__ monu-
ment, 310-312; addresses "Union"
meeting, New York, 1859, 378.
Hunt, Wilson G., ii, 378.
Hunter, -, of U. S. State Dept., 1,
339, 366, 370, 373, 381.

Huntley, O. D., letter to, from Mil-
lard Fillmore, 1, 261-263.

Indians of New York, sub-agent for,
ii, 219.

Ingerson, Charles J., of Pennsylvania,

claims seat in Congress, 1, 160 note.
Ingersoll, Joseph G., suggested for
Secretary of the Treasury, 1, 352.
International exchange of maps, books,
etc., M. Vattemare's system, 11, 300.
International Industrial exhibition,

Buffalo, 1873, Fillmore's opening
address, ii, 142-146.

Ireland, meeting at Buffalo to devise

relief measures, 1847, ii, 41-42;
meeting at New York, 1848, 275-

Jackson, Andrew, quoted, 1, 132.
Jacobs, John, presents cane to Millard
Fillmore from Washington Camp
No. 2, Junior Sons of America, 11,


Japan, Fillmore's message on, cited,
305; letter from President Fill-
more to emperor, 1851, 344-345 and
note; letters carried by Commodore
Perry, 1852, 393-397.

Jefferson, Thomas, "Manual of par
liamentary practice," cited, 1, 294;
visited by Humboldt, 11, 114.
Jefferson, Ohio, letter from Fillmore
to Whig meeting, 1844, 11, 260-261.
Jenkins, Jno. S., "Lives of the gov
ernors of the state of New York,"
presentation copy acknowledged by
Fillmore, ii, 316.

Jewett, Elam R., with T. M. Foote
publishes Commercial Advertiser
and accompanies Fillmore to Eu-
rope, ii, 223.

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