Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Singing soldiers; il. by Margaret Thorniley Williamson. 181p. O c. N. Y., Scribner $3 An American aviator, interested in music, notes the words and melodies of songs which he heard in the World War and relates the experiences which he associates with each.

O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold, and Ford, Harriet

Orphan Aggie; a romantic comedy. 96p. D (French's standard lib. ed.) c. '19, '27 N. Y., S. French pap. 75 c. 'Once in royal David's city'; a children's picture book. no p. il. (col.) O '26 Milwaukee, Morehouse Pub. Co.

bds. 80 c.

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Overton, Grant Martin, ed.

Mirrors of the year. 346p. il. O c. N. Y.. Stokes

$4 A national review of the outstanding figures, trends and events of 1926-7, to which eighteen well-known writers have contributed.

Oxford book of eighteenth century verse, The; chosen by David Nichol Smith. 740p. D 26 N. Y., Oxford $3.75; $4.25 [corrected entry] Parker, Sir Gilbert, i.e. Horatio Gilbert

The seats of the mighty; ed. by William N. Otto. 418p. front. S (Appleton modern lit. ser.) [c. '95-'27] N. Y., Appleton $1

Parmenter, Christine Whiting [Mrs. Kenneth R. Parmenter]

The unknown port. 276p. D [c. '27] N. Y., Crowell $2 Martha, a New England spinster, and her modern niece, Jane, start a tearoom "The Martha Jane" in a little New England village.

Parrish, Anne [Mrs. Charles A. Corliss]

The perennial bachelor. 334p. D [c. 25] N. Y., Grosset

Parsons, Bp. Edward L.

[ocr errors]

What is the Christian religion? vesper addresses given in Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. 67p. S [c.'27] Milwaukee, Morehouse Pub. Co. $1

Picken, James Hamilton

Advertising. 115p. D (Manuals of business management, v. 6) c. Chic., A. W. Shaw

buck. $22.50 (sold in set only) Business correspondence. 115p. D (Manuals of business management, v. 7) c. Chic., A. W. Shaw buck. $22.50 (sold in set only) Credits and collections. 115p. D (Manual of business management, v. 8) c. Chic., A. W. Shaw buck. $22.50 (sold in set only) Salesmanship. 115p. D (Manuals of business management, v. 5) c. Chic., A. W. Shaw buck. $22.50 (sold in set only)

Piers, Harry

Robert Field; portrait painter in oils, miniature and water-colours, and engraver. [lim. ed.] 203p. il. Q (Amer. miniaturists) '27 N. Y., F. F. Sherman bds. $25

Porter, Langley, and Carter, William E., M.D. Management of the sick infant; 3rd rev. ed. 726p. il. diagrs. O '27 c. '22-'27 St. Louis, C. V. Mosby $8.50

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Plummer, Wilbur C.

Social and economic consequences of buying on the instalment plan. 62p. (bibl. footnotes) O (Suppl. to V. 129 of Annals of Amer. Acad. of Political and Social Science) c. Phil., Amer. Acad. of Political and Social Science. pap. apply Poole, B. W. The science of pattern construction for garment makers. 454p. i. diagrs. Q'27 N. Y.. Pitman $13 Priest, Ernest L.

A primer of simplified practice. 62p. (6p. bibl.) il. diagrs. O '26 Wash., D. C., Gov't Pr. Off.; Sup't of Doc. pap. 15 C.

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A basketball story for boys. Stevenson, Gertrude Scott, ed.

Little Injun. 314p. D [c. '16-'24] N. Y., Crowell

$2 Stories of the West that have appeared in the Saturday Evening Post, Collier's, and other magazines. Reid, Leslie

Saltacres. 370p. D [c. '27] N. Y., Dutton $2 The romance of a girl in rural England, Reinhard, John Revell

The old French romance of Amadas et Ydoine; an historical study. 218p. (14p. bibl.) O c. Durham, N. C., Duke Univ. Press bds. $3.50

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[blocks in formation]

Reynoldson, L. A., and Kinsman, C. D.

Effective haying equipment and practices for northern great plains and inter-mountain regions. 27p. il. O (Farmers' bull. no. 1525) ['27] Wash., D. C., Gov't Pr. Off.; Sup't of Doc. pap. to c. Ten years' progress on the city plan of St. Louis, 1916-1926, 68p. il. map. diagrs. Q '27 St. Louis. Mo., City Plan Commission, 201 Municipal Courts Bldg. pap. apply

Truesdell, Leon Edgar

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A collection of poems on the Passion and Resurrection of Christ.

Wilson, S. A., comp.

Stories to tell. 121p. D [c. '27] N. Y., Doran $1.25 Children's stories for ministers and Sunday School teachers.

Wilson, Woodrow

The public papers of Woodrow Wilson; authorized ed.; ed. by Ray Stannard Baker and William E. Dodd; 3 v. various p. (bibls.) D [c. '25-'27] N. Y., Harper $7.50, set, bxd. Specially printed in connection with the prize offer of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. The first two volumes of this set, "College and State" and "The New Democracy" were originally published in two volumes each; this is the first publication of the third volume, "War and Peace," covering the period from 1917 to 1924.

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Yang, J. M.

The historical life of Christ. 386p. O ['26]
N. Y., Macmillan
Whitman, Walt

The half-breed and other stories; collected by Thomas Ollive Mabbott; [il. with] woodcuts by Allen Lewis. 129p. O '27 N. Y., Columbia Univ. Press


Containing a short novel and four sketches, hitherto preserved only in the files of rare periodicals and now first collected in book form.

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Title Index to the "Weekly Record"

Does not include the material listed in smaller type

Accounting for business executives. Kohler,
E. L. $22.50 (In set only) A. W. Shaw
Ace of danger, The. Muir, A. $2

$22.50 (In set
A. W. Shaw
Morehouse Pub. Co.

Advertising. Picken, J. H.
All things bright and beautiful. 80 c.

American history. Manion, C. $1.80

Allyn & Bacon American universities. Fiddes, E. $1 Longmans Answer this one. Adams, F. P. $1.50 Clode Answer this one. 25 c.

Ready Reference Pub. Co. Applied power. $2 J. H. and C. H. Hopkins

Aunt Polly Basset's singin' skewl. Quaife,
E. W. 75 c.
S. French
Australia, the Philippines and other islands of
the sea. Carpenter, F. G. $1 Amer. Bk.
Beauty of the Lord, The. Glaister, R. $2
Bird of fire, The. Moravsky, M. $2 Crowell
Brat, The Rath, E. J. $2 G. Howard Watt
Business and its organization, The. Dutton,
H. P. $22.50 (In set only) A. W. Shaw
Business correspondence. Picken, J. H. $22.50
(In set only)
A. W. Shaw
Capacity for God, The. Horton, R. F. $2.50
Rideal, E.


Catalysis in theory and
K. $6
Charles I in captivity. Stevenson, G. S. $4
Charles O'Malley. Lever, C. J. $1.25 Burt
Chevy Chase cook book. $2
Mrs. W. J. McNally
Children of the new forest, The. Marryat, F.
Hsu, S. $2

China and her political entity.

Class war in heaven, The.

Colds, coughs and catarrh.


Cooperative democracy.

Credits and collections. (In set only) Crook's Shadow, The.

Luke. $1.50

Badger Macfadden, B. A. Macfadden Pub'ns. Warbasse, J. P. $3 Macmillan Picken, J. H. $22.50 A. W. Shaw Farjeon, J. J. $2

Dial Press The; seventh series. Simon & Schuster and medicines, The.

Cross word puzzle book,
Buranelli, P. $1.35
Curious lore of drugs
La Wall, C. H. $5
Dark mile, The. Hutton, J. A. $2 Doran
Deep furrows. Ritchie, R. W. $2 Crowell
Dialogues. Diderot, D. $4

[blocks in formation]

50c. Goodwill and other intangibles. $4.50

Womans Press


Grain of mustard seed, The. Harwood, H. M.
S. French
Great Jews since Bible times. Levinger, E.
Behrman's Jewish Bk. Shop
Great Western railway, The. Home, G. $1
Green bay tree, The. Bromfield, L. $1

Grosset Guidance from Francis Thompson in matters of faith. Hutton, J. A. $1.50 Doran Half-breed, The. Whitman, W. $4.50 Columbia Univ. Press Handbook of the Classical collection. $1 Metropolitan Museum of Art Heading north. Barbour, R. H. $1.75. Revell Health problem sources. Lerrigo, M. O. $1.50 Teachers College, Columbia Univ. Heart of religion, The. Vernon, Father. 60c. Morehouse Pub. Co.

Heart talks from the Word. Law, L. P.

[blocks in formation]

Ironical tales. Housman, L. $2.50 Lippincott Italian Hebrew literature. Morais, S. $3 Jewish Theological Seminary Johannine writings, The. Carpenter, J. E. $7.50

Divine lady, The. Barrington, E. $1 Grosset Dominion of man, The. Griffiths-Jones, E. $2.50

Doran Eleanor of Aquitaine. Reed, C. B. $2.50 Druid Press Emerson and others. Brooks, V. $3 Dutton English-Spanish medical dictionary. Moll, A. A. $1.50 Amer. Medical Ass'n

Exiles, The. Osmond, A. $1.50

[blocks in formation]

Joyce. Hauck, L. P. $2 Juliana. Reed, M. 75c. Land of Magellan, The.

Law of evidence, The.

Houghton Penn Macmillan

Barclay, W. S. $4 Brentano's Morgan, E. M. $1.50 Yale Heller, F. $2 Crowell

Lead me into temptation.

[blocks in formation]

Manual of elocution for teacher and student,
A. Ridley, F. $1
S. French

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Physico-chemical geology. Rastall, R. H. $6 Longmans

Place where two ways meet, The. Hollis, G. 8oc. Morehouse Pub. Co. "Please help Emily." Harwood, H. M. $1.25 S. French Poems. Arent, L. $1 Christopher Pub. House Poilus, The. Delteil, J. $2.50 Minton, Balch Predetermine your baby's sex. Macfadden, B. A. $2 Macfadden Pub'ns. Professor on paws, The. Cox, A. B. $2

Dial Press Professors like vodka, The. Loeb, H. A. $2 Liveright

Harper $22.50 (In set A. W. Shaw $2 Dutton Wilkinson, M. $2.50 Macmillan Kingsland, W. $6. Frank-Maurice Bodenheim, M. $2 Liveright Morehouse Pub. Co. operation. Tosdal,

Ritual notes. $3.40
Sales organization and
H. R. $22.50 (In set only)
Salesmanship. Picken, J. H.

A. W. Shaw $22.50 (In set A. W. Shaw Dutton The. Gribble, S. French Ayres, C. E. $3 Bobbs-Merrill Parker, Sir G. $I

Saltacres. Reid, L. $2
Scene that was to write itself,
G. D. $1.25

Science; the false messiah.

Seats of the mighty, The.

Second German reader, A. $1.35

Appleton Zeydel, E. H.


of London, A.

Short history of the Tower
Younghusband, G. J. $1.75 Dial Press
Short outline of comparative psychology,
A. Warden, C. J. $1 W. W. Norton
Singing soldiers. Niles, J. J. $3 Scribner
Social convenience, A. Harwood, H. M. $1.25
S. French
Some fundamental problems of cellular physi-
ology. Osterhout, W. $1
Sonnets of Greece and Italy. Mathews, F.* $5

Dial Press


Soviet versus civilization.

Augur. $1.50


Spanish Farm trilogy, The. $2.50

Mottram, R. H.

Springboard. Wolf, R. L. Spring's banjo. Winslow, H.


A. & C. Boni

[blocks in formation]

Starling. Ward, C. L. $2
Stories to tell. Wilson, S. A.
Story of psychology, The. Jordan, G. T. $1.50

Supplanters, The. Harwood, H. M. $1.25

S. French
Ten greatest sayings of Jesus, The. Massee,
J. C. $1.50
S. S. Bd. of So. Bapt. Convention
Three one-act plays. Harwood, H. M. $1.25
S. French
Tim and Jim. Young, G. L. $2 Badger
Trail of a truth seeker, The. $3 N. E. Tully
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Carew, D. $2

Types of mind and body. Miller, E. $1.
W. W. Norton
Uncle Silas. LeFanu, J. S. 8oc. Oxford
Unknown port, The. Parmenter, C. W. $2

Was Jesus an historical person?

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