Imágenes de páginas

PEREZ, ANTONIO. Vida de Phelipe II. y norte de principes y privados, y advertimientos politicos sobre lo publico y particular de una monarquia fundados en materia de estado, razon y govierno, al Duque de Lerma pribado de el Rey D. Phelipe 3o y carta á un pribado por Antonio Perez, secretario de estado de el Rey D. Phelipe 2o.

4to, 221 leaves of paper, vellum.

MANUSCRIPT clearly and closely written in Spanish.

PLATO. Platonis de republica libri x. ab Antonio Cassarino siculo e græco in latinum conversi.

Folio, 231 leaves, old worm-eaten covers.

MANUSCRIPT upon pure vellum, written in Roman characters, very small, but clear and elegant. The initial letters of the chapters are finely illuminated. A short sketch of the author's life precedes the De Republica. Sac. XVI. [See SILVESTRE, Pl. CLVI.]

PRIERES PENDANT LA MESSE à l'usage de Madame la Premiere. Fait à la plume par son très humble et très obéissant serviteur Phil. Gallonde, Chanoine Reg. de St. Geneviève, 1751.

12mo, dark green levant morocco lined with silk.
Beautiful Ms. on paper, with vignettes and borders.
From the library of M. YEMENIZ, No. 80.

PROVERBES ARABES, texte, et traduction française en regard.
18mo, red morocco lined with blue silk.

MANUSCRIPT on vellum, with text and borders in ordinary ink, tastefully ornamented with gilt. Upon the first leaf is a small miniature representing Mahomet, which bears the signature Vauthier.

From the library of M. YEMENIZ, No. 2015.

RODERICUS SANCIUS DE AREVALO. Incipit compendiosa historia hispanica. In qua agitur de eius situ et descriptione: salubritate ac ubertate: gentisque humanitate: et ad religionis cultum pietate cæterisque eiusdem regionis laudibus. Demum de Gothorum, Vandalorum : et cæterorum ad Hispanias accedentium origine et in Hispania regnantium antiquitate. Necnon de regnorum erectione regumque successione ac claris illorum successibus. Tandem pro ampliore historiæ ornatu inter ipsa hispanica gesta inseruntur brevi Priscorum, Romanorum, Græcorum et aliorum exterorum antiquorum clarissima gesta: dicta et insignia documenta ad cuius vis principantis: potentis seu nobilis ac privati hominis instructionem edita: a Roderico Santii utriusque juris ac

artium professore Episcopo Palentino Hispano sanctissimi domini
nostri domini Pauli Pontificis Maximi in castro suo Sancti Angeli
de urbe Romana prefecto. (In fine:) De mandato R. P. D. Ro-
derici Episcopi Palentini auctoris hujus libri Ego Udalricus Gallus
sine calamo aut pēnis eundem librum impressi.


Folio, 243 leaves, red morocco lined with white silk.

MANUSCRIPT copy of this rare Spanish History, beautifully executed on vel-
Wide margins are left around the text, which is written in small, elegant
Roman letters with few abbreviations, and each chapter is enriched with large
initial capitals, traced in gold upon a blue ground, and ornamented with an ara-
besque of leaves in various colors.

The style of writing and illumination proves the Ms. to be a work of the 16th
century. [See SILVESTRE, Pl. CLVI.]

An interesting note upon the first edition of this work is found in the Bibliotheca

SOLIMAN I. History of Sultan Soliman I., the Magnificent.

Arabic Ms. in the Neskhi character, on paper, white and yellow
leaves intermingled, 123 leaves, 8 by 5 inches.

The first two pages contain an invocation, in verse, addressed to Soliman; the
Ms. ends with a note to the effect that, it was “written the last day of the month
Rejeb, 1096 (A. D. 1685). The Scribe Jûsuf copied it."

TARGUM OF ONKELOS, i. e. Chaldee Paraphrase of the Penta-

Chaldee Ms. on vellum, 275 leaves, 7 by 5 inches; first leaf
containing Genesis 1: 1-25 wanting.

THOMSON, JAMES. Juvenile Poems.

Folio, brown morocco.

Autograph Manuscript of several of Thomson's unpublished poems. The vol.
ume also contains various cuttings, Ms. notes, and two letters concerning the poet,
and this Ms., addressed to the Earl of Buchan, by I. Brown.

TURKISH MANUSCRIPT, containing an account, in verse, of the early
combats of Mohammed and of some of his noted enemies and

Ms. on yellow paper, 221 leaves, 12 by 8 inches, in double col-
umns, 23 lines to the page; written in the Neskhi character
The headings of some of the

and comparatively recent.

chapters are in Arabic.


ANNAN, THOMAS. The Painted Windows of Glasgow Cathedral.
GLASGOW, Annan, 1867.

I vol. folio, 43 photographs, cloth.


Affreschi del Correggio ond'
è celebre una stanza nel' gia' monistero di San Paolo di Parma
disegnati ed incisi dal Cav. Paolo Toschi o sua scuola, fotografati
da Filippo Beghi Parmigiano.

I vol. 8vo, photographs, cloth.

Affreschi del Correggio a Parma nella cattedrale in S. Giovanni
nella S. S. Annunziata, e nella reale Pinacoteca disegnati ed incisi
dal Cav. Paolo Toschi o dalla sua scuola, e riprodotti in fotografia
da Filippo Beghi Parmigiano.

I vol. 8vo, photographs, cloth.

COLLECTION of 58 Photographs from the most celebrated Pictures of
Titian, Rembrandt, Paul Veronese, Michael Angelo, Guido Reni,
Raffaello, Ribera, and others.

I vol. large folio, photographs mounted on tinted paper.
COLLECTION of 500 Photographs from Paintings by the best Euro-
pean Artists, ancient and modern.

5 portfolios.

DELAROCHE, PAUL. Oeuvre de Paul Delaroche reproduit en pho-
tographie par Bingham; accompagné d'une notice sur la vie et les
ouvrages du peintre par Henri Delaborde, et du catalogue raisonné
de l'œuvre par Jules Goddé. PARIS, Goupil et Cie, 1858.

I vol. folio, 27 pages of text and 86 plates.

DULWICH GALLERY. A Series of Fifty Colored Plates from the
most celebrated Pictures in that Collection.

I vol. large folio, plates mounted upon tinted cardboard.

ENGEL, CARL. Deutsche Sitte. Nach Original Gemälden von Carl
Engel. Photographirt von J. Schäfer. FRANKFURT A. MAYN,

H. Keller.

6 photographs in portfolio.


GALERIE DES PLÉNIPOTENTIAIRES au Congrès du Paris. Photogra-
phies par MM. Mayer frères et Pierson; lithographiées par MM.
Arnout, Belliard, etc.; accompagnées de notices historiques et bio-
graphiques, et suivies du Traité de paix. PARIS, E. Bourdin, 1856.
I vol. folio, green morocco case.

GÉRÔME, JEAN-LÉON. Photographs from the most celebrated Pic-
tures of J. L. Gérôme.

I portfolio.

HOTHO, H. G. The Adoration of the Wise Men of the East. Altar-
piece in the Cathedral at Cologne. BERLIN, G. Schauer.

I vol. 4to, I photograph, with explanatory text.

INDIA. A Series of Photographic Views representing the Art, Archi-
tecture, and Scenery of India.

3 portfolios, half morocco.

KAULBACH, W. VON. Photographs from the choicest Paintings of
W. von Kaulbach.

I portfolio.

MACPHERSON, R. Views of Rome, comprising its Churches, Pub-
lic Buildings, and most interesting Antiquities. Photographed by
R. Macpherson.

2 large portfolios.

Macpherson's Vatican Sculptures. ROME, s. a.

126 photographs in vellum covers.


4 portfolios.

PRESTEL, J. G. Reit-, Fahr- & Jagdereignisse aus dem Leben des
Grafen Moritz Sándor. Aufgenommen, gemalt und photographisch
verveilfältigt von Maler J. G. Prestel, welcher den Grafen Sándor
während 12 Jahren begleitet und mit wenigen Ausnahmen
sämmtlichen Accidents beigwohnt.

Collection of photographs in 3 cases.

RAFFAELLO SANZIO DA URBINO. Raphaels Frescomalereien aus dem Mythus von Amor und Psyche in der Farnesina zu Rom. Photographien nach den Original-Zeichnungen von T. Dieck, mit dem Texte von Dr. G. F. Waagen. BERLIN, s. a.

I vol., text in 4to, plates in folio.

SCHEFFER, ARY. Oeuvre d'Ary Scheffer reproduit en photographie par Bingham, accompagné d'une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages du peintre, par L. Vitet. PARIS, Goupil et Cie, 1860.

I vol. folio, 29 pages of text and 60 plates.

SOULIER, CHARLES. Vues en Suisse. Photographiées d'après nature par C. Soulier. PARIS, publiées à la photog. Antonin.

2 vols. obl. folio, green morocco gilt lined with moire antique. Collection of So beautiful photographs mounted upon India paper, representing the principal cities, castles, lakes, mountains, and waterfalls in Switzerland. SPAIN. Views of the Cathedrals and other Architectural Antiquities of Spain. With descriptive Text in English, French, and Russian. I vol. large folio, 27 views beautifully executed in water colors. STACKELBERG, ERNEST. Le Caucase pittoresque dessiné d'après nature par le prince Grégoire Gagarine, avec une introduction et un texte explicatif par le comte Ernest Stackelberg. PARIS, impr. par Plon frères, 1847.

I vol. folio, 76 lithographs upon India paper.

SWITZERLAND. Photographic Views of Mountain Scenery in Switzerland.

3 portfolios.

ZICHY. Scènes du Caucase, composées et dessinées sur pierre par Zichy. Impr. lith. de A. Munster.

12 lithographs in portfolio.

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