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the realm, began to affume a right over the colonies, paffing an act for inhibiting their trade with foreign nations. This fucceffion to the exercise of kingly au thority gave the first color for parliamentary interference with the colonies, and produced that fatal precedent which they continued to follow after they had retired, in other refpects, within their proper func tions. When this colony, therefore, which still maintained its oppofition to Cromwell and the parliament, was induced in 1651 to lay down their arms, they previoufly fecured their most effential rights, by a folemn convention, which having never been seen in print, Į will here infert literally from the records.

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ARTICLES agreed on & concluded at James Gittie in Virginia for the furrendering and fettling of that plantation under the obedience & government of the Comon wealth of England by the Commis fioners of the Councill of ftate by authoritie of the parliamt. of England & by the grand affembly of the Governour, Councill & Burgeffes of that countrey.

First it is agreed and contested that the plantation of Virginia, and all the inhabitants thereof fhall be and remain in due obedience and fubjection to the Comon wealth of England according to the laws there established, and that this fubmiffion and fubfcription bee acknowledged a voluntary act not forced nor conftrained by a conqueft upon the country, and that they fhall have and enjoy fuch freedoms and • priviledges as belong to the free borne people of • England,

• England, and that the former government by the Commiffions and Inftructions be void and null.

2ly, Secondly that the Grand affembly as form • erly shall convene and tranfact the affairs of Virgin ia wherein nothing is to be acted of done contrarie ⚫ to the government of the Comon wealth of Eng • land & the laws there eftablished.

3ly, That there shall be a full and total remission ♦ and indempnitie of all acts, words, or writeings done ♦ or spoken against the parliament of England in rela tion to the fame.

4ly, That Virginia fhall have and enjoy the an tient bounds and Lymitts granted by the charters • of former kings, and that we shall seek a new charter from the parliament to that purpose against any 4 that have intrencht upon the rights thereof,

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sly, That all the patents of land granted under the collony feal by any of the precedent governours fhall be and remain in their full force & ftrength.

6ly, That the priviledge of having ffiftie acres of land for every person transported in that collonie fhall continue as formerly granted,

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7ly, That the people of Virginia have free trade as the people of England do enjoy to all places and with all nations according to the lawes of that Comon wealth, and that Virginia fhall enjoy all privi ledges equal with any English plantations in Ameri


18ly, That Virginia fhall be free from all taxes, ⚫ customs

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cuftoms & impofitions whatfover, & none to be im pofed on them without confent of the Grand affen <bly, and foe that neither fortes nor castles bee erec、 ted or garrifons maintained without their confent.

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gly, That noe charge fhall be required from this countrey in refpect of this prefent ffleet.

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Ioly, That for the future fettlement of the coun trey in their due obedience, the Engagement fhall be tendered to all the inhabitants according to act of parliament made to that purpose, that all perfons • who shall refuse to subscribe the faid engagement, fhall have a yeare's time if they pleafe to remove themselves & their estates out of Virginia, and in the mean time during the faid yeare to have equal juftice as formerly.

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Ily, That the use of the booke of common prayer fhall be permitted for one yeare enfuinge with reference to the confent of the major part of the parifhes, provided that thofe which relate to kingshipp or that government be not used publiquely, and the continuance of minifters in their places, they not misdemeaning themfelves, and the payment of their accustomed dues and agreements made with them refpectively fhall be left as they now ftand during this enfuing yeare.

r2ly, That no man's cattell fhall be questioned as the companies unless fuch as have been entrusted with them or have difpofed of them without order.

13ly,That all ammunition, powder & armes, • other

other than for private ufe, fhall be delivered up, fe curitie being given to make fatisfaction for it.

14ly, That all goods already brought hither by the Dutch or others which are now on fhoar fhall be free from furprizall.

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1gly, That the quittrents granted unto us by the late kinge for seven yeares be confirmed.

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16ly, That the commiffioners for the parliament fubfcribeing these articles engage themselves & the ⚫ honour of parliament for the full performance theres of and that the prefent governour & the councill & the burgeffes do likewife fubfcribe and engage ⚫ the whole collony on their parts.

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Theife articles were figned & fealed by the Com miffioners of the Councill of ftate for the Comon wealth of England the 12th day of March 1651.'

Then the following articles ftipulated by the gover nor and council, which relate merely to their own perfons and property, and then the enfuing inftru


An act of indempnitie made att the furrender of ૐ the countrey..

Whereas by the authoritie of the parliament wee the commiffioners appointed by the councill of ftate authorized thereto having brought a fileet & force • before

before James cittie in Virginia to reduce that collo ⚫ nie under the obedience of the Comon wealth of Eng land, and findeing force raised by the Governour & countrey to make opposition against the said fleet 'whereby affured danger appearinge of the ruin & deftruction of the plantation, for prefervation whereof


the Burgeffes of all the feveral plantations being ♦called to advise and affift therein, uppon long & serious debate, and in fad contemplation of the great miferies and certaine deftruction which were foe neerely hovering over the whole countrey; wee the ⚫ faid commiffioners have thought fitt & and conde'fcended and granted to figne and confirme under our hands, feales & by our oath, Articles bearinge date with theife prefents, and do further declare that "by the authoritie of the parliament and Comon wealth of England derived unto us their commiffioners, that according to the articles in generall wee have granted an act of indemptnitie and oblivion to all the inhabitants of this colloney from all words, actions, or wri*tings that have been spoken acted or writt against


the parliament or Comon wealth of England or any * other person from the beginning of the world to this daye. And this wee have done that all the inhab itants of the collonie may live quietly & fecurely under the Comon wealth of England. And wee do promife that the parliament and comon wealth of England fhall confirm & make good all thofe tranf⚫ actions of ours. Witnefs our hands & feales this


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