Imágenes de páginas

nose, softening in his slumbers the wrinkles of Inclement weather and frosty blasts deface it, and the anger which commonly mounted to The blithesome year, trees of their shrivell'd that part; but now his nostrils were widened to

fruits the last degree of fury.

Dryden, Are widow'd, dreary storms o'er all prevail. 70 Wi'den. V. n. To grow wide; to

Philips. extend itself.

Wi'power. n. s. [from widow.) One It is in this that the species of brutes are dis- who has lost his wife. criminated from man, and that proper

difference The king, sealing up all thoughts of love unwherein they are wholly separated, and which der the image of her memory, remained a wiat last widens to so vast a distance. Locke. dower many years after.

Sidney. With her the temple ev'ry moment grew, The main cousenes are had, and here we'll stay Upward the columns shoot, the roofs ascend, To see our widower's second marriage day. And arches widen, and long aisles extend. Pope.

Sbakspeare. Wi'deness. n. s. [from wide.]

They that marry, as they that shall get no J. Breadth; large extent each way.

children; and they that marry not, as the widouers.

2 Esdras. The rugged hair began to fall away; The sweetness of her eyes did only stay,

Wi'dowHOOD. n. s. [from widow.] Though not so large; her crooked horns den 1. The state of a widow. crease;

Cecropia, having in her widowhood taken this The wideness of her jaws and nostrils cease. young Artesia into her charge, had taught her

Dryden. to think that there is no wisdom but in include 2. Comparative breadth.

ing both heaven and earth in one's self. Sidney. Within the same annual time, the center of Neween my right with strength adown to tread, the earth is carried above fifty times as far round

Through weakness of my widowbood or woe, the orbis magnus, whose wideness we now as

For truth is strong.

Spenser. sume to be twenty thousand terrestrial diame- She employed her last widowhood to works no ters.

less bountiful than charitable.

Carew, WI'DGEON. n.6. A waterfowl, not un.

It is of greater merit wholly to abstain from like a wild duck, but not so large.

things desirable, than after fruition to be conAmong the first sort we reckon creysers, cur

tent to leave them; as they who magnity single lews, and widgeon.

life prefer virginity much before widoohood. Carew.

Wotton. WIDOW. n.s. (pidpa, Saxon; weduwe, Cherish thy hasten'd zeidowhood with the gold

Dutch; weddw, Welsh ; vidua, Latin.] Of matrimonial treason: so farewel. Milton. A woman whose husband is dead. 2. Estate settled on a widow. Not in use. To take the widow,

For that dowry, I'll assure her of Exasperates, makes mad her sister Goneril. Her widowhood, be it that she survives me, Shekspeare. In all my lands.

Sbakspeare. Catherine no more

WI'DOWHUNTER, n. s. [widow and bunt. Shall be call'd queen; but princess dowager, And widow to prince Arthur.

er.] One who courts widows for a

Our fatherless distress was left unmoan'd,

jointure. Your widow-dolours likewise be uniwept,

The widowhunters about town often afford Sbakspeare. them great diversion.

Addison And will she yet debase her eyes on me,

WI'DOWMAKER. n. s. (widow and ma. That cropt the golden prime of this sweet prince, ker.] One who deprives women of And made her widow to a woeful bed? Sbaksp. their husbands. And you, fair widoti', who stay here alive,

It grieves my soul Since he so much rejoices, cease to grieve; That I must draw this metal from


side Your joys and pains were wont che same to be, To be a widowmaker.

Sbakspeare. Begin not now, blest pair! to disagree, Cowley. Widow-WAIL. n. s. [widow and wail.] The barren they more miserable make,

A plant.

Miller. And from the widow, all her comfort take.


WIDTH. n. s. [from wide.] Breadth; He warns the widow, and her household gods,

wideness. A low word. To seek a refuge in remote abodes, Dryden. For the width of the mortess gage this side,

Who has the paternal power whilst the widow then for the tenant gage on that end of the queen is with child?

Locks. quarter you intend the tenant shall be made. To Widow. v.a. (from widow.]

Moxon. 1. To deprive of a husband.

Let thy vines in intervals be set;
In this city he

Indulge their widtb, and add a roomy space, Hath widow'd and unchilded many 1 one,

That their extremest lines inay scarce embrace. Which to this hour bewail the injury. Sheksp. To WIELD. v. a. [pealdan, Saxon, to

Dryden, You are beguild, Both you and I, for Romeo is exild:

manage in the hand.] He made you for a highway to my bed ; 1. To use with full coinmand, as a thing But I, a maid, die maiden widowed. Sbaksp. not too heavy for the holder,

Thy little care to mend my widow'd nights, His looks are full of peaceful majesty, Has forc'd me to recourse of marriage rites, His head by nature fraind to wear a crovni, To fill an empty side.


His hand to wield a scepter, and himself 2. To endow with a widow-right.

Likely in time to bless a regal throne. Skalsp. For his possessions,

Mongst forests, hills, and floods, was ne'er Although by confiscation they are ours,

such beave and shove, We do instate and widow you withal,

Since Albion wielded arms against the son of To buy you a better husband, Sbakspeare.


Drayton 3. To strip of any thing good.

There is that hand bolden'd ro blood and war, The roidow'd isle in mourning

That must the sword in wond'rous activis widd. Dries up her tears, Dryden,

Daniel. VOL. IV.


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They are in the dark before they are aware, Triumphing tories and desponding whigs and then they make a noise cnly with terms; l'orget their feuds, and join to save their cios. which, like too heavy weapons that they cannot

Sawift. wield, carry their strokes beyond their aim.

2. A sort of cake.

Ainsworib. Digby. WIGHT. n. s. (pihr, Saxon.) A person; The least of whom could aricld These elements, and arm him with the force

a being. Now used only in irony or Of all their regions.


contempt. Part wield their arms, part curb the foaming

Beshrew the witch! with venomous wigbt she steed.


stays, If Rome's great senate could not wield that

Tedious as hell; but flies the grasps of love, sword,

With wings more momentary swift than thought. Which of the conquer'd world had made them

Soaksoara. lord;

This world below did need one wigbt, What hope had ours, while yet their pow'r'was

Which might thereof distinguish ev'ry part.

'Doins. new, To rule victorious armies, but by you? Waller.

This meanér wigbts, of trust and credit bare, He worthiest, after him, his sword to wield, Not so respected, could not look t'effect.

Daniel. Or wear his armour, or sustain his shield.

A right he was, whose very sight would


Entitle him mirror of knighthood. 2. To handle: in an ironical sense. Base Hungarian wight, wilt thou the spigot

The water fies all taste of living eight. Maile. wield?


How could'st thou suffer thy devoted knighi, Wie'LDY, adj. (from wield.] Manage

On thy own day, to fall by foe oppressid,

The night of all the world who lov'd thee best? able.

Drydes. WI'ERY. adj. [from wire.)

His station he yielded up to a wight as dis1. Made of wire: it were better written

agreeable as himself.

Alise, wiry.

In fame's full bloom lies Florio down at night, Your gown going off, such heauteous state

And wakes next day a most inglorious richt; reveals,

The tulip's dead. As when through flow'ry meads th’hill's shadow Wight. adj. Swift; nimble. Out of

Off with that wiery coronet, and shew

He was so wimble and so svigbt,
The hairy diadem which on your head doth From bough to bongh he leaped light,
Donne. And oft the pumies latched.

Spenuer 2. Drawn into wire.

Wight, an initial in the names of inen, Polymnia shall be drawn with her hair hang- signifies strong; nimble; lusty; being ing loose about her shoulders, resembling zviery

purely Saxon.

Gibson. gold.

Peecham. WIGHTLY. adv. [from wigbr.) Swiftly; 3. [from pæn, a pool.] Wet; wearish; moist. Obsolete.

nimbly. Obsolete.

Her was her, while it was day-light,
Where but by chance a silver drop hath fall'n,

But now her is a most wretched wight;
Ev'n to that drop ten thousand svirry friends For day that was is wightly past,
Do glew themselves in sociable griet. Sbuksp.

And now at last the night doth hast. Speeset. Wife. n. 3. plural wives. (pif, Sax. wif, WILD. adj. [pıld, Saxon ; wild, Dutch.] Dutch.)

1. Not tame; not domestick. 1. A woman that has a husband.

For I am he, and born to tame you, Kate, There's no bottom, none,

And bring you from a wild cat to a kate, In my voluptuousness: your wives, your daugh- Conformable as other household kates. Sbaita ters,

Winter's not gone yet, if the wild geese fly Your matrons, and your maids could not fill up

Sbut.pestes The cistern of my


All beasts of the earth since trild. The kings of Spain have been used to say, 2. Propagated by nature; not cultivated. that they loved the East Indies for their mis- Whatsoever will make a wild tree a garder tress only, in whose favours they could patiently

tree, will make a garden tree to have less core enough endure a rival; but esteemed America

Bars as their wife, in whose love they could not

Goose grass or wild tansy is a weed tha: brook a competitor without foul dishonour.

strong clays are very subject to. Mertise.

Heykin. The wild bee breeds in the stocks of old wil The wife, where danger or dishonour lurks,

lows, in which they first bore a canal, and fur• Safest and seemliest by her husband stays. Milt. nish' afterwards with hangings, made of rose The wife her husband murders, he the wife. leaves: and, to finish their work, divide the

Dryden. whole into several rooms or nests. Green Fond of his friend, and civil to his wife. Pope.

3. Desert; uninhabited. 2. It is used for a woman of low employ- The wild beast where he wons in forest wild

Milter ment.

Strawberry wives lay two or three great straw. 4. Savage ; uncivilized : used of persons, berries at the mouth of their pot, and all the or practices. rest are little ones.


Affairs that walk, W16. n. s. Wig, being a termination in As they say spirits do, at midnight, have the names of men, signifies war, or else In them a guilder nature than the business


That seeks dispatch by day.
a hero; from pig, a word of that signi.


Though the inundation destroyed man and WIG. 2. S. [contracted from periwig.)

beast generally, yet some few wild inhabitants of the woods escaped.

Bacan. 2. False hair worn on the head.

When whey might not converte wise aeg civil

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that way

or stone,

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WIL men without peril of their lives, whither should Wild Basil. n. s. [acinus, Lat.) A plant, they fly but into the woods and mountains, and

Miller there live in a wild and barbarous manner. WILD Cucumber. n. s. [elaterium, Lat.)

May those already curst Essexian plains,

A plant.

The branches are somewhat like those of the Where hasty death and pining sickness reigns, Prove as a desart, and none there make stay

cucumber, but have no tendrils; the fruit is But savage beasts, or men as wild as they. prickly, and when ripe bursts with great elasti

Valler. city, and abounds with fetid juice. Miller. s. Turbulent; tempestuous; irregular.

Wild Olive. n. s. [eleagnus, Latin; from His passions and his virtues lie confus'd, &#2356, oliva, and ayvos, vitex.] This And mixt together in so wild a tumult,

plant hath leaves like those of the chaste That the whole man is quite disfigur'd in him. tree, and a fruit like an olive. Miller.


To WILDER. J. a. [from wild.] To 6. Licentious; ungoverned.

lose or puzzle in an unknown or pathThe barbarous dissonance

less tract. Of that wild rout that tore che Thracian bard.


The little courtiers, who ne'er come to know Valour grown wild by pride, and pow'r by

The depth of factions, as i mazes go,

Where interests meet, and cross so oft, that they rage, Did the true charms of majesty impair:

With too much care are wilder'd in the way. Rome by degrees advancing more in age,

Dryden. Shew'd sad remains of what had once been fair.

O thou! who free'st me from my doubtful Prior.


Long lost and wilder'd in the maze of fate, 7. Inconstant; mutable; fickle. In the ruling passion, there alone,

Be present still

Pope. The wild are constant, and the cunning known.

WILDERNESS. n. s. [from wild.]

1. A desert; a tract of solitude and sa8. Inordinate ; loose.

vageness. Other bars he lays before me,

He travell’d through wide wasteful ground, My riots past, my wild societies. Sbakspeare. That nought but desart wilderness shew'd all Besides, thou art a beau; what's that my child?


Spenser, A fop well drest, extravagant, and wild:

When as the land she saw no more appear, She that cries herbs has less impertinence,

But a wild wilderness of waters deep,
Aud in her calling more of common sense. Then 'gan she greatly to lament and weep.

Spenser. 9. Uncouth ; strange.

O my poor kingdom, sick with civil blows! What are these,

When that my care could not withhold thy riots, So wither'd, and so wild in their attire,

What wilt thou do when riot is thy care? That look not like th' inhabitants o'th' earth,

O, thou wilt be a wilderness again, And yet are on't?


Peopled with wolves, thy old inhabitants ! 10. Done or made without any consistent


But who can always on the billows lie?' order or plan.

The war'ry cvillerness yields no supply. Waller. With mountains as with weapons arm’d, they All those animals have been oblized to change make

their woods and wildernesses for lodgings in ciWild work is heav'n.


Arbuthnot and Popes The sea was very necessary to the ends of

2. The state of being wild or disorderly. providence, and would have been a very wild world had it been without. Woodward,

Not in use.

The paths and bow'rs doubt not but our joint 11. Merely imaginary.

hands As universal as these appear to be, an effec

Will keep from wilderness with ease. Milton. tual remedy inight be applied : I am not at pre

WI'LDFIRE. 1. s. (vild and fire.). A sent upon a wild speculative project, but such a

one as may be easily put in execution. Swift. co:n position of inflammable materials, WILD. n. s. [from the adjective.] A

easy to take fire, and hard to be extina

guished. desert; a tract uncultivated and unin

When thou rann'st up Gadshill in the night habited.

to catch ny horse, I did think thou hadst been Whereas the scorching sky

an ignis fatuus, or a ball of wildfire. Sbakspo Doth singe the sandy wilds of spiceful Barbary.

Though brimstone, pitch, wildfire, burn easily,

and are hard to quench, yet they make no such
We sometimes,
fiery wind as gunpowder.

Who dwell this wild, constrain'd by want come

Yet shall it in his boiling stomach turn forth

To bitter poison, and like wildfire burn; To town or village nigh.


He shall cast up the wealth by him devour'd.
This gentle knight

Forsook his easy couch at early day,,

No matter in the world so proper to write And to the woods and wilds pursued his way.

with as wildfire, as no characters can be more

Dryden. legible than those which are read by their own Then Lybia first, of all her moisture drain'd


Addison. Became a barren waste, a wild of sand. Addison.

In Rames, like Semele's, be brought to bed, Is there a nation in the wilds of Afric,

While opening hell spouts wildfire at your head. Amidst the barren rocks and burning sands,

Popl.' That does not tremble at the Roman name?

WILDGOOSECHA'SE. n. s. A pursuit of

Addison. You rais'd these hallow'd walls; the desart sonething as unlikely to be caught as smild,

the wild goose. And paradise was open'd in the wild,


If our wits run the wildgoosechace, I have

3 I 2


A plant.

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done; for thou hast more of the wildgoose in 6. Deviation from a settled course ; isteone of thy wits, than I have in my whole five.

gularity: Sbakspeare:

A delirium is but a short pildness of the imz- Let a man consider the time, money, and

gination; a settled irregularity of fancy is disvexation, that this wildgoosecbace has cost him,

traction and madness.

Watts. and then say, what have I gotten to answer all

7. Alienation of mind. this expence,

L'Estrange. but giddy frolick?

Ophelia, I wish Wi'LDING. n. s. [wildieinghe, Dutch.) That your good beauties be the happy cause A wild sour apple.

Of Hamlet's wildness; so shall I hope your vir. Ten ruddy wildings in the wood I found, And stood on tip-toes, reaching from the ground. May bring him to his wonted way again. Dryder.

Sbakspearr. The red streak, of all cyder fruit, hath ob- Wildse'rvice. 1. s. [cratagus, Latin.) tained the preference, being but a kind of wilt

Miller ing, never pleasing to the palate. Mortimer.

Wile. 1. so (rile, Sax, wiel, Islandick.] The wilding's fibres are contriv'd To draw th' earth's purcst spirit, and resist

A deceit; a fiaud; a trick; a strataIts feculence.

Pbilips. gem; a practice artful, sly, and insi. Wi'ldly. adv. (from wild.]

dinus. 1. Without cultivation.

Their leader by his wiles had much obtain's, That which grows wildly of itself, is worth

And done much mischief on the English state.


is More. nothing. 2. Without tameness; with ferity.

My sentence is for open war; of wiles

More unexpert, I boast not; then let those 3. With disorder ; with perturbation or Cortrive who need. . distraction

Life essay'd the surest vile, Put your discourse into some frame, and start Gilding itself with Laura's smile. Pascess not so wildly from my affair,


So Sforza, curs'd with a too fertile brain, Mirs. Page, at the door, sweating, blowing, Lost by his wiles the pow'r his wit did gain. and looking wildly, would needs speak with you.

Dress Sbakspeare.

The heart of man is full of wiles, artifices, Young mothers wildly stare with fear opprest, and deceit, there is no guessing at what te is And strain their helpless infants to their breast. from his speeches.

Dryden. Wisdom's above suspecting wiles, His fever being come to a height, he grew The queen of learning gravely smiles. Ssxift delirious, and talked very wildiy.

Female Quixote.

WI'LFUL. adj. [will and ful.) 4. Without attention ; without judgment;

1. Stubborn; contumacious ; perverse; heedlessly.



The wilful never want woe.
As th' unthought accident is guilty
Of what we wildly do, so we profess

2. Done or suffered by design. Ourselves to be the slaves of chance, and fies

Sthenobæa herself did choak Of every wind that blows. Shakspeare.

With wilful cord, for wanting of her will. 3. Capriciously; irrationally.


Thou to me Who is there so wildly sceptical as to question whether the sun shall rise in the east ? Wilkins.

. Art all things under heav'n, all places thoug

Who for my wilful crime art banish'd hence. 6. Irregularly. She, wildly wanton, wears by night away

The silent stranger stood amaz'd to see The sign of all our labours done by day. Dryd.

Contempt of pealth, and wilful poverty. Drge WILDNESS. n. s. (from wild.]

By chance he ancient amities forgot, 1. Rudeness ; disorder like that of uncul. Or else expung'd them with one wilf blot: tivated ground

Nor knew he God nor man, nor faith, ne

friends, The heath, which was the third part of our


But for by-purposes and worldly ends.
plot, I wish to be framed, as much as may be,
to a natural wildness.

Bacon. Wi’LFULLY. adv. (from wilful.]
Vainly thou tell'st me what the woman's care 1. Obstinately; stubbornly.
Shall in the wildness of the wood prepare. Prior.

· The mother, who being determinately, least 2. Inordinate vivacity; irregularity of I should say of a great lady wilfully, bent to

marry her to Demagoras, tried all ways which manners. This same starved justice hath done nothing

a witty and hard-hearted mother could devise. but prated to me of the wildness of his youth,

Evil could she conceal her fire, and erzijy and the feats he hath done about Turnbal


persevered she in it.
street; and every third word a lie. Sbakspeare.
He is giv'n

Religion is matter of cur freest choice; and
To sports, to wildness, and much company.

if men will obstinately and wilfully set there Sbakspear:

sclves against it, there is no rennedy. Tikista

2. By design; on purpose. 3. Savageness; brutality.

That will carry us, if we do not milfully be He came in like a wild man, but such a wildness as shewed his eye-sight had tamed him; full tray our succours, through all difficulties

Hazard of withered leaves, which, though they fell not, still threatened falling.


If you do not wilfully pass over any of yos 4. Ferity; the state of an animal un.

greater offences, but confess particularly, and

repent seriously, of them, God will more easily tamed: contrary to tameness.

pass by your lesser infirmities. Bisbep Tazkat, 5. Uncultivated state.

This let him know;
Their wildness lose, and quitting nature's part, Lesly wilfully offending, he pretend
Obey the rules and discipline of art. Dryden. Surprisal.

their age.


WI'LFULNESS. n. s. (froin wilful.] Ob. I make bold to press upon you with so little stinacy; stubbornness; perverseness.

preparation. So full of wilfulness and self-hiking is our na

You're welcome; what 's your will? ture, that without some definitive sentence,

Sbakspecte. which, being given, inay stand, small hope there

He hath a will, he hath a power to perform.

Drummond, is that strites will end.

Thy causeless ruth repress;

He said, and with so good a will to die
He that his sorrow sought through wilfulness,

Did to his breast the fatal point apply, And his foe fetter'd would release again,

It found his heart.

Dryden. Deserves to taste bis foll; 's fruit. Spenser.

6. Power; government. Never hydra-headed wilfulness

Deliver me not over unto the will of mine So soon did lose his seat, and all at once,


Psalms. As in this king.


He had his will of his maid before he could Sins of presumption are such as proceed from

go; he had the mastery of his parents ever since pride, arrogancy, wilfulness, and haughtiness of he could pratile; and why, now he is grown up. man's heart. Perkins. must he be restrained ?

Locke, A stiff and stubborn obstinacy is not so much 7. Divine determination. firmness and resolution, as wilfulness. L'Estran. I would give a thousand furlongs of sea for an

That is not hastily to be inte: preted obstinacy. acre of barren ground. The wills above be, or wiifulness, which is the natural product of done; but I would tain die a dry death. Sbaksp.

Locke. 8. Testament; disposition of a dying Wi'LILY. adv. [from wily.) By strata- man's effects. gem; fraudulently.

Another branch of their revenue still They did work wilily, and went and made as Remains, beyond their boundless right to kill, if they h..d been ambassadors.

Yoshua. Their father yet alive, impower'd to make a WI’LINESS. n. s. [from wily.] Cunning;


Dryden. guile.

Do men make their last willo by word of The ungodly, for his own lust, doth perse

mouth only?

Stepbens, cute the poor ; let them be taken in the crafty 9. Good will

. Favour; kindness. wiliness that they have imagined. Psalms. l'n to the doctor, he hath my good-will,

She supplied the weakness of force by wilio And none but he to marry with Nan Page : ness of art, and advantage of treaty: Howel.

Sbak peare. WILL, 1. s. (pılla, Saxon ; wille, Dut.) 10. Good-will. Right intention. 3. That power by which we desire and

Some preach Christ of envy, and some of purpose ; velleity.


Pbilippians. What freedom the will naturally, under this

11. ILL.will. Malice; malignity. corrupt state, hath, I do not consider. Hammond. Will with a wisp. n. s. Jack with a lanThe will cannot be constrained. Perkins.

tern. Two principal fountains there are of human Will with the wisp is of a round figure, in actions, knowledge and will; which will, in bigness like the flame of a candle; but somethings tending towards any end, is termed choice. times broader, and like a bundle of ewigs set on

Hooker. fire. It sometimes gives a brighter light than 2. Chòice; arbitrary determination. that of a wax-candle; at other times more ob

Will is the power which the mind has to or- scure, and of a purple colour. When viewed der the consideration of any idea, or the forbear

near at hand, it shines less than at a distance. ing to consider it, or to prefer the motion of

They wander about in the air, not far from any part of the body to its rest, and vice versa.

the surface of the earth; and are more frequent

Locke. in places that are unctuous, mouldy, marshy, Is it her nature, or is it her will,

and abounding with reeds. They haunt buryTo be so cruel to an humble toe?

ing-places, places of execution, and dunghills. If nature, then she may it mend with skill; They commonly appear in summer and at the If will, then she at will may will forego. Spens.

beginning of autumn, and are generally at the These things have a shew of wisdom in will,

height of about six feet from the ground. Now worship and humility.

Colossians, they dilate themselves, and now contract ; now 'Will holds the scepter in the soul,

they go on like waves, and rain as it were sparks And on the passions of the heart doth reign. of fire, but they burn nothing. They follow

Davies. those that run away, and fiy from those that The truth is, such a man understands by his

follow them. Some that have been catched were will, and believes a thing true or false, merely

observed to consist of a shining, viscous, and as it agrees or disagrees with a violent inclina- latinous matrer, like the spawn of frogs, not liot tion; and therefore, whilst that inclination lasts or burning, but only shining; so that the maiter in its strength, he discovers nothing of the dif- seems to be phosphorus, prepared and raised fercat degrees of evidence. Atterbury.

from putrified plants, or carcasses by the heat of 3. Discretion ; choice.

the sun; which is condensed by the cold of the Religion was observed in the beginning of the

evening, and then shines. Muschenbroek. world, before there were civil laws amongst

Willea-wisp misleads night-faring clowns them; I mean any other than the meer vills of

O'er hills and sinking vogs.

Gay. their princes and governors.


TO WILL. v.a. [wiigan, Gothick; piiGo, then, the guilty at thy will chastise. lan, Saxon; willin, Dutch.)

Pope. 1. To desire that any thing should be, or 4. Command, direction.

be done; or not be, or not be done, At his first sight the mountains are shaken, To will, is to bend our souls to the having or and at his will the south wind bloweth. Ecclus.

doing of that woich ir-y see to be good. Hooket Our prayers should be according to the will Let Richard be ress red to his blood, of God; they should have nothing in them but As will the rest; so u:'letb Winchester. what is wise, and holy, and heavenly. Lau.

Sbakspeare s. Disposition; inclination ; desire.

I speak not of God's determining his own

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