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ductor. There must be a harmonious vibration. No sound can be heard in a space from which the air has been exhausted. There being no vibration, there can be no sound. It is well known that the tones produced by a musical instrument do not die within the instrument, but can be heard at distances according to the pitch and power, and the condition of the air through which they vibrate.

Thoughts are motions existing in the mind, just as motion exists in the waves of the ocean, one acting on the other.

A thought, once taken root in the soul, will grow, unless it is expelled by force, until it will become expressed in an act, when obtaining a life of its own by that act, it will leave its place to a successor. Those elementary forces of nature are everywhere, and always ready to enter the soul if its doors are not defended. To call up a wicked spirit we need not go in search of him, we need only to allow him to come. To call up a devil means to give way to an evil thought, to vanquish him, means to resist fully a temptation to evil.

There are some thoughts that take hold on the filth of hell, which stir up to the degradation and damnation of the thinker; there are other thoughts which elevate the soul and exalt the thinker. In neither case does the thinker go outside of himself in his thought. Every thought which debases you, i. e., sinks you in your own inner consciousness, that which you wish to hide in some dark corner of yourself, away from the eye of even yourself, debases God.

Every movement we make, whether of importance or the reverse, must be in answer to a thought. As certainly as a seed with its living germ has in it a conatus or tendency to unfold into the perfected plant, so surely does an idea in the mind tend to translate itself into a bodily expression.

Ideas have been defined by Hermes Trismegistus as: "The forms of the Invisible." Ideas which have matured in the imagination of Nature, throw their reflection upon the mind of men and, according to the capacities of the latter to receive ideas, they may come to their consciousness, clear or disturbed, plain or shadowy, like images of pictures reflected in living mirrors, that may be clear or rendered dim by the accumulation of dust. Ideas are simply, the forms of the invisible; therefore types, patterns, and formative causes of things called ideas.

The thoughts of man are disorderly, they flow into his mind without being asked to come, they remain when they are not wanted and disappear, although we may invite them to stay. There are few persons who are not subject to evil thoughts; such thoughts are the reflex of the lurid light from the region of evil, but they cannot take form unless we give them form by dwelling on them and feeding them with the substance taken from our own mind. An evil thought evolved unconsciously, is an illusion without life, an evil thought brought into existence with malice, becomes malicious and living. If it is embodied in an act, a new devil will be born into the world.

Deeds committed with a great concentration of thought, call living pictures in the Astral Light into existence, that may cause impressible persons to commit similar acts.

If an evil thought enters the soul and we do not immediately reject it, we harbour a devil in our heart, whose claim we take into consideration, we give him a promise and induce him to remain, and like an unwelcome creditor, he will continually argue his claims until they are fulfilled.


person who has evil thoughts of men, who has vulgar desires and tastes, becomes the servant of them; but he who has no ignoble desires, and always looks for and finds the good in mankind, dropping evil, is his own


Unwelcome, provoking, and noxious thoughts usually make a merely superficial impression, and he who can command his thoughts may become oblivious to such, at once. Purely exalted thoughts and sublimely spiritual ideas penetrate into the mind of man. All thoughts once evolved, linger more or less in the Astral Light.

Thought and existence are identical. I exist because I think, and I think because I exist. As thou thinkest, so thou art. "Be ye transformed," says Paul, "by a renewing of your mind." From this established principle it surely follows that a change of thought changes and modifies our very existence. Ideas grow in the mind as vegetation grows in the earth; when an idea is matured in the mind it enters into the soul, and becomes an integral part of the thinker, and he is changed thereby. That which leads us upward towards the good is expansive; hence, creative of power; but that which is debasing leads downward, and is contraction, hence destructive of power.

Thought is the creative power in the universe. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." God is absolute Wisdom, co-existent with Power. The "Word" is thought expressed. Thought unexpressed is resting in its source, the Eternal Mind, being expressed through the Power of the Will, it becomes materialized into an act. Things are materialized thoughts, or states of mind that have been rendered objective. The more deeply we are grounded in the celestial degree of life, the more powerfully will our minds and thoughts affect others. A perfect celibate or chaste life enables a person to create thought forms and send them out by his will, to persons near or far, so as to bring about desired results in controlling mental faculties, or even physical conditions; thus, a person conserving all the energies generated by the sexual functions, in his own body, will soon be able to know, from his intuitions, how to heal diseased conditions in his fellows.

If we steadily concentrate our thought upon a person or a place, the highest thought energies, residing in the fifth principle of man, will act ually visit that place, because thought is not bound by the laws of gross matter regarding time and space, and we are able to think of a far-off place as quickly as of one that is near. Our thoughts go to the desired locality if we have been there before, or if there is something to attract us, it will not be difficult to find it. But under ordinary circumstances, our consciousness remains with the body. We may realize our presences at the place which we visit, but on returning to our normal state we cannot remember it, because the semi-material principles of our soul, in which resides memory, have not been there to collect impressions and transfer them to the physical brain.

If you can hold on to a thought and isolate it from others, you call into existence a form. If you can impart to that form your consciousness, you may make it conscious; if you can invest it with the element of matter you make it visible and tangible; but few persons are able to hold on to one single thought even for five minutes of time, because their minds are wavering and flickering; few can transfer their consciousness, because they cannot voluntarily forget their own selves; few can control the ele

ments of earth, because it is their master, and they are attracted to it. A thought which finds no expression in an act, will have no direct result on the physical plane, but it may cause great emotions in the sphere of mind, and these again may react on the physical plane. The best intention will produce no visible effect unless it is put into execution; but intentions produce mental states, that may be productive of good actions at some time in the future.

To obtain magic power the first requirement is to learn how to control thought, to command our own moods of mind, and to allow only such ideas to enter the mind as we voluntarily choose to admit. Can you command a thought, and hold on to it for five minutes? Without this first requirement no further progress in practical occultism will ever be made. Some one on being asked how he supposed Jesus looked, replied: "As he thought and felt." That was a comprehensive answer. It has its application to all men, and expresses a profound law of human nature.

It is important to bear in mind that as thought is the principle, and as everything which exists in nature, as an objective reality, must pre-exist as an idea, so whatever is conceivable in thought, is possible. All necessity is to us in fact subjective; for a thing is conceived impossible only as we are unable to construe it in thought. Whatever does not violate the laws of thought is, therefore, not to us impossible, however firmly we may be convinced that it will not occur. For example, we hold it absolutely impossible that a thing can begin without a cause. Why? Simply because the mind cannot realize to itself the conception of absolute commencement. That a stone should ascend into the air, we firmly believe will never happen, but we find no difficulty in conceiving it possible. This law, that whatever is conceiveable is possible, is expressed by Jesus in this way, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark IX: 23).

Every time we think of an absent friend we affect him for good or evil. How careful then should we be to think of the absent kindly, charitably, prayerfully and cheerfully. For if we are sad and despondent we may cause them to be depressed in spirit, through this telepathic influence; and if your thoughts of them are expressed in the form of prayer, springing out of a heart overflowing with love and good will, through the law of unconscious sympathy, they may be cheered and strengthened they know not how. To think of another interiorly and abstractly occasions a spiritual presence of that other; distance is annihilated, and his loving image and inner personality seem to stand before us, and what we say to it, we say to him.

When the thought is grounded in love and good will, it causes an interior conjunction of mind, a mental sympathy, a condition of rapport. By it we come into a living communication as real as it would be if we reached through the intervening space and grasped each other by the hand. The feelings of each are transmitted to the other. The mental state of the one who is the most positive will predominate and take possession of the other, for the stronger force will prevail over the weaker.

As the fierce wind fans the fire, till the fuel be spent and the fire expires; of all unrighteous things in the world, there is nothing worse than the domain of the five desires. Buddha.



ALL persons born between Nov. 22nd and Dec. 21st belong to the function of the Grand Body known as (Sagittarius) which is the department that governs all muscular action. This, according to the Bible account of the twelve sons of Jacob, is Levi, the third son of Leah, whose tribe was chosen in the wilderness of Sinai, to be the priestly tribe, because of their obedience to the commands that were given them. They are symbolized in the most ancient mythology by a horse having a man's head, the body, forming the neck of the horse, with a drawn bow in his hands, which well symbolizes the leading characteristics of all persons born in this sign, viz: activity, executive ability, pointedness of thought, the one idea at a time and the inclination to throw all their power into the execution of that idea. They usually lack the ability to weigh and examine all that may stand in their way, but rather ignore difficulties, having a consciousness of ability to overcome all obstacles, being ever active. Thus they are qualified to be most obedient servants of the body of humanity, and of the superior intelligence that governs that body. Their genius is that of the Watchmen, to foresee and forewarn of danger, the body to which they are allied. It is by the muscles that the sex-life is held and conserved to the uses of the body, and they have more power of self-control in that direction than any other class, as their function governs all muscular action.

These persons are enthusiastic in everything they engage in, and when joined to their genii they will be protectors of the new-formed body, and the executors in all forms of service. Unless they are physically active, they get morbid and sick. The main principles of evil to be overcome are impulsiveness, combativeness, a hasty temper, and love and hate to classes of people without reason. They should, more than all others, seek guidance from the Spirit, and discriminate between the impulse of their own nature and the voice of the spirit within. It is but little trouble for these to conquer the waste of the sex life, and when they have, then their intuitions will become very clear and the only thing that is necessary to those persons is to constantly desire to know the right and do it faithfully, and as soon as the new divine order of Humanity is ready for work, they will be led into their sphere, where their nature can have harmonious expression in usefulness. We can find no better words to express the genius of ↑ (Sagittarius) than to quote the blessing of Moses, Deuteronomy XXXIII, 8-11th verses: "And of Levi, let thy Thummim and thy Urim (i. e. light and truth) be with thy holy one, whom thou didst prove at Massah, and with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah (i. e. bitterness) (see Ex. XVII, 7.) Who said unto his father and to his mother, I have not seen him: (see Ex. XXXII. 25-29) neither did he acknowledge his own brethren, nor know his own children; for they have observed thy word and kept thy covenant. They shall teach Jacob thy judgment and Israel thy law: they shall put incense before Thee, and whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar. Bless, Yahveh, his substance, and accept the work of his hands: Smite through the loins of them that rise against him, and of them that hate him, that they rise not again." Let them beware of the nature expressed by Jacob, Gen. XLIX. 5-7 verses: this reference belongs to m (Scorpio) and ↑ (Sagittarius) together, expressing one phase of their nature. "May the Feace of God that passeth all (human) understanding" be with you.

H. E. B.


IN the "Practical Instruction" of the November number of THE ESOTERIC there appeared a foot note calling for correspondence upon a matter of special importance now, with those who had dedicated all they are and have to God. There appeared in the same number, the call "To the awakened"" from the Secret Scientific Association of the G. N. K. R; the call having been made under the supervision of VIDYA-NYAIKA, for the purpose of giving direct aid to The Esoteric Movement, in the immediate accomplishment of its ultimate objects; especially, the establishment of the College Esoteric. The G. N. K. R and the G..... R is not seeking members or assistance, but Department No. 1 G..... R has identified its interests and objects with the Esoteric College, and will be a servant for the accomplishment of that purpose. The Department has industries of magnitude. and ethical importance, which it will freely donate to the good of the College if there can be found persons willing to furnish the means necessary for their immediate operation, and for the immediate expenses of starting the enterprises and the preparatory steps towards founding the College and the Colony. The revenue from these enterprises will be sufficient both to build and maintain the College, and also furnish agreeable and healthful employment to the members of the community. If this is done the G..... R will entrust to the Management of the College and to Department No. 1, secrets and Laws of grave importance; and furnish a laboratory wherein the pupils of the College can experimentally acquire the sum of knowledges, and make themselves familiar with the content of science from the new standpoint. The founder of the Esoteric Movement is in possession of a science of organization which will enable him to perfect a harmonious community, and through the Culture obtain people to whom can be entrusted some of the secret knowledges of the Secret Scientific Association; and all those who aspire to obtain access to these Laws and experiments will necessarily be required to enter the College and take the preliminary culture.

Certain knowledges belong naturally to the Movement, and are required for their uses; and as has been said "they shall be furnished with all they require." The Originator of the College is also the ADHY-APAKA of the Department No. 1, and has in his hands the conditional offer of the industries; and those desiring to know about the enterprises and industries will please address all communications as below. To gain access to this higher scientific knowledge, all that will be required will be to enter the College; and to gain access to the secrets and the higher laws, it will be required to master the course of Culture given in the College; and to eliminate the evils; and to make the complete dedication of your life and all your have to the higher guidance, and to give evidence in your daily life that you have done so. The G..... R would fail to fulfil its covenant if it entrusted its more important secrets to others than those who are incapable of evil; and would cease to receive from the universal source the knowledges necessary for the continuation of its special work among the people, if it were to do so in any one instance. The conditions being that those who receive shall commence first to utilize, and to the extent that they are able to use they shall receive; and the supply shall never be exhausted. The Movement Esoteric, for reasons too numerous to mention at present, possesses peculiar merits and possibilities of an exalted character; was started under aspects most auspicious, and has to the certain knowledge of the G..... R, most glorious promises. The College will be built; and the Temple will be placed upon the Mountain; and the colony will be formed; and there shall be abundant foods of a healthful nature for their support, and sufficient employment for the members; and youth and age shall come there for instruction in the methods of conquering self and in acquiring the habits and knowledges of the higher life. All its pupils will have access, according to their merits, to the Laboratory of Department No. 1, -the like of which cannot at present be found in the world.

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