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of the mind which transmutes and refines and prepares the people to receive from the universal source those mental and emotional tates which have been variously denominated intuitions, inspirations, sambudhisms, &c,. Its philosophies have been as various as the clouds in the sky: clouds distilled from the great ocean of truth, and which although they sometimes darkened the light of the sun and sometimes became a devastating storm, yet invariably brought refreshing rain to those that were thirsty. Its creeds have considered only those facts in nature which seemed in unison with its special formulæ. Revelation has been the ultimate authority, and scientific inductions and deductions were admitted only as they supported their beliefs. The material needs of life were held in contempt the time was passed in contemplation, instead of applying to the needs and higher growth of humanity the ideas and facts of which they were possessed.

Religion with majestic tread walked among the nations of the earth and in her path she builded temples, churches, monasteries, synagogues, cathedrals, colleges and schools, and ruled them with the iron hand of ritual and creed. Individuals were trivial in comparison with the ends in view. Objects of nature and scientific principles were too unimportant to demand study their authority was subordinate to the doctrines of inspiration. That time has not arrived when a single fact will have the power to overthrow a philosophy or a creed- but that glorious time is at hand! Every fact is a revelation direct from the Infinite-a special message from YAHVEH to man: every object in nature is a word in that wonderful language by which GOD talks to humanity and a fact has more authority than all the philosophies and theories and creeds that may be devised by the future.

Science in her infantile wanderings over the earth found here and there a few scattered friends, but it has ever been ostracized from the aristocracy of the religious sects. In her footsteps there sprang up tools, machines, manufactories, collections of crystals and minerals, laboratories and workshops, tabulations of facts, devices for harnessing and utilizing the powers and forces of nature, and all the arts and industries of the world. She claimed no authority except that of Nature and the condition of the human mind. She made no attempt to explain all phenomena. but she laid the only foundation by which phenomena will be ultimately explained.

Religion created the capacity and the condition -science supplied the knowledge by which that capacity and condition could be understood, and the methods for supplying its needs. Scientific societies and colleges have no definite end and purpose in view of the nature of an ultimate embodiment of all their possibilities, and until recently that might have been said of the religions.

Whatever may be the purposes of the secret organization known as the G. N. K. R. it will not be necessary at present to explain; but one thing is certain they are seeking MEN who are incapable of anger, ambition, &c.; and who have eliminated from their lives all that tends to prevent harmonious organization and to produce disintegration of an sociation of men banded together for specific purposes. They are seeking men to whom can be entrusted matters of very great importance, and from whom there is expected a very considerable amount of work for the good of the human race. These men must belong to the higher order of humanity, and must be devoid of all selfishness, and must hold the good of

humanity far above all personal interests. To such men there will be taught as much of the new revelation as will be needed for their continuous development-and to such men there will be given evidence that there are sufficient means and methods at the disposition of the association for the ultimation of whatever may be undertaken.

The immediate ultimation of the religious higher life must precede all other efforts, there must be collected a people that are no longer capable of the evil influences of the passions, etc., and this people must be placed under proper conditions favorable for the maintenance of the higher life; and they must represent all the aspirations and the sentiments and the refinements of the religious culture of the past. From all the sects and creeds of the world there must be collected those who are capable and willing to make the attainments, and they must undergo a special culture, and covenant complete obedience to the "GUIDANCE of the 66 INMOST and then to such a people can be entrusted the great secrets of the new Laws and they can apply them to the furtherance of that higher life in more perfect environments, made possible by a knowledge of the forces producing all phenomena. To those who attain the higher degrees of the culture there will be given an opportunity to learn the Mahopanishada, about which there are matters not wise to mention here.


Those who are anxious to participate in the work of ultimating and perpetuating the fundamental practical and theoretical verities of the relig ions of the world by means of an association formed from people living the higher life, those who are anxious to live in more congenial society and in better environments and under conditions best calculated to develop and expand the higher attributes of man; and those who are looking forward to an ideal social state where the selected few can live out the higher tendencies of their nature, are invited to communicate with the management of the "Inner Circle" for further particulars.

Those who are in need and who have the ability to use will receive; but they will not receive until they commence to utilize: if a body of people collect for the purpose of forming an ideal social state, and if they are willing to submit to the higher guidance, and if they are free from the evils preventing the higher attainments, there will be supplied to them the methods, knowledge and the means for the ultimation of their purpose. To those who have attained the right to know, there will be given ample evidence that the Society Esoteric will be supplied with all the Means, Knowledges and Methods necessary for the ultimation of the specific objects for which they are working, and that this aid will come from the G. N. K. R. under the direction of the masters. Knowledge will be supplied just as fast as the people develop the higher spiritual integrity.

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Those who have " AWAKENED to a conception of the higher possibilities of life; and are sufficiently spiritual in their mental make up to become conscious of every portion of their body; and who are conscious of the presence within themselves of an actor more or less independent of the bodily idiosyncrasies and educated habits; and who have a sense-accuracy sufficient to see the LIGHTS and to pierce the SHADOWS:- to those there will come a greeting from some member of the G. N. K. R. and unto them will be given the peace that comes from a more accurate knowledge of themselves, and of Nature and its possibilities and its promises. Those who have actually entered the "PATH" by conquering forever the evils and by inculcating within their minds the habit of the "RIGHT DESIRES

and who have forever abandoned all things and connections in their life which will not aid them in reaching the end of the Path :- to those there will be given a Consolation removing all regret and turning every seeming loss into a great gain, and unto them will be revealed a knowledge that shall plant within them a new and a most glorious Hope.

Those whose lives are a constant battle for the "TRUTH” and whose efforts are wholly directed towards the good of the world irrespective of race and creed; those who have heard the "SILENCE SPEAK" and have recognized the Master's call: - to those there will be entrusted a work more sacred and important than all they have done during their previous life, and to them there will come a Promise from One who always fulfills according to merit and eternal justice.

Those who have been ILLUMINATED and who have dedicated themselves and all they "are, and hope to be," to the GUIDANCE, those who have manifested by their lives and actions that they are under the recognition of intelligences superior to their own (not elementals or "spirits "), to those there will be given a special revelation of a character more sacred than all the secrets of the Past; to them there will be revealed the "KINGLY MYSTERY and unto them will be given a secret more precious than the Philosopher's Stone, more important than Aladdin's Lamp.

Those who have removed the Veil and made the Offering shall receive a Mission out-lasting the natural term of life and unto them shall come a glory known only to those that receive it, and of which language can give no idea.

Those who have learned of Nature and studied the Mahopanishada, and heard the eternal Tone in the Solitude to such there shall be given the priceless "JEWEL" and with it there shall come the nameless Peace and the unspeakable Joy.

Thus, in accordance with the attainments made by the people, there will come the necessary knowledge and methods and means; but the association and its members remain "unseen and unknown."

May the Knowledge, Justice, and Peace of Om reside within you.

P. S. Printed from a forthcoming Pamphlet, containing the preliminary exoteric announcement of the "Secret Scientific Association of the G. R.; and a special message from the "Interior of the Innermost of Department No 1 of the Second Branch of the G. N. K. R.

Address, HIRAM E. BUTLER. 478 Shawmut Avenue, Boston, Mass.

THERE can be no object without coherence of the particles of which it is composed without elasticity, solidity, density, color, etc. There can be no organism without the mutual interaction of forces, and there can be no phenomenon whatever that is not the result of forces acting according to definite laws. Therefore until it is known what a force is, and how it operates, not a single object, organism or phenomenon can be understood, and until then how can true science have a dawning? Until there is a true science how can there be a true philosophy? Until the thirty-six forces of the tangible and cognizable universe are understood, every object will be a Sphynx, every phenomenon a mystery, and every organism a riddle. And until the Mahopanishada is learned all the ultra-psychic phenomena must remain an inscrutable mystery.




WHICH applies to all persons born between Oct. 23rd and Nov. 22nd. Their Genius is the Life-giver of the body of humanity. In the most ancient zodiac there were but ten signs; the sign my (Virgo) included Libra and Scorpio, because Virgo holds a controlling influence over these two (although there are distinct characteristics governing each, they being both dependent for supply on the work of the stomach). On the other hand all the vitality of the body depends on the normal work of the reproductive function, which is m. This function is the one through which the Creator "formed man of the dust of the earth.” The thought-forms of Deity, before incarnation in human form, were anciently known as elementals, of four denominations: air, fire, water, and earth, called by different names in different periods of the earth's history. As they descend from the solar ether they all appear bright and luminous, but all, in their degree, relate themselves to the elements, first, of the air, then of the fire; and when persons who are born in m conserve the fire of the generative fluid they frequently become conscious of them; for m is the container of the fire-elements of the body. These descend into the fluids and give life. They are also allied to the waters of the ocean, rivers etc., and to minerals of the earth. They frequently appear as luminous angelic forms to persons born in this sign, and sometimes to persons born in the sign representing the brain that controls this function, 8 (Taurus), which will be considered in its order. These elementals will be so consciously present to many that they may even come into sex-relations with them. From the animal life in the fluid, they make themselves so tangible that such persons can receive much knowledge from them; but if they give themselves to them in that way the final result is self-destruction. To whatever extent these elementals serve the uses, it is well, provided they make no demand on the generative life; but in all things, remember, there must be no deviation in that, if you want real attainment. The elementals however are not the Genii of this sign and should not be regarded as "guides," or as altogether trustworthy; they are good if controlled, but may become evil to almost any extent if the integrity of the person is not invulnerable, as they are not intended to serve as intellectual and moral counsellors, but merely as forms of elementary vitality.

There are three evils most dominant in these natures, viz., Anger, Jealousy, Passion. If any one becomes very angry it will close the eyes of the Soul for a long time, and more especially is this true of all born in this sign or function. When the sons of Jacob went down into Egypt (the Land of Sciences), Joseph, the deliverer and saviour of the sons of Jacob, took Simeon, M, and bound him before their eyes, and sent them back after the youngest son, Benjamin, my (Virgo), and Simeon remained there until my was brought (see Gen. XLII). Here was mystically symbolized that the sex-function must be bound until the intuitional function my brought into the state of scientific knowledge; also the tenacity of the my-nature to adhere to the traditions of the fathers. The churches have the devotional, but that without scientific knowledge has no guide and therefore runs into many evils through false conception of truth. By


breaking their adherence the old conditions are changed, from starvation and sorrow to happiness and abundance (see Gen. XLV), wherein is expressed a wonderful prophecy couched in the most mystic symbology, only discoverable by a knowledge of solar biology.

Persons born in Scorpio, the life function, should first develop into the knowledge and use of the life and fire-principles. In the first phases of psychic development they will perceive the colors of the rainbow, for they generate all qualities of life subject to the uses of the intelligence.

The derivation of the name Simeon is he that hears and obeys, or is heard. They look up to and follow authority; there is great danger of their accepting irreliable authority, viz., of "spirits," elementals, or books and persons. They should cultivate the idea that there is no higher authority than facts in nature, and their attention to the methods by which they can make attainments and hold tenaciously to them, and learn to weigh and measure everything by the evident facts, and see to it that those things accepted as facts have abundant evidence in natural law. When those of this sign begin to make attainments, they will observe that some part of the body will be in constant motion, asleep or awake, unless overcome by concentration, mental control and drill of the life-forces to make them obey the will. Such ought first of all to live consciously under the willing guidance and control of the Spirit of the heavens, and when all the appetites, passions, self-will, and desires are wholly subdued and under the guidance of the Spirit, so that all the adversaries are under control, then will open up a higher sphere of usefulness.

As they are the life-giving function, their highest attainment will first find expression in a conscious willingness to give their life to the world, without one personal feeling in the matter.

Another peculiar experience is frequent in this sign, that is, of a conscious sex-contact from the invisible side, and a cognizance of the sphere of those of the opposite sex, especially when they are pure and good, pervading them and sometimes in a manner resembling that relation, from merely passing them on the street. This should be greatly guarded against by keeping the ideal of purity and chastity ever active, for by so doing they will help to elevate and benefit such persons. Their habits should be exceptionally pure; they should use no tea, coffee, tobacco, or meat, and very little spice. Keep ever active the desire to come into a consciousness of the Masters of the Solar Circle and, thereby, into perfect consciousness of your true sphere of use. H. E. B.


We wish again to ask our friends to aid us in the work of perfecting Solar Biology. The lines between the signs of the earth's zodiac are not as definitely known as we wish to have them; neither are those of the moon's zodiac. Many of our friends who have sent us dates have mostly forgotten that there are two distinct zodiacs.

Now if our readers observe themselves or friends who are born near the following dates, i. e. within two days either way of March 21, April 19, May 20, June 21, July 22, August 22, September 23, October 23, November 22, December 21, January 20, February 19, in all the above cases examine and see if there is a crease in the back part of the skull running from the crown of the head down to the base of the brain between the two lobes of the brain, and if you find there a

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