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Nor is this love of motion confined to the animal kingdom. We admire a cataract more than a canal; the sea is grander in a hurricane than in a calm; and the fleecy clouds which constantly flit overhead are more agreeable to the eye than a horizon of tranquil blue, however deep and beautiful. We never tire of sunshine and shadow when together: we readily tire of either by itself. Inorganic changes and movements are scarcely less interesting than organic ones. The disaffected growl of the thunder, and the ghastly lightning flash, scorching and withering whatever it touches, forcibly remind us that everything above, below, and around is in motion. Of absolute rest, as Mr. Grove eloquently puts it, nature gives us no evidence. All matter, whether living or dead, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, is constantly changing form in other words, is constantly moving. It is well it is so; for those incessant changes in inorganic matter and living organisms introduce that fascinating variety which palls not upon the eye, the ear, the touch, the taste, or the smell. If an absolute repose everywhere prevailed, and plants and animals ceased to grow; if day ceased to alternate with night and the fountains were dried up or frozen; if the shadows refused to creep, the air and rocks to reverberate, the clouds to drift, and the great race of created beings to move, the world would be no fitting habitation for man. In change he finds his present solace and future hope. The great panorama of life is interesting because it moves. One change involves another, and everything which co-exists, co-depends. This co-existence and inter-dependence causes us not only to study ourselves, but everything around us. By discovering natural laws we are permitted in God's good providence to harness and yoke natural powers, and already the giant Steam drags along at incredible speed the rumbling car and swiftly gliding boat; the quadruped has been literally outraced on the land, and the fish in the sea; each has been, so to speak, beaten in its own domain. That the tramway of the air may and will be traversed by man's ingenuity at some period or other, is, reasoning from analogy and the nature of things, equally certain. If there were no flying things-if there were no insects, bats, or birds as models, artificial flight (such are the difficulties

attending its realization) might well be regarded an impossibility. As, however, the flying creatures are legion, both as regards number, size, and pattern, and as the bodies of all are not only manifestly heavier than the air, but are composed of hard and soft parts, similar in all respects to those composing the bodies of the other members of the animal kingdom, we are challenged to imitate the movements of the insect, bat, and bird in the air, as we have already imitated the movements of the quadruped on the land and the fish in the water. We have made two successful steps, and have only to make a third to complete that wonderfully perfect and very comprehensive system of locomotion which we behold in nature. Until this third step is taken, our artificial appliances for transit can only be considered imperfect and partial. Those authors who regard artificial flight as impracticable sagely remark that the land supports the quadruped and the water the fish. This is quite true, but it is equally true that the air supports the bird, and that the evolutions of the bird on the wing are quite as safe and infinitely more rapid and beautiful than the movements of either the quadruped on the land or the fish in the water. What, in fact, secures the position of the quadruped on the land, the fish in the water, and the bird in the air, is the life; and by this I mean that prime moving or self-governing power which co-ordinates the movements of the travelling surfaces (whether feet, fins, or wings) of all animals, and adapts them to the medium on which they are destined to operate, whether this be the comparatively unyielding earth, the mobile water, or the still more mobile air. Take away this life suddenly -the quadruped falls downwards, the fish (if it be not specially provided with a swimming bladder) sinks, and the bird gravitates of necessity. There is a sudden subsiding and cessation of motion in either case, but the quadruped and fish have no advantage over the bird in this respect. The savans who oppose this view exclaim not unnaturally that there is no great difficulty in propelling a machine either along the land. or the water, seeing that both these media support it. There is, I admit, no great difficulty now, but there were apparently insuperable difficulties before the locomotive and steam-boat were invented. Weight, moreover, instead of being a barrier to

artificial flight is absolutely necessary to it. This statement is quite opposed to the commonly received opinion, but is nevertheless true. No bird is lighter than the air, and no machine constructed to navigate it should aim at being specifically lighter. What is wanted is a reasonable but not cumbrous amount of weight, and a duplicate (in principle if not in practice) of those structures and movements which enable insects, bats, and birds to fly. Until the structure and uses of wings are understood, the way of " an eagle in the air" must of necessity remain a mystery. The subject of flight has never, until quite recently, been investigated systematically or rationally, and, as a result, very little is known of the laws which regulate it. If these laws were understood, and we were in possession of trustworthy data for our guidance in devising artificial pinions, the formidable Gordian knot of flight, there is reason to believe, could be readily untied.

That artificial flight is a possible thing is proved beyond doubt-1st, by the fact that flight is a natural movement; and 2d, because the natural movements of walking and swimming have already been successfully imitated.

The very obvious bearing which natural movements have upon artificial ones, and the relation which exists between organic and inorganic movements, invest our subject with a peculiar interest.

It is the blending of natural and artificial progression in theory and practice which gives to the one and the other its chief charm. The history of artificial progression is essentially that of natural progression. The same laws regulate and determine both. The wheel of the locomotive and the screw of the steam-ship apparently greatly differ from the limb of the quadruped, the fin of the fish, and the wing of the bird; but, as I shall show in the sequel, the curves which go to form the wheel and the screw are found in the travelling surfaces of all animals, whether they be limbs (furnished with feet), or fins, or wings.

It is a remarkable circumstance that the undulation or wave made by the wing of an insect, bat, or bird, when those animals are fixed or hovering before an object, and when they are flying, corresponds in a marked manner with the track

described by the stationary and progressive waves in fluids, and likewise with the waves of sound. This coincidence would seem to argue an intimate relation between the instrument and the medium on which it is destined to operatethe wing acting in those very curves into which the atmosphere is naturally thrown in the transmission of sound. Can it be that the animate and inanimate world reciprocate, and that animal bodies are made to impress the inanimate in precisely the same manner as the inanimate impress each other? This much seems certain :-The wind communicates to the water similar impulses to those communicated to it by the fish in swimming; and the wing in its vibrations impinges upon the air as an ordinary sound does. The extremities of quadrupeds, moreover, describe waved tracks on the land when walking and running; so that one great law apparently determines the course of the insect in the air, the fish in the water, and the quadruped on the land.

We are, unfortunately, not taught to regard the travelling surfaces and movements of animals as correlated in any way to surrounding media, and, as a consequence, are apt to consider walking as distinct from swimming, and walking and swimming as distinct from flying, than which there can be no greater mistake. Walking, swimming, and flying are in reality only modifications of each other. Walking merges into swimming, and swimming into flying, by insensible gradations. The modifications which result in walking, swimming, and flying are necessitated by the fact that the earth affords a greater amount of support than the water, and the water than the air.

That walking, swimming, and flying represent integral parts of the same problem is proved by the fact that most quadrupeds swim as well as walk, and some even fly; while many marine animals walk as well as swim, and birds and insects walk, swim, and fly indiscriminately. When the land animals, properly so called, are in the habit of taking to the water or the air; or the inhabitants of the water are constantly taking to the land or the air; or the insects and birds which are more peculiarly organized for flight, spend much of their time on the land and in the water; their organs of locomo

tion must possess those peculiarities of structure which characterize, as a class, those animals which live on the land, in the water, or in the air respectively.

In this we have an explanation of the gossamer wing of the insect, the curiously modified hand of the bat and bird, -the webbed hands and feet of the Otter, Ornithorhynchus, Seal, and Walrus,-the expanded tail of the Whale, Porpoise, Dugong, and Manatee,—the feet of the Ostrich, Apteryx, and Dodo, exclusively designed for running, the feet of the Ducks, Gulls, and Petrels, specially adapted for swimming,— and the wings and feet of the Penguins, Auks, and Guillemots, especially designed for diving. Other and intermediate modifications occur in the Flying-fish, Flying Lizard, and Flying Squirrel; and some animals, as the Frog, Newt, and several of the aquatic insects (the Ephemera or May-fly for example1) which begin their career by swimming, come ultimately to walk, leap, and even fly.2

Every degree and variety of motion, which is peculiar to the land, and to the water- and air-navigating animals as such, is imitated by others which take to the elements in question secondarily or at intervals.

Of all animal movements, flight is indisputably the finest. It may be regarded as the poetry of motion. The fact that a creature as heavy, bulk for bulk, as many solid substances, can by the unaided movements of its wings urge itself through

1 The Ephemera in the larva and pupa state reside in the water concealed during the day under stones or in horizontal burrows which they form in the banks. Although resembling the perfect insect in several respects, they differ materially in having longer antennæ, in wanting ocelli, and in possessing horn-like mandibles; the abdomen has, moreover, on each side a row of plates, mostly in pairs, which are a kind of false branchiæ, and which are employed not only in respiration, but also as puddles.-Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, p. 576. London, 1840.

2 Kirby and Spence observe that some insects which are not naturally aquatic, do, nevertheless, swim very well if they fall into the water. They instance a kind of grasshopper (Acrydium), which can paddle itself across a stream with great rapidity by the powerful strokes of its hind legs.--(Introduction to Entomology, 5th edit., 1828, p. 360.) Nor should the remarkable discovery by Sir John Lubbock of a swimming insect (Polynema natans), which uses its wings exclusively as fins, be overlooked.-Linn. Trans. vol. xxiv. p. 135.

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