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"Too Late."


wouldst "Kiss the Son, lest He be of the Lord's people as
angry, and thou perish from the way, CHRIST JESUS;" and tells them for their
when His wrath is kindled but a little. comfort in so many words, "YE ARE
Blessed are all they that put their trust COMPLETE IN HIM." (Col. ii. 10.)
in Him." Jesus only can do helpless
sinners good. Wait on Jesus, while Jesus
waits to save thy soul.

I STARTED from home one morning in-
tending to go to London, but on arriving
at the Railway Station, I found I was
too late. The door was shut, and the
train was starting. I succeeded however
in getting in by the side-door, and thus
saving my time. While riding, my
thoughts moved thus-How many are
there who are now putting off all thoughts
of religion; these will one day find they manifold temptations."-1 PETER 1. 6.
are too late.

lost perishing man.

Oh! repent of your sins and believe in Jesus-Now, lest in a dying hour you find the door of mercy shut and your application made-too late.



T. W. M.


"Now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."—Rev. vii. 17, xxi. 4.


In the world ye shall have tribulation."-JOHN Xvi. 33.
"In Thy presence is fulness of joy."-PSALM XVI, 11.
Matt. ix. 15.
John xvi. 22.
Genesis xlii. 36,
Psalm xvi. 11.

THE time of mourning now,
But then the time of joy;
Here all things perplex us,

There nothing can annoy
We mourn His absence now,




John xvi. 20.
Rev. xxii. 4.

But then His face we see;
Here we oft are weeping, 2 Thess. i. 4.
There from all our sorrows free. Rev. xxi. 4.
The night of toil is now,

But then the day of rest;......
Here we walk in sadness,........

But there WITH CHRIST are blest.
Is then OUR REST below?.........
Can here OUR PORTION be?

No, brother, 'tis above

Mark vi. 48.

Rom. xiii. 12.
1 Peter i. 6.
1 Thess. iv. 17.
Heb. xi. 10.

Heb. xiii. 14.
John xiv. 2.
The mansion waits for thee.... John xiv. 3.

An Extract.

E. B.


In order to be complete, therefore, we must be in Christ. Not merely in the kingdom over which He reigns, nor in the Church which He represents; but in the body, of which He is the head. That is to say, we must be vitally united to His person, and have our persons and interests identified with His. He must be to us what the way is to the traveller, conducting us to the Father; what the foundation is to the building, supporting and giving it strength; what the soil is to the plant, supplying it with nourishment; what the root is to the tree, communicating to it life and vigour; and what the head is to the body, thinking, caring, and providing for all its wants.

The young man says, "Well, I dare say religion is all very well for old people, but I am young, and can consequently afford to spend a little more time in the pleasures of the world. I intend to think about religion, but not yet." Ah, young man-thus you resolve-but suppose God should say, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee." How will it go with you then? O remember God's own word declares, "Now is the Being in Christ, made so by His accepted time-now is the day of salobedience, which is our perfect rightvation-To-day if ye will hear His voice, eousness; by the sacrifice He offered to harden not your hearts." I can assure Divine justice, which is an atonement you, as a young man, there is no time. for all our sins; by the character which like unto the present. Religion will not He sustains as our representative before mar the pleasures of your youth; but "BLESSED for ever and ever be that God, which is a pledge that we shall direct them to a higher and more en- mother's child, whose faith (in Christ appear there exactly like Him; by the during source. The pleasures of sin are Jesus) hath made him a child of God. fulness He possesses for us, and the supbut for a season, the happiness of re- The earth may shake, the pillars of the plies He imparts to us, of wisdom and ligion is for eternity. Iniquity may pro-world may tremble under us, the coun- strength, and holiness; and by the cerduce excitement, it cannot give real tenance of the heaven may be appalled, tain accomplishment of His purpose, and who came into the world to die for poor, beauty, the stars their glory; but, con-expressed, "Christ also loved the church, delight-this is only to be found in Jesus the sun may lose his light, the moon her the design of His death, which is thus cerning the man that trusteth in God, sanctify and cleanse it, with the washing and gave Himself for it; that He might what is there in the world that shall of water by the word; that He might change his heart, overthrow his faith, present it to Himself a glorious Church, alter his affection toward God, or the not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such affection of God to him? - Richard thing; but that it should be holy, and Hooker, 1585. without blemish." Here is completeness; and as Jesus had the will, the love, to give Himself for His Church, that she may be thus complete and glorious, so WE must be complete to be happy. But He has the power to carry ont His deBear in mind that now God waits to in ourselves, and by nature, we are any sign to perfection; and as He is in one be gracious-that now Jesus is "mighty thing but complete. Every power, every mind, without variableness or shadow of to save" and "ready to pardon." But faculty, every purpose, and every action, turning, there can be no doubt but He the day is rapidly approaching wherein bears the stamp of imperfection! Nor will do so. Hence we praise Him, and the sceptre of mercy shall be withdrawn, can we render ourselves complete by any- say, "Now unto Him that is able to and the sword of justice flash from its thing we can do, or suffer. And, just in keep you from falling, and to present you sheath. Then vain shall be the cry of proportion as the light of Divine truth faultless before the presence of His the despairing. Too late will then startle shines in our hearts, or we get near to glory with exceeding joy; to the only the soul from its lethargy. "I called, God, who is light, do we discover our wise God our Saviour, be glory and Mabut ye refused. Hence, accursed wretch, incompleteness, and imperfection! So, jesty, dominion and power, both now depart" will then be the language of that, if it were possible for us to be and for ever. Amen." Him, who is now ready to receive, and transported to heaven in our present) There is then no completeness in self, able to deliver. No side door to admit state, we should be overwhelmed with a or in the Church, but only in Christ. the man who despised proclaimed mercy sense of our imperfection, and be incon- We must be made perfect, or obtain perAll is over, the door is shut.ceivably wretched, because of our want fection by God's law, or our own works, The fountain is closed, and closed for of completeness. It becomes then an or sufferings. But in Christ there is all ever; the white flag of gracious invitation interesting question-how can a sinner that is necessary to make you complete; waves no longer, the sweet gospel bell be made complete? How can he acquire but by virtue of union to Him, we berings no more-then, sinner, whoever perfection? Nor are we at a loss for an come interested in, and entitled to, all thou art, I entreat thee now, that thou answer, for the New Testament speaks that is in Him. Let us beware, then,

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The sails were in

lest we be led away from Christ, either receive all. Every want should send us revealed her condition. by philosophy, tradition, or any carnal to Christ. Every desire should lead us shreds but one- and only a portion of that remained-her only hope; -her masts were ordinances; but let us look to Christ for to Christ. In all things, we should have splintered, and her spars dangled amongst the all, live upon Christ for all, and rejoice to do with Christ. Every where, we ropes. For some time we watched her duthat " we are complete in Him, who is should realize the presence of Christ. bious course, as she was beaten nearer and nearer shore. And now, on on she sped, the head of all principality and power." In a word, we should daily make Christ driven by the wind and inward tide! It was Reader, in Christ is all that you need in our experience, what God has made a moment of exciting suspense! Will sheNow she stands fair as a creature, as a sinner, as a believer; Him to us in His word—our Alpha and can she make the port? all that you need now, all that you will Omega, our first and last, our all in all. Now! There! Oh-oh! Just missed—and -now-now, she enters! Backward again! need in life and in death; all that you Every thing should lead us to Him, and in five minutes more she lay a stranded hulk will need, or can enjoy for ever. Have every thing should serve to endear Him, upon the beach! you come to Christ for life? Are you who is at once our present fountain and living upon Christ as the bread of life? our everlasting portion. Are you realizing your completeness in Christ? Are you rejoicing in Christ? Haste, come to Christ at once, at this very moment, and just as you are, and you will find all you want, all your immortal soul is craving, in Him. If you are in Christ, then abide in Him; walk closely with Him, and live only for Him. Think much, and think often, of His sweet words, "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." Here is completeness.

In Christ.

"When I was an hungered."
OUR gracious Lord, and dost thou still,
In glory, share in every ill
Thy members bear, while wand'ring here,
'Mid sorrow, hunger, want and fear?
And dost thou hunger, when they need?
When they are wounded, dost thou bleed?
When sick, in prison, they are found,
Dost thou account thyself as bound?
Each tender act of sympathy,
Dost thou esteem as done to thee?

And e'en a cup of water own,
As kind attention to thee shown?
Oh! then increase our faith and love,
That we may ever seek to prove
Our love to thee-our risen Lord-
By heeding thine own blessed word;
That each should for the other care,
Each should another's burden bear;
Still keeping thee our Lord in view.
In every act of love we do,

THE Lord Jesus is heaven's great store-
house, in whom is laid up all treasures,
and from whom we are to receive all our
supplies. All we can need, all we can
enjoy, and all we can desire, is in Christ.
All the perfections and attributes of God, Faith is the substance of things
are in Him. Justice and grace, mercy

hoped for.

A. A. W.

Oh-to be so near the port, and just to miss entering! What could be more melancholy and disappointing? But this was only a ship -a lifeless thing of timber! What must a stranded soul be? Alas! there are soulsprecious souls-yea, thousands who are in a worse case! See, how they work and toil for the port! No sail unfurled-no rope untouched! How they strain and strain, but 'tis no use- - the pilot is not aboard-Jesus is not there, they will never enter-there is no alternative they will be stranded. The partycolored sails of ordinances: the gay streamers and intricate cords of ceremonies-all-all may do right well during the gala day of life's thoughtlessness; but they will never float the soul to heaven, however hard they are worked, nor outride the storm which is about to burst upon us.

Oh, man- woman -how is it with your bark? Your soul, I mean, something infinitely more valuable to you than the Great Eastern, were you the only proprietor. Where are you bound for? Who is your pilot? Is the word of God your chart and compass? Are you trusting only in the precious blood of Christ? Ah, when it is too late, "many will seek to enter in, and shall not be able!" Thousands will gaze at the port and long to be safely there, when overtaken by the last storm of life! Thousands will miss the port, as it were, by a hair's breadth. Will you, my

the question-it is of the utmost moment

that you settle it at once in the negative! Let me tell you, that unless the Spirit of God be piloting you through the troubled deep, by faith in Christ crucified, you will never make the haven of rest! Unless Christ be in you, the hope of glory-poor soul, you must be stranded! Do you not hear the sullen moan of the approaching storm? Thrones, dynasties, and the hoary systems of antiquity totter and fall, and the last throes of the age are upon

and holiness, love and power, in their AN aged servant of Christ being sud-friend, be among the stranded? Don't evade fulness are in Him, and are displayed by denly accosted by a gentleman with, Him. All the promises of God are in "Which is the way to the Crystal PaHim, confirmed by His death, and to be lace?" lifted his eyes to heaven, and fulfilled by His hand. All the blessings without a moment's hesitation, pointing of grace, and all the riches of glory, are upwards, replied, "THERE, sir!" This in Him, He possesses and He bestows seems to illustrate beautifully the scripthem. All the gifts that will adorn the ture, "Where your treasure is, there will church, or dignify creation, are in Him, your heart be also." Out of the fulness and He confers them. All the treasures of that heart the mouth speaketh. of wisdom and knowledge are in Him, Beloved brethren and sisters in Christ, and from Him we must receive them. let us thus seek to have our affections set All the glory of saints and angels flows upon things above, so that we may, like from Him; He is its source and centre. this man of God, be able at all times, "It pleased the Father, that in Him and in all places, to have a word to the should all fulness dwell," and, out of His profit of all. fulness, we may receive grace on earth, and glory in heaven.


J. B. I.

IT was a fearful night off the coast of WAll saving offices are in Christ. He is The wind blew terrifically-howling down the Surety, to pay the debts. The Sub- the chimneys and rattling the doors and casestitute, to perform the obedience. The beds, and breathed a prayer for the poor ments, so that sleepers were startled in their Redeemer, to ransom the person. The mariner. The morning dawned, and I hasMediator, to reconcile and keep peace. tened to the beach. The gale continued with The Physician, to cure all diseases. He heals the diseases of the mind, as our Prophet; of the conscience, as our Priest; and of the will, as our King. He imparts knowledge, gives peace, and governs the man. All we need, therefore, is in Christ. All God intends to bestow, is in Christ. To Him, therefore, we should apply for all, and from Him we should expect to

us! The tempest lowers! Do the sure words
of prophecy gleam over the dark waste, and
comfort you with the hope that the day will
soon dawn? "Behold, I come quickly!"
Reader-take heed, oh, take heed-that you
do not share the fate of this poor ship-which
weathered the storm throughout the night-
saw the glorious sun-light breaking over the
port-almost touched it, and yet was stranded!

"Christ is our Guide, our Light, our All,
He bids our dark forebodings cease:
And through the storm and danger's thrall
Will lead us to the port of peace!

"Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man The Precious Blood of Christ.

that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts: smite the shepherd."-ZEC. xiii. 7.

unabated fury, and the sea lashed the bold WONDROUS love-Life is to be given to the
cliffs with a magnificence rarely seen. The sinner through the death of the Son of God.
white foam whirled through the air like raw The sword of Divine Justice must awake, and
cotton and feathers, and the billows broke not only be unsheathed, but the command
high over the pier and lighthouse of the given to it, is-smite the Shepherd!
port. in clouds of iris-coloured spray.

The scene
ne was intensely grand and exciting!
A vessel in distress was off the coast-no
other sail appeared on the horizon. Many an
eye was watching her with doubt and anxiety.
as she struggled to keep off the rocks and
laboured hard to make the port. A glass

"When blood from a victim must flow,
The Shepherd, by pity, was led
To stand between us and the foe,
And willingly die in our stead."

"I am the good Shepherd, the good Shepherd
giveth his life for the sheep. Therefore doth
my Father love me, because I lay down my

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life, that I may take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father." (John x. 11, 17, 18.) Look at the smitten Shepherd, behold the sorrow which He endured when all the billows of Jehovah's wrath flowed over His sinless soul, and the smile of the Father was withdrawn for a time, causing Him to cry out "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken


The precious blood of Christ is of infinite merit and ever-availing efficacy to the believing sinner. It is precious in the sight of God, and truly precious to every soul which trusts in Christ Jesus for salvation.

Fellow-sinner, if you are not washed in the precious blood of Christ, may the Holy Spirit testify of Jesus to your soul, and give you to know the preciousness of His blood.

"See, in the Saviour's precious blood,

Life, health, and peace, abundant flow!
'Tis only this dear sacred flood
Can ease thy pain and heal thy woe."

The Lordship of Jesus.

"One Lord."-EPH. iv. 5.


E. P.

THE word "Lord" has two distinct uses. One, Jehovah ;—involving the essential being of the Godhead. If Jehovah be thus found to be applied to Jesus, then is He fully and properly God. The Jews deny to the name It redeems those who are the very bond-of Jehovah anything connected with sufferslaves of Satan, fast bound in his chains, and ing. (Zech. xiii. 7.) We have another use of led captive by him onward to destruction. the word "Lord," as "Adon;" as we see For thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold your- Sarah used it, calling Abraham Adon"selves for nought: and ye shall be redeemed Lord. Both are true of Jesus, both "Jehowithout money." (Isaiah lii. 3.) The price | vah" and "Adon." This latter in His official paid down for the ransom of sinners was Christ's blood. 'Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." (1 Pet. i, 18, 19.)


It reconciles. Through the precious blood of Jesus, sinners who are enemies to God are brought into a state of friendship and favour. "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself." (2 Cor. v. 19.) "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." (Rom. v. 10.)

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It procures pardon for the condemned, justification for the guilty, and brings the sinner nigh unto God. Without shedding of blood is no remission; so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many," (Heb. ix. 22, 28.) "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." (1 John i. 7.) "Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." (Rom. v. 9.) "But now in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ." (Eph. ii. 13.)

It imparts peace and joy to the troubled soul. -The precious blood of Christ is daily needed by us whilst in this wilderness and encompassed with a body of sin. How often we are wandering from God, frequently through our unwatchfulness we commit sin against a loving Father and Friend; and in many ways we grieve the Holy Spirit. It is at these seasons that we plead in prayer with God, and present the precious blood of Christ, who ever liveth to make intercession for us, as the only ground of hope. We seek pardon, again and again, though the merits of Jesus, and the application of the precious blood of Christ cleanses the guilty conscience and gives peace.

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character. I proceed to refer to two passages
where the title "Jehovah" is applied to Jesus.
John xii. 39-41, where Esaias is quoted as
speaking of the Jewish hardness of heart,
When he saw His glory."-the glory of
Jesus. Turn to Isaiah vi. 5. The glory he
saw was the glory of the God of Sabaoth-
Jehovah of Sabaoth; "mine eyes have seen
the King, the Lord of Hosts." Has God the
Holy Ghost applied these words to Jesus?
Yes; by the pen of John, ver. 41,- These
things (alluding to the blinding of their eyes,
and the hardening of their hearts) said Esaias,
when he saw His glory, and spake of Him."
The second passage is that in Zechariah xi.
12, and the Holy Ghost in Matthew xxvi.
quotes this as fulfilled (ver. 13): "And Jeho-
vah said unto me, a goodly price that I am
prized at."



Another passage, (Zech. xiii. 6, 7,) though
not so direct, yet strong by implication,-
'Against the man that is my fellow, saith Jc-
hovah;" as ascribing to Him followship in
glory. But the passage Isaiah vi. is without
qualification; there we have the glory of the
the fulness of the Godhead bodily, essentially
in the person of the Son.


pledged His own word as Father, that He has made that Son master, and that every knee shall bow to Him. Is He your master? Have you owned him? Again, (Acts iii.) "For Moses said, yea, all the Prophets, from Samuel, have spoken of these days;" "unto you first, God having raised up His Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities." Peter asserted that in this One was the security for the performance of all the promises to their fathers. (Acts iii. 25.)

The same Lordship is presented in Heb. viii. and ix. The 4th chapter presents Jesus as standing in heaven before God. In viii., "We have such an High-Priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens." In x., "This man after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God." There is the Mastership of Jesus in the heavens. In Rev iv. and v., what is all the movement there, but to bring out the Lamb on the Throne - Jesus of Nazareth, Lord of all! The way is to take into the Old Testament the bright light of the New, even Jesus, and He is found there. The church is based on this Sonship: as many of you as know Jesus as Lord and Master are in possession of all with him. The owning of Jesus as master is a pledge of our oneness in Him. Rom. x. 9., and 1 Cor. xii. bring this truth out: "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth," &c.: first the confession with the mouth of the Mastership of Jesus; next belief of the Gospel. Apostle Paul had no other ground of hope. I have none other ground on which I rest for salvation. All the cable I have got is God the Holy Ghost's cable, uniting me to the Anchor within the veil. Paul saw the Lordship of Jesus in a moment; then the cry, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" when he saw Jesus in the glory.



"No man can say

Some do not like the simplicity of the Gospel. The light that shined into Paul's heart was much more wonderful than the light that shined in Genesis. Dear friends, does God see that you are hanging in dependance on Jesus? (1 Cor. xii.) that Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Ghost." It is one thing to have it upon the lip; it must be the turning point of the life. It is ever a practical thing, whenever Jesus is truly known as Lord.

Next as to the title "Adon." In Philippians Jesus is said to have been made Lord: that could only be as master. Phil. ii. we have the contrast,-the divine glory,--"in the form of God." Of no angel could this be said: Individual salvation is connected with who being in the form of God; also "He knowing and owning the Lordship of Jesus. made Himself of no reputation;" and "that Such an one says, "I have fled for refuge at the name of Jesus," the infant of the vir- to the hope set before me in Jesus." There gin Mary, "every knee shall bow." This is no danger to be apprehended then. What title of "Adon" we have again,—“one is your is my confidence, if any one speaks to me of master." Also in Eph. iv.-"one Lord." It the judgment before the great white Throne? is the mastership of Jesus. The church It is this: the very One that is to sit in judgknows one master; even Jesus. It is spoken ment is the One who bore my sins in His own of what is true in dispensation. God is a God body on the tree! Look at Him, as the one of order. who is your "elder brother," Have I found The infidel says, there is no proof in the no sorrow to day, that I have had to take to Bible of the existence of God. Why, when Jesus? have I not found Jesus taking it up, It preserves the sinner, not only through one writes to another, does one stop to prove and proving He could be touched with the many dangers in the present evil world, but or assert one's existence? It is our blessing feeling of all my infirmities? Jesus has been will prove itself to be his security in that to come to Scripture without any previous exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give future day of wrath. The blood - marked posts thoughts, and to fall under the truth of God. faith and repentance. How came I to have of every Israelite's house were passed over, People perplex themselves in vain, whilst the Spirit, not only as the Spirit of adoption, and the angel of terror came not into those they labour to unravel the mystery of the but the continual actings of the Spirit; the dwellings to destroy. The scarlet thread which Christhood. Unless the Son be God, where is Spirit down here bearing witness to the Lordthe harlot bound to that window in Jericho, the value of His humiliation? Let us return to ship of Jesus-Jesus the Lord, to throw open served as a true token to her; so, that, when this doctrine of "Lord." In the Acts, when the mansions? The Holy Ghost, if He ever the inhabitants of that city were utterly des- Peter was speaking, the Holy Ghost was lost sight of the Mastership of Jesus, and of troyed with the edge of the sword, she, and turning his thoughts, (chap. ii. & iii.) to the the connection between the poor weak sheep her father's household, and all that she had, earthly blessings which Jesus, "Lord," would and Jesus, could never stay down here! were saved alive. In that approaching day, bring in, in the latter day. (19, 21.) What At the table of the Lord, we recognize when judgment must fall upon the head of a heart-searching word for them; He, whom the Lordship of Jesus. Try to get Jesus as the ungodly, all who are sheltered beneath you murdered is "Lord" and "master" of Master, and see if you cannot get sweetness "the precious blood of Christ," will be pre-all. We ourselves have the strongest proof of to your soul. God has made Him Master; seved for ever, and triumphantly sing, "Unto his being "master," for we have got the Holy I want to own His Mastership; then I have Him that loved us, and washed us from our Ghost. Again, (Acts ii. 36,) "Therefore let real sweetness in doing the most painful sins in His own blood, and hath made us all the house of Israel know that God hath things. The Lord enable each to say from kings and priests unto God and His Father; made this same Jesus, whom ye have cruci- the heart, "I will own the Mastership of to Him be glory and dominion for ever and fied, both Lord and Christ." Jesus-own Him as Jehovah of Sabaoth." ever. Amen.'

It is a secure thing we have. God has

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be at all satisfied at hearing a gospel severing faith, and not rest unless we see ministry; no, you should not rest until sinners saved. We are too apt to proyou know that you are saved; for the crastinate, and hope where we ought not; gospel is the power of God unto salvation let then our frequent prayer to the God to every one that believeth. It tells you of all grace be, “Save now, O Lord! and that Christ died for the ungodly, and that let our continual testimony to those God, against whom we have so sinned, has around us be, Come to Jesus now! Now brought reconciliation, pardon, righteous-wash in His blood and be saved, for now ness, acceptance, and salvation, through is the accepted time, to-day is the day of ANOTHER year has passed. Another the Cross of Christ, to every sinner that salvation! period of time bears witness that each believes. Many hear the gospel, but reader of these pages has been journey- obey it not; they do not come to Christ; ing either on the broad road to destruc- therefore they are lost, and lost for ever. tion, or the narrow way which leadeth Will not you come to Jesus now? look to unto life. During the past year, God His Cross now? trust in his blood now, has wronght wondrously in many places and be saved now? Why not now? Surely by the Holy Ghost. Multitudes have Christ is able and willing to save all that seen the error of their ways, felt the come to Him now. My dear reader, does plague of sin, welcomed the glad tidings 1861 find you a SAVED sinner, or a of salvation through the precious blood LOST sinner? of Christ, and rejoiced in a sin - hating, We would say to every saved sinner sin-pardoning God. Perhaps in no year, who reads these pages, let us be more in during a long course of gospel labour, earnest, more believing, more prayerful; have we seen and heard so much of the let us be bold in our God, and not be goodness and mercy of God in this re- ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. God spect. Nor has our little service in this is still working mightily by His Spirit in periodical been without the manifest awakening sinners, and bringing them blessing of God. But we are reminded to peace and rest in Himself, through that in all probability thousands will the blood of His Son. Let us be laread this paper on January 1st, 1861, bourers together with God. He says to many of them perhaps unconverted, us, "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for while others kindly shew their fellowship thou shalt find it after many days." "In with us in this labour of love, by reading and circulating this publication in "streets and lanes," highways and hedges," so as to compel sinners to

come to Jesus.

To our unconverted readers, we affectionately say, you have lived many years

We would gird ourselves afresh for the fight of faith, and commence another year by again unfurling the banner of the Cross. We glory in the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, and desire in our periodical labours to proclaim the mercy, wisdom, suitability, and peace - speaking power of the blood of the Cross; for we are assured that Christ is the power of God, as well as the wisdom of God. We would go forth by the help of God, and attack the strongholds of Satan, testify of the world that its works are evil, raise our voice of indignation and warning against all Christless religion, and seek to win our fellow-sinners to Christ-to bring the unclean to wash in His allcleansing blood, and point ruined prodigals to the loving bosom of the God of all grace. Surely Jesus is a precions Master, and, through grace, we delight in His blessed service; and knowing that the days of our stewardship are rapidly passing away, and that He cometh quickly, we feel that we should, more than ever, use all our powers to exalt His blessed name, and work, and worth.

the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand." Who knows, then, but that the next person we Fellow Christians! we unfeignedly speak to may be awakened, or that the thank you for your help and fellowship next portion of truth we circulate may thus far. Some thousands of copies of prove a message of salvation to some this periodical are regularly published in soul. Let us expect much from God; He Great Britain and other parts of the in the world, and are not saved; you are waits to be gracious. Let us be diligent have kindly sent, many copies have been world; and through the donations you still in your sins, you are not happy, you and persevering, for we are assured that circulated gratuitously. But we long to are afraid to die, for you are not enjoying our labour is not in vain in the Lord. see the truth of the gospel advocated in the favour of God. Let us remind you On entering another year, let the lan- these pages much more extensively cirthat Christ died to save sinners. The guage of the inspired psalmist be ours, enlated, hoping that, by the blessing of Gospel is preached that guilty, lost sin-"Save now I beseech thee O Lord! God, the truth may be the means of ners may be saved. All who hear the Lord, I beseech thee send now prosperity." that the Christless are now so assidchecking the fearful delusions and errors gospel are either brought to Christ by it Let this be our daily prayer. Like Paul, nously propagating. Christian Reader! and SAVED, or they are lost; if the gospel may our whole soul's cry concerning You can help us. We dare not appeal be not to them a savour of life unto life, those around us be, "My heart's desire to the world to help us in Christ's it is a savour of death unto death. "If and prayer to God is, that they may be service, but like Paul we do say, "BREour gospel be hid," saith the Apostle, "it saved." God has put two mighty weapons is hid to them that are lost." How so- into our hands-prayer and the gospel. lemn this is! You should not therefore Let us then use them with patient, per

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THREN, PRAY FOR US!" Let us have your prayers, and we doubt not you will soon find that God will have you help us in other ways.

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