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As soon as we have nought to pay,
Our Lord forgives us all.

'Tis perfect poverty alone,
That sets the soul at large;

While we can call one mite our own,
We have no full discharge.

garded man:" how much more shall we may come at "cock crowing," even when
be heard and answered by "OUR FATHER," the dawn of daylight just appears, there-
fore let Jesus be present in your thoughts
in heaven, our Father whose name is
whenever you awake. He may come in
LOVE? Think not, dear child of God,

May that your Father has given to you a heart the "morning," O let Him not find you

which are not seen are eternal." (2 Cor. iv. 17, 18.) Be sure to read the Bible daily, there you will find food such as your soul can relish. (1 Pet. ii. 2; Jer. xv. 16.) Hide His word in your heart, and it shall keep you from evil. (Psalm cxix. 11.) Meditate on it, and you shall find it sweet to your taste; yea, sweeter than honey to your mouth. (ver. 103.) Take heed unto it, and you shall find

it a lamp to your feet, and a light on your

path. (ver. 105.)


"Welcome sight the Lord descending,
Jesus in the air appears;
Lo! the Saviour comes, intending
Now to dry His people's tears.
With the Saviour now they reign,
Never more to part again.

Long they mourn'd their absent Master,
Long they felt like men forlorn,
Bade the seasons fly still faster,

While they sigh'd for His return.
Lo! the period comes at last,
All their sorrows now are past.
Now from home no longer banish'd,

They go upward to their rest;
Fading joys of earth are vanish'd,

With their Lord they now are blest:
Blest with Him His saints shall be,
Blest through all eternity.

Happy people! grace unbounded!
Grace alone exalts you thus;
All thy foes are now confounded,
Sing for ever not to us,
Not to us be glory given,

R. I must now say, good morning S. grace and peace be multiplied unto you to pray, while He has no ear to hear; through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord." (2 Pet. i. 2.) You may meet with that would be impossible. Pray on, “Our many trials as you walk through this weary Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be world; but remember that all things work tothy Name. Thy KINGDOM come." This gether for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His pur-woman pleading is a poor "widow." She pose." (Rom. viii. 28.) "For I reckon that has been bereft of her husband, and bethe sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which cause unprotected, the "adversary" has shall be revealed in us." (Rom. viii. 18.) robbed her of the little property, upon "For our light affliction, which is but for a which she had hoped to subsist. The moment, worketh for us a far more EXCEED- church of Christ is not a "widow," she is ING and ETERNAL weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but espoused to the Lord. She has a RICH at the things which are unseen; for the things BRIDEGROOM living, even Jesus. This which are seen are temporal; but the things poor widow had but one voice; but for our encouragement, let us remember the WHOLE ELECT cry day and night unto Him" who has said, that whatsoever we ask the Father in His name, it shall be done for us. The unjust judge had no interest in this woman, and yet he heard tinual coming she weary" him. Jesus and answered her cry, "lest by her conhas an interest in His people, His honour is engaged on their behalf, His word is CARELESS SINNER! when Jesus comes, pledged for their deliverance, He has what will you do? How will you bear promised to come to them again, they to hear Him pronounce your doom, and are "HIS OWN ELECT." This woman was bid you hence "depart?" Yon cannot Ar the conclusion of another period of avenged of her "adversary," notwith- endure the thought; then haste you to time, we shall find it profitable to medi-standing she had none to plead for her His mercy seat, while now His invitation tate on our Lord's parable of the unjust before the judge. Believers shall succeed is heard, bidding you "COME." Come to judge. In the preceding chapter we have in realizing an answer to their petitions Jesus now as a sinner, trust Jesus to be an account of the second coming of Christ. laid before the throne of God, for on that thy Saviour; then when Jesus shall come. The parable immediately following is throne Jesus sits as their mediator, ADVO- to thee, He shall exalt thee to His throne designed to comfort and encourage be- CATE, INTERCESSOR. Pray on, ye to reign with Him for ever. lievers, who are looking forward to "the children of God, Jesus is pleading with day when the Son of man is revealed." you, and for you. Your victory may The Church of Christ is expecting to reign seem to tarry; but depend upon it, it is with Jesus. She has been pleading long, sure. Christ is before you, fix your eye and at last would begin to grow weary, on Him, while your heart's expression is were it not that her Lord has said, "men | heard in watchful pleadings, "Come Lord Frame yourself for Christ, and startle ought always to pray, and not to faint." Jesus." A solemn question is asked at not at His cross; His love is stronger Though often taunted by an ungodly the conclusion of the parable. "Never- than to let go its hold of us children, world, and vexed in spirit by the supine-theless when the SON OF MAN COMETH, who cannot go but by such a hold as ness of their fellow Christians, believers shall He find FAITH on the earth?" Christ's.

S. Good morning, Sir. May every best blessing be yours for ever and ever.

A Meditation for the Close of the Year.

LUKE Xviii. 1-8.


T. W. M.

Sayings of Rutherford.

I AM sure, while Christ lives, I am well befriended.

are still pleading the words of their absent Ponder well this solemn and momentous It is good that we have nothing of our Lord, who has said, “I will come again." enquiry, dear reader. Make it the own, since we may borrow all from Christ; They rest confidently on His promise, subject of your careful and prayerful and it is our happiness that Christ is our knowing that God shall "avenge his own meditation. See to it, that you give full, security for heaven, and principal debtor elect, who cry day and night unto Him, unreserved, simple confidence to your for such poor bankrupts as we are. though He bear long with them." Chris- Lord's every utterance. Do not be found tians must “faint" if they do not "pray;" they cannot "faint," when they "pray without ceasing." This poor widow gained her request from the unjust judge, and God's own elect,” shall have their request answered when Jesus shall come to receive His church unto Himself.

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God be praised that our salvation is anchored upon Christ, who is Master of winds and storms.

with those who say, "my Lord delayeth His coming," lest at His appearing He find you without faith. As the year is Christ is such a wide, and broad, and fast drawing to its close, think how much deep, and high, and surpassing sweetness, nearer your Lord's return is now, than that our love is too little for Him: thrice at the commencement of the year. blessed and eternally blessed are they "Watch ye, therefore: for ye know not who are out of themselves, and above Let us dwell briefly upon a few points when the MASTER of the house cometh." themselves, that they may be in love in the immediate scope of this parable as He may come at "even," therefore at united to Him. affording matter for encouragement to evening time be ye found watching. He One look of Christ is worth ten thou the Lord's dear people to pray on. This may return at "midnight," therefore let sand worlds of such poor perishing stuff "widow" gained her petition from "a your meditation of Him be sweet, even as the foolish sons of men set their hearts judge, who feared not God, neither re- in the middle of the night watches. He upon. Look into those fathomless depths

of loveliness, sweetness, beauty, excellency, glory, grace, and mercy, there are in Christ, and you will then think little of the whole world, and all the glory of it, even in its highest summer bloom. Your love is Christ's due; other things, (worthy in themselves,) in respect of Christ are not worth a straw. O blessed conquest! to lose things, and to gain


Why the Accident Happened. Ar one time, when Mr. Wesley was travelling in Ireland, his carriage became fixed in the mire, and the harness broke. While he and his companions were laboring to extricate it, a poor man passed by in great distress. Mr. Wesley called to him, and inquired the distress. He said he had been unable, through misfortune, to pay his rent of twenty shillings, and his family were just being turned out of doors. "Is that all you need?" said Mr. Wesley, handing him the amount; "here, go and be happy." Then turning to his companions, he said pleasantly, "You see now why our carriage stopped here in the mud."

self-righteousness, she felt poor and needy
indeed, mourning under a sense of her guilt,
and hungering and thirsting after righteous-
ness, even that which is God's own precious
gift through His dear Son Jesus Christ. Thus
far had the Lord taught her, and now He was
about to comfort the mourner, and to fill the
hungry with good things. To one thus weep-
ing and mourning under a deep sense of guilt
in God's sight, it was the manifest path for
Christ, and thou shalt be saved.'
her friend to say, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus
Saved now

constrained by this love, send you the message of reconciliation through Christ, in the form of writing, or by the paper you now read, this becomes the preaching of an evangelist, or God's messenger to you, whether you be in the distant wilds of Australia or America; on the wide ocean; in the sultry jungles of India; or anywhere on the face of the earth. The Spirit of God alone leads saved men to seek the salvation of others. It therefore besuch a message; and proclaiming, "Come, for comes a very solemn matter, the receiving all things are now ready." "He that believeth-at once, and for ever saved; because it is shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be Christ's work I tell you of-Christ dying for damned." There once lived a man who took sin, and then rising again. Sin having already in the Evangelist for his child to have bound been fully answered, for by him, ‘All that beup into a large volume; whilst he never cared lieve are justified from all things.' (Acts xiii. to give heed to the message himself. I trust, 39.) It is not something that you are to wait my present reader, you are not like this man. for to be accomplished in you, and to which The Ethiopian eunuch did not keep his volume you are to look for peace and satisfaction; but of Scripture merely for an ornament or rare it is simply this, that Christ, our loving Sapossession, but read it diligently, and the Lord viour, did satisfy God for all our sins, when He opened it to him, to the saving of his soul. died on the cross. 'It is finished!' And as soon the ability that God giveth, to do the work of they have peace with God through Jesus Christ The writer of this paper seeks, according to as any one trusts only on that glorious fact, an Evangelist, (Oh that he may run with will- our Lord; and righteousness, peace, and joy, ing feet as Philip did, Acts viii. 30, to do his in the Holy Ghost, will be the blessed experiLord's will!) But whilst he seeks to give ence of those who thus obey God by believing you a little account of what he has seen and in His dear Son. Thus spoke the visitor to heard, during a few of his visits to his fellow this dear girl, who listened as for life, many a men, he would crave on your part, kind read-tear of mingled sorrow and joy flowing down ers, all your attention; and may you, whilst her palid cheek. He then knelt down and behearing of others, ask really and seriously, sought the Lord, in childlike simplicity, that how do I stand? "justified from all things," she might believe the glad tidings; and left the (Acts xiii. 39,) or "condemned already?" (John iii. 18.) At no distant period there lived a young woman, who was every thing To the Readers of the Evangelist. mistress could wish, a good child, good neighher parents, friends, neighbours, and indeed AN Evangelist is one who makes known or bour, and good servant. And here I must proclaims the good tidings of great joy, that ask you to pause awhile, lest you should misChrist Jesus has come into the world to save take my meaning. In the sight of God, no sinners. Philip, for instance, in Acts xxi. 8, man is in himself either good or righteous, but is termed the Evangelist, and in chap. viii. 5, all are unrighteous or sinners, but in the sight we read that he went down to the city of or opinion of man who sees only the outside, Samaria, and preached Christ unto them. and not the heart or thoughts, people who do And in verse 12, we are taught also, that when their duty, and conduct themselves properly, they believed Philip preaching the things are counted good, decent, respectable, and concerning the kingdom of God, and the name even religious. Now thus it was with this of Jesus Christ, they were baptized both men young person, and we do not for a moment and women—by this act professing to be be- say anything against persons conducting themlievers in, and disciples of the Lord Jesus selves so as to please and oblige all around Christ, who had thus been preached unto them, far from that; but we desire to shew them. In the same chapter, v. 26, we have a you, reader, that this will not do to meet God deeply interesting account of the same Evan- with, who says, "it must be perfect to be acgelist being sent down into the desert of cepted." But to return to the narrative. Gaza to meet with one whose heart the Lord The subject of it had scarcely numbered had opened to receive the good news, the twenty years, when tokens of consumption precious gospel seed. This individual was shewed themselves, and she was compelled to reading the Scripture (Isaiah liii.) with a de- give up a situation, and return to her parents' sire, doubtless, to profit by it; but as yet he cottage; here the writer first met with her, knew not that forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and at this time, although much worn by disand glory were to be obtained through simply ease, and growing weaker daily, yet she manitrusting in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of sin-fested a vigour of mind and intelligence far ners. Philip preached unto him Jesus; he beyond many in health around her; possess believed the message; confessed Him, whom man had put to death, to be the Son of God; therefore risen from the dead (see Rom. x. 9); was baptized, and went on his way rejoicing; rejoicing in Christ Jesus, that He not only had borne away his guilt by dying, but that now He was alive again, and ever living to make intercession for His people. Philip is next found at Azotus, and passing through he preached in all the cities till he came to Cesarea.

Now, dear readers, although God's way of making known His good will towards men in the gift of His dear Son is most frequently through the instrumentality of preaching by living men, gifted and qualified for the work of Evangelists, by the Holy Ghost; yet be it ever remembered, that the "Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." So that if the servants of Christ, *Surely if it was according to the Lord's mind to baptize infants, it would have been added, "their

children also."

ing much natural intellectual capacity, which
had been assisted by an education superior to
that usually bestowed upon those in her posi-
tion in society. There was no lack of books
of a religious character in the sick chamber,
and these appeared to be often read by the
now dying girl in search of peace and com-
fort, she being fully alive to the solemn fact
that her days on earth were to be very few.
Upon her visitor enquiring whether or not she
was at peace with God? She with deep an-
xiety depicted upon her countenance, replied,
"No, Sir, but I hope I shall." "Do you,'
said he, "believe yourself to be a sinner?"
"I am," said she, with much feeling, A
great sinner!"


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Ah reader, if you are still unconverted, you cannot at all enter into the joy which her interrogator felt at such a reply from this good girl. It assured him that God was at work with her soul. That she had been taught that no flesh should glory in His presence; that in it dwelt no good thing. Stripped of self and

dwelling with the happy assurance that the Lord had begun a good work in that soul, and that ere long the prayer now offered up in the Some days passed ere he was able to revisit the name of Jesus would be graciously answered. cottage; but when he again entered the dying girl's room, how great was his joy on asking, "Are you happy?" to hear from her own lips, the firm unhesitating reply, "Yes, Sir, I am! happy in believing, in trusting in Jesus!" Yes, and her countenance bespoke it. Anxieties and fears had fled away, giving place to happy, calm, trust in Jesus. "It is finished! It is finished!" Sweet, sweet, precious manna for the fainting hungry soul. There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth; and deeply did the visitor to that bedside share in their joy that day.

If you, reader, are a Christian, do seek more and more to tell of Jesus to perishing sinners. What an honour to be permitted to be a coworker with God! What joy to rejoice with angels over new born souls! It was henceforward truly refreshing to visit this child of God during the little while she remained in the body, her sufferings at times were great, but a holy calm filled her soul: manifesting how good a shepherd the Lord is, carrying the lambs in His bosom. On one occasion when supported by her poor weeping mother, and gasping for breath, she said to a stander by, who asked, "Is Jesus precious?" "He is all my peace, and all my comfort." Very shortly after this, one whole night she appeared to be dying, and in times in great agony. Next morning she said to the friend above mentioned, "Sir, I never expected to see the morning on earth; and oh how great would have been my torture of mind last night, if I had not found peace in believing on Jesus."

Dear reader, here is a word to you from the dying-Torture-"great torture of mind!” and dying in this state. How awful indeed the state of such! To feel yourself sinking hopelessly into an eternal hell, and to know that God willed not your ruin: but that you rejected His gracious counsel, and would none of His reproof; therefore, is this foretaste of hell your awful experience! Oh, sinner, be wise, and listen to His loving voice in the Gospel, lest you be cast into that place of torment for your unbelief.

Very soon after thus bidding her friends farewell, and earnestly commending them to

the grace of God, her happy spirit, washed in the blood of Jesus, separated from that poor, suffering tenement of clay, was present with the Lord. And, may you, reader, entering by the same door, stand in the same glorious presence for ever.

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quire life by any keeping of commandments, sin that dwells in him, does, practises; there
for he is dead: yet as, dispensationally, the is no improvement, except in the will; even
Jew was not so considered, but the rather put no equal balance of parties, but mind only
on his trial, the verse is quite intelligible. against flesh.
The commandment tended to life; but sin Ver. 18. For I know that in me (that is,
appearing, when it should not, it tended to in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to
will is present with me; but how to perform
that which is good I find not." Still no power
to perform, and the deepest sense of the evil
of the flesh.

In conclusion, the writer of this little nar- | death. rative would only add, that his object in bringing it before you is this: That many correct, "good" sort of people, are resting on their own imagined goodness, and not on Christ. Some, on their goodness in part, and partly on Christ (as they think); but these have not Christ at all, He must be all, or nothing. There is none righteous; no, not one." saith the scriptures of God: but Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. Come now, as a guilty, lost sinner, and trust in the finished work of Jesus, and you are a saved and a justified man. Farewell, my readers, at some future time, God willing, we may spend another hour together, I trust not unprofitably.


Thoughts on the Epistle to the Romans.

CHAP. vii. 7-19.

VER. 7, "What shall we say then? Is the law sin?" This is a fresh division. So close has been the connexion between law and sin, so evil have been the effects of the law upon sinful man, that the objecter is tempted to exclaim, Is then the law sin? "Let it not be. for (but) I had not known sin but by the law." Fuller exposition of v. 5. Paul's experience begins. The law makes me capable of discerning the sin within me. It supplies by its prohibitions a test by which I discover the strength of lust, or evil desires: "For I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet." This use, by the way, of one of the ten commandments, supplies a ready answer to those who argue, that the Apostle Paul's general reasoning upon the law, only relates to the ceremonial law. It also shews its extensiveness. It takes notice of evil desires, as well as acts-a thing unknown in human legislation.

Ver. 11. "For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me." When the Israelites put themselves under the law, saying, "All that the Lord hath spoken we will do" (Ex. xix. 8); they were deceived about the law and about themselves. They neither knew the nature of the law, which demands obedience within, and looks at thoughts as well as acts; nor did they know the incorrigible evil of their hearts. They were then, so to speak, slain in a moment, by the sin of the golden calf. Thus sin is ever deceiving: for it distorts and puts our condition in a false light, and makes us measure ourselves by a wrong standard; when we

awake to our situation, it is too late.

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Ver. 12. "Wherefore the law is holy, and
the commandment holy, and just, and good."
There is, then, nothing in the law but good,
although it "made nothing perfect."
Ver. 13. Fresh division. Was then that
which is good made death unto me?" Here
is a second misapprehension, arising from the
close connection between law and sin. "Let
it not be! But sin, that it might appear sin,
working death to me," &c. It is not the law,
which is good, that does the mischief, but sin,
which is evil. No more forcible proof, as to
the condition of man, can be adduced, than
that the application to him of a good, just,
and holy commandment, only rendered sin
exceedingly sinful.

Ver. 19. Repetition of v. 15. “For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that do I." The heathen poets, so the commentators tell us, have described something like these feelings on several occasions:

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My reason this, my passion that persuades; I see the right, and I approve it too; Condemn the wrong, and yet the wrong pursue.' But if the heathen poets could give expression to such thoughts, it is highly important to know wherein consisted the difference between them and Paul, as speaking in this chapter. It lies in this, that the one with a more or less defined sense of right and wrong, could ruminate upon their condition, without the awful fear of death being the consequence of a divinely given law; whilst the other was fully assured, the moment his incapacity to keep the law was made apparent, that his doom was sealed. The difference is immense, for whatever other points of importance may develope themselves in the chapter, we may be sure of this, that its main feature is man in presence of a spiritual law, with no power in himself to keep it; whilst he, on the other hand, could derive no assistance from it. Being under it as a covenant, the result was


Hitherto, whilst the effect of the law has The good and evil remain after the law is been described in its agencies for evil, because gone: only the law defines and intensifies of its connexion with a sinner, there has been both the one and the other, and pronounces no sign of life in the person. Nothing has the terrible penalty. The good and evil are been enunciated but death; but in the re-felt more or less obscurely by the heathen. maining verses-verses which have been so In both cases, (Jew and Heathen,) it is mind disputed over.-the excellency of the law is against flesh, (practise.) the last always overperceived by him upon whom it acts, and, at coming. It is not until we approach chap. the same time, his carnal enslaved condition viii. that the tide turns, and the victory is under sin. It is quite a new phase. "For gained by the Christian. we know (v. 14) that the law is spiritual,” &c. Here are, indeed, eyes opened. No mere theory; but the overwhelming conviction of the impossibility of any agreement between a HUMILITY is the foundation that gives stacarnal sinner and a spiritual law. The ex- bility, the strength which gives security, the pression, "I am carnal, sold under sin." is use- ornament that reflects beauty, and the comful, in shewing us that the man in this con-pletion which gives the finishing stroke to the dition, is still unredeemed — he is sold under other graces.-Mrs. E. Walker. the hand of an enemy.

Ver. 8. “But sin taking occasion by the commandment." It was not the commandment taking occasion by sin, but the contrary, "wrought in me all concupiscence." We do not know the strength of the horse till we put a bridle in his mouth; neither do we know the strength of that which is written, until a provocation is given to our lusts by the prohibition of their exercise. "For without the law, sin was dead." There was no- Ver. 15. "For that which I do I allow thing to arouse sin without the invitations and not." (ywork in the sense of knowing, so excitements of the law, or perhaps the fol- as to approve. 2 John i.) It is necessary to lowing verse being the explanation, until the remember. in order to seize the Apostle's spirituality of the law was seen, sin was dor- meaning, that all this time, as a Christian. he mant, man was in a sleepy state, ignorant of is not under law, but recalling a time when his danger. content with his condition. "The he was in the flesh. and therefore under it. strength of sin is the law." (1 Cor. xv. 56.) (vv. 5-6.) "For what I would, that do I not; Ver, 9. “For I was alive without the law but what I hate, that do I:" or, at all events, once but when the commandment came, sin he is supposing a law in operation which can revived, and (but) I died." The Apostle afford no assistance to his need; he does not means, I presume, that he was alive once, do what he would, and he does that he would simply because he did not comprehend the not. This is not the Christian, "who can do real power of the law; but when the commandment came with its proper force, he saw that it was all over with him, he could neither keep it, nor run away from it; in fact, it had him already under the power of death. we consider the dè adversative, and, therefore, Ver. 16. "If then I do that which I would to be rendered "but," it might be "but I not, I consent unto the law that it is good." died," that is, I died in Christ; but the for- Here is a full consent to the excellence of the mer view seems more to accord with the con- law, under a confession that he could not keep it Therefore, we must bear in mind, Ver. 10. "And the commandment, which in the case before us, that the law is in was (ordained) for life, I found to be unto operation. death." "If," says the Lord, "thou wilt Ver. 17. "Now then it is no more I (inenter life, keep the commandments." The tensitive) that do it, but sin that dwelleth in commandments were towards life. Although me." The I here, is the better part; that we must affirm, in the Christian sense, that which owns the rightness of the law, the enman dead in trespasses and sins cannot ac- lightened mind, but still there is no practice;


all things through Christ strengthening him." (Phil. iv. 13.) But this man in the condition described, is powerless for good, and powerful for evil. Nevertheless, he has good desires; If he is so far enlightened.


There is a place for the creature's mouththat is, the dust. There is a word for the mouth of a child-that is, “Even so Father." H. Evans.


A man may have ten thousand disappointments in this world, and yet not know the world to be a wilderness; may have his very cistern broken before his eyes, and yet go hew out another. To know this world to be a wilderness is the direct teaching of the Holy Ghost.-Ibid.

An humble man has no catalogue of little sins.-Ibid.

As it was by "believing a lie" that the old nature was communicated to man; so it is by "believing the truth" that the new nature, the new creature, the life of God is brought into the soul.-Ibid.


HUMILITY. Of all trees I observe, God hath chosen the vine, a low plant that creeps upon the helpful walls; of all beasts the soft and patient lamb; of all fowls the mild and guileless dove. Christ is the Rose of Sharon (of the field,) and the Lily of the Valley:When God appeared to Moses it was not in the lofty cedar, nor the sturdy oak, nor the spreading palm, but in a bush-an humble, slender, abject shrub-as if He would by these elections check the conceited arrogance of man.—Jay.

Take the character of real Christians as they are found in the faithful word, and compare them with those who are living around you, and how few will come up to the representation. And does not the Scripture tell us that they are "jewels" for their rareness, as well as worth: that they are "a little flock" in a large field; that they are "a garden" in a vast wilderness. Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.-Ibid.

The sorrows and afflictions of life are

another school in which much is learned. Where there is much of the cross, there is much light; where there is little of the cross, there is much darkness, and much folly. Afflictions often make an experienced Divine or Christian.-Bickersteth.

We shall not want motives to a constant study of the pure word of God, if we remember that it is the only Book that we are commanded of God to read. Time is a flowing river that always makes for the ocean, and is soon lost in its bosom. We need never be anxious to know how far we are from the sea, or how near to it; nor is it of mighty consequence whether the waters are rough or smooth. Our care should be that we confide in our Pilot, who careth for us, and has engaged to conduct us safely; Yes, as safely in storms, as in still waters.-T. Jones.

Happiness how attained? They cannot but be happy who know they are saved, and live for God, and work in His ways. Many earnestly seek to be happy in following their own wills and pleasures: regardless of the will of God, They seek and find not, because they seek amiss.-Ibid.

Regularity and punctuality are as embankments to the stream of time-they prevent it from overflowing in idle waste.-Stodart.

Not what these Hands have done.
NOT what these hands have done
Can save this guilty soul:

Not what this toiling flesh has borne
Can make my spirit whole.

Not what I feel or do

Can give me peace with God;

Not all my prayers, and sighs, and tears,
Can bear my awful load.

Thy work alone, O Christ,

Can ease this weight of sin; Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God, Can give me peace within.

Thy love to me, O God,

(Not mine, O Lord, to Thee,) Can rid me of this dark unrest, And set my spirit free.

Thy grace alone, O God,

To me can pardon speak;

Thy power alone, O Son of God,
Can this sore bondage break.

No other work save Thine,

No meaner blood will do;

No strength, save that which is divine,
Can bear me safely through.

I bless the Christ of God;

I rest on love divine;

And with unfalt'ring lip and heart,
I call this Saviour mine.

His cross dispels each doubt;
I bury in His tomb
Each thought of unbelief and fear,
Each ling'ring shade of gloom.

I praise the God of grace;

I trust His truth and might;
He calls me His, I call Him mine,
My God, my joy, my light.


Gleanings for the young.

Dying Annie and her Parents.
was present once at the bedside of a
little girl who was dying, but who loved
the Saviour, although her father was an
infidel. I was called into the chamber;
and when I had been there a little while,
she asked me to sing. I asked her what
I should sing, and she said, "O sing me
Richard, 'There is a land of pure de-
light." Then I sang the verse-
"There is a land of pure delight,
Where saints immortal reign:
Infinite day excludes the night,
And pleasures banish pain."


"Oh!" she said,

"How I long to be there,

Its glories to share,

woman, who had been standing in the shop, said, "Sir, would you give me one of those little books for my grandchild!" How old is she, "I asked?" "She is three years old, Sir." "She cannot read, surely." "No, Sir:

but she has been converted in the revival, and takes pleasure now in nothing but singing or hearing hymns about Jesus; and if you give me one, I will read it to her." I gave her one, and put the other into my waistcoat pocket.

"As I went home, my conscience accused me of having never spoken about Jesus to my youngest child, for I had not believed that God converted little children; but now I thought-well, if God has worked a marvellous change in a child of three years old, why can He not do the same for a child of fourand-a-half years? So I determined to speak to her about her own soul, and how she could And to lean upon Jesus' breast." When I had done singing, she put out be saved, for though my other children had all heard the gospel, I felt sure that no one had her hands, and I caught the glare of ever spoken sufficiently simple to her. her eyes. She turned to her mother, After getting home, I took her on my knee, and said to her, "Mother, dear, will you and getting a pictorial Bible, I showed her a meet me in heaven?" The mother could picture of Jesus on the Cross. I found she only weep, and say, "O my dear child!" had some idea of the history of the Cross; But the little child went on: "Don't you but its reference to herself she had never been love me, mother?" "Oh, yes, I do love made to understand. I told her that beautiful you, my dear little one," she replied. story of the Cross, in the simplest words I "Well, then," said she, "if you love me, could frame. She appeared moved, and for won't you meet me in heaven?" The the first time in her life, that child understood she was a sinner, and Jesus a Saviour; and I mother, overcome, fell down and said, feel assured that then and there she believed "The Lord save me!" Then the little in Jesus Christ. She now takes a great deone turned her head upon her pillow, and light in hearing the Bible read, also the Pillooking at her father, said, "Father, grim's Progress; and though she is full of dear, do you love your dying Annie?" play, as all children are, she will leave all to "Oh, yes, I do love you," he replied. come and listen to a story from the Bible, es"Then," said the child, "won't you pecially the story of the Cross. meet me in heaven?" The father never I have repeatedly tested her trust in Jesus, answered her. She repeated the ques- and have always been satisfied with what she tion to him, when he burst into tears, said; for instance:-I showed her the picture and said, "O, my dear child, my dear Annie?" Again she put the question to him, "Father! will you meet me in heaven? At length he dropped upon his they could be in some way or other saved. Then I said, "If you were there, and the knees, and said, "If Christ can save a house all on fire round you, and if you saw wretch like me, I will meet you, by the me underneath, with my arms stretched out love of the Saviour, in heaven." There, towards you, and calling you to jump down locked in the arms of their dying child, into them, would you do it?" "Yes." they both promised to meet her above. "Why?" "Because I know you love me." Since that day the mother has died, and "And if you saw Jesus down there calling on her death-bed was able to cry, "Vic-you, would you jump too?"" Oh yes-that I would." "Because He loves tory! through the blood of the Lamb." "Why?" me." "How do you know He loves you?" "Because He died for me." She understands that one great truth, that Jesus died for her; and I no more doubt her being saved, than I doubt my own interest in Christ.

The Farthing Book.

Part of an Address given to Children in Dublin. WHEN I was in this country last year, I went into a shop in Lisburn to buy a few sheets of note paper. I was to get a half-penny change out of the piece of money I gave to the woman behind the counter. She said, "Sir, I have only two farthings, but if you have any objection to such small coin, perhaps you would rather take two farthing books." I asked her to show them to me, as I was anxious to see what kind of a book one might have for a farthing. She handed me two small books with a few hymns in each, suitable for very young children. I took them, and as I put them into my pocket, an elderly

of a house on fire, and pointing to the top story made her understand that anyone in these rooms would be burned to death, unless

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