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The Acorn.

THE physical world abounds in illustrations of things spiritual and eternal; every blade of grass, each bursting bud, is illustrative of a thought for God, if only the heart and imagination of the creature were in harmony with God's visible workmanship in external nature; but alas! the response of praise and glory to the great first cause is wanting; man's intellect is darkened, his affections earthly, desiring not the knowledge of God; he is very far gone from original righteousness, having wandered to the utmost from that good and gracious parent, in whom he yet lives, and moves, and has his being." A few days since, there was presented to my notice a little bursting acorn, which had shot its stem upwards, having been gathered by a dear friend, and placed in an open bottle, with the intention of watching its further development. The interesting circumstance suggested two or three ideas, which it may perhaps be worth while to note down, ere yet the evanescent shadows of passing thoughts have flitted over the waving field of ever busy imagination.

First, then, does not this little unsightly bulb, enclosing within its compass the embryo of some mighty forest oak, vividly illustrate that cardinal truth, the key-stone of our holy faith; viz., federal headship, covenant representation; or, in simple words, the one fact of the whole human family being, so to speak, enclosed in Adam, our first parent, from whom, as from the parent stock, springs the mighty tree of future generations, as well as the more precious verity, its counterpart in blessing, namely, the inheritance of the redeemed family in Christ, the glorious head and representative, the "second man," the "Lord from heaven,"


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we know not how. At first, it may be as the rious body, according to the mighty working,
tiny blade; but nourished by supplies out of whereby He is able to subdue all things unto
the fulness that is in Christ Jesus, and watered Himself." Oh, let us not start and shrink
by the heavenly husbandman, it pushes up- at dissolution; it is but the appointed process
wards, giving unmistakeable evidence of life; whereby, resolved into its original elements,
nay, more, the little scarce-formed foliage, the glorified body is evolved, just as the
with its bright tint, begins to appear, sweetly component parts of the little seed first decay,
emblematic of the budding fruit of the and afterwards go to form the tree or plant,
Spirit." As our eye surveys the bursting leaving no trace behind of the original seminal
acorn, how marvellous to reflect, that this particle, whence they sprang. Thou fool,
little thing is just the weak commencement that which thou sowest is not quickened, ex-
of that majestic tree, which shall yet spread cept it die." "Though after my skin, worms
its branches far and wide; so deeply rooted destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see
in the firm soil as to bear unmoved, the God, whom I shall see for myself, and mine
howling of the pitiless storm, a glorious oak, eyes shall behold, and not another;" "our
the king of the forest! Here, indeed, our flesh shall rest in hope;" the dust of His
illustration may, perchance, fail; for it is saints is precious, kept in the covenant till
possible that the germinating acorn may be the perfect consummation, both of body and
blighted, and never go on unto perfection; soul, in His eternal and glorious kingdom.
not so the heavenly seedling, endowed with a Methinks we might follow up these musings
power which causes the soul to burst those suggested by our little acorn, as illustrative
bonds that once confined it, and which, though of the conflict between the vital and germi-
oppressed, would fain expand in all the graces nating principle of Divine grace, and its
of the new-born spirit, made partaker of the manifold hindrances from an evil nature ob-
"Divine nature," the seed of God which re-structing its actings, and yet, the former
maineth in him; the believer is planted here gaining the victory; or again, we might still
in the "house of the Lord," and shall, one pursue our meditations, as it regards the dis-
day, "flourish in the courts of our God;" proportion between the comparatively small
grace in the wilderness being the sure earnest measure of grace attained by even the most
of glory in the kingdom of grace. Yes, the new advanced saint here below, and the glory to
nature is an indestructible thing, perfect in its be revealed in them when they shall awake
essence; for it is "Christ in you, the hope of up in His likeness, and be for ever satisfied
glory"- "Christ formed in you"- Christ therewith, &c., &c. But enough, let these
dwelling in your hearts by faith." The pro- thoughts suffice; they embody truths most
mise is sure to all the seed, although it doth solemn, most precious, entering into the sum
not yet appear what we shall be, but we know and substance of all that we believe, ex-
that, "when He, who is our life, shall appear, perience, and still hope for! Oh, that the
then shall we also appear with Him in glory." lineaments of the Divine image may be
Eternal Spirit! cause us, in the lively rea- deepened within us, through the power that
lization of this truth, to receive the end of wrought in Christ, when raised from the dead
our faith, even the salvation of our souls;" by the glory of the Father, that we may live,
and, looking for the day of triumph, may we "yet not we, but Christ may live in us," and
confidently sing the Lord's song in this house we in Him, as our blessed surety and repre-
of our pilgrimage, and—
sentative, "waiting for the adoption, to wit,
the redemption of our body," when shall be
brought to pass the saying, "Death is swal-
lowed up in victory."
M. C.

"Clap our hands exulting,
In thine Almighty favour;
The love Divine,

Which made us thine,
Shall keep us thine for ever."

from whom springs the seed, the generation
given of the Father? This is the mystery
which hath been hid from ages, and from
generations; man lost in Adam, saved in
Christ! O solemn thought! each unit of those
myriads of beings, who are borne along the
rushing stream of time in its ceaseless flow
from age to age, is either in Adam, as are all
by nature, and, as a necessary consequence, Or, as another expresses the same:
partaker of his guilt, and its penalty-death;
or, in Christ, translated from the power
of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear
Son;" united to Jesus, represented by Him,
and as a consequence, partaker of His right-
eousness unto justification, with its blessed
issue-eternal glory!




to the end shall endure,
As sure as the earnest is given;
More happy, but not more secure,


The souls of the blessed in heaven."

But, once more, has not our little acorn a word to speak of resurrection glory? Did it not lie upon the damp cold earth all through A clear apprehension of this truth, under the winter's snow and frost? apparently a the illumination of the Divine Spirit, unlocks, lifeless thing; but behold! the breath of spring or is as the key to open those treasures of goes forth, and life circulates throughout the grace and glory to fallen man, even from the vegetable kingdom to its remotest boundfirst embryo promise, in the day of Adam's we know the fact, we see the evidence, but sin and shame, to the ultimate development how it is, we cannot tell. Even the little dry of the mystery of godliness, when, unto the plant, shut up in some room, apart as we principalities and powers in heavenly places may fancy from the influence of atmospheric shall be known by the Church, the manifold changes, feels the new fresh impulse of viwisdom of God. Hence, as from a fountain, tality, and begins to sprout; and our acorn, flow those streamlets of covenant mercy, enveloped, though it may have been in the which, issuing from the throne of God and of yet mouldering remains of the decayed leaves the Lamb, descend to refresh and gladden of autumn, starts into life, and bursts its little the city of God, the holy place of the taber- shell! Oh, precious thought! balm of the nacles of the Most High." Holy Comforter! bereaved heart! sweet harbinger of that unfold this precious mystery with personal bright day, when He whom we love shall witness to our souls, that we are "in Him send forth His creative breath, and His dead that is true;" and then shall "our fellowship shall live! "Awake, and sing, ye that dwell be with the Father, and with His Son Jesus in dust, for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, Christ," and our joy shall be full! and the earth shall cast out THE dead." "Thy But to return to our theme; this little dead shall live, with My dead body shall they acorn, unlovely thing as it is, who could arise." Yes, the vital impulse shall be felt, ever imagine that it contained any seminal even to creation's utmost bound; it matters particle, any principle of vitality-did not not, whether entombed beneath the massive subsequent evidence attest the fact? But, pyramid, or in the mighty deep, the vernal lo! it bursts, and a tiny stem is pushed up- breath of His creative power shall go forth, wards; its summit crowned with a delicate, That which is sown in corruption, amid but fresh green leaflet. Have we not here a the many tears of sorrow's dreary night, lively figure of the new principle, implanted shall be raised in incorruption, on the blissby the Spirit, in regeneration? The incorrup- ful morrow of eternal joy! This "vile tible seed, the plant of Divine grace springs, body shall be fashioned like unto His glo

Sayings of Rutherford. BUILD your nest upon no tree here, for you see God has sold the forest to death, and every tree is ready to be cut down, to the end we may flee and mount up, and build upon the rock, and dwell in the holes of the rock.

They lose nothing who can gain Christ.

The Christ that saveth you, is a speaking Christ; the Church knoweth Him by His voice, and can discern His lauguage among a thousand.

Look for crosses, and while it is fair weather, mend the sails of the ship.

Men talk of Christ by the book and tongue, and no more; but to come nigh Christ, is another thing. Our rock doth not ebb and flow, though your sea doth. Christ is a tree of life, green and blossoming, both summer and winter.

Holiness is not Christ; nor are the

blossoms and flowers of the tree of Life, the tree itself.

Put Christ's love to the trial, and put upon it burdens, and then it will appear love indeed.

Faith hath not a voice beyond Christ's merits; blood, blood, your surety's dear blood, maketh that sure work.

I should weigh lighter than vanity in Christ's balance, if my Lord cast not in borrowed weight and metal; even Christ's righteousness to weigh for me.

Creep under the Lord's wings in the great shower, and the water cannot reach thee.

AYOUNG LADY is desirous of obtaining a Situa- GOD'S ETERNAL PURPOSE, AND CHRIST'S


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It has been thought that if the Psalms were thrown into the metrical form, as suggested by the parallelisms in the original Hebrew, and divided into paragraphs, and if, farther, every effort were made to preserve uniformity of translation, that is, to give the same English word where the same Hebrew word occurs, the English render would be in a much better position to understand this portion of God's precious word. To carry out this thought, taking care, at the same time, that the translation should be correct in other respects, has been the object of the present work.

It has been a studied nin, whilst so doing, to preserve as n uch of the authorized version as possible.

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Death-Bed Repentance.

Av American physician stated, that he had known 100 or more instances of persons, who in prospect of death, had been apparently converted, but had subsequently been restored to health. Out of them all he did not know of more than

three who devoted themselves to the service of Christ after recovery, or gave any evidence of their genuine conversion. A pious English physician, once stated that he had known some 300 sick persons who, soon expecting to die, had been led, as they supposed, to repentance of their sins, and saving faith in Christ, but had eventually been restored to health. Soon after their recovery they plunged, as a general thing, into the follies and vices of the world. How very solemn are such records!

A True Narrative.

A LABOURING man, who belonged to one of the villages of Syria, was travelling in that desert portion of Syria which stretches towards Egypt, when a man of high rank, and one in great favour with his queen, drove up alongside of him.

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in a few years, rejoice; but Philip did no such thing. Philip's "news" made him glad at once, and not only made him glad, but the angels in heaven that day rejoiced over the Eunuch; they saw he had turned from the world to believe in Jesus, and the angels had no doubt that God would take care of the Eunuch, after that they rejoiced in heaven.

Now, what had the Eunuch done to

The nobleman frankly confessed he did not; he made no pretence about it; he might have frowned at poor Philip, or called him a hypocrite, or told him he had no right or authority to speak, as he was not a priest. But the great man was a humble-hearted man, and he asked Philip to help him, if he knew anything about it, and he made Philip take a seat in his carriage. Philip gladly stepped into the carriage, and we are told by the Holy Spirit that Philip preached to the Eunuch, that is, he explained the liii. of Isaiah to him, and showed that the ONE who was to come, and to suffer, and to bear our sins, had ALREADY come; HAD suffered all those things, and HAD borne He did nothing to save himself-he all those sins. The nobleman listens no heard that Jesus had saved him, and he doubt with joy and gratitude-can this troubled himself about no signs, no diffireally be already fulfilled? dare I believe cult doctrines, no satanic impediments in that "the Lord hath laid on Him the the shape of frames, and feelings; he be-iniquity of us all?" It is quite true, says lieved Jesus had JUST DONE the VERY, Philip, perfectly true; HE HAS come, "by His stripes we ARE healed."

Now they are passing a beautiful stream, and the nobleman, turning to Philip, says, "What doth hinder me to be baptized? see here is water."

What does Philip answer: "If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest." And he asks him to confess his faith again, and the nobleman confesses that that same Jesus Christ who died to bear all our sins and sorrows was God's own Son.

The carriage is immediately comman

save himself? He was reading his Bible when a man spoke to him-told him good news which he believed on the spot, and the same afternoon you might have seen that Eunuch with a rejoicing face and heart, going on his way.

THING that the Holy Ghost said Jesus would do, in the 53rd of Isaiah, and he was a happy-hearted man now, going "on his way rejoicing." And God was pleased at his doing so, for it is the Lord God himself who tells us this anecdote.

God tells us this, reader, that some of us who wish to preach-that is, speak -with the Spirit, should imitate Philip; be bold like Philip, tell people simply about Jesus, and induce them to believe and rejoice at once.

God also tells us this anecdote, in order that some of those who read the

Bible, like the Eunuch, should learn that

The nobleman was engaged in reading, ded to stop, and Philip and the nobleman they have only to believe this Jesus to

and did not observe the labourer, who was enabled to keep up with the carriage, owing perhaps to the road being somewhat hilly.

The workman listened to what was read, and although he was poor, and the other a man of high authority, yet he asked him whether he understood what he read. Philip did not think this a wrong thing to do; he felt justified in speaking to any man on the road; the question he put was this, "Understandest thou what thou readest?"

both go into the water, and there Philip
baptized him; and the Spirit of God,
having other work for Philip to do, forth
with carried Philip away, and the Eunuch

be their own Jesus. (Matt. i. 21.) They


need not go day after day to hear some Philip talking about it; they are asked by the Holy Ghost, who wrote Isa. liii. 5, 6, to believe His words at saw him no more. "Come," says the Holy Ghost, "come." Did the Eunuch get up into his carriage (Rev. xxii. 17.) And "Whosoever bemourning, seeing that his great preacher lieveth in Him shall not perish (says now heard of Jesus, and believed "by 15.) had left him? No such thing; he had Jesus), but have eternal life." (John iii. His stripes" he was "healed," and he was joyous and glad.

Philip might have told him to believe and try to be a good man, and perhaps

Dost thou wish to be saved, reader?
Then believe in Jesus, as thine own pre-
cious Saviour.


"Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works. Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment."-ECCLES. ix. 7, 8.

the blood of Jesus. God has sent His truth, and joy. A believer must know something of these it has been rejected; His prophets have been things for abiding consolation and joy. As long persecuted and put to death; most of the apostles as he feels outside the vail, not near to God, not were martyred still God saves sinners that come in His blessed presence, he will not be happy; to Him through the blood of His Son. Some but when the blessed Comforter shews him that THERE are many anxious souls that have not may say, You must do this good work, or that; he is now standing in Christ, inside the vail, peace. We hope that God's Spirit is working but God says, Believe on Jesus, for He will have cleansed by the blood of Christ, and accepted in with them, yet they have not found peace. If mercy, and not sacrifice. Those who thus come Him, with every provision made for all the wil you ask them, they will tell you that they get to Him are washed in the blood of Jesus, recon-derness journey, then it is he eats his bread with worse and worse, and find themselves further ciled to God, and able to serve Him, and drinks the soul-cheering wine of the from peace than ever. They say they can some-There must be reconciliation between parties, kingdom with a merry heart. times look to Jesus, but have not peace. Why even if enmity exists only on one side, before How is it that God's dear people do not more have they not peace? Because they have not there can be acceptable service rendered, or peace- rejoice? Because they are not believing the prebelieved that Jesus so completely saves every ful intercourse known between them. The Queen cious words of Christ, not living upon Christ, sinner that comes to Him, that He says, of this land could not accept the homage and not feeding on Christ, not drawing out of the "Go thy way! thy faith hath saved thee; go in service of a rebel and traitor. No; however fulness of Christ, not apprehending their acpeace!" Blessed be His dear name, Jesus still much she may wish it, the past transgressions ceptance and standing in Christ, not abiding in says, Come! come unto me! He still looks with must be first justly dealt with, before such an Christ, not dwelling within the vail where Christ an eye of pity on poor sinners. He still says, one would be allowed an audience by her our life is, not having communion with God in "Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this Majesty. How much more the thrice-holy God, the flesh and blood of His beloved Son. Hence book;" and almost the last of the sayings is, before whom the heavens are not clean. Oh! "Let him that is athirst come, and whosoever the blessedness of having to do with the God of ful circumstances quickly cast down our spirits, passing things too much occupy the mind, painwill, let him take the water of life freely." And, as in the days of His flesh, still He says, Go peace, whose own arm, instead of being lifted up our hearts become easily impressed, and our for our utter destruction, has brought recon-affections allured from those things which are thy way! Doubt no more! Be happy! Go in ciliation, acceptance, and eternal salvation to us, above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of peace! Sometimes a sin-burdened soul came to The first words of our text, "Go thy way," Jesus. One woman cast herself down at His have suggested these thoughts. God accepts the Jesus, cleave to Jesus; let us hold fast our blessed God. O my fellow Christians! let us look to feet in deep sorrow of heart; she so felt her sinperson described here, and therefore his works. privileges, let us eat our bread with joy, and fulness, and that Christ was the Saviour of such, He cannot accept the works and not the person; drink our wine with a merry heart; for God now that big tears rolled down her cheeks, and washed for "the prayer of the wicked is an abomination accepteth our works! His blessed feet, and she wiped them with the in His sight." But those whom God accepts may hairs of her head. Thus she came as an unwell rejoice, because He now not only accepts their persons, but also their works-"God now accepteth thy works."

There are three points more in our text would like to touch a little upon, as the Lord may graciously help. 1. The believer is called to rejoice. 2. To be watchful. 3. To savour of


2. THE BELIEVER SHOULD BE WATCHFUL. "Let thy garments be always white." The garments of salvation are pure and spotless. The robe of righteousness is white and clean. The world through which our wilderness journey lies is unclean and defiling, and our evil flesh is easily acted on by Satan, hence we are admonished to keep our garments unspotted. If our children were attired in white and costly garments, and we sent them to walk along a muddy road, we should doubtless charge them to be careful how they walked, and to be watchful lest they defiled their pure clothing. So our heavenly Father, having clothed us with the "best robe," tells us that the world through which we walk is evil, and lying in the wicked one, and charges us to be watchful, so that our garments may be always white. Ah, my friends, we have great need to watch and pray, lest we enter into temptation. The defiling world is very ensnaring, fleshly lusts are very deceitful, and Satan is a mighty deceiver, so that we need to watch. Jesus always kept unspotted garments. He resisted every temptation, and quenched every fiery dart of Satan. He never sat in the scorner's chair. He always rejected the counsel of the ungodly. No one on earth ever so loved sinners, and yet He was separate from sinners. The world could never force an entrance into His heart, so that He could truly say, "I am not of the world." From first to last, at all times, and under all circumstances, He kept His garments unspotted. "He knew no sin." But we, alas! even the most watchful of us, have to mourn over defilements on our garments. It is, indeed, too true. They do get spotted, they are not always white. guarded moments we fail, and are defiled. But even here again the grace of God meets us, and our tears of sorrow and regret are wiped away by the uplifted hands of our Great High Priest, and our sighs are hushed by the still small voice of our Heavenly Father, assuring us that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." He tells us of the perpetual efficacy of the blood of Christ in maintaining our fellowship with Him; and while reminding us of His holiness in commanding us to "sin not," His grace assures us that "if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous." Thus, by the blood and priesthood of Christ, our communion with God is restored, our defiled consciences are purged, our garments are cleansed, and we realize again that we have white raiment, though surrounded by an evil and defiling world.

worthy, sinful one to Jesus; and He said to her, You are saved; go in peace! With open arms of love and mercy, He said to sin-oppressed people, "Come unto me, and I will give you rest." They did come, and then He said, "Go in peace." The blessed Jesus came to save. He will save; none other can save. If you do not come to Jesus, you never will find peace. You may go to church or chapel, say prayers, and the 1. THE BELIEVER IS CALLED TO REJOICE. like, but these will not give you peace. Jesus is "Eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine the only peace-maker between God and man, the with a merry heart." He is not to doubt that only peace-giver; hence He is called the Prince his sins are forgiven, and that he is accepted in of Peace. Some of you may think you have the Beloved, but to be happy in the knowledge of peace, because you do not feel particularly un- these things. Believing the truth of God, he is ashappy; but it is not so. If you awoke at mid-sured that he is not condemned, will not come into night, and found your bed-room brilliantly judgment, but that he is a child of God,-has illuminated, above any brightness you ever passed from death unto life, and will never beheid, you would tremble, you would fear and perish, because Christ has died and rose again, dread lest the day of judgment were come, be- and entered into heaven itself with His own cause you have not peace with God. When you blood. He stands, therefore, as a pardoned and place a friend in the grave, and think how soon accepted sinner, born again of the Spirit; thereyou may be laid there yourself, you are not fore God now accepts his works. He is, then, to happy-you have not peace. Why? Because eat and drink with joy. He is to take up the you have not come to Jesus, and found peace necessary matters of every-day life with a happy through His precious blood. No peace! Be-heart, as unto the Lord. He is to rejoice evercause you will not come to Jesus. The vilest more, in everything to give thanks, yea, to resinner may come. Publicans and harlots do joice in the Lord always. This is true Christian come, and Jesus washes their crimson sins in experience, what the apostle Peter calls, "Joy His blood, and says unto them, Go in peace! unspeakable and full of glory." But when we Nothing can be more simple. It was not the find "bread" and "wine" mentioned in Scripwoman's tears that we have referred to, nor her ture, we may generally be pretty sure that the humility, nor anything else of her own that Holy Spirit is reminding us of Him who said, saved her. No; she simply came to Jesus as a "I am the bread of life-the bread that I will helpless sinner, and He saved her. Some people give is my flesh." This is the Christian's food. are constantly thinking or talking about their It is broken bread. As we cannot partake of a sins, and say they are always coming to Christ loaf of bread, for our bodily sustenance, till it is as miserable sinners; they have not peace, be- broken, so we could not eat of Christ, the bread cause they do not believe God's word, which of life, till His body was broken; therefore says, that they are now justified by Christ's blood. Jesus said, prior to the Cross, the bread that I Other true-hearted people have not peace, because will give. It is the broken body, and poured out they expect some extraordinary visitation: they blood of Christ, that is now our bread and wine; say, If I had a particular dream, or heard an and perhaps the greatest blessing we can have, angel's voice proclaim that I was saved, I should next to salvation, is a good appetite to the flesh have peace. But they should not thus speak. and blood of Christ. Nothing can compensate Our ears may deceive us; but we have God's the believer for a lack of this. Christ is our word, His unfailing truth, the promise of Him daily bread. No Christ, no food. We are blessed to rest in, with whom is no variableness nor in Christ with all spiritual blessings, and are shadow of turning. He declares that He will called to live on Him for constant spiritual supsave to the uttermost them that come to Him plies. When meditating on the written word, through Christ; and this should be enough. under the Spirit's teaching, we feed on Christ. Here is a rock for coming sinners to rest upon, We know nothing of Christ, but as revealed unto sold ground for peace and happiness; for Go us by the Spirit in the Scriptures. "The words thy way! go in peace! are the words of Jesus now that I speak unto you," said Jesus, "they are to such. But how fearful is the thought that Spirit, and they are life." We feed on Christ He will say to others, by-and-bye, "Depart from when we receive His word in faith into our me, ye cursed!" "Bind him hand and foot, hearts. Hence it is that those who neglect the and take him away, and cast him into outer reading of the Scriptures have barrenness of We are called to walk with God, therefore we darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing soul. In this, as in every other thing, Christ should be watchful, lest we slide away and fall of teeth." Fath left us an example. He emptied himself, from our high places. We should be watchful, Now God-the God of peace-preaches peace and took a servant's form. He lived in continual lest we forget that we are clothed with garments by Jesus Christ. All that He wants of sinners dependance on the Father; therefore He said, of salvation, and covered with a robe of righteousis, that they come to Him about their sins; for "As the living Father hath sent me into the ness, and be found again trying to feed upon He gave His Son to put away our sins with His world, and I live by the Father, so he that carnal husks at the swine trough. We should be own blood. The Holy Spirit convinces men of eateth me, even he shall live by me." Com-watchful, lest our eye rest upon the world's vain their sinfulness, and leads them to Christ for munion with God, in the person, work, and glitter, and our heart become attracted by it. We pardon. Come, then, now. Come as sinners, fulness of Christ, as accepted worshippers, made should be watchful, lest we yield to evil sugmiserable, wretched sinners, and come pleading nigh by His blood, is the ground of true Christian gestions, and give utterance to unholy words.


In un

We should be watchful, lest we lay down the shield of faith, and slumber in the arms of unbelief. We should be watchful, lest we lose our relish for the sincere milk of the word. We should watch against everything that hinders our communion with God. In a word, we should seek to keep our garments unspotted; but when defilement is contracted, we should at once with confession bring it to the fountain open for sin and all uncleanness. May we be diligent, that when Jesus comes, we may be found of Him in peace, without spot and blameless!

3. THE BELIEVER SHOULD SAVOUR OF CHRIST of the world do not consider themselves full dressed, unless they have perfumed themselves with some pleasant odour, and wherever they go they leave traces of the sweet scent. So the true Christian is not only covered with the robe of righteousness, but He is anointed with the Holy Ghost-"Ye have an unction of the Holy One." Hence he is called to witness for Christ, to shew forth the virtues of Christ, to confess

"Let thy head lack no ointment." Some people

Christ. As he yields to fleshly lusts, so the Spirit which dwelleth in him is grieved and quenched, and then there will be little of Christ. It is because of this that so many talk so much about religion with scarcely any reference to

Christ; that some preach a long discourse, and if Christ is named at all, He is only briefly referred to at the close, and others write about religious subjects with Christless pages. If such are regenerate people, it is because their heads lack ointment, they are living in fleshly energy instead of dependance on God the Holy Ghost. The apostle Paul bids us beware of everything which is not after Christ, (Col. ii. 8,) and our Lord said, "Whosoever shall CONFESS ME before men, him shall the Son of Man also confess before the angels of God; but he that DENIETH ME before men shall be denied before the angels of God." Nothing can be more decisive, or more plainly shew us that it is not merely religious things, or sentiments we are called upon to give testimony to, but Christ-Christ in the infinite perfections of His person, work, worth, life, ways, blood, death, triumphs, and coming. Paul and others, through grace, kept so close to Christ, that the savour of His knowledge was made manifest by them in every place. He tells us that he lived by the faith of Christ, preached Christ crucified, so manifested Christ, as to be able to say, "for me to live is Christ," and he looked for Christ's second coming. If he wrote a letter, it was full of Christ: his inspired

epistles shew this. The apostle John also tells us that he was banished to the isle of Patmos for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. So we being united to Christ, and indwelt by the Spirit of Christ, are exhorted to be rooted and built up in Christ, to rejoice in Christ, to have our conversation as becometh the gospel of Christ, and to wait for His appearing. For these things we need frequent spiritual renewings, constant supplies of grace, yea, to be filled with the Spirit; thus, our head will lack no oint


stretched arms to such as you, saying, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Only believe-believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved!

The Cross of Christ.

GOD has shewn his love to man in numberless ways, but all manifestations of Divine power to the sinner in former times are not in comparison with that revelation which God made of Himself in giving up Him "who knew no sin, to be sin for us." Morning beams of light precede the perfect day, and like as the sun at noon shines the brightest, so the fulness of eternal mercy and love shone out in all their glorious brightness from the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The apostle gloried in the Cross of Christ, and every believer looking at the Cross of Jesus must likewise glory in it, knowing that through the death of God's dear Son eternal life and every spiritual blessing are brought to us. Beholding by faith those wounds, the sinner sees a bottomless ocean of eternal love flowing out towards him.

The Cross! the Cross! O that's our gain,
Because on that the Lamb was slain:
'Twas there our Lord was crucified,
'Twas there our Saviour for us died.
What wondrous cause could move thy heart,
To take on thee our curse and smart,
Well knowing we should ever be
So cold, so negligent of thee!

The cause was love. We sink with shame
Before our sacred Jesu's name;
That He should bleed and suffer thus,
Because, because He loved us.

The glory of infinite justice and mercy was displayed in the Cross of Christ. brought the punishment of death upon the Sin has soul of the guilty, the death of One who was guiltless declares God's righteousness in the remission of sins. The blessings of pardon, peace and joy, which the believing sinner receives, are made his on account of that perfect obedience and full satisfaction which Jesus gave, who "is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." The broken law and the guilty sinner have endless honour through the Cross of Christ. God's mercy is "from everlasting to everlast. I have said much more to the believer than I ing," and He spared not His own Son, but intended, but the deep importance of these points delivered Him up for us all, and in the Cross would not allow me hastily to pass them by. In of Christ we see the glory of Divine wisdom conclusion, let me kindly say to the reader, Have you peace? If so, I am sure it is through the and power. Jesus, the Creator of all worlds, blood of Christ. There is no other way. Oh, saved not Himself, because He had power and unconverted friends! beware of anything else. You cannot honour Christ unless you accept was willing to save others, not His friends, Him as your Saviour, and "he that honoureth but those who were enemies to God. Our not the Son, honoureth not the Father which sins are enough to sink us into hell, but hath sent Him." Oh, beware of being religious without a full, free. and everlasting salvation by God in His boundless love bruised Christ for Christ. On your receiving, or rejecting, Christ our iniquities, "and with His stripes we are crucified for sinners, your eternal destiny depends. healed." He that believeth not shall be damned. But, perhaps my reader feels himself a heavy-laden sinner; you acknowledge your transgressions, and are ready to despair and give yourself up for lost. The utterances of your anxious heart are

"Depths of mercy, can there be Mercy still reserved for me? Can my God His wrath forbear? Me the chief of sinners spare? I have long withstood His grace, Long provoked Him to His face; Would not hearken to His calls, Grieved Him by a thousand falls." Oh, my friend, you need not despair. Jesus died for the ungodly. He is full of compassion. His blood cleanseth from all sin. He saves to the uttermost; and He still calls with out

Dear reader,- Have you seen the glory of God in the Cross of Christ? A look at Christ crucified breaks the rocky heart, and the Saviour's precious blood applied by faith comforts the troubled soul and gives peace.

“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."

He took the rebel sinner's place,
And suffered in his stead;
For man! Oh! miracle of grace!
For sinful man he bled.

E. P.

An Indian Chief,

ON a late occasion, a Cherokee Indian chief appeared in the Fulton Street prayer-meeting. His name was "White Cloud." He was richly attired, as an American gentleman, except that his outer coat was of buckskin, very highly ornamented; not in the usual Indian style, but with rich work of silk embroidery. The cut and taste were thoroughly Indian. On his way to the meeting, he had attracted He was uncommonly modest in his and bearing, and appeared very intelligent.

much notice from the children in the street. appearance

He began by saying that he felt it a great blessing to him to be in the Fuiton Street prayer-meeting. "I have," said he, “a great

heart toward all Christians here. I could embrace you all, and take you all to my bosom. to stand here and look around on these prayGod only knows how it makes me feel ing people, and think that you come here to pray. You pray to go to heaven. Poor Indian wants to go to heaven too. You pray to Jesus, whom you love. Poor Indian loves Him too. You pray to be washed in His blood. Poor Indian must be washed in His blood too. You pray as brothers redeemed by the same Jesus. Poor Indian comes as a brother, too-redeemed. by the same Saviour. I am a Cherokee. My home is 3500 miles away, in the far west. You sent the missionaries to my people in 1816. The white man came with the Bible on one arm, and his hymn book on the other, and the love of the gospel in his heart. He told us that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. The Spirit of the Lord came down into the darkest corner of my father's wigwam, and said to me, 'You are a sinner-you must believe on Jesus.' He accused me of everything. He laid heavy charges at my door. Felt very bad. Ran away into the deep forest -no getting away from very bad heart. The owned up to it all, and told Him all about it. Spirit say, Go to Jesus.' I went to Him and He had mercy on me. I could not speak one word of English when I was converted. cannot tell you how glad I am to be in this prayer-meeting. Oh, keep it a prayer-meeting in this great city of New York. speak very good English, but I want to pray. Let us pray.'

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I cannot

He then led in prayer; and such a prayer faith, and love, was scarcely ever heard in that for its childlikeness, thankfulness, simplicity, room. Some sobbed aloud, and strong men bowed their heads to hide their flowing tears. That prayer was perfectly indescribable. It made the deep impression that this Indian was deeply taught of the Holy Spirit.-New York Observer.

The Cross of Christ. RISE, O my soul, with thy desires to heaven, And with divinest contemplations use Thy time, when time's eternity is given: And let vain thoughts no more my thoughts. abuse:

But down in midnight darkness let them lie:


live the better, let thy worst thoughts die.
And then, my soul, inspired with holy flame,
View and review with most regardful eye,
That holy Cross whence thy salvation came,

For in that sacred object is much pleasure,
On which thy Saviour and thy sin did die.
And in that Saviour is my life, my treasure.
To Thee, O Jesus, I direct mine eyes,

To Thee mine hand, to Thee my humble knees: To Thee my heart shall sacrifice;

To Thee my thoughts, who my thoughts only


To Thee myself-myself and all I give, To Thee I die to Thee I only live.

W. B.

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