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Are you, my friend, trusting in anything short of Christ crucified, and the Spirit's work in the heart? If so, you are building your hopes for heaven on a sandy foundation. Your prayers are all unavailing, while you are destitute of Christ. Your faith is not genuine, unless centered in Christ. Your baptism is void, unless you are made a new creature in Christ Jesus. You can never be truly sanctified, until you enter through the door of the new birth, into a living hope of heaven, by what Jesus has done and suffered.

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Some there are who make ease and comfort


Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and to the Greeks foolishness," but to them that believe, "CHRIST, the Power Of of God, and the WISDOM of God." Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us WISDOM." (1 Cor. i. 23, 24, 30.) The world with all its vaunted wisdom


Oh! let me prevail on you-let me beseech their "principal thing." They do not care "knew not God" (verse 21); but the Apostle much about the gaieties of life. They do not Paul declared, "the Wisdom of God is a much admire its follies. They are content mystery even the hidden Wisdom.” (1 Cor. with what they possess, and are professedly ii. 7.) He knew "the wisdom of this world thankful for the blessings they enjoy. They is foolishness with God," and consequently are enabled to earn an honest livelihood; can determined to know nothing among men, but pay their way as they go; circumstances admit" Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." This of their living respectably. They have a good shews us what the Apostle understood by name amongst those by whom they are sur- wisdom. rounded; they have done no particular harm The Saviour, the great Teacher, told the to any one, that they know of; all goes on Jews that they were to search the scripsmoothly; and so they pass through life, con- tures;" and when He told them so, He said tent with their present portion, and from want" they are they which testify of Me;" (John of attention to God's word, look upon ease v. 39;) and we doubt not, but that the and freedom from care as the "principal wisdom of which Solomon spoke is none thing."

you to make sure work of this matter, for it is all important; it concerns your heaven or your hell. It is for your soul, your own soul, your everlasting all, that I thus plead; do not, therefore, turn away, but meditate on the question,—HAVE I BEEN BORN AGAIN? Jesus says, "Verily, verily, I say unto THEE, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." "But," say you, "has any one ever really felt this? is it really a genuine fact to be known in this life?" It is, dear reader; for the writer has himself felt it. He was once a gay, giddy, careless youth, fond of the world, and destitute of all real religion. He oft smiled at a mother's tears, and mocked at a father's prayers; but now he has passed from death unto life; he has fled to Jesus for refuge, and has found peace of mind, passing all understanding, and is not afraid to meet death, because death has no terrors to those who trust in

Jesus. If then a sinner, so vile as the one who is now writing, has found mercy, you need not despair, for the blood of Jesus can cleanse you from all sin, while Jesus himself bids you come. Come, SINNER, COME to Jesus! come to Jesus, sinner come!

The Principal Thing. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom." Prov. iv. 7.

other than Christ.

Others there are who make money their The "holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost;" (2 Peter "principal thing." All their energies seem concentrated on this one object, to get money. i. 21;) and it is the especial office of the Sad it is to see so much time and attention Holy Spirit to glorify Jesus. "He shall misapplied, (as we constantly do,) in "heaping glorify me, for he shall receive of mine, and up riches, not knowing who shall gather shall shew it unto you.” them," or in what manner they shall be spent.

May He now vouchsafe us His teaching, and shew unto us Jesus, as He is revealed in this portion of Holy Scripture, as the WISDOM of GOD.

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No one is certain that he will live another day to enjoy it, and yet, men scrape together, and hoard up their money as if they were Perhaps some may feel a difficulty in certain that they should be able to use it, and thinking that wisdom means Christ, because delight in it. True it is, that they are like it is always spoken of in the book of Proverbs the man with the muck-rake; they are so in the feminine gender; for instance, "Wisdom busily occupied scraping together the muck crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the and dirt around them; that they do not lift up streets." (Prov. i. 20.) Exalt her and she their eyes to see the glorious crown, that is shall promote thee," (ch. iv. 8.) &c. To So says the Holy Ghost by him to whom God held out for their acceptance. Money is their those who are acquainted with the Hebrew had given "a wise and understanding heart;""principal thing." For it they lose their language, such a difficulty would not occur, whose "wisdom excelled all the children of happiness, their good name, honour, and their any more than it would to a French scholar, the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt." opportunities of doing good; they are almost if the Bible were translated from that lan"He was wiser than all men." "There came willing to despise and set at nought the well- guage; for I am told (I am no Hebrew of all people to hear his wisdom, from all being of their most intimate friends, provided scholar myself) that there are but two genders kings of the earth." (1 Kings iv. 30, 31, 34.) only that they can by so doing get money. in Hebrew, masculine and feminine, and that, The sentiments and opinions of wise men It is their god. Reader, "covetousness is consequently, a noun that would be repreof all ages have been attended to, and acted idolatry." Many there are who take exceed-sented in English by the pronoun it, must upon, and surely the advice of one who was ing delight in arts and sciences, and in the have the pronoun he or she in that language, "wiser than all men" ought to be listened to pursuit of general knowledge. They are as is the case also in the French. Perhaps with respect, and if possible followed. frequently to be found luxuriating in the it might serve to remove this difficulty, if the painted imageries of the great artists; or verses where wisdom is spoken of were rentheir intellectual powers revel in the elevated dered with the pronoun it instead of she; for sentiments of the most admired poets. The example "Wisdom crieth without: it uttereth many inventions of men fascinate them, and its voice in the streets," &c. they are to be found night after night—almost day and night-acquainting themselves with some branch of knowledge.

Not only does the wise man counsel us, in the words which we have quoted at the head of this paper, to "get wisdom;" but he gives us a good reason why such counsel is deserving of notice. He says, "wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom." May the Lord bless this paper to the heart of each one that may read it, and may God's Holy Spirit, who alone can enlighten our dark minds, and enable us to see light in God's light, now show us what "the principal thing" really is, and in what manner it is so.

But now, dear reader, having discovered what wisdom is, viz., CHRIST, it behoves us to examine ourselves as to whether we have got wisdom. Have we found Christ? Bless God, I have. Have you?

But, say you, "Did you not assert that wisdom is the principal thing, and therefore persuade us to get it?" Yes, I did, certainly; I do not mean to say that I am yet fully but what is wisdom? God has not left us in acquainted with Christ in His offices, His ignorance on this point (blessed be His Holy wonderful greatness, or His unbounded love. Many persons live and act as if present en- Name!) He has caused one part of His I have much to learn about Him yet, so enjoyment were "the principal thing;" their word to unfold another, in a most extra- much, that it will take me an eternity to hearts are engrossed with the vanities and ordinary manner. He has also promised His know Him in all His fulness; but I have pleasures of the world, as if there were no- Holy Spirit to those that ask Him, for begun to taste the sweets of learning what thing else to live for. They appear as if they enlightening their dark minds, and to make He is. I have found it true, that "wisdom's

ways are ways of pleasantness, and all His paths are peace." I am, indeed, but as a child, who has just been at school long enough to know what learning means, but I find that acquaintance with wisdom is so far preferable to ignorance, that I would fain say to all I meet with, "get wisdom." It is, indeed, the "principal thing," and if you know Jesus, you will say so too. If not, in mercy to yourself, begin soon to form an acquaintance with Him; for He is more precious than rubies, and all the gold thou canst desire are not to be compared unto Him." "Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace."


and caused many a heart to ache. It was evident to all who were with him a great change had taken place. Instead of murmuring at increased sufferings, he more than once expressed his thankfulness that the Lord had afflicted him. The name of Jesus became very precious to him. On covers of old copy books (all being asleep and unable write or rather scribble, for feeble was the to get anything else) I felt constrained to hand, but asking God to direct me, I tried to point him to Jesus, held out the precious truth of the Word, and urged him to cast all his sins on the Lamb of God. (These old covers were in his pocket-book when he died.) My dear sister saw him about nine days previous to his death; he said he had only been praying eleven weeks, and spoke of


But how weak is human nature; how soon resolutions are broken, if made in our own strength! The heart must be renewed, and the deep seated love of sin be taken away; the soul washed and cleansed in the blood of God's dear Son; the Spirit must quicken, for the flesh profiteth nothing; and, thus arising from the grave of corruption and death, we are born into the family of God, and as children look to God, our heavenly Father, for all spiritual help. Then alone the weak child of Adam is made strong in the Lord, and thus it was with dear James. It was not until after his marriage, which was about twelve years ago, that he spent his evenings Acquaint yourself with Him, as your Sub- so much in company, although he had a kind, ; but afterwards when he had read stitute, as the Sin-bearer, and as the One affectionate wife. Trials and joys here often full of joy and liberty, that he said he felt as The Evangelist" for May, he seemed so who desires to be, and who is, your real go hand in hand. A dear babe gave joy to though he had never prayed aright until he friend, and you will have peace with God, both, but ere fourteen months passed away, had read that paper; and by his little Louisa, which is the present portion of every believer, that loved one was taken to a better world. sent me a kind message thanking me for it, and arises from the consciousness of being This was a sore trial to its feeble mother, and asking if I had six more to sell him. made pure by the blood of Jesus; for " the but she was sustained, and another child was is to send some young men," I sent one, and Fearing delay, Louisa said, "I think, Aunt, it wisdom that cometh from above is first pure, given, which was the joy of her mother's that he gave his youngest sister, wrote on it then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be en-heart for many years during her severe afflic-From a friend" and the date of month he treated; full of mercy and good fruits, (do tion, which was, I have reason to believe, sent it, also, the name of a much valued not forget these things, or their order,) with- made a blessing to her soul; and that death out partiality, and without hypocrisy." (James proved to her a blessed entrance into that iii. 17.) world of eternal joy where the inhabitants How contrary to that other wisdom that shall no more say they are sick. the apostle speaks of, which is "earthly,) sensual, devilish."

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Oh! may every one of them, and his friends, neighbours, and companions in sin bed repentance is a rare occurrence. take warning. Dear friends, a genuine deathread of but two. The thief and the labourer who went out at the eleventh hour.


I think poor James, in his unconverted state was too candid, too sincere to profess what he was kind and, feeling toward others, but he did not feel; when in a quiet state of mind the most moral, dear friends, in God's sight are lost, guilty, condemned sinners. But hear the voice of God; He says "I have found a ransom." Oh! fly then, just as you are,

friend of his and ours, who was and is still deeply afflicted. Oh! may that paper or the copy of it prove as great a blessing to her as it did to poor James! He continued rejoicing in the glorious liberty of the children of God, But if afflictions profit not they harden; being, through grace, snatched as a brand from such was the case I fear with poor James. of God's dear Son. He knew the joy of being the burning, and translated into the kingdom Oh! my dear reader, it is the wisdom from Evenings were spent out as before, and oh, able to cry, Abba, Father, the Spirit witnessing above, even Jesus, who is "the principal thing." how gladly would he have recalled those with his spirit that he was born again. On But perhaps some of my readers will say, wasted hours, but he could not! This down- his aged Mother saying "I don't know what "What is the meaning of this? You blame ward course led to his removal from the I'm spared for ;" he replied, "To see me as men for doing the very thing that you pro- White Lion, (name of his Inn) and he re-like this before." you see me now, mother: you never saw me His mother, sisters, and pose to them. You tell them to get wisdom, turned to his mother's home. There was now brothers too often shed tears when they recall but because they set about it, you find fault some outward degree of amendment, but no his sayings. with them." Not so, my friend, not so; I do change for many months. His health began not blame men for acquiring knowledge, nor to fail greatly, he had sowed to the wind, for acquainting themselves with the wonders now he must reap the whirlwind. The jovial of science and art, and being well stored with glass was only elevating for the time; it was learning, but I blame them because they sowing the seeds of death, bodily and moralmake it their principal thing." Therefore ly; no cure could be found for the body. get JESUS. Get Him as your surety. Ask but the Great Physician, freely in love and God by His Holy Spirit to shew you Christ mercy, visited this sin-sick soul, and healed for you, and then pray that "Christ may be by His precious blood, the wounds sin had formed in you," and that you may soon be made. First his state was shown him through conformed to His image. a letter an afflicted child of God wrote to his sister, who was much endeared to us, and who felt deeply for James. Next tracts were greatly blessed to him; many were the messages returned me respecting them. May the Lord bless the various givers of them, who thus enabled me, on my bed of sickness, to send forth the gracious messages of grace and love! Then the instructions received in childhood, at the Sunday-school, were greatly Brief Narrative of James V-revived. His sister told me she was astonished — was in early days a scholar in at his remembrance of passages and hymns the Baptist Sunday-school, at, where he repeated. Fervent prayers for pardon rose his dear mother and her family long resided. from that once careless soul; God's people, James, as a steady lad, grew up a sober man, although living home and exposed to such temptations as are to be found everywhere, especially in an inn. I remember well his dear sister Eliza, who was called to her heavenly home nearly sixteen years ago, once speaking hopefully of his quiet conduct, and fondness of reading, during a short stay with them; little did she think what sorrow his after-course would cause his beloved mother

Do not mistake earthly pleasures, or money, or ease, or knowledge, or any of the trifles of time, for the principal thing, but get wisdom -"for wisdom is the principal thing."

"If any man lack wisdom let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given Him." (James i. 5.)


and family.

who were not once sought after, were now
invited to his sick-bed, and my soul rejoiced
at the blessed tidings. Some of them told
me they felt assured it was the work of the
Spirit of God, and not the terrors of the Law,
produced from fear of punishment.

to Jesus.

"If you tarry till you're better,

You will never come at all."

Jesus says, Come! "Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out." Oh! may the Lord draw you and draw me nearer to Himself, for the happiest moments midst my pain of body have been when Jesus has revealed Himself in His word and by His Spirit to me, a guilty, weak, and helpless worm, as my all sufficient Saviour, and I rejoice to join in the words of that sweet hymn which poor Tom sung:

"I am a poor sinner and nothing at all, But Jesus Christ is my all in all." All the redeemed whether black or white, bond or free, rich or poor, learned or unlearned, of whatever sect, whether they worship in a church, chapel, or mud hovel, unite in the same song and ascribe all the praise to Jesus. The last words of poor James were, looking in his sister's face," I'm looking to He paused for breath and then Christ." added, “And to Christ alone."

He deeply felt the evil influence his life must have had on others, especially that his dear motherless child had not been by him brought up in the fear of the Lord, for though residing with her Grandmother, he was often there I shall now close this attempt to proclaim with her, and I know that he tenderly loved the goodness of God, who took home this her; only the love of sin choked that love, I redeemed one, May 29th, 1860.



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"The Righteousness of God our Saviour."

2 Pet. i. 1.


THE person of Jesus, is the mirror of


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and so brought in everlasting righteous- grace of God, to the vile and unworthy!
This He did, and so became "the Wonderful exhibition of the wisdom of
Lord our righteousness." This He did, the Father, and the condescension of the
and so magnifed the law, and made it Son! Holy Spirit, strip us of every rag
honourable. This He did, and so took of ours, and bring us as naked sinners
away all ground for condemnation, and to receive, put on, and daily wear, this
silenced all the accusations of Satan, robe of righteousness. Teach us to trust
against all that believe in His name. in, enjoy, and make "the righteousness of
His holy nature, His obedient life, and God our Saviour," our boast and glory!
His atoning death, constitute "the right- In this righteousness I would rest now
eousness of God our Saviour:" and the-in this righteousness I would be found
righteousness of God our Saviour, justi- on my sick bed, and at my dying hour.
fies the believing sinner, and makes him Through this righteousness, I expect to
an heir of all things. The complete be welcomed to inherit the kingdom,
work of Jesus is made over to every be-
liever, is placed to the account of every
one who relies on His word, and is saved
by His grace.

prepared for the Lord's people from the foundation of the world. This righteousness is the ground of my hope, the basis of my confidence, the subject of my The righteousness of God our Saviour," frequent meditations, and the source of becomes ours, not by any works we per- my joy and peace-well, therefore, may I and manhood, in its highest excellency, form, or any services we render to the prize and speak well of it. are to be seen. As God, He is infinitely Lord, but by faith alone. By simple

perfection. In Him, godhead in its glory

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righteous, as man He is perfectly right believing in Jesus, we become interested "It is the Blood that makes an

eous, and as Godman, He is characterised

by righteousness. As His natures-His

plans, thoughts, words, and works are righteous. He is the Righteous One;" the Holy One of Israel-righteous in all His ways, and holy in all His works. Holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate

in Him, and entitled to all that He did

Atonement for the Soul."

and suffered as the substitute of His OF all the blinded religionists of our day person—are perfect; all His purposes, people. It, like some robe of costly (and their name is legion), there seem material, exquisite workmanship, and to be none so blind as those who profess lovely hue, clothes, covers, and adorns to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ us; and thus clothed, we are fitted to came into the world, not to give His life appear in the presence of a holy God, a ransom for many-not by dying instead and hold communion and fellowship with saints and angels. If anything will give us boldness in the day of judgment, if eous: mysterious, many things in it may anything will enable us to die in the

from sinners, is He. His government, in nature, providence, and grace, is right

of sinners to satisfy the justice of an angry and holy God-but only to set us miserable, unholy, ungrateful sinners an example; that we, by striving to follow

be, but righteous every part of it must exercise of holy confidence, if anything in His steps, some perhaps say by His

be. His sceptre is a right sceptre.

But by "the righteousness of God our

will fortify us against the assaults of Satan, and raise us above the doubts and Saviour," we understand, not the per- fears, generated by the corruption of our

Spirit in some way infused in them, they may become dead to sin, and attain to perfection; and, thus becoming good,

fection or excellency of His nature, or hearts-it is "the righteousness of God deserve eternal happiness. Not to notice

person; nor the rectitude of His governour Saviour." This righteousness meets these religionists by their peculiar secment, but His work as the servant of all the demands of God in Ilis law, tarian names, let it suffice to let it suffice to say that any His Father, and as the substitute for answers all the objections of Satan to man's hope for eternity, if it be not built sinners-His obedience unto death. To our justification, and will silence all the upon, and only upon, the death and re

nature, and all the perfections of God.

this work He brought a spotless human accusations of our guilty conscience.surrection of the Son of God (who died Interested in it, we are safe-realising for our sins, and rose again for our jusHe voluntarily undertook to do and suffer our title to it, we are happy-and plead-tification), is in fact a miserable and a all that was necessary to procure our ing it before God, we are assured of His strong delusion, and a lie of the devil. acquittal from condemnation, our ever- favour, and admitted into His presence. "Other foundation can no man lay than lasting justification before God, and a that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." title for us to eternal life. This He did,

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Now made Nigh;


"But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far off

are made nigh by the blood of Christ. -EPH. ii. 13.


We find in this verse reference made to what the state of these persons was, before they received the gospel, what their present standing and blessings are, and also the ground of their being so. Let us look a little at each of these points.

as a royal and holy priesthood, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

And all this our God has done for us in Christ. What love! Is Christ near to God? so am I, for I am in Him. Is Christ living for evermore? so am I. Is Christ righteous? so am I; for in Him, and through His blood, I am made nigh to God. What matchless grace! O for a believing heart fully to welcome all these ways of our God toward us, that, instead of brooding over ourselves with gloom and sorrow, we may find our hearts lifted high, and more and more expanded by the heights and depths of God's free and abundant love to us in Christ Jesus.



It is

blood of Christ-"are made nigh by the blood of Christ." Not our efforts, our devotedness, our attainments, but the blood of Christ. something already done-we may not know it, may fail in the true apprehension of it, may not enjoy it, nevertheless it is done-ARE made nigh by the blood of Christ. Without the death of the Son of God, we must for ever have remained far off from Him, still in our sins and guilt, for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul; and Jesus so taught the absolute necessity of His death, when He said, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." It is not then the incarnation of Christ, the life of Christ, or the example of Christ, but the death of Christ, the Cross of Christ, the blood of Christ that cleanses our guilty consciences, and makes us feel happy in God's presence. It is Christ crucified that is the only peaceful meeting-place between God and the sinner. There God shews sinners how much He loves them. There God brings salvation to the lost. There God opened an all-cleansing fountain for sin and uncleanness. There God magnified His own holiness and justice, and manifested the exceeding riches of His grace to unholy men; and by that blood God has made all that believe to stand in everlasting nearness to Himself.

Is it not so? Turn where we may, do we not find men busily seeking satisfaction apart from God? some in pleasure, others in science, fame, the accumulation of wealth, or other forms of self-indulgence. Such, I say, is the world; and I dwell upon it because few appear to see that In reading the Word of God, it is always impor- the world, whether in its rude or polished phase, tant to see to whom each particular portion is is equally that which is far from God. addressed; for instance, this epistle was not ad- Moreover, with all the outward glitter, such dressed to the inhabitants of Ephesus generally, have within a secret dread of God's presence; like but to the saints and faithful brethren, those Adam, they may truthfully say, "I was afraid, who had known and believed the love that God and hid my self." That which keeps men "far hath to us; those among the Ephesians who had, off," is the dread of being near to God. Such is through faith in the Lord Jesus, experienced a the wicked character of sin, that the carnal mind Divine change, and had passed from death unto is not only at enmity and rebellion against God, life. The apostle was inspired by the Holy but it leads men to shrink away from the light Ghost to address them, in the remembrance of of His presence: hence they fear death, not be what they had been, as well as to instruct them cause of the painful moment of separation beas to the character of their present standing and tween soul and body, but because of the dread blessing, as redeemed and accepted in the beloved. of appearing before the Majesty of heaven. They We do not become Christians by being born of fear judgment, because they fear being banished Christian parents, or because our lot has been into outer darkness. They have no peace, becast in what is called a Christian country, or cause they know not the virtue of that precious because we have been religiously educated, or blood which cleanses from all sin; therefore they have attended to any outward ordinances, or try to banish these thoughts from their minds, been associated in membership with any who are by seeking a sphere for their energies and amusetruly saints of God. No; we only become Chris-ments outside the presence of God. It was here tians by having to do with Christ and His atoning the Ephesians were when the Gospel reached blood. Whatever may have been our previous them; they were dead in trespasses and sins, history or character, we are far from God, and afar off, having no hope, and without God in the enemies to God, till we are reconciled by the world; and such is the state of many now. peace-speaking blood of Christ. If I were asked 2. Let us now consider what they were when to give, in a few words of Scripture, the true the apostle addressed this epistle to them. He definition of what a Christian is, I do not think tells them that they were now "in Christ Jesus," I could give a better reply than we find in the and "made nigh." They were in Christ Jesus. latter part of this verse, viz., one who was "far No longer regarded by God in a state of death as off," but is now "made nigh" by the blood of connected with Adam, but as having passed from death unto life-in Christ Jesus. As Noah formerly entered into the ark as the only place of safety from the coming judgments, so they had taken refuge in Christ Jesus; and as Noah was shut into the ark by God, so such are preserved in Christ Jesus. They had life and righteousness in Christ, and union with Christ, having 1. WHAT THEY WERE "far off." As fallen been quickened together, raised up together, and We have redemption through the blood of creatures in Adam, men are naturally found in made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Christ, even the forgiveness of sins, because God a place of distance from God. After sin entered, Jesus. This was their present portion,-"now made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us. Adam and his wife hid themselves from the pre-in Christ Jesus." Under no condemnation, be- Our sins were laid upon Him, and He was made sence of the Lord God, amongst the trees of the cause they were in Christ Jesus; having eternal a curse for us. In this way He suffered for sins, garden. And we see also in Cain, their son, that life, because in Christ Jesus; united to Him who the just for the unjust, that He might bring us he went out from the presence of the Lord, and is on the other side of death; risen with Christ, to God. The wrath of God was thus poured out sought to gratify himself by building a city, &c. and seated in Him in the heavenlies. Such is upon Him instead of us, so that And so it is now; man's birth-condition, his the standing and security that the God of Grace wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our habits, and educational pursuits, are all at a dis- has given us in Christ Jesus. They were thus iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was tance from God: he still tries to hide himself made nigh in Christ, as well as through His upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed." from God's presence, and to be happy, if he can, blood. How vast the change! Such no longer Hence, on the ground of strictest justice and "afar off." These Ephesians, however, though dread God's presence, but love it supremely holiness, God can speak of us as a redeemed belonging to a highly-polished city, were Gentiles, They do not fear death, but know, through people, washed from our sins in the blood of not having any of the privileges, or even the Christ, victory over it. They do not tremble Jesus, and that our sins and iniquities He will measure of knowledge, that the Jews had; they at the thought of judgment, because they know remember no more. The alone ground therewere sinful heathens, taken up only with this that Christ endured the judgment and penalty fore of forgiveness of sins is not our works, our present evil world-the fashions of the world, their sins had merited. God Himself is their experience, our frames, or our feelings, but the the honours of the world, its wealth, patronage, spring of life and peace: they are only truly blood is no remission; and the blood of Jesus blood of Christ; for without the shedding of and advancement filled their hearts. From the happy when near him. Their former enmity rude lusts of the flesh, to the more refined desires against God has been subdued by His redeeming Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin. of the mind, they were shaping their course ac- love. The hardness of their hearts has been Nothing therefore ever truly relieves man's guilt cording to the dictates of Satan, the prince of melted by the contemplation of Immanuel's and fears, ever removes the burden from the this world. They knew of nothing higher than cross, and their self-will and self-love has been conscience, ever speaks peace to a sin-convicted pleasing themselves, gratifying their own wills overcome by the exceeding riches of the grace of soul, but "THE BLOOD OF CHRIST." 0 and inclinations; in a word, to eat, drink, and God in Christ. They are thus, in their heart's ex-my soul, I charge thee ever to remember that it sleep, as if there were no God. They might perience, made nigh to God. is alone by the blood of the Cross that thy have ranked among the most civilized, polished, Their nearness to God is one of the most per-whiter than snow. scarlet sins have been purged, and that thou art and benevolent of the age; they might have been, fect friendship. It is thus their privilege to seek outwardly, more moral and orderly than their His counsel in every difficulty, to trust in Him surrounding neighbours, still they were without at all times, to reckon upon His help in every Display thine attributes divine; God and without hope in the world. They were adversity, and to bring them through every But the fair glories of thy GRACE in the world, and of the world, which lieth in danger. This nearness to God is one of the Beyond thine other wonders shine. the wicked one, and therefore far off from God. dearest and tenderest relationships, that of chilWho is a pard'ning God like thee? Such was the character of the world in the children. Beloved, now are we the sons of God. Or who has grace so rich and free?" days of the apostle, and such is the world now. So that we may come before God as our Father, We are also justified by the blood-" being now Such was the state of the Ephesians then, and and count upon His care over us, His provi-justified by His blood." (Rom. v. 9.) The cup such is the state of many now. Nothing can be dential kindness, His paternal sympathy, His of Christ not only speaks to us of sins being more distinct than the spirit of the world, and watchful eye, His almighty arm. It is our judged and put away, but it also shews us One the spirit of true Christianity. The moving privilege to appeal to His fatherly heart for all principle of the world is the endeavour to be we require, under all circumstances, whether happy, apart from God and the Saviour-far off; temporal or spiritual; for "as a father pitieth the spirit of true Christianity leads us to be his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear happy only in God's presence, and in that which Him. He knoweth our frame, He remembereth honours Him. The principles of the world, whe- that we are dust." We thus belong to the heather their tendencies are moral or immoral, are venly family, the "household of God." and are always outside God's presence. They weigh not called to serve and honour Him in all the filial their motives and actions before God, they know nearness and devotedness of sons and daughters not His love, therefore they live not for His of the Lord Almighty. glory. The advancement of man's interests, the But more than this, we are made nigh to God cultivation of man's intellect, and the exalta-as worshippers. We are not now afar off, afraid tion of man's abilities, with the vain endeavour to come near the presence of the Almighty, but to find rest and satisfaction far from God and have liberty to enter into the holiest by the blood Christ, is what the world is mostly made up of. of Jesus; there to present our spiritual sacrifices

"He was

"Great God of wonders! all thy ways

who was perfectly obedient, who fully surrendered His whole life to the will of God, wholly consecrated Himself to Him-" obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross." Thus the work of the Redeemer was infinitely meritorious in God's sight, for there a whole burnt offering was presented to God, by which we could stand accepted and righteous in all the perfectness of the offering for ever. Jesus was thus accepted for us, and we are made accepted in Him-"by the obedience of one shall many be made rightteous." It is then by the blood of Christ that we are "made the righteousness of God in Him." For while that blood by which Jesus entered into heaven itself, speaks to us of sins for ever put away,

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