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serpeat of brass he lived." His despairing, lan-eternal life; let us, then, walk and act in the
guishing heart revived. As soon as he was con- Spirit. Let us show that we belong to Jesus,
scious that he lived, the fear of death departe, that we have died as regards the flesh in Him.
and peace took possession of his mind. Health and that we have life by and in a risen, glorified
and vigour returned for service and conflict, he Saviour. We must abide in Christ, live upon
overcame the enemies of the Lord, and went on- Christ, feed on Christ, draw from Christ, if we
ward to the promised land. But further, having would walk like Christ. This new life must be
proved how effectual simply beholding the ser- nourished, the spiritual energies used, the new-
pent of brass was, he, doubtless, was anxious born affections exercised, if we would be strong
that others perishing around him should enjoy and flourishing as servants of Christ. We need
the same blessing.
not, could not, work for life, because we have life.
Applying this instruction to ourselves, by the We could not be Christians if we had not looked
light of our Lord's exposition of it, it is clear to the Son of Man lifted up, and had life. The
that whoever believes in Christ lifted up on the word of Christ informs and strengthens the new
Cross, has eternal life. He has a new life in him. life; the flesh and blood of Christ nourish the
He is born again. It is new life; the way of faith is the acting out of
a fact, that by faith Christ crucified we have the new life; the Lord's return from heaven is

He is a new creature.


"He that hath the Son hath life; He that hath not the Son of God hath not life." It is not merely a change of views, but life, that the believer in Christ receives.

The present possession of life in our souls is connected with a remarkable change both in experience and action. Conversion is really a transition from death unto life. Those who had previously prided themselves on their good qualities, now see themselves to be vile and worthless; and that blessed Saviour whom they had so long despised and rejected now becomes incomparably precious and lovely. That God, once so dreaded, is worshipped and adored as the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, His word and ways honoured, and His people once slighted, if not persecuted, are now beloved objects of interest and affection. These are some of the workings of Divine life in the soul. But all who have life have not peace; they have eternal life, but do not know it. Such a sense of their own evil hearts and ways presses upon them, they cannot suppose it possible that such vile persons can have eternal life, yet they look to Christ and cannot give Him up; they little think that the self-humbling experience they have is the effect of their having life. There are many such now, and there were also in the apostles' days; hence John wrote, "These things write I unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life;" and he assured them that they might know that they ad passed from death unto life, because they

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red the brethren."

I say, when the Israelite who had looked to the serpent of brass knew that he lived, fear of death left him, and peace took possession of his mind. So now when the believer knows that he is pardined, justified, and accepted, by simply looking to Christ crucified, peace flows into his heart. We have joy and peace in believing; being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

that for which the new life waits.

Seeing that we have eternal life by beholding the Lamb of God, let us seek to bring others to taste and enjoy the same blessings. Oh, how earnestly must the healed Israelite have ran far and near, to bring his bitten friends to behold the serpent of brass. How quickly might he be seen throwing back the curtain of his neighbour's tent, that the dying, gasping ones might take one look and live. What a reality God's remedy was to them! And is it less so to us? Oh no, my brethren, let it then be our daily, fervent, untiring labour to present Christ crucified to all around us.

He was nailed to

soul that looks to Him, He saves.
the Cross for the ungodly. Every sin-convicted
the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.

"A dying, risen Jesus,

Believe on

Seen by the eye of faith;
At once from anguish frees us,
And saves the soul from death.
How gracions this Physician!
His help he'll freely give;
He makes no hard condition,
'Tis only look and live."

things," came to her remembrance. She paused, wondering whether this could be all, and whether she would really be quite safe, if she cast herself on Jesus. Then again she thought, "God says I am, and his word is true; why should I doubt ?" Thus her eyes opened, and trusting herself entirely to Jesus, peace came into her troubled soul, she knew her sins were all forgiven, all blotted out; she saw Christ had come into the world to save sinners, and that in his hands she must be safe; there was no room for uncertainty, no room for fear.

Happy girl! poor yet happy. But, my friend, how is it with you? are you forgiven? Oh, do not thrust this question from you, and hurry on as though it mattered not; for time is short, and soon the door of mercy will be shut. Awake! awake! before it be too late; and fly to him who is able to take your sins away, and to give you eternal life.

But some of my readers cannot say that they have life. The Son of Man has been lifted up to give life to sin-sick, dying souls, but they refuse to look and live. How sad is your portion. How awfully dark your expectation. God's love is Have you not sinned? yes, deeply despised by you. His pity and compassion are not sinned? Look back and think—each day, welcomed. His gospel is not received. The sufferings and death of the Lord Jesus are despised, and each hour the eye of God has been fixed you are still in your sins, daily sinking under the serpent's bite, dying under its influence, and on you; he has marked every act, heard rapidly hastening to the bar of God's judgment, every word, and more, ah, even more than to receive your final sentence, and eternal doom. this, his searching eye has pierced into But it may be that some may say, "I know I am a sinner. I am sure I have broken God's your heart, and seen every foolish thought. laws. I have merited His displeasure. My heart How terrible! what can you do? where trembles at death. I shudder at the thought of judgment. Can I be saved? Is there hope for hide yourself? where find a place of me? Is there any possibility that I can have refuge? listen, and I will tell you. God eternal life." Yes! yes! my dear fellow-sinner. Jesus died for such as you. SO loved the world-" I will give my Son," He says, "my well-beloved Son, he shall die, my wrath shall be poured out on him." So Jesus came, willingly came; He laid down his life. That holy, blessed One was bruised and wounded, He was crucified, stricken, smitten; but now it is past, the price is paid. "It is finished!" was the Saviour's cry, and He has gone to heaven again, with open arms He waits "She turned her eye to Jesus." and loudly calls to every one. "See," "I HAVE found peace now, I am sure I He says, "what I have done; you have have!" said SF hardly able to sinned, but I have died; my blood speaks restrain her tears. She then told me peace. I am the door, by me if any man that she was lying on her bed the other enter in he shall be saved:' come then Oh, the blessedness of having eternal life by simply looking to Jesus cruciñed! Because we evening, feeling very unhappy, scarcely with your sins to me, and I will cleanse have life we think and feel, we live and act, like knowing where to turn or what to do, them all away and give you everlasting God. We learn our vileness in the flesh, and de in Christ our righteousness; we feel the everything looking dark and gloomy, and, life." Esh is dead, but know Christ is our life. We in her wretchedness, she began to think My friend, what answer do you give to experience infirmity and weakness, but know that Christ is our strength. We realize that we about her sins; this added to her misery, the Saviour's gracious call? will you are the subjects of folly and error, but know that and her heart sank as sin after sin came turn away. -be careless-thoughtless? Christ is our wisdom. We are painfully sensible before her, things long forgotten, wasted After words like these, so full of love of sinning, but are assured that Christ is our Advocate with the Father. We are tempted by hours, wasted years. But presently her and tenderness-will you talk of bringing Satan to the unbelieving thought, "we shall one works and prayers, when He so plainly says his blood and that alone can wash your sins away? Oh do be wise, and cast

Fear of death is removed when the soul looks only and simply to Jesus, and believes that Christ has died in his room and stead. The believer thus knows, that, whatever changes may take place, his life is hid with Christ in God, and though he may sleep in Jesus, yet he shall never see death. This fills the languishing spirit with consolation and peace, as well as strength for the service of God, and running the heavenly


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day perish;" but are comforted by that promise hopes revived; she saw a way of escape:
of the Almighty Saviour, you shall never yes, she turned her eye to JESUS, she
perish;" and, when well-nigh overwhelmed by thought of him hanging on the cross, and
"fightings without and fears within," we rely on
Him who is able to save to the uttermost all
them that come unto God by Him. Thus Christ
is all to the Christian; and though, when looking
at self he may cry, "O wretched man that I am!"
when looking to the crucified Saviour he can say,
"In the Lord have I righteousness and strength."

for the first time in her life felt she could yourself, lost and guilty as you are, on trust herself wholly to him. She was him; then your sins will be all forgiven, ready to doubt, thinking there might be and God will claim you for his child. something left for her to do; then again Jesus has power to save you, because He she thought, "Jesus has done everything, died; He left his home of glory and took he died for guilty ones like me; why the sinner's place; He gave his life a should I fear?" and at last this verse, ransom, he bore the curse, and now if you FELLOW CHRISTIANS! we have life-spiritual, "All that believe are justified from all will trust in him, he will be your hiding

"So great, so vast a sacrifice,

May well my hope revive;

If God's own Son thus bleeds and dies,
The sinner sure must live."

place, your refuge. Could you perish then? Perish! when he had given you

Again I ask, what answer do you give? will you turn away and be lost for ever? Reject the Saviour? despise his love? My friend, I warn you, it is a solemn thing thus to treat God's well-beloved Son. Remember, there is no other name under heaven whereby you can be saved.

What wait I for?

will be perfected, and our characters

completed; and we shall be filled with eternal life. Could you be condemned? THIS question was proposed by David, knowledge, love, peace, joy, and purity; Condemned! when God has said, "He and may very well be proposed by us. and then we shall fully understand the that believeth on him is not condemned!" As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, meaning of Paul: "Now we see through Oh, how happy you would be! happy in we have already received much. Our a glass darkly, but then face to face; now the hands of Jesus! and better still, how heavenly Father has sent the Spirit of I know in part, but then shall I know safe! how very safe! none could pluck adoption into our hearts; He has given even as also I am known." We wait you away from Jesus, and he would never us many exceeding great and precious also for the close, felt, uninterrupted, give you up. promises; He has wrought faith in our and perfect union of Christ and His hearts; and He has given us a good hope people, with each other, and the Father. through grace. But we expect much Who beside him who uttered them, can more, and are brought to wait for much fathom the depth of meaning in those more; though sometimes, when we look glorious words, "Neither pray I for upon what God has already given us, these alone, but for them also which we are overwhelmed with a sense of the shall believe on me through their word; Lord's great goodness, and are ready to that they all may be one, as thou, Father, You have heard God's message, the way cry out, "And now, Lord, what wait I art in me, and I in thee, that they also of salvation has been set before you-for?" (Ps. xxxix. 7.) may be one in US: that the world may forgiveness through the blood of Jesus! Well, we are waiting for one great believe that thou hast sent me: and the a free and complete pardon, without money change, which will begin at death, and glory which thou gavest me, I have given and without price. This is no idle tale, be completed at the resurrection. We them; that they may be one, even as it is glorious tidings, good news from expect to be made perfectly holy, per- WE are one: I in them, and thou in heaven. Christ presents himself to you; fectly healthy, and perfectly happy. We me, that they may be made perfect in accept him, and everlasting life is yours. expect soon to be absent from the body, one; and that the world may know that Reject him, and you are lost, yes, lost for and to be present with the Lord; and we thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, expect too, that He will change our vile as thou hast loved me." We wait for That was a happy night for S, she body, and fashion it like unto His own the enjoyment of the beatific vision, lay awake upon her bed, blessing and glorious body. Oh, what a change will for the pure in heart shall see God; and praising God for his great goodness to that be, to be made exactly like Jesus, then shall we possess the kingdom, and her. Everything seemed changed she in body, soul, and spirit! This we ex- enjoy all that God has prepared for told me, her fear of death had gone, and pect, and therefore wait for it, as the them that love Him. Truly, the best her burdened heart had found a resting-perfecting of our salvation. Like Jacob, is all before us, and the prospect should place in Jesus. when he was dying, so may we say, "I cheer, animate, and embolden us, under Oh can you, will you, refuse such have waited for thy salvation, O Lord." all our sufferings, sorrows, and labours blessedness as this? think of peace with This is what Peter calls the end of our here below. None of these things are God! a peace which passeth all under-faith: "Receiving the end of your faith, seen by us, they are objects of faith and standing! think of a home in heaven! a even the salvation of our souls." And hope at present; but as we hope for that home of everlasting joy! My friend, take as we wait for it, we are kept unto it, as we see not, therefore with patience do your sins to JESUS, rest on his finished it is written, "Kept by the power of God, we wait for it. This is our proper pos work, and these riches, these treasures through faith unto salvation, ready to be ture, waiting as servants for their master; revealed in the last time." Thus we or as the espoused bride for her bridewait for the hope of righteousness by groom.


will be yours.

"Christ is All and in all."
Col. iii 11.

Christ is my Rock, from Him my honey floweth;
He is my Fountain, whence my fresh springs rise;
He is my Light, in paths that no man knoweth ;
He is my Shield, whence ev'ry arrow flies.
He is my Mother and my soul first waking
From its death-slumber, met His tender gaze;
He is my Friend-all other friends forsaking,
Leave me this Brother, born for adverse days.
He is my Shepherd, in His arms He bears me;
He is my King, I own His gentle sway;
My Advocate upon His breast He wears me;
My Judge!-who swept the judgment far away.
He is my Refuge, when dark tempests hover;
He is my Keeper, when the snare is nigh;
My Helper in the Battle and my cover;
He is my Fortress from the enemy.
He is my mighty Counsellor, He heareth
The plaints I bring; He guides my feet below;
He is my great Physician, and endeareth,
With His soft touch of love, the wounds of woe.
He is my Strength, when to the fight He calls me;
He is my Peace, the peace none else can give;
He is my Righteousness, whate'er befalls me;
He is my Life-in Him alone I live.

He is my Priest, whose office faileth never;
He is my Ransom, all my debt is paid;
He is my Sacrifice, once made, for ever!
The Lamb of God!-on whom my sin was laid.
He is my Sun-o'er Bether's mountains streaming
In His eternal splendour, and afar;

My soul looks longing for the first ray beaming;
To herald Him I wait-my Morning Star!

faith, when the perfect likeness of Jesus We wait; but how do we wait? We
will be stamped upon us, and we shall ought to wait in faith, believing the
be like Him, seeing Him as He is. reality and certainty of these things.
We wait also for the coming of Jesus, We should also wait with patience, doing
and all the saints with Him. Like the and suffering the will of God, whatever
Corinthians, we are "waiting for the com- it may be; praying to be made meet to
ing of our Lord Jesus Christ." Like enjoy the glorious objects of our hope;
the Thessalonians, we are turned to God, mourning over our failures in duty, and
"to wait for His Son from heaven, whom undue attachment to earthly things; and
He raised from the dead, even Jesus, fearing, lest a promise being left us, any
which delivered us from the wrath to of us should seem to come short of it.
This is the blessed hope, the We should wait in profound humility,
glorious expectation of the church of until the Lord's time comes; watching
God. Jesus is coming. He is coming for the first intimations of the Master's
in glory. He is coming to gather His approach; longing for the period to ar-
people, complete his work, and keep rive, and daily preparing for this august
Sabbath on the earth. We therefore wait event. With the loins girt, with the
for this rest, for there remaineth a rest, lamp burning, with the heart longing,
or the keeping of a Sabbath unto the and with eye watching, should we wait
people of God. Then we shall cease for the objects of our hope.

from all toil, be free from all suffering, But if the Lord's people are waiting
and take possession of the inheritance for such great, grand, and glorious things,
which is incorruptible, undefiled, and for what are others waiting? Sinners!
that fadeth not away. Then our graces unconverted men! unconverted women!

what are you waiting for? You are only waiting for death to arrest you, and cast you into prison, or for the Judge to come to try you at His bar-then you will hear your awful sentence, then will end all your pleasures, then will you be driven from the presence of God, then will you taste, feel, and know what hopeless despair, endless torments, and the just .wrath of an insulted God mean. Think, O think, of those terrible words which will be pronounced in your hearing, if you die out of Christ, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels!" Everlast. ing fire! Everlasting fire, prepared for God's chief enemy and His accomplices! For this to be your doom, your doom for ever, how dreadful! Ponder, ponder the terrific questions, "Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?" Will this be your lot? Will this be your doom? If you die in sin it must. Repent therefore, believe in Jesus, and so escape the wrath that is to come!

"Rejoice in the Lord always.”
CHRIST and heaven have my heart,
Rich, divinely rich, am I;
From the world how glad to part,
And to earthly joys to die-
What are these to one so blest?
Of the happy, happiest.
Sing my soul, sing on thy way,
Christ and heaven are thine own;
Heed not thou the cloudy day,

Cheerful weep and joyful groan-
What is sorrow, conflict, pain?
Life is Christ, and death is gain.
Oh, my Saviour, Thou hast freed

One who was a slave indeed!
Thou hast changed the darkest night
Into everlasting light ;-

To the vilest, Thou hast given,
Oh my God, Thyself, and heaven!
Now, Beloved of my heart,

I am thine, and mine Thou art;
Mine the Father's own delight,
Mine, the treasure Infinite!
Antidote to every woe,
All I want is Thee to know.

Gracious Comforter, on Thee

Thirsty, longing souls depend;
More and more enlighten me
With the knowledge of that Friend,
Who on earth, and still above,
Loves with everlasting love.
Now, depending on Thy grace,

In the Word I search to find
All the glories of that face,-

His blessed service to the praise of His wonderfully to her, until she departed to name, while many a supposed hopeful be with Him, whom, having not seen, she person lives and dies without hope. The loved.

educated and outwardly religious often Among other matters that pressed upon seem to stop short of salvation, while her mind, was that of the case of an the destitute, and immoral are, convicted elder sister, who had been pursuing a of sin by the Spirit of God, and brought course of outward immorality for 13 to realize the blessedness of pardon and years. She prayed much for her, though peace through the blood of the Lamb. she had no opportunity of seeing her, but often expressed to her Christian friends the deep solicitude she felt for her eternal welfare. To one who visited her she said, "Do send a letter to my sister, tell her about her soul, and say how much I pray for her." Nor were the prayers of this dear child of God in vain, as the Lord's gracious dealings with this sinful woman not long afterwards plainly shew.

Such are some of God's ways, and they are strikingly illustrated by the cases to be noticed in this paper. Not only will the sovereign mercy of God be apparent, but also His willingness to use those in His service who are willing to be used by Him, as well as His pitiful care over the feeblest lamb of His flock.

"His honour is engaged to save

The meanest of His sheep;
All that His heavenly Father gave,

His hands securely keep."

In a little cottage, near a fashionable
watering place, about two years since, lay
a young woman dying of consumption.
She had known little of home comforts,
as her mother died when she was very
young, and her father left his children;
so that, being without any relative to care
for them, they were friendless and desti-
tute. Emma, however, resided for some
time in a farm-house, and afterwards be-
came a butcher's servant in the town of
T. Here it appears, her master's
daughter was used to awaken her con-
science, and she was soon afterwards seen
regularly attending a Bible-class with
other young women, where she became
more and more convicted of sin, and at
length, through the ministry of Mr. M..
she found peace with God, through our
Lord Jesus Christ. She was received
into Church-fellowship at T—, where
she continued to walk in faith and love
for nearly two years, when the ravages of
disease clearly indicated that her time of
departing to be with Christ was not far


There was one thing during Emma's

Christian career that troubled her much.

(To be continued.)

"The Strange Dream."
work at the house of one of her employ-
A POOR washer-woman, whilst doing her

she would live long, as she had had a
strange dream. It was that she (the
washer-woman) had died, and been taken
to heaven, but found herself so unsuited
to it, that she left it. About six months
after relating this, she did die, but in
what state of soul is not known. Few as
these words are, they contain a solemn.
warning to all who have "no hope, and
are without God in the world." The close
of this life must come, sooner or later,
for "it is appointed unto men once to
die," and if the soul is not found in
Christ here, it never can live in the
presence of God hereafter. There is
"no repentance," which means change.
purpose "in the grave."

ers, observed that she did not think


Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." (Isa. Iv. 6, 7.)

"God is Love."


She clearly saw it to be the privilege as well as the duty of Christians to confess the power of Christ's salvation to those around. This she felt unable to do, and it deeply pained her. When, however, she found herself the subject of a deeply How sweet and cheering is the thought rooted disease, she earnestly prayed, that that God is love. To know this as certain, as she had been enabled to confess the will make the coming year a pleasant Lord so little by word of mouth during prospect, and render its opening hours. her life, He would give her grace to be a seasons of happy meditation. We have faithful witness for Him on her death- often read in our Bibles and sung in bed. This petition was abundantly an- our hymns that God is love; but do we swered; for, during her protracted illness, really believe what we read and sing? she not only comforted the hearts of Is this sweet fact our security and trust? THE Lord knoweth them that are His. many of God's children, but sent for Do we in our daily life, walk, and conHe often calls the most unpromising to several persons in the neighbouring town, versation acknowledge our personal inpartake of His grace in Christ. The most that she might set before them the un-terest in the love of God? Are we more hopeless characters are sometimes brought searchable riches of Christ. The Lord holy because of God's love to us? Does to rejoice in the Lord, and go forth in at this time manifested Himself very this incite within us emotions of grati

All the treasures of that mind, Which will still my study be, Through a blest eternity.

Grace Abounding;



tude? Alas! I fear it is not so: we are all too apt to forget, or, if not to forget, to act as though we had forgotten God's


One reason why we forget, or do not love? Have you ever looked for salvation through the death of the Son of God? God know, that God is love, is because we are out of love to sinners gave His Son to suffer so apt to look into self, instead of Jesus. for them. Even when they were His enemies, In our own hearts we shall discover all His own Son hung bleeding on the cross to God to us is generally an obscure manner of sin, but nothing of the nature save them, wounded in His body, braised in His soul, smitten and afflicted, the Son of God being. We seek to read His character of the great and loving God. In the hung on the tree, enduring all this, to save in nature, and fail; we turn to providence, heart of Jesus we shall see clearly written, people who were enemies to Him. There was but there we meet apparent contradic-"God is love." We are altogether vile-nothing in those for whom He died to cause Him to love them, for they were His enemies, tions; and it is only as we turn to Jesus. 'tis Jesus only can make us pure, and and He knew it; yet such was His love that

His blood must be the bath wherein we
must wash and be clean. Let us for the
future look straight out of self to Jesus;
and as we gaze, we shall be made like
Him. While we clearly discover the love
of God, which passeth knowledge, let us
bear in mind that each and every attri-
bute of God is stamped with this, His

new name,



Is God omnipotent? His power is put forth to accomplish the purposes of His


He was willing to suffer all they deserved to suffer; to have it inflicted on Himself. Instead of letting them suffer for their crimes, He submits to be put to death for the crimes of His enemies. Does not this prove the kindness of the heart of Jesus, that He laid think of this. Jesus died for His enemies, God gave His Son to die for His enemies; then God must be a good God, a kind God.

down His life for His enemies? O Reader!

and Jesus must have a kind heart when He was willing to suffer so much for His enemies.

must have endured; for He bore the sins of

that we know or can know anything of God's love. Let us, during 1860, study God in Him who is the express image of the Father; for in Jesus we see God, in all His majesty of love, grace, and truth. In the person of Jesus we have God with us—in our nature, bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh,-the man of sorrows, who is acquainted with our grief. We could not ascend to God, "O love divine, what hast thou done." therefore God, in the person of His Son, He was lifted up on the cross, and hung there love. Is God omniscient? His has descended to us, that He might be shall six hours, with the blood flowing from His ever rest on those whom He has made head, His hands, His feet, and His soul the way for our salvation and glorification. We are, by nature and by practice, the objects of His love. Is God wise? endured what sinners who believe on Him His wisdom has devised that loving all who trust in Him, and suffered the punishsinners against our Maker; we have rebelled against His just authority, and scheme, whereby He can be just, and ment due to them, till He bowed His head defiantly resisted His law. Yet, notwith- yet the justifier of the ungodly. God's and said, "It is finished," and then died out of standing this, God would have us know gospel contains the sweet invitations of love, pure love, boundless love to poor sinners. Now what think ye of Christ, after all that He is love, hence He freely gave His love. God's threatenings are the this? Could He have given a greater proof Jesus' of His love to sinners than He has given? His Son, that He might honour His solemn warnings of His love. Father's attributes, fulfil the require-incarnation is a sweet and precious illus-Did not His bleeding heart say He loved them? Did not His pierced hands and feet ments of the law on our behalf, satisfy tration of the love of God. The miracles say He loved them? Must He not have had justice in our stead, remove sin from our of Christ are loving acts of condescension wonderful love to bear all He bore, to suffer And has He not shown path, and melt our heart by His rich to assist our faith. When Jesus sighed, all He suffered? grace. Herein is love, not that we loved His sigh was the breath of love. Did Himself to be worthy of esteem and regard? Now, Reader, how hard it is to be the God, but that God loved us, and gave Jesus pray? His earnest prayers were enemy of one so kind as Jesus. If you are His Son, that He might make us parlove's successful pleadings. Were the so, could you give me a reason for being His takers of His nature, and draw out our eyes of our Redeemer suffused with tears? enemy? Is it because He was crowned with thorns? Is it because He hung covered with hearts in love to himself. -those tears were love's dew drops. blood on the cross? Is it because His hands The Bible contains a full and simple Earth is the theatre of God's love; it is have the print of the nails in them? Is it declaration of His love. It is the gospel, here the sinner may draw near to a loving because His feet were pierced? Is it because the mark of the spear is in His side? O can or good news, to lost and perishing man. Father. Heaven is love's home, where all be because He is love, that you hate Him? It is God's nature, spelt out in living the redeemed from among men shall meet Is it because He is so good, so kind, that you characters, that we might love and adore with Jesus, to enjoy an eternity of blissful dislike Him? Is it because He is altogether lovely that you turn away from Him? It is him. This gospel is suited to all, be they hard, O sinner, it is hard for thee to fight rich or poor, high or low, polite or rude, against one so worthy as Jesus, one so excellearned or ignorant. It meets man as lent, one so glorious, one so loving. Are you sinner, and directs to Jesus, the only not ashamed to be His enemy? Do His pierced hands make you ashamed? Does His bleeding brow make you blush? Does His pierced side make you long to creep to Him, though you have been his enemy, His love and tell Him you are lost without Himhas broken you down; so that you can despise


Saviour, who addresses the sinner as a sinner, thus-"Look unto me, and be ye saved."

This gospel is not only suited to all, but it shuts none out. If any are lost, it shall not be because there was no promise of mercy for them; but because "light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light." If you are not saved, you have never been to Christ for salvation. If you continue throughout this year without pardon, it will be because you would not ask for it, neither desire it. "WHOSOEVER will, let him take the water of life FREELY," is the warrant for each and all, who need the water of life, to drink at its fountain head, Jesus. Let the sinner but take God at His


My fellow sinner: will you be there? Do you know, by having experienced the cleansing power of Jesus' blood, that God is love? If you are a stranger to this, I urge you, by the awful realities of hell, and by the sweet invitations of mercy, that you at once flee from the wrath to come, to Jesus.

The Gift of God.

"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but
have everlasting life."-JOHN iii. 16.


Him no more.

What say you, Reader, to this? Are you willing to be saved by Him? Do you wish to know Him? If so, the moment you are led by the Holy Ghost to look to Him, you are saved; when you trust in Him, you are freely forgiven; for He that READER! Do you know that God gave His was dead is now alive, and he that cometh to only begotten Son to be stretched upon the Jesus He will in no wise cast out. Whether cross, to be nailed there, to suffer there, to die you feel your need of Jesus or not, you do there? and He did all this from love to poor need Him, greatly need Him. Your dying sinners, who did not love Him, nor care for day must be a dark day if you have not Christ. Him. Was not this wonderful Love in God On whom can you lean, if you have not Him to give His Son to suffer for sinners? Was to lean on? Where can you look, if you it not LOVE in the Son to be willing to suffer not Jesus to look to? Where can you turn, for sinners? Was it not LOVE in Jesus to if you have not Him to turn to? come and lay down His own life to save sinners?

"He took the dying traitor's place,
And suffered in his stead."

word, then shall he realize the joy of Surely this was love. Have you ever thought about this love? Have you ever believed this

peace and pardon.


O Reader! you do need Him; you need Him now, this moment; you cannot be certain of stopping here another day. Then, before the storm comes, you need a shelter, and there is no shelter for a lost sinner but the blood of the Lamb. It is said of those before the

throne, "They have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." You too need, greatly need, the blood of the E Lamb. Nothing can wash your spotted soul E but the blood of the Lamb. Look to what you may, there is not a gleam of hope for you but in the blood of the Lamb. Seek rest where you may, there is no rest to be found but in the blood of the Lamb. Strive as you may to get happiness, you can never find it till your heart cleaves to the blood of the Lamb. All you grasp is but a shadow, till you grasp the blood of the Lamb. Had you all the world can afford, you would even then be poor, if a stranger to the blood of the Lamb. Never can you know what real peace is, till you are brought to wash in the blood of the Lamb. O the blood of the Lamb is what you need to shelter you. May the Spirit of God never let you rest till you rest on the blood of the Lamb!

"Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood

Shall never lose its power,

Till all the ransom'd church of God

Be saved to sin no more.

"The dying thief rejoiced to see
This fountain in his day,

And there may sinners vile as he
Wash all their sins away."

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." "He that believeth not shall be damned."

The Dutchman's Family.

Reprinted, by permission, from a little book, which may be had of Mr. W. Yapp, 70, Welbeck Street, at is. per 100.

THE grace which fits the soul for heaven,
Often expands just like a leaven;
A proof of this each one may see,
In the old Dutchman's family.

His eldest son was first impress'd,
And then it spread to all the rest.
Sambo spoke English like a black,
And called his boys young CHIM and

With them a mighty fuss he made,
And said young Chim should have a

So Chim was sent the trade to learn,
That he his future bread might earn.

When Chim became a fine grown youth,
He heard the preachers preach the truth;
And, list'ning to the gracious sound,
Light, life, and joy he truly found.

Chim lent his ear to Wisdom's voice,
And quickly made a happy choice;
He found the Rod of Jesse's stem
To be more precious than a gem;
Beyond the price of gold or pearl,
Or titles held by Knight or Earl;
And, like the great Apostle Paul,
For Jesus Christ he gave up all.
All else but Christ, in his account,
Was little and of small amount.
The moments fled with rapid speed,
And Chim at last was fully freed.
His time of service pass'd away,
And he came home awhile to stay;
He with his father did converse,
And what was past to him rehearse.
And being very warm and bold,
The story of his change he told-
How he had peace and pardon found,
And how he felt Christ's love abound.
The father look'd like one amazed,
While he upon him strangely gazed;
At length his cheeks turn'd very red,
And he in anger shook his head.
"Now Chim," said he, "mind what I say,
"Dat neber do for me, no way:
"Me no hab dat, me never will,
"Me hold de old religion still.
"My fader, and his fader too,
"Held old religion, so shall you;
"So Chim, be off, and get to bed,
"And put such tings out o' your head;

"And don't tell Chack one single word
"Of all dese tings dat I hab heard."

Poor Chim felt very much distress'd, And went up stairs with Chack to rest; But there he knelt upon his knee, And prayed for all the family. Chack stood surprised till Chim was done, And then poor Chack with Chim begun. "Why, I say, Chim, what dis new ting "Dat home along wid you you bring? "You never did for fader pray, "Before you left and went away." "That's very true," said Chim to Chack, "But I must pray now I am back. "When I left home, I was quite blind, "But now I feel a change of mind. "And you, dear Chack, will find a friend, "If you, like me, on Christ depend. "His language is: 'Poor sinner, come, "I paid for you the ransom sum; “Only believe, and trust in me, "And you shall my salvation see.' "These are His words, dear Chack, to you; "O let His love your heart subdue, "And fly to Him with rapid haste, "And all His love and mercy taste. "O Chack! do not His grace refuse, "Do not His precious love abuse. "You may have mercy, if you ask; "O think not that a grievous task. "O come to Christ, and come just now, "In earnest prayer before Him bow."

Chack heard it all, and really felt
As if his very heart would melt.
At last he said "Chim, pray for me,
"Dat I may dis salvation see."

Chim quickly bow'd at this request,
And prayed his brother might find rest;
And Chack was earnest and sincere,
And really felt the Saviour near.

And, though he was o'erwhelmed with

That very night he found relief;
For Jesus made his fears to cease,
And fill'd his soul with light and peace.

Next night they to the chapel went,
And there the time in praise they spent ;
With real joy the temple rang,
While they of grace and mercy sang.
For Chack could join with sweet accord
To worship and to praise the Lord;
But when to father they return'd,
They found his anger greatly burn'd.

"Now Chim," said he, "now you're come

"I see you really spoil poor Chack:
"I tink it werry, werry strange,
"De old religion dus to change."
To both he spoke exceeding gruff,
And vow'd he'd use them very rough.
And then he shouted, with a bounce,
"You shall dese tings at once renounce."
"Moder," said he, "to-morrow night,
"You go and put dese people right,
"Dey will de werry world corrupt;'

And then he turned away abrupt.
Next night, well dressed, though strange
to tell,

Dame started off to scold them well;
She reached the chapel, enter'd in,
And thought she soon would make a din;
But one thing did her thoughts arrest,
One man stood up above the rest.
She was surpris'd to hear him preach,
She listen'd to his earnest speech,
And felt her heart melt like the wax,
And felt that all he said were facts.
"Do not," said he, "to merit cringe,
"Your help on that can never hinge;
"O never trust in moral deeds,
"They are at best but faulty weeds;
"But look to Christ, for He is near,
"To save the humble and sincere.
"So wonderful His saving plan,
"He offers life to every man;
"And all may now quite happy be,
"Who will to this dear Saviour flee."
With joyful heart the time she spent,
And then to Sambo back she went.
"Well Dame," said he, "what bin about?
"I hope you paid 'em all well out."

"O man!" said she, "don't say one word,
"They are the people of the Lord;
"If any men on earth are right,
"They are the men I've seen to night."

"Vat mean by dat?" he cried aloud;
"Dat chapel shall be overtrowed.
"Dey run away with Chim and tuder,
"And now they run away wid mother."

He stamp'd his foot with awful frown, And vow'd he'd pull the chapel down. Next night he went in angry mood, Resolved to use them very rude. As he drew nigh a voice he heard, And stop'd to listen to the word. It was the voice of one in prayer, Who said, "Dear Lord, my father spare; "I feel his soul is dark and blind, "O let thy truth affect his mind. "O God, thy grace to him impart, "And change and sanctify his heart; A sense of sin in him implant, "And make him for thy mercy pant. "O save him, Lord, this very night, "Convert his soul, and make him right. "My brother thou hast saved and bless'd, "And mother's mind thou hast impress'd: "My father, save, Lord, save him now, "Teach him before thy throne to bow. "May he, through grace, obtain thy love, "And reign with thee in heaven above." A friend saw Sambo list'ning stand, And kindly took him by the hand. "Good Sir," said he, "do just walk in, "And seek the pardon of your sin." "O no,” said he, "me no go dere; "But who dat young man dere in prayer, "Dat prays for fader so quite sad? "His fader must be wery bad; "His fader wicked man, I tink, "And wery near to ruin's brink."

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'What," said the friend, "not know his voice?

"It ought to make your heart rejoice;
"That is your son, nor will he cease,
"Till you are saved, and bless'd with

Poor Sambo felt an inward smart,
Enough to break the hardest heart;
Sin pierced him to the very quick,
And troubles came upon him thick.

He went down home with weeping eyes; His wife perceived his groans and sighs. "Sambo," said she "will you have tea?" "No," he replied, "no tea for me!

"Then have some coffee made quite good."
"No, want no coffee, want no food!"
"Well, would you like to go to bed?"
"No, want no bed," poor Sambo said.
"O no; it is dis wicked heart
"Dat makes me feel dis inward smart.
"Tell Chim wid me to come and pray
"To God to take dis load away."

Chim heard of this and soon was there,
And bowed before the Lord in prayer;
And Sambo felt a change of heart,
And did from old religion part.

On that same night he did believe,
And did the love of God receive:
He did by faith to God draw nigh,
And felt his heart o'erflow with joy.
Thus Sambo's eldest son was blest,
And made a blessing to the rest.

NOTICES OF BOOKS. The Little Stricken One: a True Narrative of the Irish Revival, 1859. London: W. YAPP, 70, Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square. W. THIS is one of the most touching little incidents we have ever read, and written in a pleasing style. It is admirably adapted for Sunday Schools, or for general circulation among children. No family of children should be without a copy.

The Christian's Watchword and Encouragement. By T. W. MEDHURST, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Kingston-on-Thames. London: SHAW, Paternoster Row.

This little book contains some sound, wholesome exhortations, and will be valued by all those who desire with purpose of heart to cleave unto the Lord.

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