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Is it well with thee ?


"How are you? I hope you are well," is the frequent enquiry of friends when they meet. I would put the same question to you, dear reader, at the present time. I hope you are well in body....... but most of all, I desire you to be well in soul. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, it is well with you; for

"In time and to eternal day,

'Tis with the righteous well.”

Christ, in the gall of bitterness, and the
bonds of death? Is it well with thee,

The Captive Freed.

Mark v. 1-15.

while thou art in danger of hell-fire, as a You know this story, dear friends; but
sinner against God? Oh, no! believe have you ever thought how much this
me, it is far, very far from well with thee; man resembles you? He dwelt among
for thou art preparing thyself for the pit the tombs, and devils filled his heart;
that is bottomless-for the fire which is and day and night his time was spent in
unquenchable for the gnawing worm fearful cries, and wild attempts to harm
which dieth not-for everlasting burn- himself and all around. And is it not
ings. But notwithstanding thy fearful the same with you? Oh does not Satan
condition, yet it shall be well with thee, hold you fast? Can he not lay his hand on
if thou repentest of thy sins, and be- you, and claim you as his own? Have
lievest in the Lord Jesus Christ; for then you not vainly tried to cleanse your sins,
thou shalt be pardoned, saved, and made and only proved that nought can tame
perfectly happy. Jesus is able and will- the wild unfettered evil of your heart?
ing to do all this for thee, if thou wilt Is not your strength employed to harm
call upon his name, trust to His blood, yourself? Have you not spent your time
and believe in His grace.
in sin, and used your influence far too
much to draw your friends away from
God? Ah yes! your dwelling is indeed
among the tombs; and all your joy and
pleasure found in that which must bring
judgment by-and-bye!

A believer is a new creature-he has been born again, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as displayed by regeneration. In his experience, old things have passed away, and all has become new; he has a new nature, new desires, and a new heart. Concerning such an one, we can always O poor sinner! it is well with thee, that say, "It is well," and "It shall be well." thou art out of Hell; but it is ill with He may mourn over the remains of sin thee, that thou art out of Christ. O let within him, but still-all's well, for the me urge thee at once to repent of thy end therefore is eternal bliss. It is al-sins toward God, and believe on the Lord ways well with the Christian, for he is Jesus Christ, that thou mayst be able to And will you be content to stay like loved by an immutable God, blessed say, it is well. Do not delay this matter, this? Oh, will you close your eyes, with all spiritual blessings, in heavenly but at once see to it, that thou hast lost and turn away from Him who comes to places, in Christ Jesus, chosen by grace, much precious time; but bear in mind give you life? Look at this man-He to everlasting life, peace, rest, and un- thou mayst not have much more to lose. saw the Saviour yet a great way off, and mingled satisfaction. He is predestinated Already, this year, the writer has heard with a piercing cry, he ran and worshipped to be conformed to the image of Jesus, of five persons, well known to himself, Him: down at His feet he fell and with and all the trials, difficulties, and tempta- who have died suddenly, and that in the a trembling heart exclaimed, "Torment tions of his pilgrimage shall work short space of one month, and thou canst me not... Torment me not.” together to produce this desired object of not tell thou wilt not be summoned next-my friend-have you thus cast yourself a loving Father's wise dispensations. He for die soon thou must. Again, I would at Jesus' feet? Oh, do you not deserve is preserved in Christ Jesus blameless. bid thee at once to look to Jesus-at once His wrath? and may He not justly say, He is guided by the Holy Spirit, through believe in Jesus, for the blood of Jesus "Depart from me"....and send you to the all the intricacies of his way, and has Christ, God's well-beloved Son, cleanseth lake of fire? But hark! that blessed certain hope of being with Jesus for ever; from all sin; and 'tis only as thou art Jesus calls you near; He offers you etertherefore, to the believer, "It is well." washed in that blood, that thou canst say nal life! He has the power of life and truthfully, I am happy-it is well. Jesus death; He holds all judgment in His and Jesus only, is the Redeemer of lost, hand; and He has power to save: He sinful man; and He is able and willing scatters blessings round, and freely par to save unto the UTTERMOST all that come dons all who come to Him. Ah yes! He unto God by Him. Dear reader, once holds the keys of death and hell, and more, is it well with thee? gives forgiveness, joy and peace, to every one who falls before His face, and seeks His mercy now.


Poor backslider, is it well with thee, while thou art proving sin to be exceeding bitter, and art wandering from the fold of Jesus? Alas! it is not well with thee, for thou art sick, and needest the care of Jesus, the good Physician, ere thou canst again be well; and yet, though 'tis not now well with thee, yet it may be well, for Jesus now invites thee to return; He is stretching out His hands of mercy in the gospel, pleading with thee, saying, "Return unto the Lord thy God; I will heal thy backsliding, I will love thee. freely, for mine anger is turned away." Do not tarry longer from thy God, do not longer grieve thy Saviour, do not longer peril thy soul, but at once say, "I will arise, and go to my Father, and will say unto Him, Father I have sinned.'" Go thus in humility of soul, then shalt thou be enabled to say, it is well with me, for Jesus has proved himself to be a God ready to pardon, and mighty to


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Ungodly reader, is it well with thee, while plagues and deaths are flying around thee, and thou art still careless ? Is it well with thee, while thou art out of

JOHN iv. 26.

"I that speak unto thee, am He."
Is He who sits beside me now,
And tells me all my sin,
The Lord before whom angels bow,
And Heaven itself's unclean?
And can He all the darken'd page
Of my past hist❜ry read,
Yet deign to talk with me so vile-
O this is Grace indeed!
Where are the curses I have heard
Attend His broken law?
And where the mighty thunderings
E'en holy Moses saw ?

No lightning flashes from those eyes,
Which all my sins can view;
His holy lips pronounce no curse

To pierce the sinner through.

O come and see this, wondrous Man,
He told me all I've done;

O must not this the Saviour be,
This Great yet Gracious One.
A. A. W.

And you,

Oh hear that piercing cry, "torment me not! torment me not!" and what will Jesus do? Ah will He turn away? will He refuse to hear, and thrust him from His feet? No-no indeed! He saw his helpless state, and felt His pity move. He saw this wretched one, fast bound in Satan's chains, and spoke the word—that mighty word, which set the captive free. "Come out of him," he said, and Satan must obey. Ah yes, he did not dare dispute His power; he knew Him as the Son of God; he knew he had his master there, and with entreaties, prayed he might not yet be cast into the deep.

And you, my friend, can you cast out that wicked one that dwells within your heart? Can you upset the throne where Satan sits supreme? Ah no. In days gone by, man listened to his smooth de

ceitful words; he promised you a light and set you free! oh do not put it off, self to be in yourself nothing but a mass and easy yoke; he said that he would and think it matters not, for soon the of corruption. Nature never will be leave you free to please yourself, and door of mercy may be closed! Now, reconciled to this, therefore to live by begged admittance to your heart: he Jesus sits upon a throne of grace and faith is wholly of the Lord. 'Tis to repromised pleasures fresh and new, de- waits to pardon sin: now, He declares nounce self in all its varied forms, and to clared he would not be your king, but that he will freely save, and shed His live out of all you see and feel in yourself just a friend to help you to those sinful love within the heart of every one that on your Jesus. "Likewise reckon ye also joys which would not harm you much; comes to Him. But judgment is at hand; yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, and then with cunning subtlety he said, the day of grace will soon be past; then but alive unto God, through Jesus Christ he would not hold you fast, but any hour seek Him now--cry out to Him for help, our Lord." What He is, you are in Him you should be free to cast him off. But and with an earnest heart, resolve you by virtue of an eternal union. have you found it so? Oh, did he speak will not rest, until your soul is truly saved from Satan's power. the truth? No, no indeed-he has enthroned himself, nor can you break his yoke! How often have you longed and vainly tried to get the mastery over sin! It will not be controlled; and you, its groaning slave, must smart beneath its wounds, and deeply mourn the folly of your choice!

Whether you live in the enjoyment of this fact or not hath nothing to do with What do you linger still? Are you the thing itself, for if we believe not, yet afraid that blessed Jesus could not satisfy He abideth faithful, His word is still the your heart? Do you still fear that sin same; but it would tend much to the would claim its wonted power? Then establishment of your mind in the Lord, turn again, and see this rescued one. O and increase your joy and comfort. May watch him seated at the Saviour's feet! you be enabled by the Holy Ghost to say, with loving grateful heart he sits, and "The life I now live in the flesh, I live But still there is a way of safety left! gazes upward on the One who had done by the faith of the Son of God, who loved Yes, JESUS still has power to save! so much for him. O see him clothed-me, and gave Himself for me." Live One word from HIM, and you are free! once wild with rage, but now with listen- thus on the Lord as your Lord, and you He can dethrone that tyrant from your ing ear and peaceful smile-a picture of will not fail of rejoicing; yea, always heart! He can upset his power and claim the wonders grace can do! And whence according to your faith, so be it unto you as His own! You have indeed de- this change-this mighty change? Ah! stroyed yourself, and sold yourself for JESUS had revealed Himself to him, nought; but HE has given Himself a and His amazing love had calmed the sacrifice for sin, and He can fury of his soul. And has this precious. you; yes, every one who calls on Him Saviour altered since? Is not His power, will be most surely saved! You do de- His love, the same? Then yield yourself serve His wrath, for you have thrust His to Him. Go, test His power, and let laws behind your back, despised His love Him cast the tyrant out! He will not and grace, and turned away from Him: turn away; ah, no! but will forgive each but, oh, rise up, and seek His mercy now! sin, and fill your soul with wondering Will He torment, or cast the arrows of grateful love; yes, He will whisper words His righteous anger forth? peace, and bid fear no more. He but with the tenderest love will break will attract you to Himself, and make




your bands in twain, and set your spirit you prove how rich the joy He gives;


The Poet says sweetly:

"He that now in Christ believes,

What a rich faith has he!

In Christ he moves, and acts, and lives,
From self and bondage free.

He hath the Father and the Son,
For Christ and he are now but one.

Till we attain to this rich faith,

Though safe, we are not sound;
Though we are saved from guilt and wrath,
Perfection is not found.

Lord, make the union closer yet,

And let the marriage be complete."

(Continued from page 23.)

free! Yes, He who saved that wretched and as you learn of Him, you will declare, Grace Abounding; or, "I've found Jesus." one will love to save you too: He will His ways are ways of pleasantness, and repeat that word, "Come out of him!" all His paths are peace.

"We walk by faith, not by


"THAT evening, when I left my duties, I and Satan must obey; ah, yes, he will went to see her. On my way I called on obey-and your poor heart, where Satan our brother, Mr. I—. I stated the dwelt, will be completely cleansed from case to him, and told him that she and GOD's chosen heritage are too prone to her children stood in need of something. sin, and filled with joy and peace. But mark these devils-where they be looking at themselves instead of the said I was going to see her, and would went-and what they did. The blessed Lord Christ, and poring on themselves be glad if he would do so on the morrow, Jesus let them go into the swine, that we and judging of their state in the Lord by which he did, and prayed for her. I told might read in them the fearful end of their feelings; but sure I am, this is him also that I was going to give her those whom Satan leads. With headlong wrong. Sweet and blessed as it is to something; he said, "How much?" I laste they rush into the sea; faster and have enjoyment, yet there is a subject replied, "A shilling." He very willingly faster on until they could not stop; down beyond it, for the savour may be lost for gave a shilling also, which I took with the steep plane without a thought or a season, yet the union stands the same. me, and gave to her. After speaking to care, till suddenly the waters close above Do you complain of darkness? Your her about Christ the Saviour of sinners, their heads, and they were drowned be- Lord is teaching you a lesson, to which how willing He was to save all those who neath the flood! Oh what a picture of flesh and blood will ever be found op- feel their need of Him, she said, "Oh! I the downward road to hell! urged on by posed and fight against living by am a great sinner." "Take courage," I him, who only seeks to slay, what thou- faith, and not by sight. You are called sands rush along without a thought, and laugh and talk as if this fearful race were but a game of play! My friend, do stop before it be too late! do stop and ponder where your footsteps tend; are you still on the downward plane? oh pause awhile and cry to Jesus now; He, He alone can stay your feet, and break those chains,


said, "Christ will in no wise cast out. upon to live out of yourself, wholly on Believe only, and thou shalt be saved. Him alone; to live by faith is to reckon The Lord is faithful to his promise; He yourself before God as in the position of says, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labour Christ, for He actually took your place and are heavy laden, and I will give you as bearing your sins, and gave you His rest.' Christ became a substitute for us, place before God; and you now stand bearing all our iniquities and sins in His before the Father in the same position as own body on the Cross, so our sins have Christ Himself, even when you feel your-been imputed to Him, and His righteous

for "all that are in the graves shall hear His

ness imputed to us, for He died for the friend saying, "Are you ready to die?" ringing in my ears, "If they could all come
express purpose that sinners that believe she replied, though much exhausted, up, sir."
Reader! the half doubting expression of
in His name might be saved." I went to
prayer by her, and entreated the Lord to
reveal Christ to her by the Holy Spirit,
that she might find peace and pardon of
sins through believing in His name.
About this time a Christian woman also
visited her, to whom she said, "I tremble

"Yes, I am; Jesus never leaves me. I
am very happy going home." The last this countryman will soon have a living reality,
words she was heard to say were,
"Coming, coming!" She rose from the
pillow to kiss a friend, and immediately
departed to be with Christ.

Thus we record another instance of the

voice, and shall come forth." (John v. 28.) thought, contemplated that great morning of Have you ever, with a sober mind and solemn

stand before God. The sea will no longer hide her dead. The grave will give up her dead. This earth, which is one vast charnel

the resurrection, when the dead in Christ shall come forth? Have you ever seriously given to think of the way in which I have been abounding grace of God, another proof heed to the Word of the living God, which living; no one has been such a sinner." that He takes beggars from the dunghill declares that some will rise to everlasting joy, She then read to her part of the eighth of sin, and sets them among princes, glory, and happiness, others, alas! to shame chapter of John, about the woman taken another testimony that God loves sinners and everlasting contempt? That day will most The great white throne will in adultery, and when she came to that-yea, the vilest of sinners-though He certainly come. passage, "neither do I condemn thee," hates their sins. It is a plain statement, be erected. The heavens and earth will fly and needs no comment. We do not away from the presence of Him that sits she lifted herself up in the bed and said, thereon. The dead, small and great, will "then I'm sure He will have mercy on publish it because it is something extrame." The next evening she suddenly ordinary, for all who are taught of the cried out, "OH! I'VE FOUND JESUS! I Holy Spirit know that they are saved see Him. He hath forgiven all my sins. only on the ground of God's free mercy house, will not afford shelter, or provide a I am happy now. I shall soon be with in Christ. Our condition as sinners has hiding-place, to one who has ever trodden Him. He is all round me. Oh! He is long been judged, and sentence of guilt upon its surface. Now, the ashes of the so smiling. I am not afraid to die now. and condemnation been pronounced on wicked and the just lie commingled together. I am going to be with Christ in glory. I us all; but the gospel of remission of At the first blast of God's trumpet the bodies want to go now. I feel no pain now. sins is still preached to every creature, of the dead in Christ shall rise first." am very happy." She sent to a friend and blessed indeed are those who can say to say she had found Jesus. Then she with the Apostle, "This is a faithful spoke of her mother and sister, who had saying, and worthy of all acceptation, died in the Lord. She said, "I see my dear mother and sister with Christ in glory. I shall soon be with them." A friend that was with her went to the other


end of the room for a few minutes, when she called aloud for him by name, and

said, "Come over, don't be afraid of a dying woman. I am going to be with Jesus." She said to another, "Mary, do bring over my red book, that I may read those pretty hymns." She did read them, and praised the Lord with such a loud voice, that the neighbours were struck with surprise and astonishment at the wonderful goodness and grace of God to her. She continued in this happy state of mind nearly all through the remainder of her life. For about twenty-four hours, she suffered a little pain, and asked her cousin if her mother had suffered as much. She said, "The road is rough. "The road is rough. That wicked one, I mean Satan, wants to call me back again, but I will not; he offers me money, but I see my dear Lord; He is with ine, I shall soon go with Him. Tell all the dear friends that spoke to me

that Christ Jesus came into the world to
save sinners, of whom I am chief."

Reader! what place will you occupy in Are you a poor sinner saved resurrection? through the blood and righteousness of Christ? Are you humbly trusting in His finished work, and endeavouring to walk in obedience to His Word and will, leaning only upon Him who has promised to guide you with counsel here, and after that receive you to glory? In one word, are you a believer on the Lord Jesus

that you will be satisfied when you wake up.

go down into the grave with the certainty

"If they could all come up." ONE evening in the month of June last, I was, in the course of my profession, riding Christ? Do you know Him and the power of through one of the rich and picturesque His resurrection? If you have no other hope, valleys on the borders of South Wales, I no other Saviour, happy are you; you may had reached a very secluded spot, all was quiet and serene, evening was fast closing in, and all nature was sinking into repose. I felt very tired and exhausted, having tra- who see no light beyond the tomb, who have Reader! do you still belong to that number velled a great distance during the day; nevernot yet found peace in Jesus? Are you still theless, the beauty of the scenery was most trusting to yourself, to what you have, or may refreshing, and the solitude of the path I was accomplish? Are you yet in your sins, living treading was favourable to Christian meditation. without God in the world? Oh! it is a After I had pursued my journey some dis- miserable thing to live without hope, or to be tance, I came to an old church, and in passing trusting to the hypocrite's hope which will the churchyard I pulled up my horse, being perish, to lie down in sorrow, and rise to shame much struck with the immense number of and contempt. Well, dear reader! this will of not more than half-an-acre of ground, there who is the resurrection and the life. Accept In a small churchyard, be your portion, if you turn away from Jesus, must have been at least five or six hundred headstones standing closely together. I felt compelled to stand and contemplate the scene, and I read many of the inscriptions upon the tombs. Most of them were erected to the memories of persons of great age. Some of

gravestones erected.


about Jesus, and that dear man that met the epitaphs spoke of the departed as Sin- to be dreaded. The poor countryman spoke

me at the station, that it was the Lord ners saved by grace." Some spoke of "Christ
that brought me to see him, and that I Jesus the Saviour." Others, alas! as is usual
poor mortal
shall meet him and them all in heaven; in most places where the ashes of
man are deposited, spoke of the virtues of
She named
my very kind love to all."
the deceased. While I was thus occupied, a
the man with whom she had been living,
countryman came up to me from a neighbour-
and besought her friends not to be unkind
ing cottage, and observing me looking with
to him, for he had done all he could for intense interest at the gravestones, he said,
her. She said, "We have both been
"There would be a pretty regiment of them
wrong, but I have prayed for him that if they could all come up, sir." I made some
the Lord will have mercy on him; write slight remark to the man in reply, and passed
him about His soul. How good of the on, for I thought he had been drinking, but
Lord to bring me to T." On a after I had left him his words appeared to be

lieve in Him, poor sinner, as the One that God's free grace-His blessed Lamb. Betaketh away the sin of the world. Look and live, and at once pass from death unto life. There is a sting in death; get rid of the sting and you get rid of all that which makes death of the resurrection in the language of unbelief, "If they could all come up." Remember, the alternative is not left to poor mortal man. The dead shall be raised." You will have no power to remain in the bowels of the earth, or the recesses of the deep, and hide yourself from the presence of God in that day. Now is the time to settle the great question of how you will meet Jesus. Cast your poor helpless soul on God's mercy in Christ Jesus now, and you shall hear those cheering words, “Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you."

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Encouragement to Tract Distributers. No one can tell the value of a good gospel tract, or how much good is done by tract distribution; it is not often that a week passes away without my hearing of tracts being used for blessing to souls in Derbyshire. Calling

refuge." Oh! what a safe City to flee to!
what a sweet home to go to! when all else fails.
Oh! yes, and our Father invites us to come.
Oh! sweet retreat! is it not? And He is
not only our refuge, but our strength for con-
flict with every foe, and is always at hand to
help His children, if looking alone to Him;
for He is a present help in trouble, why
should we fear? Though every object of
our affection which binds us to earth be
removed, we have a safe anchorage, a safe
haven of rest, and a refuge from every storm;
for our Father is at the helm of all our affairs,
nothing happens by chance, or without His
knowledge; "for all things are naked and
open to the eyes of Him with whom we have
to do." The waters may roar, and be troubled;
the mountains of difficulties may shake us
with the swelling thereof, but there is a river,
a continual stream, ever flowing in Christ; an

the other day at a house in the village of A-
an aged Christian told me that she had been
Christian about 50 years, but that she had
got more light and had felt more joy in the
Lord during the last few months than ever be-
fore; and that gospel tracts which had been
given away in the village, had been of great
use to her. She also told me of a young
man, a relative, who visited her a short time
since, and read all the gospel tracts she had
in the house, comparing every statement with
the Bible; and that he has now written to her
to say, that those tracts were the means of his
conversion to God. I have just heard of a
man, not far from here, who was converted by
means of a precious litttle tract, headed
"Prayer no Saviour." I have heard of five
persons who have been blest through reading
a tract called, "Peace in believing." These inexhaustible stream of life and love, and He
are a few out of many cases where I have causes it to flow, as a proof of His love. For
known that tracts have been used of the if He spared not His dear Son, will He not
Lord; and I find that in those places where with Him freely give us "all things?" And
God is working very much among the people, this river is ever running, and so sweet and
that pure gospel tracts are much sought after,
especially those which contain short and sim- precious is it, that it maketh glad the city of
ple statements of gospel truth; such as tell God. How blessed to live in this city, to be
a poor sinner that the blood of Christ has put one among the number of the happy citizens
away all sin, and has left him nothing to do of that blessed country, and to drink those
but believe the fact and be at peace.
sweet waters, ever new and precious from the
fountain head, even Christ, each one for him-
May God find you and yours often
there. We are entitled to it in Christ Jesus.
His blood has introduced us there. He is
Himself the fountain. He is God's holy
place, and there is no other.
Christ is my
tabernacle and dwelling place.

G. R.

Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh. "At midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the Bride.

groom cometh; go ye out to meet him." (Matt. xxv. 6.)

AWAKE! awake! ye slumb'ring saints,
Rise to the midnight cry;

Lift up your hearts in joyful strains,
For oh! the Bridegroom's nigh.
Let not the passing dreams of earth
For one hour satisfy;

Rise to behold His glorious face,

For oh! the Bridegroom's nigh.
Awake! and trim your glimm'ring lamp,
Look to the breaking sky;

Haste to receive His fond embrace,
For sure the Bridegroom's nigh.
His finish'd work-His bleeding wounds,
And groans on Calvary,

Bid us with joy receive the cry—
"Behold, the Bridegroom's nigh."
Say to the "foolish," Be alarmed,
Tell them they soon must die,
Unless they fly to Jesus' blood,

For oh! the Bridegroom's nigh.
Compel the careless and profane,
The vilest, now to cry;

For mercy's door is open still,

But oh! the Bridegroom's nigh.
How short the time ere Christ will come,
And take us up on high;

Let us then live as those who know,
And feel the Bridegroom's nigh.

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shall pass away, but my word shall not pass
Nevertheless the foundation of God
knoweth them that are His." His purposes
standeth sure, having this seal, "the Lord
are unchangeable-"They that trust in the
Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which eannot be
removed." His grace-"My grace is suf-


ficient for thee, for my strength is made
thy strength be."
perfect in weakness.” As thy day, so shall
His power is unchangeable
Twice have I heard this, that power
belongeth unto the Lord." His arm is not
His wisdom-He is
shortened or weakened.
"the only wise God." Here then are no
running sands, no cracking, no dark tunnels,
falling bridges, no sliding embankments, no
no false signals, no curves. It is a straight
way, all the rails are good, and they are laid
on the best materials-the divinity of Christ.
We have no turn out-one line-all trains run
the same way-no collisions. The carriages
if ye be followers of that which is good."
are all bomb proof; "nothing shall harm you,
Angels are guards. Jesus Christ is in
No snow drifts.
front; He clears our way.
and upset all the trains, but he cannot. "The
The devil would be glad to tear up the line,
gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Glory to God! Hallelujah! All bound for
glory! We are all insured. But we must
not lose our ticket. Oh! no, mind this! We
must not let go our confidence, but keep up
If we want instruction, we go to the feet of
our assurance by continual faith and prayer.
Jesus; if water, we go to Horeb; if fuel, to
Gethsemane, and ascend the incline of
Calvary; there we have it in abundance-if
we want more fire, we go to the love of Christ.
The refreshment rooms are all free: best

entertainment-all that is required is merely
to give a little to keep them in repair, and a
little to those who serve. The provisions are
all gratis, but over the door is written,
"Admittance by the blood of Jesus." A ticket
He is the signed in blood at Calvary will give you a seat
way into the holiest of all. He is the dwell-in our train, admittance to all the refreshment
ing place of the most high. He is God's
rest, and provided by God too for my rest, and
the rest of the whole family of God. It is
here that we have fellowship with the Father
and the Son. Oh, drink of these waters!
they will well up into everlasting life. It is
a free gift, and you and I are made glad when

we drink of it.

[blocks in formation]

even the devil also.

God will be then indeed in our midst, seen
and enjoyed by His people. Then we shall
be capable of fully enjoying His glorious pre-
sence, beyond the reach of sin, which now so
much hinders us. Then we shall repeat,
"The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of
Jacob is our refuge." We can see the glo-
rious victory of our Lord Jesus in the end.
Christ is with us. Fear not, then; He will
make wars to cease. All must be still at last,
and know that He is God. May you and I
walk worthy of our position, that we may not
be ashamed when He comes; our reward is
sure. With best regards to you
and yours,
dear S. thus prays, yours ever faithfully in


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of Him who rides in front.
rooms, and will entitle you to the protection
No changing or
out. But you must not lose it. You may
snipping of tickets-the same ticket through-
obtain a renewal of it by making earnest
application at the office on Calvary, for there
all such must apply. It is the only office
where tickets are given or renewed. He that
will not refuse you, but you had better be
keeps that office knows all about you, and He
careful, and look often and well to your
ticket, for there is generally more sorrow in
renewing the ticket than even in obtaining it
at first. And what if you should feel no
should be shut? If you would prefer going
inclination to renew it, or the office door
by Express, there have been some Express
trains, but they are very few now.
and the martyrs went by Express. Oh, yes;
and the thief went all the way to glory in less
than a day! He did not stop at all, all the
way from Calvary to Paradise.




[blocks in formation]

Yes! Philip and the Eunuch-David the King and Lazarus the beggar (though the rich man got no ride)-Paul, and you, and I— all ride together. Come, there is the Terminus: come, make haste, get up. There is . MY DEAR BROTHER IN JESUS,-Grace, great civility on this Line-all the carriages mercy, and peace be with you and yours. dow, but don't look out. carry a light. Mind and ride near the winLook up, there's Amen and Amen. danger outside. Good bye, we are travelling 60 miles an hour-fast as time can carry us. I've got my ticket. The steam is up. I am bound for the Kingdom!

The world in which we live is full of is changeable, but there is great consolation changes indeed everything connected with it

God is unchangeable. "I am He that changeth not, saith the Lord." The promises of God are unchangeable. "Heaven and earth

Very affectionately yours in Christ,
T. M. W.


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