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THE GOOD SAMARITAN. “And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right this do, and thou shalt live. But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour? And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there caine down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again I will repay thee. Which now of these on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou And he said, He that shewed mercy

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him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out

three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

likewise."-Luke x. 25-37.

CHRIST came into the world to save. He died for
the ungodly. Prophets had repeatedly declared
that "salvation is of the Lord," and had long
spoken of Jehovah as "a just God and a Saviour."
The gospel also prominently set this forth. He
was called Jesus, or Saviour, because He would
save His people from their sins;" and when
the angel of the Lord announced His birth to the
shepherds, he said, "Unto you is born this day,
in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ
the Lord." Jesus himself taught His disciples
that He came "not to destroy men's lives, but to
save them;" and when a sin-convicted woman re-
ceived him as such, He pronounced her “ saved;"
and when another joyfully received him, He de-
clared, "This day is salvation come to this house."
Paul testified that the grace of God bringeth sal-sacrifice for our neighbour's benefit, were involved
vation, and He counted it "a faithful saying, and
worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came
into the world to save sinners." How blessed is
the contemplation of the fact, that God still pro-
claims salvation for the chief of sinners, through
the atoning blood of Christ! Well may we sing
"Salvation! let the echo fly

The spacious earth around;
While all the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound.
Salvation! O thou bleeding Lamb,
To thee the praise belongs;
Salvation shall inspire our hearts,

And dwell upon our tongues."
It is the fact of God having provided a Saviour
for sinners, that so richly manifests divine love,
and when received into the heart by faith, the
ruined and lost become attracted to the bosom of

God. No one ever could have conceived that God had such love in his heart for sinful man, as Jesus revealed. To condemn sin in His onlybegotten Son, that He might bring us to glory, instead of eternally condemning us, as we so justly deserved, was such a deep thought of unutterable love as the Cross of Christ alone could fully set forth. "No man hath seen God at any time, the only-begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him." Man's estimate of God generally is, that He is a hard master, demanding and expecting great things from him; hence, when he thinks of God at all, it is commonly associated with the idea of bringing something to God, instead of receiving from Him. Paul met this thought in the idolatrous Athenians, by telling them that "God is not worshipped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, seeing He giveth life, and breath, and all things." It is this proud thought of man's ability, that is such an impenetrable barrier to the entrance of the gospel into the heart, and it is this that the Spirit of God breaks down, by convincing men of their sinfulness and need of a Saviour, and shewing them that righteousness is to be had only by faith in Him, who is now at the right hand of God.


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As the

question: "What shall I do to inherit eternal ler; and that He that was speaking to him was
entitle to life; our Saviour, therefore, could only and pour peace and joy into his wounded con
life?" The point was about doing something to the "neighbour," ready to bind up his wounds,
refer him to what God had written in the law of science.
Thus, he would be taught the true
Moses, in which it had been repeatedly declared, secret of the gospel, that while he could not
that the man that doeth these things shall live "inherit eternal life," by doing, nevertheless it
in them. The vain confidence of this inquirer could be had "without money and without
was best met by thus directing him to God's own price," from the Saviour of sinners, as the free
standard of righteousness; for when men sup-gift of God.
In contemplating the parable, we may notice,
pose that they are capable of doing that which
will entitle them to eternal life, the just balance 1. Man's fallen and helpless condition. 2. The
of God's law and testimony can alone determine inability of law or ordinances to meet his need.
the question. Our Lord's reply, therefore, was 3. The depth and suitability of the Saviour's
"What is written in the law? How readest love. 4. The security and prospects of the
thou?" The lawyer's response shewed that, healed and rescued sinner.
like many in the present day, he was acquainted
with the letter of the law, while he knew nothing is most strikingly set before us in the wounded
of its killing, condemning power, in laying bare man. "A certain man went down from Jeru-
the conscience, and exposing to his view the de-salem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which
pravity of his own evil heart, He unhesitatingly stripped him of his raiment, wounded him, and
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and minded here that man is a fallen creature. God
answered, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God departed, leaving him half dead." We are re-
with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; made him upright, and pronounced him, with
and thy neighbour as thyself;" to which our every other part of creation, "
Lord replied, "Thou hast answered right; this was a stranger to guilt, and knew nothing of
very good.'
do, and thou shalt live." Thus the righteous death's terrible sting; he was clothed with inno-
balance of God's holy law was brought forth, cence, and no stain had ever soiled his pure
and the only question was, whether the lawyer, mind. But the great enemy, like a thief, came
if weighed, would be "found wanting." He upon him, and he disobeyed God's command.
brought forth the required standard himself, and This is sin; and in this way he was stripped of
the question was, did it pronounce him righteous his robe of spotless purity; he was sensible of
and entitled to life? or did it prove him to "have his wickedness, felt the deep wounds of fear and
sinned, and come short of the glory of God?" guilt, and knew that death claimed him, without
for the heart-searching demand of that law was, having any prospect of restoration.
to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, Scripture saith, "By one man sin entered into
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, the world, and death by sin; and so death passed
and with all thy strength; and thy neighbour as upon all men, for that all have sinned." Thus
thyself." Thus perfection of devotedness to God, un- man is a fallen creature, and he is also "without
ceasing and unfailing in its continuance, with self-strength;" he is gone astray from God, and sin
reigns in him unto death. All mankind are alike
in the law. Is it not strange that the lawyer, be-in this respect, all are naked, wounded, helpless,
fore such demands, did not fall down, pricked in needy sinners. It is very important to see this,
his heart, and exclaim, "God be merciful to me because it withers up all thoughts of creature
a sinner!" but he did not. So-blind and igno- ability, makes us conscious of being outside
rant is the natural man, that he perceives no- Eden's blessings, and lays us prostrate by the
thing spiritually, except the Holy Ghost enlighten wayside, helpless, and sinking under the effects
his understanding, and open his heart! The law of the mortal wounds we have received. Our
yer was still willing to "justify himself." How birth-condition being a fallen one, teaches us the
great is the blindness of the human heart! But absolute necessity of being "born again," and
has it not always been the way of man to seek shews us the correctness of the Divine verdict,
to excuse and justify himself? Do we not see that "the whole head is sick, and the whole heart
multitudes around us, having the law of Moses faint," and that "from the sole of the foot even
on their lips, but so destitute of the sense of its unto the head there is no soundness in it; but
perfect requirements, as to attempt self-justifica- wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores."
tion, by endeavouring to scrape together a righ- How humiliating to the proud, self-sufficient
teousness by that very law which so thoroughly lawyer, could he have traced his own portrait in
proves man to be a transgressor, as to be to him this picture of the traveller by the wayside,
a ministration of condemnation and death, so that naked, fainting, gasping, lingering in helpless
Every mouth may be stopped, and all the world ness and misery, without any resources for heal-
may become guilty before God."
ing or comfort; and without a friend to help or
Such is the law. Its demands are strict, its sympathize, till the Saviour of sinners came
measure perfect, its standard unalterable, inflict- where he was. Ah! man may boast of his noble
ing death on the transgressor, without any pro- faculties, and vast capabilities, as if he were un-
mise of mercy. Holy, just, and good in itself; fallen; but what is he in the sight of God? How
but capable of showing man's sinfulness, without does the pure light of heavenly truth manifest
giving him life or righteousness; for the Scrip- him? What is he when weighed in the balance
ture saith, "If righteousness come by the law, of the sanctuary? What can be more humbling
then Christ has died in vain." Who then can than the Lord's concise description, "stripped,"
lay claim to life on the ground of the Law?" wounded," and "half dead"? This is God's
"I have glorified thee on the earth, I have fin- verdict, and this, I am sure, every Spirit-taught
Who can say, I am clean, I am pure, I have conscience acknowledges as true and righteous
never transgressed thy commands at any time? altogether.
Blessed be God, there was One who could say, 2. THE INABILITY OF LAW OR ORDINANCES
ished the work which thou gavest me to do."
TO MEET HIS NEED. Redemption by grace was
Yes," He magnified the law and made it honour- an eternal purpose in the heart of God.
able," for He loved the Lord His God with all Lamb was fore-ordained before the foundation
His heart, and with all His soul, and with all of the world; and when God pronounced to
His mind, and with all His strength; and He fallen man the promise of redemption, there was
proved that He loved His neighbour as Himself, no reference to the law. It was not until 400
by redeeming him with His own precious blood. years after the call of Abraham that the Law
Though the lawyer was so willing to "justify was given, and the reason of its being given was
himself," yet he failed to do so, for he was stand- to make sin manifest. "The Law entered that
ing before the light of truth; and the proposed the offence might abound." Hence we read,
question, "Who is my neighbour?" seems to "By chance, there came down a certain priest
imply that he had some misgiving about being that way; and when he saw him, he passed by
able to meet this part of the Law's demands; on the other side." This legal official had no
and when the Lord drew a picture of one loving remedy for the fallen and helpless, and he could
a neighbour as himself, and added, "Go and do only be a witness to the fact, that there was a
thou likewise," the lawyer was unable to ask | “ wounded," "half-dead" traveller there. The
any more questions, for guilt of conscience, man needed life, peace, healing, saivation, which
under the power of God's holy truth, stopped the priest under the law was unable to minister;
his mouth." If his heart was opened to receive "he therefore passed by on the other side."
the blessed instruction set before him, he could
not have failed to feel self-condemned, in coming
so far short of God's standard of righteousness, and
would have perceived in the parable, that Christ
had drawn a life-like portrait of himself in the
fallen, naked, wounded, needy, half-dead travel-

It is recorded that, on more than one occasion, persons came to Jesus in this erroneous condition of mind. Their enquiry was about doing something to entitle them to eternal life; which served, in the case before us, as a fit opportunity for our Lord to unfold the difference between law and gospel, and to shew that He came not to call the righteous, but to seek and to save that which was lost.

The touching parable of the good Samaritan was drawn forth by the lawyer's self-righteous enquiry. In the darkness of deep ignorance and idle curiosity, he tempted the Lord with this

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The Levite was equally unable to meet his need, for he had no healing balm for a sin-wounded conscience. His sacrifices only brought sin to remembrance, and could not give remission; "for it is impossible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sin." He therefore only


looked on the dying sinner, "passed by on
the other side," and became another witness that
was "stripped," "wounded," and under
sentence of death, needing remission of sin. Thus
we see something of what man's real state before
God is, and what a united testimony there is to
his being a fallen, and helpless sinner, and the
inability of rites or ceremonies to meet his need.
Sad indeed would it be if the Divine record
stopped here; but, blessed be God, it does not;
for our deep necessity has been God's oppor-
tunity of displaying the riches of His grace in
the salvation of those who could not save them-on whom he had bestowed gifts for the service,


"Though our nature's fall in Adam
Seem'd to shut us out from God,
Thus it was His counsel brought us
Nearer still through Jesus' blood."


"Oh, what Love!"

him from the wayside to his own seat-" set him
on his own beast," and undertook to care for him,
making provision for the whole time of his ab- "THE entrance of thy word giveth light,
sence from him; and the chief prospect before it giveth understanding to the simple."
him, was the hope of his coming again. We
might enlarge to shew the responsibility of the Often has this Scripture been made good
Church, symbolized by the inn, to care for the to the honour of God, and the salvation
lambs of the Lord's flock; but we can only now
simply refer to it. The Samaritan's care of the and joy of the poor sinner.
restored man is brought out not only in the
How sweet it is to witness the opening
statement that he "took care of him," but also
in committing him to the ministration of others, up of day in the dark soul of man, to see
the power and love of God triumphing
over the ruin and guilt, the blindness and
alienation of the sinner's heart; to per-
ceive the thick darkness broken by those

"Once in Christ, in Christ for ever;
Nothing from His love can sever."

How blessed is that power which the gospel of the grace of God exerts: breaking down the pride, the enmity, and selfsufficiency of the sinner, and at once turning the heart and mind; making it ready to receive Jesus, and the salvation Jesus brings.

saying, "Take care of him." The knowledge that the kind friend, who had so mercifully rescued him from death, had made arrangements for the supply of all his present and future need, must have been very consoling, and calculated to 3. This leads us to consider next, THE DEPTH, deliver from all fear and distrust; while the ex-rays of heavenly light and love which OF THE SAVIOUR'S LOVE, pectation of his coming again, could not fail to shine from Calvary, by which the deathso blessedly presented to us in His own ways be an object of the deepest interest. When the and words, and standing in the widest con- shepherd found the lost sheep, and laid him on like gloom is chased away, and life, and trast with the cold, heartless look of the Priest his shoulders, the security of the sheep was, that light, and order, and beauty are restored. and Levite. "But a certain Samaritan, as he he was borne up by the strong arm of the good journeyed, came where he was; and when he shepherd. The security of Noah, when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went entered the ark was, that "God shut him in." to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil The security of the children of Israel, when the and wine." This is what the half-dead traveller destroying angel came in judgment, was the needed. It suited such a helpless one. It ex-blood of the lamb sprinkled on their lintels and actly met his case. Nothing less would do. door-posts. And so now, the security of the beNothing more could be desired. What un- liever is, that he is in Christ, justified by his utterable grace! How great, how free, how blood, upheld before God by the perfect love and deep the love of Christ to ruined sinners! Deep almighty power of the great High Priest. Most indeed, for He came down to us where we were, blessed it is for every true believer in the Lord in our sin, guilt, and ruin. He saw, He had Jesus to know that, by the one offering of Christ, This was strikingly exemplified some compassion, and came to us with healing and he is "perfected for ever," and that God hath made salvation. He saw the depth of our wounds, He Christ to be unto him "wisdom, righteousness, time ago in the case of a poor dying man beheld the misery and helplessness we were in, sanctification, and redemption." In Christ he in the Union-house at C. He lay and His loving heart so melted with compassion, has life, righteousness, and completeness, and that when nothing less than the tremendous can never be separated from His love. Christ upon his dying-bed apparently friendless agony, suffering, and death of the Cross would will care for him continually, help in difficulty, and hopeless; he had looked at the grim deliver us from wrath, He freely laid down His comfort in sorrow, restore when erring, and lead monster death in his near approach, and life for us, even when we were dead in sins. The him into paths of righteousness, for His name's Holy Saviour was willingly made sin for us, sake. Christ who died for him, ever intercedes was filled with dismay: his sins stood that we might be made the righteousness of God for him, and will come again for him. Christ before him, and he dreaded death with in Him; and now being raised from the dead, dwells in him, and he dwells in Christ, and the He lives at God's right hand to be a Prince and love, wisdom, work, worth, and power of Christ such a burden of guilt upon his soul. a Saviour to give remission of sins. His blood are all for him. Just at this period (under the guidance. has been shed for undone, guilty sinners, and His blood gives peace to the wounded conscience. of the God of love) two of the followers His blood can heal the broken heart, and His of Jesus visited the place, and were led blood testifies of a better robe than unfallen Such is the believer's security, and the chief man ever knew; for it speaks of "the righteous-prospect of his soul is, that Jesus will come again, to the bedside of the dying man; they ness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ and receive him unto himself. He knows that warned him of his danger, pointed out unto all, and upon all them that believe." This the same Jesus who went into heaven, shall so is what Jesus gives. The testimony of the God come in like manner, as the disciples saw Him his guilt; and then freely declared the go of truth to the value of His blood, is the oil and into heaven. (Acts i. 11.) He looks for the love of God manifested in the gift of wine that He pours into the troubled soul. When Saviour, and loves His appearing. Then He the Holy Spirit bears witness to the broken knows that Christ will "see of the travail of His Jesus, who came to do, and to bear, all heart of the law being fulfilled, its curse borne, soul and be satisfied," and, like the Psalmist, he that was needed to open a way through sin condemned, and death endured by the Son of says, "As for me, I shall behold His face in which God could be just while justifying God for the sinner, and that now there is full righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake liberty for those who believe to enter into the with thy likeness." Time was when God's dear the ungodly. holiest of all, by the blood of Jesus, this is like people were so living in the power of divine The substitution of Jesus as the Sinoil and wine poured into the sinking soul, filling truth, that they "turned from idols to serve it with joy and peace. What amazing kindness the living and true God, and to wait for His bearer was specially pointed out, shewing What sovereign love! How deep! how suitable! Son from heaven." Oh that we who have Jesus the righteous One taking our sin But who can speak of its power and virtue, bnt tasted that the Lord is gracious, were so much the wounded that have been healed by the loving in love with Christ, so rejoicing in His finished and guilt as His, and standing before work, so sensibly affected by His amazing grace, God for us, receiving the punishment as to be continually rejoicing in hope of His glorious appearing! we deserved, and having exhausted the But perhaps my reader is a stranger to grace. penalty of the broken law, having reYou, perhaps, are so far dead, as not to be sensi-ceived the "wages of sin," which is death, ble of your naked, wounded, perilous state. Is it so? Then let me ask you to consider how you He rose again for our justification; and will bear the light and terrors of the judgment now we who believe are justified from all seat, and be judged according to your works! 4. THE SECURITY AND PROSPECTS OF THE Death steals slowly but surely over you, and will HEALED AND RESCUED SINNER. Christ saves quickly hurl you far from the reach of mercy, to to the uttermost. He not only begins a good stand before God. But, dear fellow sinner, you work, but He perfects it. He not only cleanses, are naked, wounded, and dying, though you but He brings nigh to God, by union with think little of it. Do ponder these things. God This was plainly told out to the trouhimself. He meets us as beggars on the pronounces all to be guilty before Him. dunghill, and sets us among princes. He is not Jesus, the Good Samaritan, able to heal bled sinner, and he was enabled to bequickened us when dead in sins, and raised you? Did not He die for the chief of sinners? lieve; and while entering into these us up together, and made us sit together in Does not He delight to pardon iniquity? Does heavenly places in Christ. We thus become He not now come where you are, with the words,His for ever. And so we read, that after the sweet balm of His blessed gospel? Does not wounded man had been bound up, and oil and His precious blood cleanse from all sin? Does wine had been poured in, "he set him on his own He refuse one sinner, however vile, that comes beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of to Him? Then why not believe in Him to save He cried out, "Oh, what love! oh, what him, and on the morrow, when he departed, you, that He may bind up your wounds, pour love! to think that He should chock and he took out two pence, and gave them to the joy and peace into your soul, and make you host, and said unto him, Take care of him, and happy in the present enjoyment of His perfect change with us in that way." whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come and unchanging love, with the joyful prospect heart and mind were filled with light and again I will repay thee." The security of the of being with Him in glory for ever. healed man was, that the Samaritan had exalted joy, tears of gratitude flowed down his


"Nothing but thy blood, O Jesus, Could relieve us from our smart; Nothing else from guilt release us, Nothing else can melt the heart. "Law and terrors do but harden,

All the while they work alone; But a sense of blood-bought pardon

Soon dissolves a heart of stone."

May God grant His blessing. Amen.


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things, and know that His perfect righteousness is unto all and upon all them that believe.

"Our sins were His, we bless His name, His righteousness is ours."

His poor


of Jesus is reckoned ours, he saw how the sinner is accepted in the Beloved, complete in Him, and thus proved the truth of the words uttered by Jesus, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." The finished work of Jesus was a resting-place to this poor burdened soul; he wanted nothing more-any thing less would not have been sufficient.


Rom. viii. 17.

"If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together."

THY tender feet, O Lord, have trod

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face, and words of joy fell from his stam-" the soul that sinneth it shall die; the soul that sinneth it shall die;" but GOD gave His Son to die for sinners. mering tongue. He had seen Jesus bear-"God so loved the world that He gave The Son of God came forth from the ing his sins, he believed they were put His only begotten Son, that whosoever Father, to seek and to save that which away for ever; he saw himself arrayed believeth in Him should not perish, but was lost. You have dishonoured God, in the best robe, and gladness filled his have everlasting life." (John iii. 16.) In but He is satisfied with the honour and the obedience unto death of Christ, atone- glory that has been brought to Him by "Oh, what love!" Could any thing ment has been made, because of your the Man His fellow, (Zech. xiii. 7,) even else have met this poor sinner's case? wretchedness and guilt; whether you Jesus, who fulfilled all righteousness, and Would any thing short of this have been feel it or not, whether you submit to it suffered in Himself the judgment proa gospel to him? But in the fact that or not, such an atonement by blood was nounced against sin; and now God, Jesus took the sinner's place, and died necessary. Because of the infinite value against whom you have sinned, and of in the sinner's stead, he saw deliverance, of the blood shed, being the blood of whom you are tempted to be afraid, is full deliverance from all his sins; and in God's own Son, the atonement is effica- He who publishes salvation to you through the precious fact that the righteousness cious; and God has raised up His Son the blood of the Lamb. Believe in the from the dead, and given Him glory, that Lord Jesus Christ, that is to say, trust the faith and hope of the sinner might in Him, rely upon Him, look to Him, be in Him. (1 Peter i. 21.) That is to and you shall prove whether He is not say, the resurrection of Christ is the proof able to save to the uttermost ALL who given by God of the satisfaction which come to God by Him. Yes, God will Divine justice has found in the death of and does abundantly pardon every SINthat ONE who voluntarily undertook to NER who trusts in Jesus. And when suffer for sins, the just FOR the unjust. you have believed to the saving of your (1 Peter iii. 18.) If your confidence in soul, you will then be careful to maintain God is on the ground of this prevailing good works, because God HAS SAVED Have you so seen your need of salva- atonement in the death of His Son, you YOU; and whom He saves He delivers tion, and so seen the suitableness of have no reason to be afraid. God him- from the love and power of sin. Christ, as to be led involuntarily to cry self pronounces that sinner to be justified May the Holy Spirit teach you, for out, "Oh, what love," &c.? If so, you from all things who trusts in Jesus. (Acts Jesus' sake. Amen. may well rejoice and be glad in the sal- xiii. 38.) You cannot trust in Him and vation of Jesus. It is the first gushing perish. You must perish, if you do not forth of that joy which is unspeakable trust in Him. and full of glory. But if you have not f you have confidence, a sort of vague been attracted, charmed, and subdued by hope that SOMEHOW all will be well herethe love of God manifest in Jesus dying after, be assured that this is not confidence in our stead, what can be presented that in Christ; and whatever your thoughts will suffice? This is God's own remedy; may be about yourself, except you be by this He would draw, and woo your converted, and trust in Christ, you will poor heart; by this He would make you perish. If you allow that you may have His own; nor will any thing more power- been bad and thoughtless, but have now ful or attractive be given you. Receive turned over a new leaf, and that therefore Him by faith, and salvation is yours; but you have hope, you are deceiving yourhe that believeth not shall not see life, self, and the truth is not in you; for all but the wrath of God abideth on him. such pretended confidence has no ground to stand on; it is not based on that founSin and Salvation. dation which God has laid,—it is based My fellow-sinner, of high or low degree, on sand, and terrible must be the fall are you learned or unlearned, has your thereof; for "other foundation can no life been moral or profane, you are a man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus SINNER! God says so; your own con- Christ." (1 Cor. iii. 11.) Nor will it do science testifies the same, whether you to mix anything of your own with the allow it or not to others. Now, what work of Christ. It will not do to say does a sinner mean? It is well to con- you trust in Christ, and yet, in the secret sider this. Man was not made a sinner; of your own soul, be really trusting in he was made good, and was so pronounced your tears, or prayers, or alms- deeds, to be by God; but he continued not in if you are rich; or in your poverty and that state, he disobeyed God; thus did troubles, if you are poor. Neither tears, he become a sinner, and thus did you nor troubles, nor yet gratitude to the become a sinner; for it is written, "By Almighty for daily mercies, will wash one man sin entered into the world, and away sin: the blood of Jesus Christ alone death by sin, and so death passed upon doeth that. (1 John i. 7.) The best, nay, all men, for that all have sinned." (Rom. the only way to please the Almighty, is to v. 12.) It is no use cavilling at this-so trust in His Son, Jesus Christ; but if it is; and the sooner you are brought to your conscience is alarmed because of humble yourself under the mighty hand the badness of your past and present of God on account of your own state, as life, and that on this account you are a sinner, the better. A sinner you are, afraid of God, I would say, "Trust, and and sinned against God you have, and be not afraid." God is a refuge for you;|

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Each step of sorrow's way,
No light of earthly joy broke through
Thy dark and clouded day.
And hence Thy sympathizing eye

Looks back with tenderest care,
Along the dark and troubled path,

O'er Thine now walking there.
And hence Thy promises we see,

Like guide-posts on the road;
To lead each trembling sufferer there,
To put His trust in God.
Hast Thou not said, "I'll be with thee
When passing through the deep;
I'll never leave thee, nor forsake,

Then wherefore dost thou weep?"
Hast Thou not said, "All things are yours,
Things present, things to come;"

O let this thought the spirit cheer,
Though dark the pathway home.
O raise the fallen, cheer the faint,

Confirm each feeble knee;
And tell them, Lord, that grief's full cup
Was drunk alone by Thee.
That very brier which wounds their feet,
Was blunted 'neath Thy tread;
And ev'ry thorn which pierces them,
First pierced their living Head.
That all along, the rugged path
Is softened by Thy tears,
And many a spot a witness bears
Of all Thy groans and tears.
"A little while," the journey past,
They'll rest with Thee on high,
Where God's own hand shall wipe at last,
The tears from ev'ry eye.
And then Thy pathway tracing o'er,
"Twill be their joy to see
That sorrow only made them more
Companions, Lord, for Thee.
A. A. W.

How I found Happiness.


'Dear Sir, I am glad that you have minister announced his text: 'All that been able to write to me, and state your the Father giveth me shall come to

"GOOD morning, Thomas, how is it you feelings. Though my hands are always me; AND HIM THAT COMETH TO ME, I are always looking so cheerful?" "Because I know, that whether living or dying, I have found happiness, Henry." Why, I have been seeking after happiness this long time, but have not found it YET; do tell me, Thomas, how it is have been so successful?"


full, it will always give me joy to re- WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT.' That was ceive such notes as yours. You ask me enough, the burden was gone; Jesus had a very important question, "Are you one done it all, He had received me, I could of God's elect?" Now this is a question not doubt. I saw I was a sinner saved neither you nor I can answer at present, by grace, and from that time to the preand therefore let it drop. I will ask you sent I HAVE FOUND HAPPINESS — REAL an easier one, Are you a sinner? Can you HAPPINESS." "With all my heart, Henry; if you say, "Yes"? All say yes, but then they "O Thomas, would that I could find will listen patiently, while I tell the story do not know what the word "sinner" happiness too!" in my own way. I was from childhood A sinner is a creature who has "LOOK TO JESUS, Henry, and you shall wayward youth; true, I attended a place broken all his Maker's commands, de- find it. The same Saviour who has made spised His name, and run into rebellion me happy will make ALL happy-WHO BELIEVE ON JESUS, THAT IS against the Most High. A sinner deserves ASK HIM.

means. a

hell, yea, the hottest place in hell; and if HOW I FOUND HAPPINESS."
he be saved, it must be entirely by un-

"She looked outside herself."

of worship on the Lord's-day, but soon forgot all I heard after I had left, till one day I thought I would go and hear a young man preach, whom I was told would astonish me. I went, and never shall I merited mercy. Now, if you are such a forget the time. The text was, 'Then sinner, I am glad to be able to tell you A FEW days ago, when talking with a shall we know, as we follow on to KNOW the only way of salvation-"Believe on poor afflicted child, I asked her if she THE LORD. Know the Lord, I thought; the Lord Jesus." I think you have not thought she could find anything good why, that is a knowledge I have not. I really yet understood what believing enough to present to God: I reminded tried to banish the impression, but all means. You are, I trust, really awakened, her of her countless sins, spoke of the was unavailing. Something told me I did but you do not see the door yet. I advise worthlessness of all her works, and then not know the Lord, and till I did I should you seriously to be much alone; I mean, again enquired if she had any thing not be happy. In this distressed state of as much as you can. Let your groans go which she could take to God. Her mind, I sat down and wrote a note to the up, if you cannot pray; attend as many answer was most striking; for with a minister I had heard preach. Stop a services as possible, and if you go with peaceful smile she sweetly said, "Yesminute, and I will read it to you. Here an earnest desire for a blessing, it will JESUS." it is: Dear Sir,- Would you be kind come very soon. enough candidly to inform me whether there is any hope that I belong to the elect family of God; whether Jesus Christ His Son has ever died for me, while my affections are in the world. I try to pray, but cannot. I make resolutions, only to break them. I listen, from time to time, when you speak of the glory set apart for the saints, when you describe their feelings, their joys, but feel that I have nothing to do with these things. Oh, Sir, that Sunday morning you spoke of the hypocrite, I felt you were describing me. I go to chapel; hear the Word preached; 'My dear fellow-sinner, slight not this go home; make resolutions; go to work? season of awakening-up, and be in earnest. out in the world, and forget all, till the 'Tis your soul-your own soul-your etertime of preaching comes again. I read nal welfare-your heaven or your hell-Him. She did not wait to cleanse her the Bible, but with no interest; it seems which is at stake. heart, but came polluted as she was. no more to me than any other work that There is the Cross, and a bleeding Why should she wait? She had an I have read before; it is to me dry and God-man upon it-look to Him and be offering to bring; yes, Jesus was her insipid. Christ has said, that of all who saved. And there is the Holy Spirit, able offering! She knew a little of the value. come to Him He will send none away. to give you every grace. Look in prayer of His precious blood, and sought for How am I to come? I would if I could; to the Sacred Three-one God, and then pardon for His sake. She marked His but I cannot. At times I think I will wounded hands and feet, and, when her give all up, and not go to chapel any sins were nained, could point to Him, more; but when the time comes I cannot "Well, that is an encouraging letter, and plead that He had suffered in her stay away, but feel compelled to go again Thomas. How did you feel after reading stead. once more. Do, dear Sir, tell me how I it?"

Oh, what a truth is hidden in these 'But why not believe now? You have words! Do pause awhile, and ponder only to believe that Jesus is able and what they mean. This child had learnt willing to save, and then trust yourself the secret of the way of life; she had to Him. Harbour not that dark sugges- found the Sacrifice for sin; she did not tion to forsake the house of God. Re- bring her works or prayers to God, nor member you turn your back to heaven and did she search her heart to find some your face to hell, the moment you do offering fit for Him; oh, no, she looked that: I pray God that He will keep you. outside herself, for well she knew that all If the Lord had meant to destroy you, He within was vile. She looked to Christ, would not have shewed you such things and saw Him as the spotless Lamb of as these. If you are but a smoking flax God, who died that she might live; she there is hope; touch the hem of His gar-listened to His gracious words, gazed on ment, look to the brazen serpent.

you will be delivered. I am, your anxious
friend, C. H. S.'"

His loving smile, and heard Him say He would in no wise cast her out. This drove her fears away, and so with joyful heart she came and laid her hand on

O happy child! yes, happy, though am to find Jesus? how I can know He "I thought at first, Henry, that I would upon a bed of pain; no hope of health died for me? and that I belong to His believe; but it was to no purpose; I was below, but glorious hopes above! There family? Dear Sir, tell me, am I a hypo- still miserable, till one Sunday evening-will she see her Saviour's face, and never crite? I remain, yours to serve, in I shall never forget it-I went to Chapel grieve Him more! There will she walk anxiety. T. W. M.' with a broken heart, having made up my with Him, and share His endless joy! "I sent this note, Henry; and after mind to go no more after that once. I No sin to mar, no grief or woe, but all waiting a few days received the following took my seat at the back. All the first be happiness and boundless love! What part of the service I heard not, till the need she fear? Her Jesus ever lives;


He changes not, and none shall ever and only hope, and you are saved at salvation; here is peace for the conpluck her from His hand. Oh, who can once! No fear of condemnation then! science, and joy for the heart; here is, tell the joy prepared for those who love No hell, no wrath for you! but perfect in one word, all that man, as a sinful, this precious Saviour now? And is this rest and peace, because you come to God accountable, and immortal being, can Saviour yours, my friend? in His appointed way! Oh do not rest need, or wisely desire. Here the fulness till with delight you can exclaim, "Jesus of God is brought to supply man's emptiis mine, and I am His! He has "saved ness; and the wealth of God, to meet man's my soul from hell!" poverty. The fulness of the gospel displays the wondrous riches of His grace.

Have you

yet fled to Him, and sought His pardoning love? If not, your soul is lost, and you are on the brink of hell; the sword of justice hangs above your head, and any hour it may descend and strike you dead. O fly to Jesus now! yes, fly while there is time. He stands with open arms, and waits to save your soul! He calls, and bids you come; and will you turn away? Do not despise His love, but seek His mercy now, and then you'll prove how truly blest are they whose sins are washed away.

"But," you may ask, "how could this child be sure her sins were all forgiven?" Because she understood what Christ had done; she saw that God had given His own beloved Son to be the sacrifice for wretched, ruined ones like her; she did not turn away, and slight this precious gift, but clasped Him to her heart, and brought Him as her offering to God; she did not come alone, nor with an empty hand, she came in company with Christ -with Him to plead her cause-the One who had been slain, but who now lives again, to bring the sinner near.

The Fulness of the Gospel.


That fulness is for man as a saint-a believer in Jesus-a Christian. It furTHE gospel is one of the greatest blessings nishes him with motives, and with motives which God ever conferred on our world. sufficiently pure and powerful to lead to It comprises God's loftiest thoughts, re- the performance of the most painful duveals God's deepest love, and sets forth ties, and to make the most costly sacriin the simplest strains God's richest pro-fices. It furnishes him with rules, rules vision for his creatures. For, whatever to regulate his conduct towards himself God may have provided for the glorious and others, toward God and man, toward inhabitants of another world, it will bear good men and bad men. Perfect, unexno comparison with what He has pro- ceptionable rules, so that, on this point, vided for us. He had but one Son, and He he has nothing to desire. It furnishes gave that Son for us. He had but one him with comforts, rich and costly comSpirit, and He gave that Spirit to us. forts. Comforts for dull nights and tryO the riches of His grace! Truly he ing days; comforts for life and its trials, hath abounded towards us in all wisdom for death and its pains; comforts which, and prudence. Let us for a few mo- like cordials, will revive, stimulate, and ments contemplate THE FULNESS OF THE strengthen, so that he shall conquer every GOSPEL. foe, and be more than conqueror. It furuishes him with supplies, supplies for the intellect and the heart; supplies varied and sufficient; supplies deeper than his miseries, and more numerous than his

That fulness is for man as a sinner, and provides for his spiritual wants. It provides for his guilt, a glorious atoneThis ment; which, the moment he believes gave her confidence and joy! How in Jesus, is removed from him com- wants. The fulness of the gospel concould she doubt? The King himself pletely and eternally. So that he is as tains God's provision for all His people, was on her side! He had become her guiltless before God as if he had never for all times, and to meet all circumstanadvocate and friend! the very Son of sinned. The perfect work of Jesus, per-ces. Let us then admire, adore, and make God was He who brought her nigh, who fectly removes all guilt from the believer, daily use of the fulness of the gospel. washed her from her sins, and bid her and removes it for ever. Therefore we read Reader, the fulness of the gospel is for fear no more! Oh what could shake her that, "by one offering he hath perfected YOU-for you as a sinner, and provides peace! She came to God through Christ for ever them that are sanctified." It for your guilt, however great; for your alone, she rested in His finished work, provides for his weakness, in the gift of degradation, however deep; for your and trusted to His own unchanging word. the Holy and Eternal Spirit; which weakness, however extreme; for your Her sins were gone,-all washed away in Spirit helps our infirmities, quickens ignorance, however stolid; and for your Jesus' precious blood,-and she embraced our graces, restores our comforts, and desires, however vast. If you are a with everlasting love, and called to know prepares us to do and suffer all the Christian, this glorious gospel furnishes the richness of this grace. righteous will of God. The Spirit of you with the most powerful motives to Oh, is this portion yours, my friend? Christ is the strength of the believer. It holiness, the wisest rules for your conHave you yet found the way to God? provides for his ignorance, in the gift of duct, the choicest comforts for your tryThe day will come when you must stand his word; which word contains all that is ing days, and the richest supplies for life before His face, and then how deep your necessary for him to know in reference and death, for time and eternity. Let us, agony, if you reject His mercy now! No to God, himself, the law, grace, time, and then, make use of the fulness of the gosmercy then; but fury, wrath, and fearful | eternity. It is sufficient to make him pel, by coming to it, receiving from it, woe, and punishment for every sin! But wise unto salvation, and to make him and walking by it. All we want is there; now there is a way of life! the door is perfect in every good work. It provides all we can wisely desire is there; more open still! and Jesus waits to lead you for his degradation, by introducing him than we can at present comprehend or safely in! He is the way-the only way unto the family of God, and making him make use of is there. As it flows from to God! When Cain came near with a son of God, and an heir of God. So God, it is filled with God, and has a fruits and flowers, he could not be re- that he rises from the dust and the direct tendency to make us like God. It ceived; he brought the produce of his dung-hill, to sit with princes; and, being commands our reverence, it demands our toil, but that could not atone for sin; washed, sanctified, and justified in the faith, and requires our constant study. and so with you, if you draw near with name of the Lord Jesus, and by the We shall need it in prosperity to guard works and prayers, you cannot be re- Spirit of our God, he is meet to be a us, in adversity to cheer us, in perplexity ceived; you must draw near through partaker of the inheritance of the saints to direct us, in ease to stimulate us, in Christ alone! He is the Lamb of God! in light. It provides also for his desires. sickness to generate hope, and in death He died for sinful man! accept and use Here is the bread of life, and here the of the blessed God, thou shalt be my to assure us of victory. Glorious gospel Him as your sacrifice; present this Spot- waters of salvation; here is the robe of confidence and comfort, my solace and less One to God; make Him your one righteousness, and here the garments of my song!

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