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Lamb." (Rev. xxii. 1.)


in order to find peace and joy. "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to "And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as thee, give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the of Him, and He would have given thee living water." Here we see Him who was the Life, the THERE is peculiar solemnity in the closing chap-dispenser of living water to a sinner dead in ters of the Revelation. Salvation and Damna- trespasses and sins, and He also speaks of the tion, Life and Death, grace and judgment, glory effects of this living water on the soul. Speaking and eternal torment, are the subjects of it; and of the water of Jacob's well, He saith, "He that whether the scene is heavenly glory, or the throne drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but of eternal judgment, the LAMB stands most con- whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall spicuous and exalted. Few people read the Reve-give him shall never thirst; but the water that I lation; the excuse of many is, it is so difficult to shall give him shall be in him a well of water, understand; whereas its title expresses its sim- springing up into everlasting life." In the plicity. Revelation does not mean that which is vious chapter, our Lord had told Nicodemus the difficult, but something revealed, or made plain; Pharisee not only of the eternal importance of but the truth is, that however simple God's word the new birth, but that it consisted in being born is, "the natural man receiveth not the things of of water and of the Spirit, which was known the Spirit of God." It is awful how even pro- only to those who believed in the Son of Man fessing Christians treat this blessed part of the lifted up; and the chapter is concluded by the holy oracles, notwithstanding it is our Lord's last most positive declaration, that to be without letter to his beloved church-God's last written Christ is to be without life. In the fifth of John, communication to man-and that it is prefaced we have Christ presented to us as the quickener with, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that of whom He will, that every one who believes hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those in IIim that sent Him hath everlasting life (living things which are written therein: for the time is water), and is passed from death unto life; at hand." Dear friends, how is it that we so also, the resurrection of believers is there called neglect the Revelation? "the resurrection of life;" and the reproof of It is wonderful how God blesses the reading Christ is, that persons would not come unto Him of this book. Many a soul has been awakened that they might have life. In the next chapter, through reading or hearing the things that are we again see Christ as the dispenser of living therein written; many a troubled conscience has water-eternal life-promising life for evermore been quieted and comforted by seeing, in the to every one that comes to lim, and saying, visions of glory there presented to us, especially The words that I speak unto you are Spirit, in the 7th chapter, that the redeemed multitudes and are life;" and when Peter was asked if are before the throne of God solely on the ground he would go away, he exclaimed, "Lord, to of the blood of the Lamb; while many have been whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of preserved from ten thousand snares of the devil, eternal life." The seventh chapter shews us by keeping the things that are written therein. that Christ is the fountain to satisfy the thirsty Nothing shews more plainly the real importance soul, and also that living water, taken in by of this book than the command in the last chap-faith, sinks deep into the feelings and affections ter, "Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this of the soul, and is felt to be so precious and book; for the time is at hand;" and also. "Be-abundant, as to flow out copiously to those hold, I come quickly; blessed is he that keepeth around. "If any man thirst," said Jesus, "let the sayings of the prophecy of this book." What are we to understand by keeping the sayings of the prophecy of this book? Surely this book does not present to us a list of absolute commands to be obeyed, like the law of Moses did. No. It does, however, present to us the working out in result of the great principles seen around us, and so shews us the difference between truth and error, the bride and the harlot, Christ and Satan, in such astonishing ways, that it does help in a wonderful manner to guide us in our heavenward journey, when we keep these sayings in our minds, before our eyes, and in our hearts.

him come to me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." Would that we knew more of this in our day, beloved. Why is it that there is not more testimony to Christ? but because we so little go unto Him and drink. The 10th chapter of John shews us that the sheep have life only through the death of the Good Shepherd, teaching us that Jesus crucified is the only fountain of living water. In the next chapter, we see Jesus the Life-giver, and raiser of the dead, eminently set forth; while the 12th chapter still more plainly shews us that life and union with Christ could only come to us through His death. "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." In the 14th The verse before us is among the things which chapter, Christ is emphatically called "the Life;" shall be hereafter. The apostle had been carried and the next chapter shews us that fruit-bearing away into a great and exceeding high mountain, to the glory of the Father is only by living union to behold the Bride, the Lamb's wife, and he saw with Christ the Life; and to pass on to the 20th her "descending out of heaven, from God, having chapter, after the person, death, and resurrection the glory of God" We know, from other Scrip of Christ have been set before us, the Holy tures, that, prior to this, she will be "caught Ghost, by John, says, "These are written that ye up to meet the Lord in the air." Now John might believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, sees her coming forth in heavenly glory, mani-and that believing, ye might have life through his fested to the earthly nations; having been made name."

The Revelation is divided into three parts. 1. The things which Jolin saw. 2. The things 3. The things which shall be here

which are. after.

partaker of the grace of God, she now shares The water of life, then, is God's blessed grace with Christ the glory of God. She is presented unto life eternal, flowing out to man as a sinner to us under the symbol of a city. But I do not through Christ, whether a profligate Samaritan now propose to enter into that, but immediately or an outwardly decent Pharisee. Like the river proceed to our verse: "And he shewed me a pure in Eden was to water the ground, so living water river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding is blessing, only blessing to the poor and needy. out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." This seems to me proved from the many Scrip This is still a part of the description of the heatures I have already quoted; and is it not blessed venly Jerusalem; for the next verse speaks of to contemplate that the eternal occupation and "the street of it," evidently identifying it with joy of the Church of God will be perpetually what had gone before it in the previous chapter, drinking this living water? ever having unfolded to us more and more of the love of God, and our souls ever rejoicing before Him with fulness of joy, when we shall sing

verse 21.

But what, I ask, does the water of life represent? Have we any Scripture proof as to what the water of life means? Let us see, and the Lord graciously help us!

For ever of His grace,

For ever of His love;

In turning to the gospel by John, it is said of Christ, in the first chapter, " In Him was life," and that He was full of grace and truth;" and being abundantly satisfied with the fatness of in various other Scriptures, life and grace are His house, and made to drink of the river of found together. For instance, in Rom. v. we his pleasure, for the Lamb himself shall lead us read, that "grace reigns, through righteousness, to fountains of living waters. unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord." In But let us look a little more particularly at 1 Pet. iii. 7, we read of "the grace of life." In our verse, and first let us notice the ORIGIN of Rom. viii. 2, of the "Spirit of life in Christ Jesus." My reader will remember how the Lord himself spoke to the sinful Samaritan woman about the necessity of drinking "living water,"

this living water-"proceeding out of the throne
of God and of the Lamb." God is the God of
grace, and Jesus Christ is full of grace. Grace,
like every other good gift, is from above, and it

flows to us through Jesus crucified, as we sometimes sing,

in us.

"To Jesus we our praises bring,

For grace proceeds from Him." Many confound grace in them with the grace brought to them, and they have not peace. They must look clean out of themselves and receive righteousness and pardon from God through the blood of Christ, and they will find their conscience purged. We must first drink living water, before it can spring up in us, or flow out from us. We must receive grace for us to have peace "The grace of God bringeth salvation;” and when the apostles wrote to their fellow Christians they usually commenced with "Grace unto you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ." Yes, grace proceedeth "out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." It is eternal in its source, and carries our thoughts back to God, God's "purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,” and being eternal in its source, it is abundant, unchanging, and everlasting in its operations; hence, we read, "The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him." Yea, God himself is "the God of all grace," and this is the glory of the gospel; it is called "the glorious gospel of the blessed God." Could we but look into the heart of the invisible God we should see thoughts of grace and peace to men as sinners, counsels of eternal redemption between the persons of the Godhead, pardon for the guilty, salvation for the lost. Jesus came to manifest this, and his blood-shedding upon the Cross was the outflowing of this pure river of the water of life proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." Happy those who drink freely.

2. Observe that the water is living, it is called "water of life." Ah, dear reader, nothing less than life, life eternal, could meet the need of us who were dead in trespasses and sins. The law could not make us righteous or give us life, it only made manifest our sin. But Jesus came to give life. He was the overflowing fountain of living water, and whosoever drank "passed from death unto life.” It is not life for a day or two like the manna was to the hungry Israelites; no, it is everlasting life that Christ dispenses. He could say, "He that eateth of this bread shall live for ever"—"never see death”—“never perish"-"not come into condemnation," &c. In Ezekiel xlvii., where we find a counterpart of the heavenly Jerusalem, in the prophetic testitimony concerning the earthly Jerusalem, we read that "every thing shall live withersoever the river cometh;" and so is Jesus crucified. You cannot come to Him, my dear reader, for pardon, without living for ever. "He that cometh to me," saith Jesus, "shall never hunger, and He that believeth in me shall never thirst.” Oh, beloved friends, this is a deep reality. Receiving Christ into the heart as a Saviour is always connected with inward experience, and eternal blessing. A change of heart, new birth, present realization of life eternal, are connected with drinking living water-"If any man be in Christ he is a new creature." "We know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren." O ye feeble-minded, halting, fainting, doubting, fearing children of God! be comforted, be happy, be assured, by the word of the living God, that you live for ever, because you believe in Jesus; you have tasted the grace of God in Christ, you have drank the living water, and your heart goes upward to the blood stained mercy-seat, outward in love to God's people, and onward to the coming glory. Fear not, Jesus now intercedes for you in heaven.

3. This water is also abundant, not a pool, but river," yea, as Ezekiel saith, "a river to swim in, a river that cannot be passed over."


the depths of the riches of the grace of God! There is not only mercy with God, but with Him is "plenteous redemption." The figure of a river is very beautiful. Its origin is hidden, but the further you trace it from its source the wider and deeper it becomes. So is the grace of God in Christ; yea, Jesus is full of grace. We none of us know much of its depth, and height, and length, and breadth; but this we know, that the longer we live the more we feel that we need the glorious doctrines of the sovereign and unchanging grace of God to sustain us, and the more we realize its vastness. And so we believe it will be, for yesterday the Holy Spirit said, He giveth more grace;" to-day He says, He giveth more grace;' to-morrow it will be, "He giveth

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more grace;" and the next day still it will be, "He giveth more grace," and so on, until we see Jesus face to face, and find ourselves eternally happy in the bosom of His matchless grace.

4. But notice further, that this water is also pure. There is sometimes mercy among men when guilt is proved and the stain not cleansed. A prisoner is proved guilty of a capital offence and condemned to die, but just before the ex-price." pected execution, a reprieve is sent, and though the prisoner's life is spared, the stain of guilt remains-there is pardon but not purity. But the grace of God is pure, it is clean and makes clean. God is just, and the Justifier of him that believeth. God is pure, Christ is pure, the believer is pure-his heart is purified by faith; he is cleansed from all sin, justified from all things.


and peace with God? Are you not saying, Oh The penal consequence, death, was at once that I could find rest for my troubled conscience? If so, come just as you are to the Cross of Christ, reaped; not the "second death," blessed and there receive those eternal blessings that God be God, but death in the inner man; the so freely gives to sinners. "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath moral nature was defiled and blighted no money; come ye, buy and eat; yea, come buy by sin, and so death worked. wine and milk, without money and without the apostle writes to the Ephesians: "Ye, But I fear you are a careless sinner; you hear who were dead in sins." Again: "Death as if you heard not. You do not care to come to Christ that you might have life. Oh, you little passed upon all men, for all have sinned." think that Jesus said, "He that hath not the Son of God hath not life, but the wrath of God There was the death of the inner man, abideth on him." O Christless soul! remember accompanied, in process of time, by the that "the wrath of God abideth on you." You may lie down on your bed this night and sleep, death, or dissolution, of the body: hence but remember the wrath of God abideth on you. the conclusion to be insisted on, that Again, God's grace is pure because of its per- You may go to your business or pleasure on the fection. It is not a mixture of man's doings and morrow with a smiling countenance, but the man, all men, everywhere are, since the God's work, not a compound of law and grace, wrath of God abideth on you. Time may roll first man sinned, constitutionally sinners, but pure grace, the simple outflowing of the over you, and you may find yourself on a sick and as sinners, are actually under the heart of the pure and holy God, freely giving full bed; kind friends wait upon you, and smooth forgiveness of sins to every one that believeth. your dying pillow; but you have no consolation law of death; that which characterizes O dear children of God, do not join together law the wrath of God abideth on you. Your weak-death being true of the soul by natureand gospel; there is an amazing distinction be-ness increases, your limbs rapidly emaciate, your tween them. No two things can more differ. strength declines quickly, your flesh quivers, the blind, deaf, corrupt, without understand"The law was given by Moses, but grace and joints of your back are loosed, your breath being, and going astray from the womb. truth came by Jesus Christ." The deadliest cup comes more and more difficult, and, solemn to of poison that Satan can present to a sinner is a relate, the vital chord, snapped by the chilly The ultimate end of all such-except mixture of law and gospel, which gives him nei- hand of death; and then you will awfully and those saved by the grace of God-is the ther law nor gospel. Blessed be God, the water eternally prove that the wrath of God abideth on of life is pure; let us beware of any corruption you. O that you may now take warning, and lake of fire, the second death. of the pure doctrines of the unmerited love of flee from the wrath to come. Do you not know The few small and livid spots on the God. that almost the last words in the Bible are, 5. Lastly, the water of life is presented to us "Whosoever will, let him take the water of upper part of the leg of our poor friend, as "clear as crystal," which, I apprehend, teaches life freely?" If you were passing near some the sure indication of death, did not us not only that it is pure and transparent, but sparkling, crystal-like fountain of water, and themselves produce death, but were really also that it is glorious. When first John saw saw it labelled, "Drink freely," would you not the city, it was "like unto a stone most pre-taste the pure, clear stream? Then why will formed by death. Mortification was incious-even like a jasper stone clear as crystal." any longer reject the water of life? why will yeternal; it was corruption working, and Ah, dear reader, the grace of God is truly glo-be deaf to that lovely voice which says, "I will rious, hence we read of the "glory of his grace." give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of The Lord will give grace and glory. There is the water of life freely?" majesty in grace, for heaven's throne is called "the throne of grace." Yes, it flows from the eternal counsels of God, and redounds to His eternal glory; and, in ages yet to come, He will shew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. It is to fountains of living water that the Lamb will be ever leading, and ever refreshing his people"There we shall see his face,

And never, never sin;

There from the rivers of His grace
Drink endless pleasures in."

"This fountain, though rich, from charge is quite free,
The poorer the wretch, the welcomer he;
Here's strength for the weakly that hither are led,
Here's health for the sickly, here's life for the dead.
This fountain in vain has never been tried;
It takes out all stains wherever applied;
The water flows sweetly with virtue divine,
To cleanse souls completely, though leprous as mine."


Oh, Jesus is quickly coming. If you do not repent, and turn to Him now, He will, He must come upon you with fiery wrath then.



(Continued from page 30.)

And now, dear Christians, let us remind each OR, THE BROKEN LEG AND A BROKEN HEART. other that salvation is by grace alone from first to last. "By grace ye are saved through faith." Here let us abide. Our eternal occupation will be drinking more deeply these streams of living WHO can describe DEATH? who speak water, then let us now, under the Spirit's teaching, seek to learn more and more of the love of rightly of what it is? God has written This alone will cheer us when of it thus: "The wages of sin is DEATH." sad, and lift us up when faint, keep us humble before God, make us sympathizing and tender What is sin? Men differ, wide as the toward others, and strong for the service of God poles, in their interpretation; each man

our God to us.

and conflict with Satan. Grace alone enables us

must come out. The spots were the first outbreak of corruption; corruption was there, and in due time would be manifested. The outside spots shew what was the inside condition. So also of sin. Little or big sins, as they are called, are the natural outflow of a corrupt nature. Spots may be large or small; but they are the natural and necessary produce of corruption, and not to be judged by themselves only; but the nature producing them must be judged; and hence the difference between SIN and SINS. We are prone to judge sins only, leaving the nature which produces them untouched. God always judges SIN, and hence the blessed Lord's word to man, in his present condition, is, "Verily I say unto you, to bring forth fruit unto God. "The grace of has his own definition. GOD gives his ye must be born again;" that is, you God which bringeth salvation......teacheth us, definition of it: “All unrighteousness is must have a new nature. So long as sins that denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live godly, soberly, and righteously in this sin." Every thing, then, not strictly in only are judged and spoken of, the corpresent world, looking for that blessed hope, and accordance with God's perfect law of rupt nature is left untouched. Now, as the glorious appearing of the great God and our rectitude is sin; and the wages of sin, nothing but corruption can come from & SaviourJesus Christ," &c. Oh! beloved, this pure river is ever flowing, and when we feel barren God says, is DEATH; and the full wages corrupt nature, whether it is decent forand dark it is not because God hath forgotten to be gracious, but because we have forgotten his paid to sin, as stated in Scripture, is "the malism, adultery, or the murder of the grace. O think often of the riches of grace, second death," an awful result of un- Son of God, all is alike the product of surely it is a river to swim in, a river that cannot righteousness indeed, "the lake which an evil heart of unbelief. Our friend be passed over. There is no sinking here, for "He giveth power to the faint, and to them that burns with fire and brimstone for ever was a decent formalist, and sometimes have no might He increaseth strength." O to be and ever." Sin began in paradise, and judged sins which he committed; but "strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus;" its first consequences in this world were he had never judged, that as a natural for seen there. Man disobeyed, was proved man, HE COULD DO NOTHING BUT SIN. guilty, and came under "the law of sin and death." He voluntarily put himself You have heard of Christ crucified as a river of under the law of sin, by disobedience to living water, and be assured that there is salva- God's righteous enactment, and necesten in the wilderness, to give water to the thirsty sarily came under the law of death, God people to save them from death, so Christ cruci- having said (and He cannot change), "In fied is a river of life, and every needy soul that the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt

"Though all things change, He changeth not,
He ne'er forgets, though oft forgot;
His love's unchangeably the same,
And as enduring as His name."
Now let me address myself to the unconverted.

tion in no other. Like the Rock that was smit

The importance of these truths is my reason for introducing them here. The illustration of spots, the produce of corruption, or mortification, with sin and sins, seems apt.

I went with the surgeon from the patient's bedside, and when out of hearing, you, my reader, thirsting for forgiveness of sins, surely die." Sin ruled in his members. the verdict given was, "He must die."

comes to Him finds it to be so of a truth. Are

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"I may be a corpse before night." Yes,

At his request, I undertook to convey sinners to himself, and cry aloud, 'COME ing? On what rests thy everlasting all? these terrible tidings to the wife, mother, UNTO ME, all ye that are weary and heavy-"I build on Jesus, and on Jesus only. I and finally to the patient himself. I need laden, and I will GIVE you rest.' He died rest on what He has done and suffered not describe the anguish of heart felt by in the place of the sinner, and bore the in my stead. I have no righteousness in the relatives; but on going to the patient, wrath of God, which was due to sin." which I dare to trust, therefore I depend in answer to his question, "What does "Why that is substitution," exclaimed on the atonement Christ has made. I the doctor say is the cause of this faint- my friend, his eye beaming with intelli-feel that I am on a perilous sea, amidst ness?" "Shall I tell you the exact truth? gence, and his face glowing with delight. rocks, and storms, and breakers, and I -will you be able to bear it?" "Yes, "I know what a SUBSTITUTE is-an inno- have no hope but in my life-boat, and yes, let me know the worst." The doccent one dying for a guilty one, and that that life-boat is Jesus. If this can fail, tor fears mortification has taken place." innocent one no less than the Son of I am lost, and lost for ever. But it "And what then?" "It is beyond the God. I understand it now; it comes to never swamped yet; no one was ever reach of human remedy." "And, and"-me clear as light; but may any one come washed out of it, or perished in it, and said the poor fellow, as though gasping to Jesus? I have been such a sinner. therefore I believe I am safe." for breath-"I must die." "Yes, you Oh, my dear friend!" and he clasped my must die." "How soon?-can he tell?" hand in his, "Do not for worlds deceive it is not impossible, it is not improbable. "Probably in twenty-four hours,-possi-me. Can a sinner, such as I am, hope But if I should, what a change will take bly a little longer." "Die in twenty-four for the mercy of God?" And then, for place! In what different circumstances hours! Is it possible?" "My dear friend, a considerable time, he unburdened his I should be. There is something solemn it is too true." "One more day, one more whole soul to me (such a catalogue of and solemnizing in the thought. To have night, and then-eternity." "Exactly; evil). "Can such a wretch hope for for- taken the last look at my nearest and and now, my dear, dear friend, your soul giveness?" Any one who knows the dearest earthly friends. To have spoken —your soul—what will become of your joy of this precious salvation will sym- the last words I shall ever utter in this soul?" With the solemnity of one who pathize with the delight and joy I had, world. To have written the last line I knew his hours were numbered, he re-in hearing this poor sinner confessing his shall ever trace for the good of my felplied, “If what you have often told me sins, which were many, knowing that this low-men. To have given up everything is true, I am going to perdition, and there is the first step in the Holy Ghost's teach-earthly, and to have lost my interest in is no hope for me; and I now feel you are ing, when God takes the poor sinner in everything below. To close the eyes on all right, and I have been ALL WRONG. I hand. "He shall convict the world of the old sights, and to shut the ears on all have gone to church when I could, with sin," is one part of the blessed work of the old sounds, and to feel that one has my wife-often to the Sacrament; but God the Holy Ghost. And here was a done so for ever. These are serious you say, that's of no use, my sins are poor sinner, thus convicted, and asking things, especially as introductory to what only increased by so doing." "My dear the question-with this load of sins, con- follows. Eternity treads on the heels friend, when such things are presented tracted for years and years, and constantly of time. The things seen are tem

to God as a reparation or atonement for accumulating-is it possible for such a poral, the things that are not seen are your sins, they are obnoxious to God, and sinner to be forgiven? How precious eternal. Eternal! How solemn! How entirely displace the Lord Jesus Christ. the gospel of the grace of God comes in impressive! Yes, the joys of heaven are He died on the Cross for sin; and if to meet such a case. How impotent eternal, and the pains of hell are eternal! anything short of the death of the Lord all means and efforts devised of men Our state once fixed, is fixed for ever. Jesus Christ could have put away sin, for such a purpose. Who can forgive Here I may repent, flee to Jesus, and do you think Almighty God would or sins, but God only? Blessedly true. obtain deliverance from the wrath to could have given his only-begotten Son The forgiveness of sins is God's pre-come; but, after death, there can be no to die an ignominious and most dread-rogative. Yes, there is "forgiveness change. Hell is the worst place in God's ful death? No, no; He gave his Son with Him, that He universe, we can go to no worse; and may be feared." to be a propitiation for our sins, to die First, forgiveness, then the fear of the heaven is the best, there can be no better. the just for the unjust, to bring sinners Lord. "Believe on the Lord Jesus "I may be a corpse before night." Then to God. Christ, and Christ only is "the Christ, and thou shalt be saved," is God's surely I ought to be serious. Then, way, the truth, and the life." Come to answer to man's question. "The blood whatsoever my hand findeth to do, I God through Jesus Christ our Lord of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth from should do it with my might; for there is 'for no one cometh unto the Father but all sin," is the blessed and only means no work, nor device, nor wisdom in the by Him—your sins then are forgiven, devised and applied by the triune Jeho- grave. Then I should set, and keep my for the blood of Jesus Christ his Son vah for this purpose. house in order, that nothing may be left cleanseth from all sin. Come thus, and in disorder, so as to cause confusion, or you are saved; come in any other way, and contention after I am gone. Yes, I you are irretrievably lost for ever." "This should live every day, as if it may be seems wonderful; and as you speak, it my last day, or as if I should have the comes with new light to me. May any sound of the last trumpet before bedone come to Jesus?" Any and all who "I may be a corpse before night." Many time. What a change will take place in feel they have a debt to pay to God, and who appear as well as I do will-Yes, me when I die. In this poor body, all its have no means a burden to get rid of, many will die to-day. I may, and if I aches and pains, and all its gratifications and have no power. The debt is all we should, am I ready? Am I safe for and pleasures, will be for ever ended. owe to God-can we pay it? The bur- eternity? Are my evidences of interest And in my soul, all its dulness and deadden is all the sins we have ever com- in Jesus sure ones? Is my title to ever-ness, all its sorrows and sadness, all its mitted can we get rid of one of them? lasting life unquestionable? My soul, hopes and fears, all its doubts and diswhen? where? how? Christ bore our see to it that all is right; that all will be tresses, all its gloom and griefs, will be sins in his own body on the tree;' there- well with thee in death, and well with brought to a close. It will burst its prifore He could invite weary, heavy-laden thee for ever. On what art thou build-son, it will escape from its cage, it will

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(To be concluded, if the Lord will, in our next.)

A Morning Thought.



lay down its burden, and it will escape for ever from the windy storm and tempest. Then Satan will no more tempt or torment me, sinners will no more wound or vex me, providences will no more baffle or try me, corruption or sin will no more harass and distress me;

but I shall be free from the whole, and free for ever. With such views, I ought not to fear death. I ought not to be alarmed if it should suddenly take me. Nor ought I to be anxious to live; but only desire to glorify my God, whether it be by life or by death. O to be quite ready, if I should be a corpse before night!

Lamb," and that the guests were seated; dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepshe immediately felt conscious she should herd of the sheep, through the blood of not be there, but looked earnestly for my the everlasting covenant." (Heb. xiii.) sister, whom she saw seated up near the 2. We are also told that Christ, as the head of the table. This gave her confi- great High Priest, entered into heaven dence, and she purposed to go up; but, itself by his own blood; that precious after taking a few steps, was met by the blood securing the acceptance, and adLord Jesus, who said to her, she could mission into God's presence, of all not sit down there, not having on a "wedding garment." With terror, she asked those for whom the High Priest presented the offering. This was formerly where she should go; but before any answer could be given, she felt herself fall-typified by the High Priest, on the great ing through space, and beneath her a yawn- day of atonement, only being able to ing pit, into which she was going to fall. enter into the holiest of all, and stand Her distress of mind awoke her. With a there, by burning incense, and presentpale and haggard countenance, she related ing the blood of the spotless sacrifice, her dream to me in the morning; her con- which he sprinkled with his finger seven science seemed roused afresh; would I times upon the mercy-seat, and before the WHEN the woman among the crowd, with could add, she came with all her terror mercy-seat. (Lev. xvi. 14, 15.) Hence the issue of blood, was made whole, the to Jesus. Alas! for take heed to the we read, that Jesus, "by his own blood, disciples were astonished at the Lord's word, "Now is the accepted time." In entered in once into the holy place, havquestion, "Who touched me?" Their a few years she went to Australia; she ing obtained eternal redemption for us." reply was, "Thou seest the multitude constantly wrote to my sister, to whom (Heb. ix.) thronging thee, and askest thou who she was much attached; she related her touched me?" But Jesus knew the dif- marriage, her trials in life, &c.; but to ference,-He had felt the virtue go out any questions asked her about the "one of Him. He knew the touch of faith. And thing needful," she made no reply. In her

The Jostle of the Crowd, and the
Touch of Faith.

is it not that in these days many are

mere jostlers? They crowd, it may be, to places of worship, say many prayers, and do many things. They call Jesus. Saviour, too; but they know not the virtue that is in His blessed self; they know not that in Him is life and salvation, as the one who shed His precious blood for sin, and rose again, because He had put it away by his one precious sacrifice; and so they never touch Him. But He is not deceived. "The Lord knoweth them that are his." He says, "I know my sheep, and am known of mine." He speaks comfortably to those who believe. Daughter" is his word of peace, whilst the crowd are cast out. They jostle, but do not touch--they are near, but do not believe.

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last, she said she would very soon write

again, but never did. There is every
reason to suppose she died soon after.


WHILE He is near.”

The Sprinkled Blood.
"Ye are the blood of sprinkling, that
speaketh better things than that of Abel." (Heb.
xii. 24.)

It is, then, to the sprinkled blood that we are come. It is here all believers have a place. By virtue of that blood we have

liberty of access into God's holy presence;

not because of any goodness in us, but

entirely on account of the infinite value

and perpetual efficacy of that blood. By faith in that sprinkled blood, we find ourselves in a region beyond everything seen and temporal, even beyond deathin spirit, in heaven itself, where Jesus is. The blood-stained mercy-seat welcomes us there now. We are brought thus nigh to God by the blood. There THERE is a similarity in the death of is no lower ground for any true believer, Abel and the death of Christ. Cain slew however weak in faith, because it does Abel, because his own works were evil, not depend on our measure of faith, but and his brother's righteous; so Christ on the value of the blood. There is not was slain by wieked hands, because his other ground for any believer; for we are holiness and grace brought out the en- not come to the mount that might not be mity of the human heart,-they hated touched, but we are come to the blood of Him without a cause. But there is the sprinkling. Fellow-Christians! Are we greatest contrast in the two deaths; for consciously there now? Doth our eye there was nothing atoning in the blood of rest upon the blood upon and before the A True Narrative. righteous Abel, whereas the blood of the mercy-seat now? It is here we learn WHEN We lived in the village of S, Son of God was shed for many for the deeper and deeper lessons of the grace near Dublin, I well remember this re- remission of sins. It therefore "speak- of the God of peace; here abiding, our markable circumstance, concerning a eth better things than the blood of Abel." hearts are softened, our souls humbled, parlour-maid which then lived with us. But the blood of Christ which was and we learn to hate sin, and to love the My eldest sister, being a converted per- shed is now sprinkled—the blood of the sin-bearer. The vastness of the ransom son, and having much desire for the sacrifice now pleads for us before the tells us of the horrid blackness of our salvation of souls around her, used fre- throne. There are two points mentioned, sins; and the contemplation of His sufquently to speak to this girl, who soon in the epistle to the Hebrews, between ferings and death teaches us the depth shewed much concern for her salvation, the blood-shedding and the sprinkling. of degradation and guilt in which we and alarm at the thought of eternity, so 1. We are told that the resurrection of were involved. There is the greatest that she would constantly weep, and seem the Lord Jesus was because of the amaz- tendency in us all to slide away from the to "strive to enter in at the strait gate;" ing virtue of the blood shed; that is, throne of grace, and sometimes, perhaps, but did not really come to Jesus, "the that Jehovah's righteous estimate of the under the false plea of trying to humble. way, the truth, and the life." One night blood of the Cross was, that it so per- ourselves; but it is not the ground of she dreamt she suddenly entered on a fectly atoned for the iniquities that were faith. The grace of God has met us as beautiful place, and saw a number of laid upon Him, and so fully justified his lost sinners in the blood of the Cross, persons going into a very spacious apart- people, that the Surety could be most and made us nigh to himself; and the ment, into which she entered, and was justly set free; hence we read, that "the great High Priest ever presents to God, told it was "the marriage supper of the God of peace brought again from the for us, the infinite virtue of His own blood

Here, then, fellow- Christians, "we come," and here may we abide!

But there is another point here, the blood "speaketh." Yes, it speaks to God, and it speaks to us. The blood, as we have seen, in the last dispensation, was sprinkled upon the mercy-seat, before God, and before the mercy-seat, to meet the eye of the worshipper that approached it. So the blood of Christ ever speaks to God of sin judged and put away, and of his people for ever reconciled to himself; and it speaks to us of pardon, peace, and salvation to the uttermost.

Come unto me.

are the just for the unjust, and He will bring West of England-a spot much resorted to
rest unto your soul. The rest which Jesus by visitors. The thought that principally oc-
hath purchased for his people by his own cupied his mind at the time was, whether or
blood, is a gift. Believe the Saviour's words, not God did own the instrumentality of tracts
go to Him, He will "give you rest."
in winning souls, for "Faith comes by hearing,
Dear reader! it may be that you are busily and hearing by the Word of God." Again,
engaged in the pursuits of this perishing "how shall they hear without a preacher?"
world, living day by day regardless of future and that one too must be sent of God.
consequences. I must ask you one question, Preaching, thought he, does appear to be
Are you a thoughtless, careless sinner? It is God's way of publishing glad tidings, and,
love to your soul which causes me to put so reasoned he, "I can and do bless God that I
plain an enquiry. Come to Jesus and you see one and another believing to the saving of
secure eternal life; reject Jesus, and you must the soul through the instrumentality of the
die eternally under the sentence, "Depart human voice; but never have I personally
from me." (Matt. xxv. 41.) To live without known an individual converted through the
any reflection on the past, or consideration of reading of these little messengers, of which I
the future is an awful state of soul. Heaven's disperse so many." Half discouraged, and
glory and happiness are realities. Will you almost deciding to give away few or less in
still press forwards amongst the evil multi- future, he still could not leave the spot with-
tude, enjoying the pleasures of sin, which are out placing one book (entitled Poor Tom; or,
but for a season? Such things do not satisfy What can I do?) in a chink in the bench.
now; in the end of life what will they profit In the first page, also, he wrote in pencil,
you? I would warn you. The path chosen "For you, poor sinner, for you." Breathing a
by you is a dangerous one. It leads to death, fervent prayer that the Lord would graciously
hell, and wrath. "The wages of sin is death, bless the reading of it to some poor sinner,
but the gift of God is eternal life through he returned home, and soon after went into
Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. vi. 23.) Many another part of the country.
are your sins; the precious blood of Jesus can
blot them out. Sinner, He says to you now,
"Come unto me." May the Holy Spirit
quicken you to know the voice of Him who to
his great love says, "Come unto me." Amen.

GOD is love. Oh! the amazing depths of such love, for when man by sin had placed himself at a distance from God, He who is rich in mercy sent forth a Redeemer to bring the sin- | ner nigh. It pleased the Father that in the Son should dwell all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, and by the well-beloved One was the love-message sent. God manifest in the flesh, even Jesus, just such a Saviour as every lost and guilty sinner needs, came from heaven's glory, bringing grace and truth down into this fallen world.

Well might the people, as they listened to the good news from heaven, wonder at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth, "Come unto me." It was only from the meek, lowly, loving heart of Jesus that such sweet and encouraging words could proceed. He, who gave up his life for transgressors, sees the helpless one afar off awakened to a sense of sin and misery, groaning under the felt burden of guilt, even ready to perish and oh! the tenderness of his soul. He beholds, pities, speaks, not words. of upbraiding, nothing to disturb or distress the broken-hearted, but encouraging words, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. xi. 28.)

The invitation seems to remove out of the way all distance between the holy and the guilty. The call is graciously made to every one who labours and is heavy laden, and such an one coming with nothing in the hand, for no qualification is necessary, will have the promised blessing-rest. Happy. and blessed indeed, is any poor sinner, whose heart, although once "not right in the sight of God," has been disquieted by godly sorrow, by faith obeyed the invitation, and now is enjoying rest in a Saviour's love. Fellow

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Glorying in Tribulation.

tried him." Ps. cv. 19.

"Until the time that his word came, the word of the Lord
"Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall
strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." Ps. xxvii. 14.
IN heaven the Christian pilgrims rest,
Where all are holy, all are blest:
There is no night.

Nor sun nor moon could add one ray
To that effulgent, endless day,

Where all is bright,
And saints behold, with open face,
The glories of redeeming grace.

And why should there be night below
(Even in this world of sin and woe)

Where Christians dwell?
When Egypt felt that darksome night,
In Goshen all was clear and bright;
And joy could swell
From grateful hearts securely kept,
While judgments all around them swept.
There is no cloud that shrouds our view,
But's fringed with rays of heavenly hue,
Earnest of day.

When most we're tried, cast down, bereft,
Some gleam of mercy still is left,

To gild the way;
Some trace of that bright sun that glows
Behind the clouds which interpose.

'Tis good to knock at mercy's gate,
And long, if needs be, there to wait,
And feel our need;
Though praying souls may oft be tried,
The good they crave is not denied,
If still they plead;
For there's a season fixed on high,
To grant the humble suppliant's cry.
Let that sweet word our spirits cheer,
Which quelled the tossed disciples' fear—
Be not afraid.

He who could bid the tempest cease
Can keep our souls in perfect peace,
If on Him stayed;
And we shall own 'twas good to wait,
No blessing ever came too late.

Christian, you can go onward, leaning on the
arm of your Beloved, and soon you will come
entirely up out of this wilderness and take
possession of the promised inheritance-the
land of rest. Reader! it is the believer only
who has rest-"we which have believed do
enter into rest." (Heb. iv. 3.)
What is your
present spiritual condition? The Lord seeth
not as man seeth; for man looketh on the
outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on
the heart. (1 Sam. xvi. 7.) Perhaps you
feel that you are a sinner and need salvation.
Is it that you anxiously desire rest for your
troubled spirit, and hitherto cannot find such?
Where are you seeking it? Works are of no
avail. Merit or worthiness of your own cannot
assist you in the work of salvation. Jesus
says, "Come unto me." Jesus alone can give
you rest.
He lived for sinners, and when
expiring on the Cross to save sinners from ONE who had been scattering the precious
eternal death, exclaimed, "It is finished." seed of life by speaking of Jesus from house
Anxious sinner, the work is completed by to house, as also by the distribution of gospel
Jesus; the one great and perfect sacrifice for tracts and books, being wearied, sat down to
sin has been accepted by God himself, and rest for awhile on a bench placed upon the
the words of Jesus to you are, "Come unto summit of a hill commanding a magnificent
me." Trust, then, in Him alone who died prospect, and near a watering-place in the

From Capt. Gardner's Journal.

Encouragement for Praying Tract

An unexpected circumstance, however, called him back to the same place after a short time; and very soon after his arrival a Christian lady requested he would call upon a gentleman, a visitor at the watering-place, who had been in ill health as well as under deep exercise of soul. Losing no time in doing so, he met with a kind reception; the invalid spoke as one who had been indeed made to know and feel the vileness of self, and the blessedness of being united to Jesus. This kind of conversation led the visitor to speak of the simple narrative contained in the little book, "Poor Tom," saying, moreover, that it would be well worth his while to read it, being such a wondrous instance of the power and grace of God. In it, moreover, is shewn to what a pitch of glorious experience a simple soul may attain-Christ to be all, I to be nothing. The gentleman smiled, and at the same time reaching from a shelf a book (in which, as it fell open, his visitor read in pencil, "for you, poor sinner, for you.") "Here it is" said he. "And this little book has been made a very great blessing to my soul." Lost in wonder, praise, and gratitude, his friend said nothing, so the other proceeded to inform him, that coming to, a great invalid, in body and mind, the change of scene and pure air soon were the means of restoring a little strength, so that he was enabled to go hither and thither to see the beauties of the neighbourhood; but sin, an intolerable burthen, lay heavily upon his mind, which all this could not remove. Wherever he went it followed him, and being quite a stranger in the place, he indeed felt lonely and depressed. His first step in seeking relief of mind was to read the news of the day, but that soon proved a broken cistern; instead of obtaining comfort, the horrible accounts of crime and sin in every shape there detailed filled him with horror and disgust. This plan, then, was speedily abandoned, and not renewed. Very soon after this he experienced such a fearful sense of sin, that (not knowing the remedy) he feared he must sink down in his wretched


Wandering about lonely and sad, he at length came to the hill and bench referred to in the commencement of this narrative. The magnificent prospect now before him seemed for a few moments to arrest his attention. He was struck with wonder whilst he pondered upon the power and goodness of God in creation. Earth, sky, and ocean, all spoke loudly of this-but still he was wretched and vile, and knew no way of relief. He longed for company, but no one visited the spot. He regretted he had brought no book, for he could not bear his own thoughts. Turning his head,

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