In February, 1892, the Universities Commissioners issued an Ordinance (No. 18), empowering the Scottish University Courts to make provision within the Universities for the instruction of women, either by admitting them to the ordinary classes, or by instituting separate classes for their instruction. The Council of Queen Margaret College having considered the provisions of this Ordinance, came to the conclusion that the purpose for which the College had been instituted would be best served by making over their work to the University of Glasgow. They, accordingly, with the concurrence of Mrs. Elder, the proprietrix of the buildings and grounds hitherto occupied by the College, offered to transfer to the University Court these buildings and grounds, and the endowments (present and prospective), on condition that these should be devoted to the establishment and maintenance of University Classes for women exclusively. The University Court, having resolved to exercise the power conferred by Ordinance No. 18, and to provide University instruction for women mainly by the institution of separate classes, agreed to accept the offer made by Queen Margaret College, and remitted to a Committee to take the necessary steps for completing the transfer. In virtue of this arrangement the teachers in Queen Margaret College have been appointed by the University Court, the classes taught there are University classes, and the students are students of the University. GLASGOW, August, 1892. UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. Queen Margaret College CALENDAR FOR SESSION 1892-93. GLASGOW: JAMES MACLEHOSE & SONS, 61 ST. VINCENT STREET, Price Is. ; or by Post, Is. 2d. 1892. |