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12 noon 1st Class-Miss 2nd 99 Miss Anat approval attendance Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery Botany candidate Class will meet Clinical Surgery Curriculum degree of Master Degrees in Arts Degrees in Medicine Degrees of Bachelor Doctor of Medicine Examinations for Degrees Faculty of Arts Faculty of Medicine five days weekly French Language Fridays full course German Language given Greek half courses Honours Hospital Laboratory LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Latin Lectures Master of Arts Materia Medica Mathematics matriculated students Medicine and Bachelor meet daily Meeting of Senate Meeting of University Midwifery Moral Philosophy Natural Philosophy Ordinance ordinary degree passed the Preliminary Pathology Physiology Pract Practical Anatomy Preliminary Examination Professional Examination Professor Provided qualifying for graduation Queen Margaret College recognised Regulations for Degrees Royal Infirmary Saturdays Section Senatus Sub-section subjects Summer Session Teachers Thurs Thursdays Triple Qualification Tues University Court University of Glasgow Winter Session Zoology
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Página 65 - Wards of an Hospital, or in scientific work bearing directly on his profession, such as is conducted in the Research Laboratories of the University, or in the Military or Naval Medical Services, or for at least two years in practice other than practice restricted to Medicine. 2. Each candidate for the Degree of Master of Surgery...
Página 57 - Science shall not be deemed to have attended a class as part of the curriculum for that degree who does not present a certificate bearing not only that he has given regular attendance, but also that he has duly performed the work of the class.
Página 66 - Surgery, for at least one year in attendance in the Surgical Wards of an Hospital, or in scientific work bearing directly on his profession, such as is conducted in the Research Laboratories of the University, or in the Military or Naval Medical Services, or for at least two years in practice other than practice restricted to Medicine.
Página 48 - Examination in that subject, and on the higher standard where a double standard is provided. He may, for that purpose, attend any Preliminary Examination held during the course of his study, taking only the paper set in that subject ; provided always that the provisions of the sub-section immediately preceding shall have been satisfied.
Página 58 - Mathematics, and (4) Greek or French or German : Provided always that, in the case of a candidate whose native language is not English, an examination in the native language of the candidate may be substituted for one in either French or German, and an examination in any other classical language for one in Latin or Greek.
Página 66 - Surgery shall submit for the approval of the Faculty of Medicine a Thesis on any branch of knowledge comprised in the second, third, or fourth...
Página 47 - Mathematics. Candidates must pass on the higher standard in at least one of these three subjects, and may pass on the lower standard in either or both of the remaining two ; subject always to the conditions relative to attendance contained in Sections XI., XII., and XIII.
Página 55 - ... two half courses shall be held to be equivalent to a full course in such cases as the Senatus, with the approval of the University Court, may determine, and under such regulations as may from time to time be made for that purpose. (3) It shall be the duty of the...
Página 66 - Senatus. 4. A Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery who produces to the Senatus satisfactory evidence of his intention of entering, within twelve months after obtaining such Degrees, on the practice of his profession in a British Possession or Colony, or in a foreign Country, may, under Regulations to be framed by the Senatus...
Página 67 - University, together with such Lecturers in the University and such additional Examiners, to be appointed by the University Court, as the University Court shall deem necessary. Provided that the Court shall make such...