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From the Rev. Doctor Bend, to the Editor.

"I have examined with great pleasure, the American Lady's Preceptor, and think it better suited, than any other book within my knowledge, to be put into the hands of young females; as it has an obvious tendency to amuse the fancy, to inform the mind, to improve the taste, and to mend the heart."

From the Rev. Doctor Dubourg, President of St Mary's College.

"I return you, with thanks, your American Lady's Preceptor, which you were kind enough to leave with me for perusal. A better chosen, more instructive, nore entertaining, more moral and chaste compilation, has not yet fallen into my hands.

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From the Reverend W. Staughton, D. D. of Philadelphia.

"I thank you for the opportunity you have afforded me of perusing your American Lady's Preceptor. The selections and originals are alike chaste, elegant, and very instructive. I anticipate, with all the confidence

that real merit can create, the extensive diffusion of a volume, which, to the tutor and the pupil, must be equally grateful. You have my best wishes for your success, in every attempt to widen the regions of literature and piety."

From a number of respectable proprietors of Ladies' Schools.

"We, the subscribers, having been favoured with the perusal of a book, entitled The American Lady's Preceptor, do hereby express our cordial approbation of the same; and would take the liberty of recommending it to the notice of all persons presiding in female seminaries, as a work eminently calculated to arrest the attention, inform the mind, and improve the heart of youth."





J. & A. BROWN.

From the Select Reviews, for November, 1811.

"We think it unnecessary to speak in any other than general terms of the merits of this work. A particular analysis is not requisite, nor would it be interesting. The work of a compilation, like the one before us, is of a different species from that of an original production; and, although of minor importance, it still ranks high. In the formation of an original work, the stores of the mind and imagination, as well as the taste and judgment, are called into use and operation, while those of the latter two are alone in requisition, in making a compilation. The manner in which the

compiler of this work has classed the different selections, form its greatest utility: he commences by general reasoning on the utility of a proper employment of our time, and from that proceeds to lay down particular directions, for the consideration of women, in the course of their studies; he has culled, for their perusal, extracts from the most celebrated authors, and has been studiously attentive, while holding up to the abhorrence of youthful minds, the consequences of vicious and depraved habits, to present to their view, the most flattering and brilliant pictures of the happy effects of an attention, while young, to virtuous and religious principles.

"In a chapter of Historical Sketches,' that constitutes one of the most interesting portions of the volume, he exemplifies the precepts previously inculcated, by accounts of the characters, dispositions, virtues, and vices of a number of the most prominent female personages mentioned in history; and immediately descending into private life, he excites the admiration. and emulation of his young readers, by a few biographical sketches of the most distinguished females, that have brightened the horizon of literature and science, with the splendor of their genius, and the ext of their erudition; presenting them with models, t may contemplate with delight, and imitate in safety, and examples of integrity and virtue, they may pursue without distrust. Upon the whole, we think that the work will be found a very useful one, if generally applied to the purpose for which it is intended. We are very glad to find that is received with much approbation in our female academies."

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