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Mingle pious Discourse, or in some Sense profitable, and in all Senses charitable and innocent Talk with thy Meal, as Occasion offers.

Grace after Meat.

WE humbly bless and praise thy Name, O Lord, for this and all other thy Mercies most graciously vouchsafed unto us. God preserve the Church, the King, and the Royal Family, and these Realms; and grant us Peace and Truth, and everlasting Life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

If you are rich or great in the World.

O KIND and bountiful Lord, who givest us richly all Things to enjoy, grant that this Plenty which I have for my Body, may by a discreet and temperate Use of it prove a Mercy to my Soul. That since am so well provided for in this World,

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may not grow wanton, proud or careless in seeking after a better. But, as thou fillest me with thy good Things, to fill my Heart with thy Love and Grace to use these Gifts of thy Glory, by refreshing the Bowels of the Poor and Needy. Make me ready to communicate, willing to distribute, laying up in Store for myC 4 self

self a good Foundation against the Time to come, that I may lay hold on eternal Life, all which I beg for Jesus Christ his Sake. Amen.

If your Lot is cast among the Poor and Low in this World.


O LORD, who dost dispose of us, and all our Concerns, as seemeth good in thy Sight, give me Wisdom from above, that I may be meek, patient, and resigned under my poor afflicted State, labouring honestly to get my own Living. though I have small or no earthly Posses sions, yet give me the Riches of thy Grace, which is better than Thousands of Gold and Silver. Lord, let me not envy the Case of those rich Men, who have their Portion in this Life, faring sumptuously every Day, but forgetful of their Duty to thee, and their needy Brethren. Alas! their End will be Misery and Destruction. Let others value the Honours and Riches of this World; my Hopes are placed in Heaven alone. O Lord, give me thyself, and I have all. For this best of Gifts I will bless and praise thy Name for ever

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If you go to a Feast or Public Entertain


LORD, grant that I may never be overcharged with Surfeiting and Drunkenness; that nothing may proceed out of my Mouth, but what is innocent and becoming a good Christian; that while I refresh my Body I may not destroy my precious and immortal Soul, and this I beg for Jesus Christ his Sake. Amen.

Pray consider what a beastly and destroying Sin, though a common one, the Sin of Intemperance is: consider how many Diseases and untimely Deaths Surfeiting and Drunkenness daily bring upon Men. How many Thousands have closed their Eyes in a drunken Fit, and never opened them till they awakened in another World.

They therefore are not your Friends, who press you to exceed the Bounds of Temperance. Harmless Mirth and Gladness may lawfully be intermingled with Eating and Drinking. But if any Thing is said or done that is offensive to Religion, be not so complai sant to the Company as to comply with their sinful Liberties: but shew your dislike of their Ways, by a wise and friendly Rebuke.

Advice concerning Recreation.

Because Men cannot well endure a constant Toil without some Amusement and Diversion, you must be cautious that your Recreation be innocent and lawful, neither offensive to God or good Men: but such as may become a reasonable Man and a Christian: and take heed not to use then oftener than may be needful for the Body, and the better to fit you for the Duties. of your Calling.

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When Men propose Gain rather than Pleasure, from their Recreations, we know what is the usual Consequence; Passion, Swearing, Cheating, ensue; and often Conscience, Time, and Estate, are sacrificed altogether: to preserve your Innocence herein address yourself to the Throne of Grace, saying,

DELIVER me, Lord, from the Snare of enticing Company; set a Watch continually before my Eyes, and keep the Door of my Lips. Deliver me from an immoderate Love of Pleasure; and let thy Grace so strongly fortify me against the Assaults of Sensuality, that I may not Recreations be overcome of Evil, nor my become a Snare to me, so as to cause me to sin against thee, for Christ his Sake Amen.

Praise and Glory gratefully rendered to God for all his Vouchsafements of Mercy.

I BLESS and praise thy Name, O God, for thy manifold Mercies, which have followed me all the Days of my Life; for my Health, Peace, and Liberty; for the Use of my Reason, Limbs, and Senses; for the Kindness of my Friends, and the Success of my Affairs in the World. But above all, I thank thee, O Lord, for sending thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ


into the World. And for all other thy spiritual Blessings in and through him. For the Light of thy Word, the Aid of thy Spirit, and the Means afforded to bring me to eternal Glory. Blessed God; how much am I indebted' to thy Bounty; O give me a thankful Heart, entirely devoted to thine Honour and Service, that I may ascribe to thee, O Father of Mercies, all Glory, Love, and Praise, throughout the remainder of my Life, and for evermore. This I beg in die Name, and for the Merits of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and only Advocate.

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After your Return from your daily Labour, or any Business.

IN a joyful Sense of thy Fatherly Care and Protection, and with an Heart full of Gratitude and Love, do I praise the Name of the Lord Most High. 'Tis of thy Mercy, O Lord, that I am not groaning under some sore Sickness, or conplain-ing of Wounds or Bruises in my Body; but more especially I bless thee, that thou hast preserved my Soul from. Sin and Wickedness; maintain, O Lord, I beseech thee, in my Thoughts, such a lively Remembrance of this thy Goodness, as may provoke me to Love and to good Works, to @ 6:


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