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(FOR THE YEAR 1852,)








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PARLIAMENT.-Its opening, the royal
speech, 26.

HOUSE OF LORDS.-Debate on the address,

27; opening of the new Parliament, royal

speech, and debate on the address, 243;

Aberdeen's (Lord) speech on the new ad-

ministration, 276; Ali Morad's territo-

ries, 75; amendment of proceedings in

the Court of Chancery, 244; assembling

of Parliament by proclamation, bill to

amend the statutory law, 53; Ava, the

war with, 75, 76, 99; Birkenhead, loss

of the, 76; business of the House before

Christmas, 245; Caffre war, 28; Caffres,

sale of gunpowder to the, 28; Cape of

Good Hope, constitution granted to,

122; Chancery reform, 52; Clancarty

(Lord) and the oath prescribed for Roman

Catholics, 28; commercial policy, 266;

Common Procedure Amendment Bill,

28; coffee mixed with chicory, 98, 123;

corn duties, 52; County Courts Exten-

sion Bill, 29; criminal offenders, mutual

surrender of, between France and Eng-

land, 122, 123; Crystal Palace, 75;

De Bode (Baron), petition from, 123;

Derby's (Earl) reason for taking office,

51; doctrine, question of, 99; duration

of the session, 75; elections, corrupt

practices at, 123; Enfranchisement of

Copyholds Bill, 100; foreign refugees,

76; French compensation fund, 123;

gunpowder, the sale of, to the. Caffres,

28; Indian territories, 75; Jamaica,

distressed state of, 192: Largos, attack

upon, 29; lunatic asylum for criminal

lunatics, 53; Mather (Mr.), case of,

28, 122, 123; Maynooth grant, 75, 99;

Megæra, troop-ship, 23, 29; Militia

Bill, 123; Murray (Mr.) the case of, 99;

national school grants, 123; Navy Pay

Bill, 123; New South Wales petition,

123; New Zealand Bill, 123, 124;

property tax, 99; railway amalgama-

tion, 123; railway regulations, 245;

resignation of ministers, 29; recog-

nition of the French Empire, 267; River

Plate, affairs of the, 53; Rosas (General),

honours paid to, 98, 99; sanitary state

of London, 98; Smith's (Sir H.), conduct

at the Cape, the Duke of Welling-

ton's approval of, 27; St. Alban's

disfranchisement, 77; volunteer rifle

corps, 53; Von Beck (Baroness), 123;

Warner's (Captain) invention, 99;

Wellington (the Duke), funeral of the,

244, Lord Derby's speech on the, 245;

wills, bill to amend the law of, 53;

prorogation, 147.

HOUSE OF COMMONS.-Opening of Parlia-
ment, debate on the address, 29;
opening of the New Parliament, debaté
on the address, 246; Australia, de-
sertion of seamen in, 106; augmentation
of the armed and paid forces, 58; ballot,
vote by, 78; ballast heavers of the port
of London, 81; Bennett (Mr.), vicar of
Frome, S1, 106, 126, 163; Bethlehem
hospital, 247; Brazil, our relations
with, S1; British American railway,
124; Bishopric of Christchurch (New
Zealand) bill, 132; carriages, the duty
on, 34; chancery reform bill, 59; chan-
cery, relief of suitors in the, 31; cha-
ritable trusts bill, 61; Clarendon (Lord),
charge against, as viceroy of Ireland,
35; colonial bishops bill, 101, 106;
Constantinople, repairing the chapel of
the embassy at, 12; convocation, 247;
copyright amendment bill, 59; copy-
right treaty with France, 33; county
courts extension bill, 81; county election
polls bill, 127, 133; county rates expen-
diture bill, 35; Crystal Palace, 101 ;

dangerous animals bill, 57; deserters
from foreign ships, 60; Disraeli's (Mr.)
financial statement, 268; division on
the, 272; dissolution of Parliament,
intention regarding the, 56, 79; eccle-

siastical personages and episcopal

revenues, 101, 127; elections corrupt

practices bill, 33, 81, 107, 134; extra-

mural interments, 55; financial state-

ment, 101; foreign affairs, alteration in

the administration of, 29; foreign com-

merce, 54; free-trade, intention of the

government with regard to, 53, 51; free-

trade, intentions of the new government

respecting, 248; Mr. Villiers in favour

of, 268; general board of health

bill, 131; grand juries bill, to dispense

with, 81; Harwich, bribery at, 78; hop

duty, 59; Household Narrative, 57;

Indian territory, government of the, 81 ;

Ionian Islands, 79; Jewish disabilities

bill, 134; Jamaica, condition of, 124,

134; Lefevre (Mr.) elected speaker of the

House, 245; Mather's (Mr.) case, 31,

129, 148; Meer Roostun, late Ameer of

Scinde, the case of, 134; metropolitan

burials bill, 133, 134; metropolitan

sewers bill, 133; metropolitan water

bill, 133; militia, Lord John Russell's,

34, 36; militia, Lord Derby's, 77, 83,

103, 103, 125; militia franchise, 81;

ministerial explanations, 57, 79; Murray

(Mr.), case of, 124; Maynooth grant, 106,

107, 125. 131; national board of educa-

tion, 58; New South Wales, petition

from, 133; new writs for elections, 53;

New Zealand government bill, 106, 124,

123, 133; Oban and Glasgow railway,

55; O'Connor (Mr.), Fergus, disorderly

conduct of, 128, 133; Paget (Mr.),

seizure of his papers at Dresden, 248;

Palmerston's (Lord), dismissal, 29;

paper duty and taxes on knowledge,

105; parish constable's bill, 82; parish

vestries bill, 132; parliamentary

reform bill, 54; policy of the new

administration, 57; poor-law board con-

tinuance bill, 107; postage labels, ma-

chine for perforating the sheets of,

unfair treatment of the inventor, 55;

preserved meats for the navy, 33; pro-

tection to refugees, 59; public business,

124; public houses (Scotland) bill, 32;

recognition of the French Empire, 269;

reform bill, the new, 33, 54; reform of

the ecclesiastical courts, 248; relief of

the landed interest, 60; representative

system, 59; resignation of the ministers,

37, Roman Catholic processions, 132;

resignation of Lord Derby's government,

267; Scotland, law reform, act for, 33;

shipping trade, 58; stamp duty, 31; St.

Alban's disfranchisement, 31, 51, 59;
sugar duties, 54; synod of the Church of
England in the colonies, 134; taxes on
knowledge, 82; tenant right, 33; Turkey
and Egypt, 59; universities of Scotland
bill, 100; university lists, 34; ventila-
tion of the House, 31, 55; votes to
occupiers of tenements of 10%. per year,
100; voting for members, extension of
the people's rights, 32; water in the
metropolis, 31; Wellington (the Duke),
funeral of the, 247; expense of the,
248; the Queen's message relating to
the, 247; Wingate and Smith (Messrs.)
the case of, 132, 148; working classes,
measures to benefit the condition of the,
128; prorogation, 148; members re-
turned to serve in the new parliament,
149; members of the Aberdeen adminis-
tration, 273.

COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY.-Army estimates,
56; building of iron steamers, 58;
Caffre war, 80; civil service estimates,
124; commissariat votes, 60; convey-
ance of specie on board ships of war,

58; exchequer bills, 60; medals for
naval actions, 58; navy estimates, 58;
naval reserve, 58; ordnance estimates,
60; patronage of the dockyard, 58.
IRELAND. Consolidated charities act,

53; Cuffe-street savings bank, 56; dis-

turbances in, 28; disturbed districts,

the, 56; encumbered estates, 134: funds

for educational purposes, 52; improve-

ment of landed property, 248; incum-

bered estates commission act, 56; 1rish

valuation bill, 134; Maynooth grant,

75, 99, 106, 107, 125, 131; Maynooth,

system of education at, 104; national

education, 121; new reform bill, 33;

outrages in, 28; prevention of crime in,

132, 134.

EDITORIAL NOTES Aberdeen ministry

the, 266; Africa, the war on the

coast of, 25; American fisheries dis-

pute, 169; Anti-Corn-Law League, 26,

49; Achilli v. Newman, trial, 122; grant

for a new trial, 242; Argentine con-

federation,, 170; Australian convict

question, 25; Australia, the gold dig-

gings, 73, 122; Australian grievances,

122; Australia, scarcity of wool from,

98; Bentinck, Lord H., in North Not-

tingham, 145; Beresford, Mr. and the

non-electors, 146; a good and a safe

man wanted at Derby, W. B., 146, 266;

Birkenhead, loss of the, 74; bookselling

question, the, 74, 91; budget, Mr. Disraeli

opening the, 97; Cape, the war at the,

25, 98; chancery abuses, 26; chancery,

abolition of the masters of, 74; cholera,

preparation for the, 170; Christopher

(Mr.) in Lincolnshire, 145; church, dis-

putes in the, 75; Cobden (Mr.), on the

hustings, 145; convocation, 217, 242;

crystal palace, Lord Derby on opening

the, on Sunday, 242; Cumming (Mrs.),

the chancery proceedings against, 50;

death of the Duke of Wellington, 193;

Derby's (Lord) speech at a dinner

given by the Lord Mayor, 97; Disraeli

(Mr.) at his election dinner, 145;

Derby administration, fall of the,

266; Disraeli's (Mr.) speech on the

death of the Duke of Wellington, 241;

Exeter, the bishop of, and the confes-

sional, 217; Exeter's, the Marquis of,

wish at Blandford, 146; forebodings on

opening of the new year, 1; Franklin,

Sir John, 74, 218; France and the

northern powers, 98; French claims to

the holy sepulchre, 26; French inter-

ference with Turkey, 170; French in-

vasion, 98; French press, 25; free-

traders, 117; general election, 121, 145;

gold diggings in Australia, 73; House-

hold Narrative, proceedings of the Court
of Exchequer against the, 74; income-
tax, 26; Indian empire, proposed in-
quiry into the administration of govern-
ment on the, 75; Ireland, the favourable
condition of, 218; Irish discussions on
religious equality, 218; Kelly, Sir Fitz-
roy, in Suffolk, 146; Kossuth's speech,
211; Louis Napoleon's method of
governing, 49; Louis Napoleon and the
empire, 170; Louis Napoleon elected
emperor, 241; Manchester free-trade
meeting, 26; Manners, Lord John, at
Colchester, 145; Mather (Mr.), the case
of, 121; murders in Ireland, 218; May-
nooth grant and the no-popery cry, 98,
121; militia question, and resignation of
Lord John Russell, 25; militia bill, 25,
75, 98; national defences, 25; new
ministry, work in hand for the, 25; new
year, forebodings of the, 1; New Zealand
bill, 122; Pitcairn's Island, a visitor
from, 219; popish processions, the pro-
clamation against, 121; Queen of Spain,
attempt to assassinate the, 26; rifle


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practice for the people, 2; Rosas, the
fall of, 26, 49; Russell, Lord John's,
resignation, 25; Salomons, Mr. Alder-
man, and the Court of Exchequer, 74;
sanitary reform, 25; Schwartzenburg,
Prince, death of, 74; Scottish universi-
ties, religious tests in the, 97; Sellon
(Miss) and the Puseyites, 50; spring
assizes, 50; Six-mile Bridge affair, 170;
Smithfield removal, 170; St. Albans
bribery, the, 51; universities, the, 97;
Wagner, Madlle., and the rival operas,
73; Walpole's (Mr.) notion of a new
franchise, 74; Wellington, death of the
Duke of, 93.

Acts of Parliament-The New Metropolitan
Burial, 163.
Administration of city charitics, an inves-
tigation into the, 231.
Agricultural interest, a deputation to Lord
J. Russell, with reference to, 38.
Agricultural Society, the royal, show of
farming implements at Lewes, 162; the
Worcester societies annual dinner, 229;
Dumfries and Kirkbright dinner, 229;
Surrey meeting and dinner, 229; South
Buckingham annual dinner, 259; meet-
ings of the Waltham, Herefordshire,
Chertsey, and Cranbrook Associations,
229; cattle show at Belford, 181; royal
society of Ireland show, 181; meeting_at
Framlingham, 205.

Amazon, destruction of the, by fire, 10.

Army distribution at home and abroad, 62.

Artists' benevolent fund dinner, 112.

Bartholomew fair, 204.

Bennett (Mr.), address to the Marchioness

of Bath from the parishioners of Frome

against, 3.

Bethlehem hospital, treatment of patients

in, 258.

Bristol, rapid progress of the port of, 13.
British Association, 203.

British and Foreign Society meeting, 111.
Charing Cross hospital, annual meeting of
the governors of, 162.

Christmas feast to the poor at Leicester-

square soup kitchen, 12.

Cholera, progress of the, 203.

City dispensary, report of the, 13,

City railway terminus, Mr. C. Pearson's

plan for a, 258.

Commissioners of Customs, notice to

masters of vessels in case of improper

seizure, 204.

Convocation of the province of York, 37.

Convocation, assembly of the two houses

of, 37, 250.

Copyright, convention between France
and England, 12.

Cork, the Exhibition at, 141.

Cotton, the annual growth in the United

States, 230.

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Greenwich Observatory, arrangements to
connect it by wires to the electric tele-
graph, 12.

Hospital for diseases of the chest, anniver-
sary festival, 66.

Hospital at Brompton for consumption and
diseases of the chest, 111.
International postage association, 181.
Iron-stone discovered in Northampton-
shire, 12, 90.

Legal education report, 42.

Liberal members of the House of Com-

mons, assembly at Lord J. Russell's, 61.

Literary fund, the royal, 66, 112.

Library and reading-room for the working

classes, meeting of the parishioners of

St. Martin's-in-the-Fields to establish a, |


Liverpool, opening of the free library at,

London City Mission meeting, 111.

Manchester free library, opening of the,
204, 229.

Married soldiers' society to promote the

erection of improved dwellings for, 162.

Marylebone, a meeting in, to establish a

free library, 231.

Mechi's (Mr.) annual gathering at Tiptree

Hall, 162.

MEETINGS.-Agricultural, 222; Anti-Corn-

Law League, 62; Church Pastoral Aid

Society, 112; confessional at Plymouth,

251; letters from the Archbishop of

Canterbury, 251; diocesan synods, 4;

free trade, at Manchester, 251; Friends

of Italy, 251; Leeds Reformers, 3;

Maynooth, to discontinue the grant to,

4; metropolitan interment, 13; at Man-

chester, on the subject of labour, 61;

militia, against the, 107; property tax,

against the renewal of, 2; Sheffield, the

constituency of, 3; solicitors at Derby,

230; Sons of the Clergy, 112; Taxes

on knowledge,



Reform Society, 3.

Members returned to scrve in the new

Parliament, 149.

Merchant Seamen's Fund, new regula-

tions, 12.

Metropolitan Burial Act, the, 163.

Metropolitan Board

of Sewers, first

meeting, 181, 203.

Metropolitan Sanitary Association, 90.

Museum of Practical and Ornamental

Art, 204.

National Galleries, purchase of land by

the Royal Commissioners of the Great

Exhibition for the, 230.

Crystal palace, purchase of the, 112.
Crystal palace at Sydendam, ceremony of
placing the first pillar, 180.
Department of practical art, important
memorandum isued by the, 112.
Domestic servants' association, 112.
EDUCATION-Education of the working
classes in Wales, 25; King Edward's
School at Birmingham, commemoration
of the four ding, 90; Lambeth ragged
schools, annual meeting, 91; national
school society, the, 140; Queen's college,
first annual visitation, 90.

Emigration and colonisation, the progress

of, 17, 93, 114, 142, 165, 184, 201, 233.

Encumbered estates sales, 141, 181, 203.

Electric telegraph across the Irish Channel,


Electric telegraph in the Bank of England,

140. -

Electric telegraph connected to the fire

engine stations at Boston, 13.

Encumbered Estates, the, 13.

Exhibition, the Great, cost of removal of,

&c., 66.

Female Penitentiary (the Liverpool), an-

nual meeting, 66.

Flax, Sir J. Graham on the cultivation of,


Game laws, Sir J. Graham's step towards

relaxing the severity of the, 205.

Goldsmiths' Company's entertainment to

her Majesty's ministers, 81.

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Sir John, 91; Somers, Earl, 232; St.

Andrew's, the Bishop of, 232; Talbot,

the Right Hon. J. C., 141; Townsend,

Dr., Bishop of Meath, 232; Thomason,

Thomas, Esq., of Edinburgh, 232;

Watson, the Hon. R., 112; Webster,

Daniel, 261; Wellington. the Duke of,

296; Wheatley, Major-General Sir H.,

67; Wilson, Thomas Esq., 232; Wur-

temberg, Prince Paul, 92.

O'Brien, William Smith, and his com-

panions, petition to the Lord-Lieutenant,

entreating the royal clemency in behalf

of, 107.

PAPAL.-Opening of Roman Catholic

schools at Hackney, 3; Sellon, Miss,

charged with Popish practices, 67; pro-

clamation against Roman Catholic

processions, 135.

Pauperism, the decrease of, 205.

PERSONAL.-Queen, her Majesty, the, and
Prince Albert, distribution to the poor
on her birthday, 16; gift of apartments
in Hampton-court Palace to the widows
of the officers Pennycuik and Cureton,
42; chapter of the order of the Thistle,
Lord Saltoun invested, 67; investiture
of the order of the Bath, 91; Rajah of
Coorg and his daughter presented to
the, 113; the marine trip of, 163; anni-
versary of the coronation, 164; christen-
ing of the daughter of the Rajah of
Coorg, 164; visit to the King of the
Belgians, 182; excursions in the High-
lands, 205; visit to the tubular bridge
over the Menai Straits, 231; the Govern-
ment School of Mines, 16.
Belcher's, Sir Edward, arctic expedition, 91
Beresford's, W., speech at Castle Heding-
ham, 219.

Canning, Sir Stratford, raised to the
peerage, 113.

Cathcart, Major-General, appointed Go-

vernor of the Cape, 16.

Cholmeley's, Sir M., doubts of the Pro-

tectionist Premier, 135.

Costello, Miss L. S., grant of 751. a-year

to, 231.

Cullen, Dr., appointed by the Pope Arch-
bishop of Dublin, 141.

Disraeli's, Mr., address to the electors of

Buckingham, 135; speech on the death

of the Duke of Wellington, parallel

passages from a panegyric by M. Thiers
on Marshal De St. Cyr, 251.
Fitzclarence, Lord Frederick, appointed
commander-in-chief at Bombay, 113.
Fordyce's, Colonel, legacy to the soldiers
under his command, 113.

Franklin, Sir John, vessels the Erebus
and Terror, supposed discovery of, 91.
Halford's, Mrs., munificent charity lega-
cies, 276.

Hardinge, Viscount, appointed to the

command of the army, 205, 231.


Baron von,

von, eighty-third

birthday, 205.

Jenny Lind's marriage to M. Otto Gold-
schmidt, at Boston, 42.

Kossuth's arrival in England from the

United States, 164.

Londonderry's, the Marquis, letter to
Louis Napoleon regarding Abd el-Kader,

Meagher's, the Irish convict, escape from

Van Diemen's Land, 91

Neild, Mr., the will of, leaving her
Majesty the Queen, 250,000l., 232, 261.
Newman, Dr., numerous subscription for
his defence, 205.
O'Connor, Mr. Feargus, removed to Dr.
Took's establishment at Chiswick, 141.

Pugin, Mrs., grant of 1007. a year to, 231.

Rosas, General, in England, 113.

Shrewsbury's (Earl of), property and will,

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trial of three men for, 108; on Catherine
Tierney by Mrs. Acock, 153; on Storey,
a detective policeman, by some stock-
broker's clerks, 153; William Liss,
charged with assaulting his father, 176;
on a policeman, by a notorious ruffian,
James Cannon, a chimney sweep, 221;
on a policeman, by a private in the 1st
Life Guards, 224; on two railway offi-
cials, by Sir James Rivers, bart., 225: on
a poor woman by a Roman Catholic
Priest, 274.

Attempt to poison his wife, trial of
William Baldry for, 1; to murder Mr.
Barber at Bermondsey, Edward Staggles
charged with, 39; to murder his wife,
trial of Edwin Harris for, 62; to murder
his wife by poison, Mathew Colgan
charged with, 63; Richard Ambler,
surgeon, tried for inveigling into his
house a young woman with intent, &c.,
108; attempted murder and suicide by
Martin White, a Chelsea pensioner, 137;
attempted suicide, 155; Eliza Bentley,
charged with attempting suicide, 175;
Francis Thopier, charged with attempt-
ing suicide, 175; to murder a young
woman at Yarmouth, by Samuel Howth,

Aylesbury assizes, point of difference
between the judge and the high sheriff,


Bankruptcy and Insolvency Courts-Case
of John Mills, application under the Pro-
tection Act, 7; the Broomsgrove bank
affairs, 40; judgment in the case of D.
E. Columbine, 135; case of Alexander
Wallace, application for a discharge,
158; Jonathan Shuter, application for
his certificate, 252; important question
under the Protection Act, 253.

Public income and expenditure for the last Begging women, 177; trial of, for de-

three years, 219.

Railway accidents, 111.

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manding money of Mr. Solly, 199.
Betting houses, effects of frequenting, 252.
Bigamy, cases of, 226, 251.

Bills of acceptance, caution to tradesmen,

Breach of Promise of Marriage-Emma
Oldaker and George Davis, 154; Miss
Hoff and Mr. Savage, 154; Fanny Bird
and George Bantall, 159.
Burglaries in St. Andrew's-road, New-
ington-causeway, 7; at Mr. Farley's, at
Great Raveley, sentence of transportation
against the prisoners, 63; robbing a
farm at Castletreasure, 199; burglary at
Mrs. Lamb's, at Twickenham, 225; at
Burning the Bible, a Franciscan monk
Messrs. Whittaker's, 252.

charged with, 63.

Cathedral trusts and their fulfilment, case

of the Rev. Mr. Whiston decided by the

Bishop of Rochester, 225.

Chancery, the Court of, returns respecting

the, 108; new rules and orders in the

Court of, 197; prisoner released after

thirteen years' confinement, 172; suit

commenced above one hundred years

ago, 175.

Charitable institutions and idle vagrants,


Coiners, discovery of a gang of, 222.
Compensation for damages to Mr. Blake
lock, from the Midland Railway Com-
pany, 155; compensation from the
Brighton and South Coast Railway to
Mr. Palmer, 40.

County Courts, business transacted in the, 6.
Cremorne Gardens, the proprietor of,

charged with cruelty to animals by
allowing them to be suspended from a
balloon, 198.

Cumming (Mrs.) and the lunacy commis-

Derby election, case of bribery at the, 159.
Destitution, a dreadful case of, 252.
Disturbed state of the county of Armagh, 5.
Domestic tragedy at Loughrea, murder of

two children by the mother, 5.
Duel between two French gentlemen near
Windsor, 225, 254.

Emigrants, complaints of, against shipping

agents, 173; cases of importance to, 156,
201, 223.

Endangering the lives of railway pas-
sengers, 109.

Expense of pleading in law courts, a case

of the, 136.

False imprisonment, trial for damages

for, 171.

Forgery, William Henry committed for

circulating false bills of exchange, 173;

forging a certificate of marriage, trial of

Wilton Butler, a sapper and miner,

for, 172.

Fracas between Mr. Campbell Foster and
Mr. Digby, 159.

Frankfort (Lord), charged with sending
improper letters, 173; sentenced to
twelve months' imprisonment, 273.
Fraudulent, trial of William Bennett and
others, alias the Hon. William O'Brien
Fitzgerald, for obtaining money under
false pretences, 152; cheating, at cards,
trial of Charles Staden and John James
for, 157; fraudulently obtaining a por-
trait of the Earl of Desart, trial of C.
Collier for, 157; trial of Richard Sill for
obtaining money from Henry Broome
by false pretences, 173, 201; trial of
Richard Burnell for unlawfully obtaining
a sovereign and a half from a poor
woman with intent to defraud her, 223;
obtaining money by means of fraudulent
cheques, 220.

Glen Tilt case, judgment of the House of

Lords against the Duke of Atholl, 137.

Gladstone v. the Bishop of London, 137.

Highway robbery, trial of John Messham

for, at Lewes, 158.

Hill, Sarah Anne, commutation of her

sentence of death to transportation, 7.

Illegitimate child, refusing to support

the, 5.

Ill-using two children, trial of Elizabeth

Johnston for, 155.

Imposture and credulity, remarkable case

of, at Shottisham, 200.

Incendiary fires, 155.

Inefficacy of the poor-law, 86.

Innate depravity, Eliza and the blind negro,

Inquest on Mr. Sand, drowned by the

sinking of the Duchess of Kent, 173.
Irish Orangemen, arrest of twenty-four for
attempting to parade the streets, 173.
Joint-stock companies, a point of great
importance to shareholders, 39.
Libel.-Action against Mr. Birch, pro-
prietor of the World newspaper, 136;
Dr. Achilli against Dr. John Newman,
137; a new trial granted, 234; Sir
Charles Napier v. Mr. J. Murray,

Lodging houses, summonses for not ob-

Lunacy.-Commission to inquire into the

serving the regulation of the act, 222.

state of Mr. John Price, 64; against

Mrs. Cumming, 7, 65; judgment on

Lord Dinorben, 86; action, Henry

Baker for unlawfully keeping lunatics in

his private house, 137; insufficient care

of, 158.

Manslaughter-of a child, trial of Charlotte

Larkin for the, 64; trial of a surgeon for

the manslaughter of Ann Noakes, 172;

of his brother, trial of a boy for the, 254.
Meat unfit for human food, charge against
a salesman for exposing, 59.

Medical fees, action for, 7.

Money won at play, action for, 254.

Moreton (Mr.), of the Daily News, killed

by Mr. Bower, of the Morning Advertiser,

at Paris, 220.

MURDERS of Mrs. Barnes, at Belper, 5;
sentence of the prisoner, 65; of George
Bush, at Bath, by a pedlar, 158; James
Cleary, at Askeaton, county Limerick,
39; of John Cunan, in Leitrim, 5; of
James Deegan, 31st Regiment, near
Fermoy, Ireland, 221; Giovanne Kala-
bergo, by a nephew, at Banbury, 6, 62;
of William Manifold, Esq., in King's
county, 224; Mr. Maplethorpe, at Hull,
109; William Roberts, in a night affray
with poachers, 63; Mr. O'Callaghan
Ryan, at Waterford, 199; of Mr. Alex-
ander Robinson, by James Barker, near
Sheffield, 198; of William Shine, at
Adair, county Limerick, 221; Mr.
Thomas Stackpoole, by his uncle, in
Clare, 200; Elizabeth Thomas, by her
son, at Prenton, 171; Sarah Watts, near
Frome, trial of the men for, 85; of Fanny
Walker, by Stephen Walker, suicide of
the murderer, 109; of Mrs. Wheeler, by

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