Debts of the United States, a bill respecting the presented, read, and referred reported negatived Laws of the United States, a bill giving effect to Μ. 265 266 Maclay, Mr., of Pennsylvania remarks of, on an amendment to the Constitution 104 - 269 - 278 Marine Corps, a bill to reduce the, received Mail, United States. (See Post Office.) 252 lost - 253 296 304 motion made respecting the commanding officers of 253 L. the, within the territories ceded by France, referred reported passed : - 216 motion in relation to the carriage of the 31 Naval Peace Establishment, a bill in relation to the, received and referred reported amended passed other action non-concurrence received Navigation. (Sce Seamen.) Navy pension fund, a bill in relation to the, pre- sented referred reported passed New Orleans, a bill to repeal the act respecting duties on goods exported to, received and referred reported passed Nicholas, Mr., of Virginia, remarks of, on the Louisiana Treaty on an amendment to the Constitution |