Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

of species, 303.

Paris anthropological society, 207.
Paris meteorites, reviewed, 41.
Parkes museum of hygiene, 588.

Parmacella, anatomy of, 899; Olivieri,

Parthenogenesis of acarids, 951.
Partitions, 586.

Pascal bexagram, 592.
Passalus cornutus, 334.
Passiflora, 259, 316.

Passifloreae, new, 560, 670.
Pasture-lands of far west, 186, 335.
Patagonia, 1033; eastern, 659.
Patagonian voyage, Bove's, 1085.
Patio process in San Dinas, 599.
Paulownia, 80.

Peabody academy of science, 207.
Peabody museum of American archae
ology, 83, 84, 292, 319, 348, 373, 496;
report of, reviewed, ill., 308.

Pearls, American, 788.

Peat, action of, on insoluble phosphates,

Pebbles resembling artificial objects, 342.
Peccary, fossil, from New York, 159.
Pelagia, 287.

Pelargonium, 306; graveolens, 202; di-

chogamy of, 445.

Pellaea, 370.

Pelycosauria, 204.
Pempelia lignosella, 487.

Penaeus, metamorphosis of, 901; nau-
plius, 433.

Pendulum-chronograph, 703.
Pendulum, motion of, 415.

PENFIELD, S. L. Fluorine minerals, 331;
optical researches on garnet, 600.
PENHALLOW, D. P. Ainos of Japan, 307;
flight of flying-fish, 278.

Penhallow, D. P. Houghton Farm experi-
ments, reviewed, 250.
Penicillium, 178.
Pennatula, 553.
Pennatulida, 1090.

Pennsylvania, anthracite coal-fields of,

647; lakes and valleys in, 304; second
geological survey, 208,

Pentacrinus, 83, 527.

Perameles, tongue of, 523; nasuta, 232.
Perception of light by low organisms, 52.
Perception, reflex, varying thermal back-
ground of, 345.

Perfossus, Cotta's, 511; angularis, 230;
costatus, 230; punctatus, 230.
Peridermium pini, 369.

Peripatus, blastopore and mesoblast of,

Periphylla mirabilis, 196.

Peruvian fishes and reptiles from Texas,
463; Ginkgos, 562; plants from east-
ern Russia, 331; reptiles, 522.
Peronospora viticola, 583.

Peroxides, reactions of, 425; volumetric
analysis of, 366.

Persia, 721; improvements in, 1037;

northern, 503; southern, 722.

Peruvian stone-quarrying, 748.

Peters, Dr. W., 438.

[blocks in formation]

struction in mineralogy and lithology
at, 56; American philosophical soc.
(see Amer. phil. soc.); engineers' club,
559, 616, 542, 647, 814; Franklin in-
stitute (see Franklin institute).
Philipp, S., on the Ego of organisms,

Philippine Islands, 1039; house-flies in,
169; odonata of, 1173.
Philologic science, 853.
Philotheca australis, 80.

Phoberus caecus, 547.

Phoca vitulina, 24, 53, 543.
Phoenix, 230.

Pholidophyllum, 202.

Phosphates, action of peat on, 880.
Phosphoric acid, determination of, 824.
Phosphoric and silicic oxides, 981.
Phosphorus, new acids containing, 488;
white, 705.

Photographic defects and remedies, 588;
focusing, 160; halos and reversals, 290;
measurements, 417; notes, 589.
Photographs, astronomical, 349.
Photographing the corona, 4.
Photography, applications of, to meteor-
ology, 1157; applied to animal locomo
tion, 189; astronomical, 412, 867,

Photometer, wedge, 450.

Photometric measurements of sun, moon.
and electric light, 9; observations of
transit of Venus, 97.

Photometry, solar, 480; spectrum, 696.
Phryganca, 554.

Phrynosoma Douglassi, 204.
Phyllites, Ardennes, 1028.
Phyllotheca, 397.

Phylloxera, fears concerning, 498; Rileyi,
577; vastatrix, 577.

Phylloxera in France, reviewed, 576.
Phylogeny of the Sirenia, 160.

Physa heterostropha, 202; humerosa, 202;
virgata, 202.

Physalia, tentacles of, 943.
Phytonomus punctatus, 409.
PICKERING, W. H. Horse-trotting from
a mathematical stand-point, 355; photo.
graphic focusing, 160.

Pictet, Raoul, high speed steamer, 558.
Pieris Beckeri, 554; sisymbri, 554.

Pike's skull, development of, 513, 738.
Pilcomayo, 660.

Pilidium larva, 1000.

Pilling, J. C. Catalogue linguistic manu-
scripts, 208.

Pilularia, 397.

Pilumnopeus crassimanus, 173.
Pilumnus deflexus, 173.

Pine moth of Nantucket, 905.

Pinner's Organic chemistry, reviewed,


Pinnotheres ostreum, 568.

Pinus, 20; excelsa, 553; koraiensis, 1089;
strobus, 369.

Pipes, mound-builders', 472.

Piriqueta capensis, 522; caroliniana, 466.
Pirus, 466.

Pisidium, 61; arcticum, 584; glaciale, 584;
nivale, 584.

Pithecia satanas, 24.

Pithom, 1012.

Pithom-Succoth, 581, 687.

Pitt-Rivers collection in anthropology,


Plagusia depressa, 467.

Planarian, cave-dwelling, 451.
Planeri Ungeri, 259.

Planets, mass of, 919; small, 392.
Planetary induction, 299.

Plant-life, past and present, 358.
Plants, variation in, 1087.
Platessa vulgaris, 289.
Plato, lunar crater, 637.
Platyarthus Hoffmanseggii, 81.
Platycodon grandiflorum, 20.
Platygonus compressus, 53.
Platymesopus, 599.

Platyphyllum, 202; sinense, 202.
Playas and playa-lakes, 219.
Plectrocnemia, 345.
Pleistodonta, 599.

Pleurocera elevatum, 495.

[blocks in formation]

Pollination of Araceae, 992; Arum itali-
cum, 446; fig, 615; Rulingia, 1088;
Rutaceae, 230.

Pollinia, withdrawal of, in bee orchis,

Polygons, geodesic, 639.
Polyides, 344.

Polymorphism of acarids, 951.
Polynesia, 1038.

Polynesians and Papuans, 341.

Polynoe globifera, 260; scolopendrina,

Polyophthalmus, 96; pictus, 96.
Polyphylla, 203.

Polypodium, 370.

Polystigma, 178.

Polyxenus, dermal appendages of, ill.,
792; fascicularis, 371.
Pomaceae, 941.

Pompholyx, variations of, 450.

Ponape, Micronesia, alleged ancient build-
ings at, 293.

Pontophilus Jacqueti, 547.
Pontoporeia, 495.

Poole's Index to periodical literature, re-
viewed, 68.

Population, aboriginal, of northern Amer-
ica, 833; march of centre of our, 221;
statistics of, 411.
Porphyrites, Cheviot, 773.
Porphyry, Leadville, 192.
Portugal, rights of, 990.

Positive prints from positive, 869.
Potamogeton, 468.

Potassium chromate, separation of barium
from strontium or calcium by, 361.
Potato-disease, prevention of, 371.
Potentilla anserina, 306.

Potsdam sandstone, impressions on, 372.
Pouchet, G., 376.

Power, transmission of, 697.

Precious metals from slags, 368.

Precocity in chicken, 574.

Prehistoric antiquity of man, 525.

Prehistoric man, 222; trephining, 307.

Prejevalsky's movements, 265.

Prentiss, D. W., 375.

Pressure in carbon, 540; influence of,

on chemical action, 201.

Primogeniture, development by, 165.
Primula, Indian species of, 47.
Prionastomata, 599.

Pristis, use of the saw in, 61.

Prize question of Royal Danish society
of sciences, 392.

Prizes, Walker. See Walker prizes.

Procyon, 82.

Prognostics, popular weather, 216.

Projectile, rifled, radius of gyration of,

Pronuba, 287.

Propionic acids, 768.

Prorastomus, 346.

Prorhynchus, anatomy of, 846.

Prorocentrum micans, 568.

Prosopis juliflora, 554.

Prostomum, 51.

Proteine, digestion of, 601.

Proteles, myology of, 258; cristatus,


Protella, 554.

Proto, 554.

Protocattannic acid, 816.

Protophasma Dumasii, 96.

Protoplasm, chemical character of living,
38; in contiguous cells, 892; living
and dead, chemical constitution of, 613.
Protoplasmic bodies, chemical constitu-
tion of, 836; motion, physiology of,

Protozoa, Bütschli's, 53; criticism of
Künstler's theory of, 269; investiga.
tions on, 787; preservation of, 268;
polemical about, 1169.

Protozoan parasites of oyster, 567.
Prussian gymnasia, curriculum in, 169.
Pseudamussium Verrilli, 51.
Pseudotriacis microdon, 119.
Psilophiton, 397.

Psiloptera, 203.
Psocidae, 517.

Psocus heteromorphus, 231.
Psychoda, 492.

Psychological methods, 74.

Pteris aquilina, 405.

Pterocarya denticulata, 259.
Pterostichus, 317.


Ptinus, 203.


[blocks in formation]

Quadrangles, conjugate, 174.
Quadrature of the circle, 1.

Quadrupeds, taxonomy of hoofed, 403.
Quarterly journ. microsc. science, 157.
Quarties, ternary, 177; unicursal twisted,

Quartz, electro-optical properties of, 870.
Quassia, 576.


Venturesome spiders,

Quincy, Mass., hornblendic granite of,

Quinqueloculina, 405.

Raccoon's limbs, muscles of, 257.

Races of men, 516; in Cochin China, 287.
Radiant heat, 248.

Radiation, solar, 612; terrestrial, 829.
Rafflesia, 344.

Railway-accidents in 1882, 167; and earth's
rotation, 700.

Railway management as a science, 196;
time, 410; time-tables, new system of,

Railways, automatic inspection of, 195.
Rainbow, 513.

Rainfall in France, 1120; New South

Wales, 716; Panama, 425; South Aus-
tralia, 1119; statistics, 120; Uberaba,

Rana, 277, 317; pretiosa, 21.

Ranunculus, 306; philonotis, 259.

Raphidiophrys elegans, 466,

Rastenberg granite, 930.

Rational fractions and partitions, 1016.

Rattlesnake, fangs of, 63.

Red tape, 473.

REDDUCS. Precocity in a chicken, 574.

Redpath (Peter) museum of McGill uni-

versity, 154, 238.

Refining process, 1023.
Reflection of actinic rays, 6.

Refraction, elliptic double, 187; molecu-
lar, 94.

Regel in central Asia, 322.
Regina Kirtlandi, 279.

REIGHARD, J. Cracking in ice, 248; snow.
drifts, 221.

Religion and science, 543; of savages, 468.

REMSEN, I. Influence of magnetism on
chemical action, 36.

Renard, A., on St. David's rocks, 541.
Renault's Fossil botany, reviewed, 397.
Remilla, 553.

Replacement, ore-deposition by, 883.
Reptiles, development of, 511.
Resistance in carbon, 540.
Resistance-unit, determination of, 539.
Resonance boxes, experiments with, 182.
Respiration, influence of centre of deglu-

tition on that of, 796; experiments,
new apparatus for, 131.
Respiratory mechanism in insects, 673;
movements, influence of, on arterial
pressure, 395.

Rétinia frustrana, 434.

Reversion of superphosphates, 825.
Reviews, book, 601.

Revue de l'histoire des religions, 377.
Rezbanyite, 318.
Rhabdocoela, 406.
Rhachocaris, 547.

Rhamphorhynchus phyllurus, cast of, 56.
Rhees' Catalogue of Smithsonian publica.
tions, reviewed, 310.
Rhinochilus, 21.
Rhizocrinus, 527.

Rhizomorpha fragilis, 369; necatrix, 369;
subcorticalis, 316; subterranea, 316.
Rhizophyllum, 202.
Rhizostoma, 287.

Rhizotragus pupa, 333; solstitialis, 333.
Rhodope, position of, 897.
Rhombus maximus, 289.

Rhynchocephalus Sackeni, 513; volaticus,


Rhyolite from Yellowstone Park, 932.
Rhyssota, 467.

Rhythmic muscular contractions, 38.
Rhytidophyllum, 202; pusillum, 202.
Rhytina, 53, 293, 346, 417; gigas, 25.
Ribes, 432.

RICE, W. N. Connecticut minerals, 601.
Rice, by products from, 928.
Richardia Aethiopica, 405.

RICHARDS, R. H. Changes in structure
of block-tin, 102; lines of weakness in
cylinders, 106.
Richardsonia, 405.
Ridgway, R., 499.

Riebeck in India, 321.
Riemann's theory, 413.
Rifle-barrels, swelled, 1104.
Rigidity of earth, 93.

RILEY, C. V. Elephantiasis, or Filaria
disease, ill., 419; fig-insects, 599; grape
Phylloxera in France, 576; larval stages
and habits of the bee-fly Hirmoneura,
ill., 332; Nemestrinidae, 513.
Rio Bembe, 609.

Rio Pilcomayo, 660.
Ripple-marks, 1032.

River-courses by Vicenza and Padua,

Rivers, regulation of, 301.
Rizzolo clays, fossils of, 790.
Roasting cylinders, 105.
Robinia, 179, 466.

Robins, 457.

Rock disintegration in hot, moist cli-
mates, 39.

Rock-salt, radiation and absorption of,

Rocks classified by formation, 21; decay
of, 324; meteoric and terrestrial, 127;
thermal conductivity of, 98.
Rocky-mountain division, U. S. geologi-
cal survey, 83.

Rodents, development of, ill., 1052; em.
bryology of, 1053; Harder's glands in,

Roesleria hypogaea, 369.

Rogers, Prof. W. B., 157, 184.
Romans, writing among, 1135.
Rome, institutions of early, 858.
Rosa centifolia, 306.

Roscoea, anther of, 993; purpurea, 492.
Rot in European grape-vines, 662.
Rotation of solid body, 89.
ROTHWELL, R. P. Jacketing of roasting
cylinders, 105.

Rotifera without rotary organs, 37.

Rotula, 467.

Royal observatory, Cape of Good Hope,

Royal society of Canada. See Canada.
Ruled spaces, 289.

Rulingia corylifolia, 553; pannosa, 553;
parviflora, 553.

Rulingia, pollination of, 1088.
Ruscus aculeatus, 259.

Russia, archeology of, 574; southern,

Russians and English in western Asia,

Russo-Persian boundary and Merv, 130.
Rutaceae, pollination of, 230.

RYDER, J. A. Development of the mem-
brane bones of the skull of the pike, 513;
law of nuclear displacement, and its sig-
nificance in embryology, ill., 273; pro-
tozoan parasites of the oyster. 567;
rearing oysters from artificially impreg
nated eggs, 60.

S. Badly crystallized wrought iron, 248.
Saccharimeter, 7.

Saccharomyces apiculatus, 178.
Sacconi, P., 376.
Sagenaria, 397.
Sagerstroemia, 316.

Sagitta, 446.

St. Bernard, observations at, 217.
St. David's rocks, 541.

St. Paul's rocks, 590.

Salisburia primigenia, 259.

Saliva, amylolytic action of, 571; proper-
ties of, 275.

Salivary alkaloids, 569.

Salix mauritanica, 259.
Salpa, 446.

Salvia, 230; fulgens, 492; Grahami, 492.
Salvinia, 397.

Salzbrunn, spring-water from, 649.

Samia cynthia, 4:9.

San Francisco. California academy. See
California academy.

Sand-tracery, 192.

Sanpo, 505.

Saporta's Fossil algae, reviewed, 252.

Saportea grandifolia, 259; salisburioides,

[blocks in formation]

Schizoneura, 397; imbricator, 409.
School collections of natural history, dis-
tribution of, 155; savings-banks, 170.
Schulze, F. E., on New animal type, 305.
Schwatka's exploration of Alaska, 557.
Sciara, 492.

Science in Brazil, 211; future of Ameri-
can, 1; and newspapers, 211; and reli-
gion, 543; teachers' school of, Boston,
55; for workingmen, 295, 457.
Scientific journals, import duty on, 589.
Scintillation of stars and aurora borealis,

Scion, influence of, 1166.
Sciuropterus volucella, 181.

Sclerostoma sipunculiforme, 52.
Scolopendrella, 1174.

Scorias spongiosa, 409.

[blocks in formation]

Seaweeds, red, fertilization of, 725.
Sebaceous glands of tongue, 1005.
Sebastichthys, 83.

Second law of thermodynamics, 160, 248.
Secondary batteries, 923.
Seed-testing, 312.

Seeds, sprouted and dried, value of,

Segmental organs of leeches, 999.
Segmentation of reptilian ovum, 1003.
Selaginella, 21; tortipila, 581.
Selenium cells, electrical resistance of,

SELWIN, A. R. C. Age of rocks on north-
ern shore of Lake Superior, 11; copper-
bearing rocks of Lake Superior, 221.
Semicircular canals, equilibration func-
tions of, 847.

Senegal, climate of, 777; upper, 35;
railroad on upper, 321.

Sensory nerves of man, 1179.

Sepia, 276.

Septic transformation, 82.

Serbonis, 918.

Serpentine, crystals of, 492.

Serum albumen in gastric digestion, 734.
Sesarma, 467.

Sewage irrigation, 823.

Sex of child, and age of mother, 166.
Sexes of flowers, and heat, 783.
SHALER, N. S. Improvement of the na-
tive pasture-lands of the west, 186.
SHARPLES, S. P. Strength of American
woods, 107.

Sheep, fattening breeds of, 652.

Sheffield scientific school, lectures at, 293.
Shell-fish commission, Conn., 1883, Report
of, reviewed, 223.

Shell heaps on coast of Maine, 319.
SHEPARD, E. M. Impregnation in the
turkey, 576.

Ships, British, registry of, 439.

Shooting, conditions of sight affecting,

Shrimp and prawn fisheries, 242.

Shufeldt, Dr. R. W., 499.

Siam, upper, 1163.

Siberia, 855.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Soil, determination of humus in, 265.
Soil-temperatures, 374, 1112.
Solanum rostratum, 316.

Solar constant, 542, 602; eclipse of May 6,
299, 587, 594; energy, absorption of,
532; physics, 1156; Siemens on same,
1061; radiation, 612.
Solemaya subplicata, 21.
Solomon-islanders, 1010.
Solvents, congelation of, 199.
Somatogyrus isogonus, 495.
Sonoran region, 50.
Sorbus, 466.

Sorghum, 26; nutans, 335.

Sound, intensity of, 886; interference of,
by telephone, 167.

Sounding-wire, steel, use of, 568.

Soundings, deep-sea, off Atlantic coast,
тар, 565.

Sounds in air, range of, 353; produced
by flow of liquids, 179.
Spain, geographic work in, 437.
Spanish folk-lore, 542.

SPARKS, M. C. Caterpillars eaten by a
kitten, 248.

Sparodus, 523.

Spathiocaris Emersonii, 81.
Spea Hammondii, 21.

Specific gravity of solids, determining,
537; heat, 192.

Spectroscope, direct vision, 601; observa-
tions of transit of Venus, 636.
Spectrum of argand burner, ill., 481; of
aurora, 546; photometry, 696.
Spelling-reform, 473.

Sperm whale, new, 470.
Spermatogenesis, 1167.
Spermatozoa in Medusae, 616.

Spermogonia of Uredineae, 781.

Sphaerium solidulum, 495.
Sphagebranchus, 554.

Sphenophorus robustus, 487.

Sphenophyllum, 397.

Spherical triangle, 939.

Sphingidae, North American, 795.
Sphinx, 82, 371.

Spiders, venturesome, 334.

Spinal cord, electrical irritability of, 155;
irritability of motor-nerve cells in, 394.
Spinal nerves, relation of spinal-cord
nerve-cells to fibres in, 393.
Spirifer macropterus, 608.
Spirillum, 568; ostrearum, 568.
Spirula, 230

Spleen extirpation, 66; influence of, on
pancreatic digestion, 848.

Spongilla, 50.

Spongomonas guttula, 370.

Sporangites huronensis, 583.

Spores in Erian rocks, 1127.
Sporobolus, 335.

Spray markings, 39.
Spring floras, 136.
Stadia reductions, 814.

Stamens, functional differentiation in,

Standards, distribution of, 118.

Stanley and de Brazza, 989; on the Kon-
go, 225.

Starch from sugar, 557.

Stars, scintillation of, and aurora borealis,

State weather services, 608.
Statice caroliniana, 433; Lefroyi, 433.
Statistical division, U. S. department of
agriculture, extension of, 25.
Statistics, rainfall, 120.
Stature, nomenclature of, 854.
Steam-vessel of high speed, 558.
Steamer City of Fall River, 1072,
Steamship, power of, 1019.

Steel castings, 485; composition of, 1160;
corrosion of, 871; iron, 111; process,
basic open-hearth, 369; shop-treatment
of structural, 106; structure of, 101; for
structures, 698; wire, use of, in sound.
ing, 65, 191, 568.
Steenstrupine, 215.

Steganoptycha claypoleana, 82.
Steinmann's observations at the Straits of
Magellan, 158.
Stellar photometry, 8.
Stenostoma dulce, 21.
Stenotomus caprinus, 555.
Stenzelia elegans, 230.


Evidences of glaciation

in Kentucky, 510.

Stichotricha socialis, 370; urnula, 370.
Stigmaria, 523, 840.

Stock, influence of, 1165.

Stoddard's Outline of qualitative analysis
for beginners, reviewed, 400.
Stone graves, 802; implement from Phila-
delphia, 375.

STORER, F. H. Caterpillar-eating hen-
hawk, 168; domestic ducks that fly
abroad like pigeons, 67; mother of petre
and mother of vinegar, 98; Norden-
skiöld on rock disintegration, 39; rob.
ins, sparrows, and earthworms, 457.
Stow, G. W., 377.

Strahl, H, on Early development of rep-
tiles, 511.

Strange performance, 379.

Street railways, 209; cable power for,

Strength of wooden beams, 281.
Streptopetalum, 466.

Strongylus, 344; clathratus, 52; falcifer,
52; foliatus, 52.

Subinvariants, 91, 1014.

Succinea annexa, 584; chrysis, 583, 584.
Suctociliata, Merejkowsky's, 271.

Sugar-beet, assimilation in, 328.

Sula bassana, 23.

[blocks in formation]

Symphytum asperrimum as fodder, 651;
officinale, 306,

Synandrospadix, 405.

Synovial membranes, 161.

Synthesis of minerals and rocks, 459.

Syringophyllum, 202.

Taber's Winds and ocean-currents, re-
viewed, 606.

Tabernaemontana, 405.

Tachynotus inermis, 467.
Tacsonia, 259, 316.

Tagals of Luzon, ill., 297.
Tahiti, 227.

Taste-bulbs, origin of, 523.
Tauridea spilota, 496.

Taxation, beginnings of, in France, 1136.
Taxidea americana, 279.


[blocks in formation]

rings in

Temporal bone, human, ill., 380, 475, 506.
Teneriffe, eruption of, 382.
Tension of bark and annual
wood, 1042; in guns, 872.
Terebellides, anatomy of, 844.
Ternary quartics, 177.

Terraces and beaches about Lake Ontario,

28; of Connecticut, 29.

Tertiary flora of Australia, 841.
Tesserantha connectens, 196.

Testicularia cyperi, 316.

Tests of building materials, 103.

Tetanic stimulation of frogs' nerves, 736.
Tethys, 433.

Tetranychus tellarius, 409.
Tetrataxis, 21.

Thelphusa angustifrons, 173; crassa, 173.
Theobromine, 202.

Theorem of virial, 65.

Thermal belts of North Carolina, 278,

Thermodynamics, exception to second

law of, 355; second law of, 160, 248.
Thermometer-shelters, 828.
Thermometers, exposure of, 247, 26.
Thermometric observations in cities, 156.
Thermometry, 761; domestic, 538.

Thomas, A. P., on Life-history of the
liver-fluke, ill., 330.
Thompson, J., 321.

Thomsenolite, 1031.

Thorax of Diptera and Hymenoptera,

Thorite and equivalent of thorium, 105.
Thorium, equivalent of, 105; specific
heat and valence of, 706.
Thouar's explorations, 321.
Thrips, 432; habits of, 254.
THURSTON, R. H. Peculiarity distin-
guishing annealed from unannealed
iron, 418.

Thurston's Conversion-tables of weights
and measures, reviewed, 606.
Thyridopteryx ephemeracformis, 179,

[blocks in formation]

Titanic acid in presence of iron, estima.
tion of, 365.

Titanium, detection and estimation of,

Titanophasma Fayoli, 95.

TODD, D. P. Transit of Venus at Lick
observatory, 94.

Tokay, Hungary, trachytic rocks of, 116.
Tonga plant, 236.

Tongue, sebaceous glands of, 1005.
Too much red tape, 473.
Topographical map of New Jersey, 545;
work, U. S. geological survey, 118.
Topography of south Appalachian pla-
teau, 105.

Toronto natural history society, 472.
Torpedo-boat, electric, 297; nets, 702.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Tortricidae, rearing, 150.

Tortrix, spruce, 906.

Tozzetti's Ortotteri agrari, 498.
Trachytic rocks of Tokay, Hungary, 116.
Tracy, C., on deflective effect of earth's
rotation, 98.

Transferred impressions, 534.
Transformation of elliptic functions, 83.
Transit of Venus at Lick observatory, 94;
expedition to Florida, 300; to Santiago,
84; observations at Helderberg, N.Y.,
80; at New Haven, 81; photometric
observations of, 97; spectroscopic ob-
servations of, 636.

Transmission, electrical, of power, 813.
Travailleur's cruise in 1882, 440; expedi-
tion, Crustacea of, 546.

Tree-planting on school grounds, 499.
Trees, diseases of, 780.

Trelease, W. Color-preferences of hive-
bee, 305.

Trenton gravels, 1056; nat. hist. soc.,
391, 466.

Trephining, prehistoric, 307.
Triarthron, 22.

Triassic traps and sandstones, 882.
Trichechus senegalensis, 495.
Trichoplax adhaerens, 305.

Trifolium pratense, 306, 432.
Triglops, 83.

Triglopsis Thompsoni, 496.
Trillina, 405.

Trillium grandiflorum, 553.
Triloculina, 405.
Triton, 434.

Triton in North Atlantic, 890.
Troano, manuscript, 578.
Trochiscus Norrisii, 81.
Trocticus, 231.

Tropaeolum, 306.

Trophon breviatus, 524.

Tropidoclonium, 279.

Troschel's Gebiss der schnecken, 156.


[blocks in formation]

Trypsin, carbon-monoxide poisoning, in-
fluence of, on, 798.
Tuckahoe, 499.

Tuning-forks, rate of, 181.

Turbinal bones in carnivores, 524.
Turbinated bones in man, asymmetry of,

Turkestan, eastern, 504, 834.
Turkey, impregnation of, 576.
Turnera aphrodisiaca, 466; diffusa, 466;
ulmifolia, 522.

Turneraceae, 942; flowers of, 1040.
Tusayan, explorations of pueblos of, 153.
Tylor's lecture at Oxford, 1055.
Tylosaurus, 372.
Typhoon at Manila, 6.
Tyrol, floods in, 321.

U. Solar eclipse of May 6, 299, 594.
Uberaba, rainfall of, 277.

Uhler, P. R., on Baltimore surface-geol-

ogy, 277.

Uintatherium, 151.

Umbilics, conical, 175.

Umbra, 328.

Undulina ranarum, 568.
Unicursal twisted quartics, 1139.
Unio, 22, 274, 523; belliplicatus, 426; bo-
realis, 371; complanatus, 150; luteolus,

Unionidae, Ottawa, 789; variations in,

United States bureau of ethnology, 119,
153, 263, 470, 585; bureau of navigation,
292; work of, 292; bureau of weights
and measures, 118; coast and geodetic
survey, 183; department of agriculture,
25, 55, 263, 291, 349, 409, 470; eclipse
expedition, 119, 238; fish commission
station at Wood's Holl, 588; fish-com-
mission steamer Albatross, 588; fungi


of, 663; geological survey, 83, 118, 153,
157, 183, 185, 350; geologists, and sand-
stones, 307; Lucanidae of, 932; national
academy of sciences (see National acad.
emy); national museum, 25, 54, 83, 118,
152, 291, 470, 495; naval bureau of ord-
nance, 291; naval institute, 472, 978;
naval institute, prize essay, 293; naval
observatory, 55; signal service bulletin,
527; Smithsonian institution (see Smith-

Universities, 76, 409.

University of Cincinnati.

See Cincinnati.

Upham, W., on Extinct Lake Agassiz,

[blocks in formation]

Vascular nerve-centres, excitation of, by
electrical stimuli, 735.

Vaucheria tuberosa, 495.

Vaux gift, the, 26.

Vegetation, electric light on, 554.

Venus. See Transit of Venus.
Venus mercenaria in Britain, 672.
Vera Cruz, Mexico, new harbor at, 303.
Veratria, muscles poisoned by, 570.
VERRILL, A E. Parental instinct as a
factor in the evolution of species, 303;
recent explorations in region of Gulf
Stream by the U. S. fish-commission,
ill., 443, 531; use of steel sounding-
wire by Lieut. J. C. Walsh, 568.
Vertebrate embryos, caudal end of, 572.
Vertebrates, origin of, 60.
Vespertilio murinus, 346.
Vesuvianite, 316.
Veterinary hospital, 438.
Viaduct, Kinzua, 423.

Vibrations, maintained, 1140; of elastic
sphere, 90; of loaded bar, 180; of
membranes, 757; of solid bodies, 479;
sound, photography of, 758.

Vibratory movement of bells, 478.
Viburnum pseudo-tinus, 259; rugosum,


Vine, diseases of, 1125.

Viola tricolor, 306.
Virginias (The), 207.
Virgularia, 553.

Viscosity, 482.

Visual exaltation, 534.

Vitis californica, 578; vinifera, 578.
Vitrina, 433.

Vocal organs, photographing, 1070.
Volatile organic bodies, 429.
Volcanoes, Japanese, 329.

Volvox, development of, 842; globator,

Vortex cavicolens, 202.
Vorticifex, 202.

VOSE, G. L. Railway-accidents in 1882,

WADE, J. M. Intelligence of crow, 458.
WADSWORTH, M. E. Algae and spray
markings, 39; Keweenaw-point geol-
ogy, 248; Lake Superior geology, 575;
meteoric and terrestrial rocks, 127; mi-
croscopic evidence of lost continent,
590; molluscan rock-boring, 422; St.

David's rocks and universal law, 541;
U. S. geologists, sandstones, and Ke-
weenawan series, 307.

Walchia, 149.

Waldeck's drawings, errors in, 750.
WALDO, L. Yale observatory heliome-
ter, ill., 91.

Wales, South, eozoic and lower paleozoic
in, 108.

Walker prizes of Bost. soc. nat. hist., 618.
Walking stick from coal, ill., 95.
Walsh, Lieut. J. C., use of steel sounding-
wire by, 568.

Walther, J., on Development of mem-
brane bones of skull of the pike, 513.
Walton, Isaak, and river Lea, 739.
WARD, L. F. Plant-life, past and present,

Ward, L. F. Fossil plants from lower
Yellowstone, 559.

WARRING, C. B. Sun's radiation and
geological climate, 395, 602.
Washington, anthropological soc., 27, 350,
410, 472. 854; biological soc., 56, 58,
84, 85, 157, 237, 293, 375, 439, 472, 559,
575,740; philosophical society, 85, 156,
209, 320, 350, 375, 377, 472, 530, 320,
344, 537, 761, 811, 826, 883, 919,
922; Smithsonian institution (see

Watchmaking in Switzerland, 296.
Water, color of, 695; drinking, purifica-

tion of, 979; organic matter in, 648;
specific heat of, 643; spring, from Salz-
brunn, composition of, 649.
Water-works, Antwerp, 541; Boston,

Waterville meteorite, 377.

Weather in Nov., 1882, 34; Dec., 1882,
134; Jan., 1883, ill., 216; Feb., 1883, ill.,
271; March, 1883, ill., 385; April, 1883,
ill., 536; predictions in Australia, 717;
prognostics, popular, 216; prophets,
mammals as, 466.

Weather report, Kansas, for February,

154; March, 319; April, 471; May, 556.
Weather report, Missouri, for April,


Weather report, Ohio, for March, 470;
April, 527.

Weather review, Canadian, for Feb.,
1883, 605.

Weather service, Iowa, 376; Ohio, 118.
Weather services, state, 608.

Wechsels, rocks of, 931.
Wedge-photometer, 450.

Weights and measures, international bu-
reau of, 441.

Weldon, W. F. R., on Early development
of reptiles, 511.

Wesleyan univ., museum of, 209.
Western grasses, 234.

Westwood, Prof. J. O., 618.
Westwood and Satchell's Bibliotheca

piscatoria, reviewed, 461.

West Virginia, timber resources of, 208.
Weyenbergh, H., 374.

Whale, bottle-nosed, 1098; baleen, 630;
right, of North Atlantic, 598.
Whale-fishery, arctic, in 1882, 33.
Wheat-stalk Isosoma, 251.
Whistles, hydrogen, 865.

White, I. Č., on Lakes and valleys of
north-eastern Pennsylvania, 304.
White's Fossil mollusks of North Amer-
ica, reviewed, 425.

White Sea, commerce of, 720.
Whitman, C. O., on the Dicyemidae,

WHITNEY, J. D. Geology of Lake Supe
rior, 39.

Whitney's Climatic changes, reviewed,
141, 169, 192.

Wilder and Gage's Introduction to anat-
omy, reviewed, 398.
Wiley, H. W., 376.

Wimshurst's electrical machine, 357.
WINCHELL, N. H. Lake Superior rocks,

Wind, pressure of, 500; and ocean-cur-
rents, 606; on sea and land, 715.
Winding, determination of surface of,

Wing-muscles, histology of insect, 247.
WINLOCK, W. C. Great comet of 1882,
ill., 388.

Winogradow on Spleen extirpation, 66.
Wire in deep-sea sounding, 65, 191, 568.
Wisconsin birds, food of, 675; fishes of,
625; lakes, temperature of, 31; Lepi-
doptera, 794.

Wissmann's letter from Cairo, 608; and
Pogge, 381; trip across Africa, 380.
Wolkmannia, 397.

Woman among the Kabyles, 470.
Wood-cells in Coniferae and other trees,
relations of, 327.

[blocks in formation]
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