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if not wanted after examination. But we think that most teachers will recognize their great value in teaching young pupils beginning reading.

From The Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York, N. Y.: DIE GESCHICTEN Von Halif Storch und von dem Kleinen Muck von Wilhelm Hauff, Berausgegeben von G. Noel-Armfield. In the Junior German Series. 70 cents.

Same Publishers, ENGLISH HANDWRITING, with Thirty-Four Facsimile Plates and Artistic and Paleographical Criticisms by Roger Fry and E. A. Lowe. Most interesting specimens of handwriting showing artistic qualities of once fashionable elegance and grace,-and of personality. These specimens carry us back to an age of chivalry; they suggest the difference between the old life and the new, the time when the average man and woman had time for the cultivation of character and individuality and went about the task seriously, undisturbed by any impulse to "get there" instantly, regardless of everything. One can feel the very spirit of the age from which they came, when examining these letters of Pietro Bembo, (1470) who was Cardinal and Secretary to Pope Leo X; or of Robert Bridges, (1844), or of Thomas Hardy (1840), or of Dean Inge (1860). The price of these specimens, carefully printed in paper covers from costly plates, is $3.50.

From H. M. Rowe Company, Teachers' ON DESK MEMORANDUM BOOK. Very handy for noting recitations, lesson assignments, appointments, things to see to after school, etc., etc. A duplex calendar for the months of two years (1926 and 1927) occupies the inside of the back


From The Psychological Review Company (Princeton, N. J.) we have "Psychological Monographs," Volume XXXVI, No. 1 and No. 2, (edited by Carl E. Seashore) on UNIVERSITY OF IOWA-STUDIES IN PSYCHOLOGY, Nos. IX and X.

From Denoyer-Geppert Company (Chicago) we have received a pamphlet entitled THE WORLD REMAPPED, by R. Baxter Blair. It gives a summary of the Geographical Results of the Peace Settlement after the World War.

READING WITH A PURPOSE, is a series of attractive series of paper-covered pocket-size booklets published by The American Library Association. Titles are English Literature, by W. N. C. Carton; Ten Pivotal Figures of History, by Ambrose W. Vernon; Psychology and Its Use, by Everett Dean Martin; Our Children, by M. V. O'Shea; The Poetry of Our Own Times, by Marguerite Wilkinson, and The United States in Recent Times, by Frederic L. Paxon. 35 cents, paper; 50 cents, cloth.

HIGH AND FAR. Book Two, Grade V. Edited by Randall J. Condon, Superintendent of the Cincinnati Schools. Little, Brown, and Company.

This is one of the delightful series known as The Atlantic Readers. Interesting, wholesome, character-forming are the words by which to describe this series of Readers. Every selection deals with some scene or experience that, while being interesting in itself, carries some striking thought or wholesome lesson which is inescapable. This series of Readers should be examined by every school, with care and forethought for the good of its pupils, when planning to adopt a new set of Readers.

A HANDBOOK OF EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES IN THE HIGH SCHOOL. By Harold D. Meyer, A. M., Associate Professor of Sociology and Chief of the Bureau of Recreation and Community Development, University of North Carolina. Illustrated. A. S. Barnes and Company.

This book is based upon the thought that education for citizenship is the chief business of the public school. But mere verbal teachings of this is not sufficient. Practicing the qualities of the good citizen must accompany the teaching; and there is no better place to begin than in the ball field, the playground, the Literary Society, the Student Councils, the Sanctum of the School Newspaper, etc. Every outside and inside activity and social opportunity has been in mind, apparently, in the making of this volume. Everything is admirably classified so that what you want at the moment can be found in a moment's time. There are some "telling" illustrations. Assuredly no school library should be without a book of this sort; and we unhesitatingly pronounce this one the best of its kind that we ever have seen.

BRAINS OF RATS AND MEN. By C. Judson Herrick. The University of Chicago Press. $4.

This is a strictly scientific survey of the origin and biological significance of the Cerebral Cortex. The author traces the evolution of this almost incomprehensible organ from fishes to men and follows, or tries to follow, the elaboration of its functions. He maintains that the entire life of mankind can be shown to be a series of biological functions and without passing outside the realm of natural laws. Nevertheless, we presume that many of us will still continue to believe in an indwelling soul and a spiritual life that is beyond the power of scientific analysis. And Faith will still seem worth while, and as real and dependable logic.



By JAMES F. TYRRELL, Master, Minot School, Boston, Mass. TRUE-FALSE EXERCISES




N line with the modern thought of leading educational authorities as to the need of supplementing the old familiar type of examination with something more comprehensive and yet less laborious and time taking, the author has prepared these exercises or tests covering American history.

Section I The Period of Exploration

II The Settlement of Virginia

"Massachusetts Bay
"New York

"N. H. and Conn.


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XI Struggle between France and England for

Possession of North America

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Each of the above sections contains separate sheets of each type of examination. The three types of exercises covering one section. should be given a few days apart, thus allowing the teacher to emphasize between times the points that are giving trouble.

TYRRELL'S AMERICAN HISTORY EXERCISES are sold in packages of 150 sheets on each of the above sections. A package contains 50 sheets of each of the three types of exercises, or enough for fifty pupils. A teacher's key will be included with class shipments.

Adopted by the Boston School Board, September, 1925

Price: per package (Specify which section)
Complete Sample Set . .

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Smaller quantities for class use at one cent per sheet

120 Boylston Street

Boston, Mass.




UR headquarters in Boston have a commanding advantage in location for a Teachers' Agency, as Massachusetts, with less than one-tenth the area of Minnesota, has thirty high grade Colleges, Universities and Normal Schools, more than any other corresponding area in the world, ten institutions of College and University grade being located within a half dozen miles of the State House, including Harvard, Northeastern and Boston Universities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts, Boston, Radcliffe, Jackson, Simmons and Immanual Colleges.

The Fisk Agencies located in the leading cities of America are independent in their local management, whose managers are authorized by Everett O. Fisk & Co., a Massachusetts corporation, to use their trade name, "The Fisk Teachers' Agency," and a uniform registration blank and other standardized material.

The contract with the managers of each office provides that they "shall be proprietors of the office as solely responsible for the local management, but subject to the Everett O. Fisk & Co., so far as their advertising, printing, and relationships of their office to other Fisk Agencies are concerned," thus providing as in our National and State Governments, or as in the case of the British Empire and her provinces, for general harmony of usage and helpful interrelationship with local control.

Our patrons will usually find it to their convenience and advantage to patronize the Fisk Agency nearest to them, but are perfectly free to deal with any other Fisk Agency if personal acquaintance with the manager or supposed greater efficiency of the Agency suggests other preference.

We have placed teachers in every state in the Union, seven Provinces of Canada, also in Alaska, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Porto Rico, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Brazil, England, France, Italy, Ger. many, Turkey, Singapore, China, Liberia, Rhodesia, the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippines.

Send to any of the addresses below

BOSTON, MASS., 120 Boylston St.
PORTLAND, ME., 415 Congress St.
NEW YORK, N. Y., 225 Fifth Avenue
SYRACUSE, N. Y., 402 Dillaye Bldg.
PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1420 Chestnut St.

for Circular and Registration Form
PITTSBURGH, PA.,549 Union Trust Bldg
BIRMINGHAM, ALA., 210 Title Bldg.
KANSAS CITY, MO., 1020 McGee St.
PORTLAND, ORE., 409 Journal Bldg.
LOS ANGELES, CAL., 548 So. Spring St

OCT 13 1927



No. 3




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Impressions. (Poems.) Charlotte F. Babcock.

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The Little Red Schoolhouse Reincarnated. John H. Butler.

Mental and Educational Tests in Relation to Teachers' Marks.

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The Teaching of Lyric Poetry. Helen A. Paddock.

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A Stenographic Report of a Forty-five Minute Recitation.

William Lewin.


Jellies and Fruits. (Poem.) Frederick Herbert Adler.

American Notes-Editorial. .



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Published by THE PALMER COMPANY, 120 Boylston Street LONDON E. C.: WM. DAWSON & SONS, LTD., CANNON HOUSE, BREAMS BUILDINGS Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Boston Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879

Price 40 cents

$4.00 a Year

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