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retical Mechanics, as, a little previously, Dynamics had eclipsed and superseded Statics.

The laws of variable force and of curvilinear motion were not much pursued, till the invention of Fluxions and of the Differential Calculus again turned men's minds to these subjects, as easy and interesting exercises of the powers of these new methods. Newton's Principia, of which the first two Books are purely dynamical, is the great exception to this assertion; inasmuch as it contains correct solutions of a great variety of the most general problems of the science; and indeed is, even yet, one of the most complete treatises which we possess upon the subject.

We have seen that Kepler, in his attempts to explain the curvilinear motions of the planets by means of a central force, failed, in consequence of his belief that a continued transverse action of the central body was requisite to keep up a continual motion. Galileo had founded his theory of projectiles on the principle that such an action was not necessary; yet Borelli, a pupil of Galileo, when, in 1666, he published his theory of the Medicean Stars (the satellites of Jupiter), did not keep quite clear of the same errors which had vitiated Kepler's reasonings. In the same way, though Descartes is sometimes spoken of as the first promulgator of the First Law of Motion, yet his theory of Vortices must have been mainly suggested by a want of an entire confidence in that law. When he represented the planets and satellites as owing their motions to oceans of fluid diffused through the celestial spaces, and constantly whirling round the central bodies, he must have felt afraid of trusting the planets to the operation of the laws of motion in free space. Sounder physical philosophers, however, began to perceive the real nature of the question. As early as 1666, we read, in the Journals of the Royal Society, that "there was read a paper of Mr. Hooke's explicating the inflexion of a direct motion into a curve by a supervening attractive principle;" and before the publication of the Principia in 1687, Huyghens, as we have seen, in Holland, and, in our own country, Wren, Halley, and Hooke, had made some progress in the true mechanics of circular motion, and had distinctly contemplated the problem of the motion of a body in an ellipse by a central force, though they could not solve it. Halley went to Cambridge in 1684,3 for the express purpose of consulting Newton upon the subject of the production of the elliptical motion of the planets by means of a central


2 Newt. Princip. Schol. to Prop. iv. 3 Sir D. Brewster's Life of Newton, p. 154.

force, and, on the 10th of December, announced to the Royal Society that he had seen Mr. Newton's book, De Motu Corporum. The feeling that mathematicians were on the brink of discoveries such as are contained in this work was so strong, that Dr. Halley was requested to remind Mr. Newton of his promise of entering them in the Register of the Society, "for securing the invention to himself till such time as he can be at leisure to publish it." The manuscript, with the title Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica, was presented to the society (to which it was dedicated) on the 28th of April, 1686. Dr. Vincent, who presented it, spoke of the novelty and dignity of the subject; and the president (Sir J. Hoskins) added, with great truth, "that the method was so much the more to be prized as it was both invented and perfected at the same time."

The reader will recollect that we are here speaking of the Principia as a Mechanical Treatise only; we shall afterwards have to consider it as containing the greatest discoveries of Physical Astronomy. As a work on Dynamics, its merit is, that it exhibits a wonderful store of refined and beautiful mathematical artifices, applied to solve all the most general problems which the subject offered. The Principia can hardly be said to contain any new inductive discovery respecting the principles of mechanics; for though Newton's Axioms or Laws of Motion, which stand at the beginning of the book, are a much clearer and more general statement of the grounds of Mechanics than had yet appeared, they do not involve any doctrines which had not been previously stated or taken for granted by other mathematicians.

The work, however, besides its unrivalled mathematical skill, employed in tracing out, deductively, the consequences of the laws of motion, and its great cosmical discoveries, which we shall hereafter treat of, had great philosophical value in the history of Dynamics, as exhibiting a clear conception of the new character and functions of that science. In his Preface, Newton says, "Rational Mechanics must be the science of the Motions which result from any Forces, and of the Forces which are required for any Motions, accurately propounded and demonstrated. For many things induce me to suspect, that all natural phenomena may depend upon some Forces by which the particles of bodies are either drawn towards each other, and cohere, or repel and recede from each other: and these Forces being hitherto unknown, philosophers have pursued their researches in vain. And I hope

4 Id. p. 184.

that the principles expounded in this work will afford some light, either to this mode of philosophizing, or to some mode which is more true."

Before we pursue this subject further, we must trace the remainder of the history of the Third Law.

Sect. 2.-Generalization of the Third Law of Motion.-Centre of Oscillation.-Huyghens.

THE Third Law of Motion, whether expressed according to Newton's formula (by the equality of Action and Reaction), or in any other of the ways employed about the same time, easily gave the solution of mechanical problems in all cases of direct action; that is, when each body acted directly on others. But there still remained the problems in which the action is indirect ;-when bodies, in motion, act on each other by the intervention of levers, or in any other way. If a rigid rod, passing through two weights, be made to swing about its upper point, so as to form a pendulum, each weight will act and react. on the other by means of the rod, considered as a lever turning about the point of suspension. What, in this case, will be the effect of this action and reaction? In what time will the pendulum oscillate by the force of gravity? Where is the point at which a single weight must be placed to oscillate in the same time? in other words, where is the Centre of Oscillation?

Such was the problem-an example only of the general problem of indirect action-which mathematicians had to solve. That it was by no means easy to see in what manner the law of the communication of motion was to be extended from simpler cases to those where rotatory motion was produced, is shown by this;-that Newton, in attempting to solve the mechanical problem of the Precession of the Equinoxes, fell into a serious error on this very subject. He assumed that, when a part has to communicate rotatory movement to the whole (as the protuberant portion of the terrestrial spheroid, attracted by the sun and moon, communicates a small movement to the whole mass of the earth), the quantity of the motion, "motus," will not be altered by being communicated. This principle is true, if, by motion, we understand what is called moment of inertia, a quantity in which both the velocity of each particle and its distance from the axis of rotation are taken into account: but Newton, in his calculations of its amount, considered the velocity only; thus making motion, in this case, identical with the momentum which he introduces in treating of the simpler case

of the third law of motion, when the action is direct. This error was retained even in the later editions of the Principia.

The question of the centre of oscillation had been proposed by Mersenne somewhat earlier, in 1646. And though the problem was out of the reach of any principles at that time known and understood, some of the mathematicians of the day had rightly solved some cases of it, by proceeding as if the question had been to find the Centre of Percussion. The Centre of Percussion is the point about which the momenta of all the parts of a body balance each other, when it is in motion about any axis, and is stopped by striking against an obstacle placed at that centre. Roberval found this point in some easy cases; Descartes also attempted the problem; their rival labors led to an angry controversy and Descartes was, as in his physical speculations he often was, very presumptuous, though not more than half right.

Huyghens was hardly advanced beyond boyhood when Mersenne first proposed this problem; and, as he says,' could see no principle which even offered an opening to the solution, and had thus been repelled at the threshold. When, however, he published his Horologium Oscillatorium in 1673, the fourth part of that work was on the Centre of Oscillation or Agitation; and the principle which he then assumed, though not so simple and self-evident as those to which such problems were afterwards referred, was perfectly correct and general, and led to exact solutions in all cases. The reader has already seen repeatedly in the course of this history, complex and derivative principles presenting themselves to men's minds, before simple and elementary ones. The "hypothesis" assumed by Huyghens was this; "that if any weights are put in motion by the force of gravity, they cannot move so that the centre of gravity of them all shall rise higher than the place from which it descended." This being assumed, it is easy to show that the centre of gravity will, under all circumstances, rise as high as its original position; and this consideration leads to a determination of the oscillation of a compound pendulum. We may observe, in the principle thus selected, a conviction that, in all mechanical action, the centre of gravity may be taken as the representative of the whole system. This conviction, as we have seen, may be traced in the axioms of Archimedes and Stevinus; and Huyghens, when he proceeds upon it, undertakes to show, that he assumes only this, that a heavy body cannot, of itself, move upwards.

5 B. iii. Lemma iii. to Prop. xxxix. Hor. Osc. Pref.

• Mont. ii. 423.
Hor. Osc. p. 121.

Clear as Huyghen's principle appeared to himself, it was, after some time, attacked by the Abbé Catelan, a zealous Cartesian. Catelan also put forth principles which he conceived were evident, and deduced from them conclusions contradictory to those of Huyghens. His principles, now that we know them to be false, appear to us very gratuitous. They are these; "that in a compound pendulum, the sum of the velocities of the component weights is equal to the sum of the velocities which they would have acquired if they had been detached pendulums;" and "that the time of the vibration of a compound pendulum is an arithmetic mean between the times of the vibrations of the weights, moving as detached pendulums." Huyghens easily showed that these suppositions would make the centre of gravity ascend to a greater height than that from which it fell; and after some time, James Bernoulli stept into the arena, and ranged himself on the side of Huyghens. As the discussion thus proceeded, it began to be seen that the question really was, in what manner the Third Law of Motion was to be extended to cases of indirect action; whether by distributing the action and reaction according to statical principles, or in some other way. "I propose it to the consideration of mathematicians," says Bernoulli in 1686, "what law of the communication of velocity is observed by bodies in motion, which are sustained at one extremity by a fixed fulcrum, and at the other by a body also moving, but more slowly. Is the excess of velocity which must be communicated from the one body to the other to be distributed in the same proportion in which a load supported on the lever would be distributed?" He adds, that if this question be answered in the affirmative, Huyghens will be found to be in error; but this is a mistake. The principle, that the action and reaction of bodies thus moving are to be distributed according to the rules of the lever, is true; but Bernoulli mistook, in estimating this action and reaction by the velocity acquired at any moment; instead of taking, as he should have done, the increment of velocity which gravity tended to impress in the next instant. This was shown by the Marquis de l'Hôpital; who adds, with justice, "I conceive that I have thus fully answered the call of Bernoulli, when he says, I propose it to the consideration of mathematicians, &c."

We may, from this time, consider as known, but not as fully established, the principle that "When bodies in motion affect each other, the action and reaction are distributed according to the laws of Statics;" although there were still found occasional difficulties in the

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