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whose reasonings respecting the lever much resemble those of Leonardo. Da Vinci also anticipated Galileo in asserting that the time of descent of a body down an inclined plane is to the time of descent down its vertical length in the proportion of the length of the plane to the height. But this cannot, I think, have been more than a guess: there is no vestige of a proof given.]

The contemporaneous progress of the other branch of mechanics, the Doctrine of Motion, interfered with this independent advance of Statics; and to that we must now turn. We may observe, however, that true propositions respecting the composition of forces appear to have rapidly diffused themselves. The Tractatus de Motu of Michael Varro of Geneva, already noticed, printed in 1584, had asserted, that the forces which balance each other, acting on the sides of a rightangled triangular wedge, are in the proportion of the sides of the triangle; and although this assertion does not appear to have been derived from a distinct idea of pressure, the author had hence rightly deduced the properties of the wedge and the screw. And shortly after this time, Galileo also established the same results on different principles. In his Treatise Delle Scienze Mecaniche (1592), he refers the Inclined Plane to the Lever, in a sound and nearly satisfactory manner; imagining a lever so placed, that the motion of a body at the extremity of one of its arms should be in the same direction as it is upon the plane. A slight modification makes this an unexceptionable proof.

Sect. 3.-Prelude to the Science of Dynamics.-Attempts at the First Law of Motion.

WE have already seen, that Aristotle divided Motions into Natural and Violent. Cardan endeavored to improve this division by making three classes: Voluntary Motion, which is circular and uniform, and which is intended to include the celestial motions; Natural Motion, which is stronger towards the end, as the motion of a falling body,this is in a straight line, because it is motion to an end, and nature seeks her ends by the shortest road; and thirdly, Violent Motion, including in this term all kinds different from the former two. Cardan was aware that such Violent Motion might be produced by a very small force; thus he asserts, that a spherical body resting on a horizontal plane may be put in motion by any force which is sufficient to cleave the air; for which, however, he erroneously assigns as a reason,

the smallness of the point of contact. But the most common mistake of this period was, that of supposing that as force is requisite to move a body, so a perpetual supply of force is requisite to keep it in motion. The whole of what Kepler called his "physical" reasoning, depended upon this assumption. He endeavored to discover the forces by which the motions of the planets about the sun might be produced; but, in all cases, he considered the velocity of the planet as produced by, and exhibiting the effect of, a force which acted in the direction of the motion. Kepler's essays, which are in this respect so feeble and unmeaning, have sometimes been considered as disclosing some distant anticipation of Newton's discovery of the existence and law of central forces. There is, however, in reality, no other connection between these speculations than that which arises from the use of the term force by the two writers in two utterly different meanings. Kepler's Forces were certain imaginary qualities which appeared in the actual motion which the bodies had; Newton's Forces were causes which appeared by the change of motion: Kepler's Forces urged the bodies forwards; Newton's deflected the bodies from such a progress. If Kepler's Forces were destroyed, the body would instantly stop; if Newton's were annihilated, the body would go on uniformly in a straight line. Kepler compares the action of his Forces to the way in which a body might be driven round, by being placed among the sails of a windmill; Newton's Forces would be represented by a rope pulling the body to the centre. Newton's Force is merely mutual attraction; Kepler's is something quite different from this; for though he perpetually illustrates his views by the example of a magnet, he warns us that the sun differs from the magnet in this respect, that its force is not attractive, but directive. Kepler's essays may with considerable reason be asserted to be an anticipation of the Vortices of Descartes; but they can with no propriety whatever be said to anticipate Newton's Dynamical Theory.

The confusion of thought which prevented mathematicians from seeing the difference between producing and preserving motion, was, indeed, fatal to all attempts at progress on this subject. We have already noticed the perplexity in which Aristotle involved himself, by his endeavors to find a reason for the continued motion of a stone

3 In speaking of the force which would draw a body up an inclined plane he observes, that "per communem animi sententiam," when the plane becomes horizontal, the requisite force is nothing.

Epitome Astron. Copern. p. 176.

after the moving power had ceased to act; and that he had ascribed it to the effect of the air or other medium in which the stone moves. Tartalea, whose Nuova Scienza is dated 1550, though a good pure mathematician, is still quite in the dark on mechanical matters. One of his propositions, in the work just mentioned, is (B. i. Prop. 3), "The more a heavy body recedes from the beginning, or approaches the end of violent motion, the slower and more inertly it goes;" which he applies to the horizontal motion of projectiles. In like manner most other writers about this period conceived that a cannon-ball goes forwards till it loses all its projectile motion, and then falls downwards. Benedetti, who has already been mentioned, must be considered as one of the first enlightened opponents of this and other Aristotelian errors or puzzles. In his Speculationum Liber (Venice, 1585), he opposes Aristotle's mechanical opinions, with great expressions of respect, but in a very sweeping manner. His chapter xxiv. is headed, "Whether this eminent man was right in his opinion concerning violent and natural motion." And after stating the Aristotelian opinion just mentioned, that the body is impelled by the air, he says that the air must impede rather than impel the body, and that' "the motion of the body, separated from the mover, arises by a certain natural impression from the impetuosity (ex impetuositate) received from the mover." He adds, that in natural motions this impetuosity continually increases by the continued action of the cause,-namely, the propension of going to the place assigned it by nature; and that thus the velocity increases as the body moves from the beginning of its path. This statement shows a clearness of conception with regard to the cause of accelerated motion, which Galileo himself was long in acquiring.

Though Benedetti was thus on the way to the First Law of Motion, -that all motion is uniform and rectilinear, except so far as it is affected by extraneous forces;-this Law was not likely to be either generally conceived, or satisfactorily proved, till the other Laws of Motion, by which the action of Forces is regulated, had come into. view. Hence, though a partial apprehension of this principle had preceded the discovery of the Laws of Motion, we must place the establishment of the principle in the period when those Laws were detected and established, the period of Galileo and his followers.

6 P. 184.

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Sect. 1.-Establishment of the First Law of Motion.

FTER mathematicians had begun to doubt or reject the authority of Aristotle, they were still some time in coming to the conclusion, that the distinction of Natural and Violent Motions was altogether untenable;-that the velocity of a body in motion increased or diminished in consequence of the action of extrinsic causes, not of any property of the motion itself;- and that the apparently universal fact, of bodies growing slower and slower, as if by their own disposition, till they finally stopped, from which Motions had been called Violent, arose from the action of external obstacles not immediately obvious, as the friction and the resistance of the air when a ball runs on the ground, and the action of gravity, when it is thrown upwards. But the truth to which they were at last led, was, that such causes would account for all the diminution of velocity which bodies experience when apparently left to themselves; and that without such causes, the motion of all bodies would go on forever, in a straight line and with a uniform velocity.

Who first announced this Law in a general form, it may be difficult to point out; its exact or approximate truth was necessarily taken for granted in all complete investigations on the subject of the laws of motion of falling bodies, and of bodies projected so as to describe curves. In Galileo's first attempt to solve the problem of falling bodies, he did not carry his analysis back to the notion of force, and therefore this law does not appear. In 1604 he had an erroneous opinion on this subject; and we do not know when he was led to the true doctrine which he published in his Discorso, in 1638. In his third Dialogue he gives the instance of water in a vessel, for the purpose of showing that circular motion has a tendency to continue. And in his first Dialogue on the Copernican System' (published in 1630), he asserts

1 Dial. 1. p. 40.

Circular Motion alone to be naturally uniform, and retains the distinction between Natural and Violent Motion. In the Dialogues on Mechanics, however, published in 1638, but written apparently at an earlier period, in treating of Projectiles,' he asserts the true Law. "Mobile super planum horizontale projectum mente concipio omni secluso impedimento; jam constat ex his quæ fusius alibi dicta sunt, illius motum equabilem et perpetuum super ipso plano futurum esse, si planum in infinitum extendatur." "Conceive a movable body upon a horizontal plane, and suppose all obstacles to motion to be removed; it is then manifest, from what has been said more at large in another place, that the body's motion will be uniform and perpetual upon the plane, if the plane be indefinitely extended." His pupil Borelli, in 1667 (in the treatise De Vi Percussionis), states the proposition generally, that "Velocity is, by its nature, uniform and perpetual;" and this opinion appears to have been, at that time, generally diffused, as we find evidence in Wallis and others. It is commonly said that Descartes was the first to state this generally. His Principia were published in 1644; but his proofs of this First Law of Motion are rather of a theological than of a mechanical kind. His reason for this Law is,3 "the immutability and simplicity of the operation by which God preserves motion in matter. For he only preserves it precisely as it is in that moment in which he preserves it, taking no account of that which may have been previously." Reasoning of this abstract and à priori kind, though it may be urged in favor of true opinions after they have been inductively established, is almost equally capable of being called in on the side of error, as we have seen in the case of Aristotle's philosophy. We ought not, however, to forget that the reference to these abstract and à priori principles is an indication of the absolute universality and necessity which we look for in complete Sciences, and a result of those faculties by which such Science is rendered possible, and suitable to man's intellectual nature.

The induction by which the First Law of Motion is established, consists, as induction consists in all cases, in conceiving clearly the Law, and in perceiving the subordination of Facts to it. But the Law speaks of bodies not acted upon by any external force,-a case which never occurs in fact; and the difficulty of the step consisted in bringing all the common cases in which motion is gradually extinguished, under the notion of the action of a retarding force. In order to do this,

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