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the discoveries of Ptolemy, although separated by a long interval of time; for these discoveries were only made by Tycho Brahe in the sixteenth century. The imperfection of astronomical instruments was the great cause of this long delay.

3. The Epicyclical Hypothesis was found capable of accommodating itself to such new discoveries. These new inequalities could be represented by new combinations of eccentrics and epicycles: all the real and imaginary discoveries by astronomers, up to Copernicus, were actually embodied in these hypotheses; Copernicus, as we have said, did not reject such hypotheses; the lunar inequalities which Tycho detected might have boen similarly exhibited; and even Newton represents the motion of the moon's apogee by means of an epicycle. As a mode of expressing the law of the irregularity, and of calculating its results in particular cases, the epicyclical theory was capable of continuing to render great service to astronomy, however extensive the progress of the science might be. It was, in fact, as we have already said, the modern process of representing the motion by means of a series of circular functions.

4. But though the doctrine of eccentrics and epicycles was thus admissible as an Hypothesis, and convenient as a means of expressing the laws of the heavenly motions, the successive occasions on which it was called into use, gave no countenance to it as a Theory; that is, as a true view of the nature of these motions, and their causes. By the steps of the progress of this Hypothesis, it became more and more complex, instead of becoming more simple, which, as we shall see, was the course of the true Theory. The notions concerning the position and connection of the heavenly bodies, which were suggested by one set of phenomena, were not confirmed by the indications of another set of phenomena; for instance, those relations of the epicycles which were adopted to account for the Motions of the heavenly bodies, were not found to fall in with the consequences of their apparent Diameters and Parallaxes. In reality, as we have said, if the relative distances of the sun and moon at different times could have been accurately determined, the Theory of Epicycles must have been forthwith overturned. The insecurity of such measurements alone maintained the theory to later times.37

30 Principia, lib. iii. prop. xxxv.

37 The alteration of the apparent diameter of the moon is so great that it cannot escape us, even with very moderate instruments. This apparent diameter contains, when the moon is nearest the earth, 2010 seconds; when she is farthest off

Sect. 7.-Conclusion of the History of Greek Astronomy.

I MIGHT now proceed to give an account of Ptolemy's other great step, the determination of the Planetary Orbits; but as this, though in itself very curious, would not illustrate any point beyond those already noticed, I shall refer to it very briefly. The planets all move in ellipses about the sun, as the moon moves about the earth; and as the sun apparently moves about the earth. They will therefore each have an Elliptic Inequality or Equation of the centre, for the same reason that the sun and moon have such inequalities. And this inequality may be represented, in the cases of the planets, just as in the other two, by means of an eccentric; the epicycle, it will be recollected, had already been used in order to represent the more obvious changes of the planetary motions. To determine the amount of the Eccentricities and the places of the Apogees of the planetary orbits, was the task which Ptolemy undertook; Hipparchus, as we have seen, having been destitute of the observations which such a process required. The determination of the Eccentricities in these cases involved some peculiarities which might not at first sight occur to the reader. The ecliptical motion of the planets takes place about the sun; but Ptolemy considered their movements as altogether independent of the sun, and referred them to the earth alone; and thus the apparent eccentricities which he had to account for, were the compound result of the Eccentricity of the earth's orbit, and of the proper eccentricity of the orbit of the Planet. He explained this result by the received mechanism of an eccentric Deferent, carrying an Epicycle; but the motion in the Deferent is uniform, not about the centre of the circle, but about another point, the Equant. Without going further into detail, it may be sufficient to state that, by a combination of Eccentrics and Epicycles, he did account for the leading features of these motions; and by using his own observations, compared with more ancient ones (for instance, those of Timocharis for Venus), he was able to determine the Dimensions and Positions of the orbits.38

1762 seconds; that is, 248 seconds, or 4 minutes 8 seconds, less than in the former case. [The two qantities are in the proportion of 8 to 7, nearly.]-Littrow's Note.

28 Ptolemy determined the Radius and the Periodic Time of his two circles for each Planet in the following manner: For the inferior Planets, that is, Mercury and Venus, he took the Radius of the Deferent equal to the Radius of the Earth's orbit, and the Radius of the Epicycle equal to that of the Planet's orbit. For these Planets, according to his assumption, the Periodic Time of the Planet in its Epi

I shall here close my account of the astronomical progress of the Greek School. My purpose is only to illustrate the principles on which the progress of science depends, and therefore I have not at all pretended to touch upon every part of the subject. Some portion of the ancient theories, as, for instance, the mode of accounting for the motions of the moon and planets in latitude, are sufficiently analogous to what has been explained, not to require any more especial notice. Other parts of Greek astronomical knowledge, as, for instance, their acquaintance with refraction, did not assume any clear or definite form, and can only be considered as the prelude to modern discoveries on the same subject. And before we can with propriety pass on to these, there is a long and remarkable, though unproductive interval, of which some account must be given.

Sect. 8.-Arabian Astronomy.


THE interval to which I have just alluded may be considered as extending from Ptolemy to Copernicus; we have no advance in Greek astronomy after the former; no signs of a revival of the power of discovery till the latter. During this interval of 1350 years, the principal cultivators of astronomy were the Arabians, who adopted this science from the Greeks whom they conquered, and from whom the conquerors of western Europe again received back their treasure, when the love of science and the capacity for it had been awakened in their minds. In the intervening time, the precious deposit had undergone little change. The Arab astronomer had been the scrupulous but unprofitable servant, who kept his talent without apparent danger of loss, but also without prospect of increase. There is little in Ara

cycle was to the Periodic Time of the Epicyclical Centre on the Deferent, as the synodical Revolution of the Planet to the tropical Revolution of the Earth above the Sun. For the three superior Planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, the Radius of the Deferent was equal to the Radius of the Planet's orbit, and the Radius of the Epicycle was equal to the Radius of the Earth's orbit; the Periodic Time on the Planet in its Epicycle was to the Periodic Time of the Epicyclical Centre on the Deferent, as the synodical Revolution of the Planet to the tropical Revolution of the same Planet.

Ptolemy might obviously have made the geometrical motions of all the Planets correspond with the observations by one of these two modes of construction; but he appears to have adopted this double form of the theory, in order that in the inferior, as well as in the superior Planets, he might give the smaller of the two Radii to the Epieycle: that is, in order that he might make the smaller circle move round the larger, not vice versa.-Littrow's Notes.

39 Ptolemy died about A. D. 150. Copernicus was living A. D. 1500.

bic literature which bears upon the progress of astronomy; but as the little that there is must be considered as a sequel to the Greek science, I shall notice one or two points before I treat of the stationary period in general.

When the sceptre of western Asia had passed into the hands of the Abasside caliphs, Bagdad, "the city of peace," rose to splendor and refinement, and became the metropolis of science under the successors of Almansor the Victorious, as Alexandria had been under the successors of Alexander the Great. Astronomy attracted peculiarly the favor of the powerful as well as the learned; and almost all the culture which was bestowed upon the science, appears to have had its source in the patronage, often also in the personal studies, of Saracen princes. Under such encouragement, much was done, in those scientific labors which money and rank can command. Translations of Greek works were made, large instruments were erected, observers were maintained; and accordingly as observation showed the defects and imperfection of the extant tables of the celestial motions, new ones were constructed. Thus under Almansor, the Grecian works of science were collected from all quarters, and many of them translated into Arabic." The translation of the "Megiste Syntaxis" of Ptolemy, which thus became the Almagest, is ascribed to Isaac ben Homain in this reign.

The greatest of the Arabian Astronomers comes half a century later. This is Albategnius, as he is commonly called; or more exactly, Muhammed ben Geber Albatani, the last appellation indicating that he was born at Batan, a city of Mesopotamia. He was a Syrian prince, whose residence was at Aracte or Racha in Mesopotamia: a part of his observations were made at Antioch. His work still remains to us in Latin. "After having read," he says, "the Syntaxis of Ptolemy, and learnt the methods of calculation employed by the Greeks, his observations led him to conceive that some improvements might be made in their results. He found it necessary to add to Ptolemy's observations as Ptolemy had added to those of Abrachis" (Hipparchus). He then published Tables of the motions of the sun, moon, and planets, which long maintained a high reputation.

These, however, did not prevent the publication of others. Under the Caliph Hakem (about A. D. 1000), Ebon Iounis published Tables of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, which were hence called the Hakemite Tables. Not long after, Arzachel of Toledo published the Toletan Ta

40 Gibbon, x. 31.
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41 Id. x. 86. 42 Del. Astronomie du Moyen Age, 4.

bles. In the 13th century, Nasir Eddin published Tables of the Stars, dedicated to Ilchan, a Tartar prince, and hence termed the Ilchanic Tables. Two centuries later, Ulugh Beigh, the grandson of Tamerlane, and prince of the countries beyond the Oxus, was a zealous practical astronomer; and his Tables, which were published in Europe by Hyde in 1665, are referred to as important authority by modern astronomers. The series of Astronomical Tables which we have thus noticed, in which, however, many are omitted, leads us to the Alphonsine Tables, which were put forth in 1488, and in succeeding years, under the auspices of Alphonso, king of Castile; and thus brings us to the verge of modern astronomy.

For all these Tables, the Ptolemaic hypotheses were employed; and, for the most part, without alteration. The Arabs sometimes felt the extreme complexity and difficulty of the doctrine which they studied; but their minds did not possess that kind of invention and energy by which the philosophers of Europe, at a later period, won their way into a simpler and better system.

Thus Alpetragius states, in the outset of his "Planetarum Theorica," that he was at first astonished and stupefied with this complexity, but that afterwards "God was pleased to open to him the occult secret in the theory of his orbs, and to make known to him the truth of their essence, and the rectitude of the quality of their motion." His system consists, according to Delambre,43 in attributing to the planets a spiral motion from east to west, an idea already refuted by Ptolemy. Geber of Seville criticises Ptolemy very severely, but without introducing any essential alteration into his system. The Arabian observations are in many cases valuable; both because they were made with more skill and with better instruments than those of the Greeks; and also because they illustrate the permanence or variability of important elements, such as the obliquity of the ecliptic and the inclination of the moon's orbit.


We must, however, notice one or two peculiar Arabian doctrines. The most important of these is the discovery of the Motion of the Sun's Apogee by Albategnius. He found the Apogee to be in longitude 82 degrees; Ptolemy had placed it in longitude 65 degrees. The difference of 17 degrees was beyond all limit of probable error of calculation, though the process is not capable of great precision; and the inference of the Motion of the Apogee was so obvious, that we cannot

43 Delambre, M. A. p. 7.

44 M. A. p. 180, &c.

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