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appear differently. But if to these wrongs we add the detail of this struggle so inexpiably and ineffaceably disgraceful for France, practised as these advocates may be in the defence of bad causes, this would not be found one of those cases which can be tolerably plastered over with light cost of rough-cast rhetoric.' Let us not, however,lacerate the feelings of the reader with particularizing the horrors of that most atrocious warfare,-suffice it to mention as public, notorious, undeniable, and official acts, the wholesale murders committed by the militarytribunal at Madrid,under that General Grouchy whom the friends of liberty are now honouring with public dinners in America; the cruelties of Marshal Ney in Gallicia; the forepurposed massacres of Marshal Suchet; the decree of Marshal Soult for putting to death all persons who should be taken in arms against the intrusive government; and the decree of General Kellerman, by which, after all horses of a certain standard were seized for the use of the French, the owners of those which were left, as being below the standard, or as being mares pregnant for more than three months, were ordered to put out the left eye of their beasts, or render them by other proper means unfit for military service! Such was the system carried on in foreign countries by the Perfect Emperor of the Ultra Whigs and Extra Reformers. That any man should raise his voice in behalf of such a tyranny and such a tyrant is wonderful,-that any Englishman should do so is monstrous. The distinctions between right and wrong are broad and legible, and all men who have sufficient use of reason to be moral and accountable, beings, are enabled by God to read them. But society has its idiots as well as nature; and the poor natural of the village workhouse, who excites the mockery of brutal boys, is less pitiable, in the eyes of thoughtful humanity, that he who, drunk with faction and inflamed with discontent, renders himself a fool at heart.

It was against the tyrant by whom these infernal measures were enjoined, and against the atrocious army by which they were enforced in full rigour, that our war was waged, not against the French people. We and our allies fought, as the Common Council truly expressed it in their address to the Emperor of Russia, 'not to subdue but to deliver a misguided people;' and our efforts were crowned (to use the language of the same address) by the deliverance of the afflicted nations of Europe from the most galling oppression and unprecedented tyranny that ever visited the human race.' Who does not remember the universal joy which the overthrow of that tyranny produced? The sense of the country cannot be more faithfully expressed than it was by the same Common Council of London in their address to the Prince Regent.

We cannot, Royal Sir,' said they, upon such an occasion, but look back with the highest admiration at the firmness, the wisdom, and the

energy which have been exercised by our beloved country during this long and arduous struggle. Had not Britain persevered, the liberties of Europe might have been lost. Had not her valiant sons been foremost in victory both by sea and land, it is too probable that the glorious emulation exhibited by her great allies would have been still dormant. Had not her triumphant armies under the immortal Wellington cooperated with the brave inhabitants in rescuing the Peninsula from the grasp of an unprincipled invader, Germany and Holland might yet have groaned under the iron despotism of the oppressor, and the efforts of the magnanimous Alexander been ineffectual to relieve them. These astonishing energies we believe to have been called forth by that admirable constitution of government which Britons possess as the best inheritance derived from their fathers, and which with proud satisfaction we observe is considered as affording the true basis of civil liberty by surrounding nations.'

Here the Common Council unequivocally and in the strongest terms deliver their opinion that the policy of the war was wise; that the object was in the highest degree important and desirable, being nothing less than the liberties of Europe; that that object had been accomplished through the exertions of this country, and that its happy accomplishment was owing to the firmness and wisdom with which the contest had been pursued, and to the advantages which we derived from the possession of a free constitution. And in thus saying they spoke the genuine sentiments of the people of England But lo-this very Common Council of London, before the shoes were old in which they followed their former address, make their appearance at court with another, in which they tell the Prince Regent, that the war was rash and ruinous, unjustly commenced and pertinaciously persisted in, when no rational object was to be obtained;' and that this as well as sundry other evils has arisen from the corrupt state of the representation by which the people had been deprived of their just share and weight in the le gislature. If the Prince had been, like Charles II., disposed to jest with men of this stamp, in what a situation might he have placed them by desiring that the first address might have been read for their edification, as the second had been read for his; and then requesting them to reconcile the two!-The invention of printing in parallel columns was a happy one for consistency like this-e. g.


We cannot but look back with the highest admiration at the firmness, the wisdom, and the energy which have been exercised by our beloved country during this long and arduous struggle.



Our grievances are the natural effect of rash and ruinous wars, unjustly commenced and pertinaciously persisted in.

Had not Britain persevered, the liberties of Europe might have been lost.

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These astonishing energies we believe to have been called forth by that admirable constitution of government which Britons possess.'

No rational object was to be


All constitutional control over the servants of the crown has been lost, and parliaments have become subservient to the will of ministers.'

It may be proper to show cause why we should have affirmed that Philip was sober in 1814, and drunk in 1816, when Philip himself might choose to reverse the statement, and plead drunk on the former occasion, having, at that time, been dining with kings and emperors. But Philip himself cannot be admitted as a fair judge of his own condition; and as persons, who, when in possession of their reason, are sensible, well-disposed, and decently behaved, will, when in liquor, talk nonsense, and become mischievous, quarrelsome, and insulting, it is clear, that Philip was sober when the first address was composed, and non compos mentis on the latter occasion.

In reality, as Great Britain never before had been engaged in so long or so arduous a war, so never was any war so constantly approved by the great body of the people, because none was ever more unequivocally just. It was a cause to which the strong language of old Tom Tell-troth might be applied, as being so just and so religious in all humane and divine respects, that if the noble army of martyrs were sent down upon earth to make their fortunes anew, they would choose no other quarrel to die in, nor hope for a surer way to recover again the crown of glory.'

While the war continued, the large expenditure which it occasioned at home* kept all things in activity; the landlord raised his rents as the government increased its imposts; the farmer demanded higher prices for his produce, and every man who had any thing to sell advanced the price of his commodities in like manner and in full proportion. Upon annuitants, and other persons,

* There is a passage in Bishop Burnet which is strikingly applicable to recent times. He is speaking of Marlborough's war, and showing how the nation abounded both in money and zeal. 'Our armies as well as our allies were every where punctually paid the credit of the nation was never raised so high in any age, nor so sa credly maintained: the treasury was as exact and as regular in all payments as any private banker could be. It is true a great deal of money went out of the kingdom in specie; that which maintained the war in Spain was to be sent thither in that manner:-by this means there grew to be a sensible want of money in our nation; this was in a great measure supplied by the currency of Exchequer bills and bank notes; and this lay so obvious to the disaffected party, that they were often attempting to blast, at least to disparage this paper credit; but it was still kept up. It bred a just indignation in all who had a true love to their country, to see some using all possible methods to shake the administration, which, notwithstanding the difficulties at home and abroad, was much the best that had been in the memory of man and was certainly not only easy to the subjects in general, but gentle even towards those. who were endeavouring to undermine it.'

who, from their sex or age and habits, had no way of improving their limited fortunes, the burden bore with its whole weight;a most respectable class, who suffered severcly, but without complaining. It was shown in our last Number, in what manner the transition from a state of war to a state of peace produced, inevitably, great embarrassment and extensive distress. The war, a customer to the amount of more than fifty millions annually, left the markets, it would be absurd to ask whether or not this must affect the innumerable persons who were employed in providing the articles which it required. The extent to which machinery has been carried has thrown many hands out of employment at home; and the use of that machinery, which was at one time almost exclusively our own, and most of which is of our invention, has been introduced abroad; both inevitable consequences of the im proved state of knowledge. The continental nations have learnt to manufacture many articles of necessity for themselves, for which they formerly were, in a great degree, dependent upon us; and they have no money to spare for articles of luxury-they have suffered too much during twenty years of warfare and oppression. To these causes must be added, what is perpetually operating as a cause of partial distress, the fluctuation of our own capricious fashions,which, as they vary from muslins to silks, and from silks to stuffs, injure alternately the looms of Glasgow and Manchester, of Spitalfields and of Norwich. Add also the consequences of a season which has been more unfavourable to agricultural produce of every kind than any within the memory of man; and whatever difficulties and distresses may exist either in the agricultural or manufacturing part of the people, may be explained without referring them to corrupt parliaments, profligate ministers, and the Prince Regent.

We have before us the resolutions of sundry meetings held in the city of London, to consider the propriety of petitioning the Prince Regent and the Legislature for a reform in Parliament.The resolutions from Bishopsgate assert, that the people are 'goaded with an army of remorseless tax-gatherers, urged on by the cravings of a rapacious, oppressive, and imbecile administration :" they remind us that our history exhibits the patriotic sons of England as 'dismissing and chastising those kings and counsellors, whose profligacy and arbitrary attempts had rendered them obnoxious;? they say that the most profligate expenditure among the people's servants, from the lowest to the highest rank, and an unfeeling disregard of the people's wants and miseries, are among the lightest subjects of complaint.' They tell us, that statesmen, living upon the public spoil and holding places of high trust, are found in this day to advocate the accursed doctrine of legitimacy' in


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other words, the Divine right of kings. They tell us, that the British Government have employed their base engine,the standing army,' to assist in establishing the Inquisition. They say, the said resolutioners of Bishopsgate-ward, We claim, we demand and insist that we may have a constitutional voice in the House of the people. A full, fair, and free representation of the people and parliaments of short duration will immediately tend to restore the country to health, happiness, and vigour.' And then they say, they shall no longer hear of Habeas-corpus suspension bills, of gagging and treason bills ;'-measures, be it observed, which they seem very naturally and properly to apprehend. The resolutions from Farringdon-without complain of the long, desolating, and profligate war against the French people, a war whose object, character, and consequences, they both reprobate and deplore.' They complain also of a standing army, wholly unnecessary and dangerous and an intolerable horde of state and of parish paupers.' They require a complete and radical reform,' assuring us however that they wish it to be ' peaceable and tranquil,' and they are convinced that corruption will not dare refuse, or policy misunderstand the prayers and wishes of an united people." Mr. Coates was the mover of these resolutions,-not Mr. Romeo Coates, the amateur of fashion,-but Mr. Coates, the amateur of gin, who recommends his gin as a wholesome and strengthening beverage, and inveighs in his advertisements against those canting moralists who represent gin-drinking as a vice! Mr. Coates is strong in his resolutions,-strong and fiery,-they smack indeed of the still, but certainly not of the right British spirit. Mr. Hitchins of Cripplegate-without is even stronger. He tells us that 'the causes which blight all the hopes of the merchant, the manufacturer, the agriculturist, the peasant and the artist, are principally if not altogether to be traced to a system alike hostile to the interests of this country, the progress of freedom, and the welfare of the human race; a system first directed to crush the rising energies of freedom in France,and since employed as fatally in eradicating almost every trace of comfort, and every spark of independence at home.' He tells us it is in vain to expect that the friends and parties of abuses who now disgrace the honourable House of Commons will ever be brought to sit in judgment upon their own iniquities, or pass the sentence of condemnation upon their own misdeeds.' The inhabitants of this ward disclaim all party-feeling, all violent ebullitions of personal resentment,-they wish to avoid all excesses and disturbances; but they are convinced that nothing short of a radical reform will be effectual, and they recommend this measure as the only one which can save the state or satisfy the people :-' as the only means to prevent the country from experiencing the danger of

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