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AMERICAN JOURNEY: 1858-1860. ÆT. 39, 40.

A winter voyage—Custom-House-Gift to New York State Museum

at Albany-Colonel Jewett-Catholic Cathedral—Conventions—

Entering Canada-Visit to Montreal: Notre Dame-Quebec :

drives on the St. Lawrence-Ottawa-Canada West: the coloured

fugitives-Niagara-Catholic services-A contrast-Wellsboro'-

Water or whisky?-Returns to Montreal-Visits Catholic insti-

tutions cloistered nunneries-Distillery-Sanitary inquiries and

lectures-Quebec-Portland: Neal Dow-Boston: Agassiz: Dr.

Howe John Brown: the Channing Home-"Slave-catchers'

hunting-ground ”—Unitarian festival: Dr. Gannett-Anti-slavery

Convention: Garrison and Wendell Philips-Amherst College—

Naturalists-From Philadelphia to the Slave States-Charleston,

S.C. dredging: intercourse with slaveholders and with slaves-

Virginia Richmond: Peaks of Otter: the Natural Bridge: the

slave-boy: endurance of heat and fatigue--Washington, D.C.:

the Smithsonian Institution: Dr. Henry-Antioch College: death

of Horace Mann-Mammoth Cave: hotel life: smoking: Mr. A.

Hyatt Unios-St. Louis: slaves for sale: Anniversary of

British Emancipation: attempts to lecture: threatened with legal

penalties, besides tarring and feathering !-Up the Missisippi: the

baby's cry-Falls of St. Anthony-Falls of Minnehaha-Letter to

his congregation-Phenomenon at Niagara-Montreal (third visit)

-To Ottawa: "Canadian Boat-song "-Brooks' Farm: Pawgan

Fall-Cursing rebuked-Returns to Albany-Bereavements: the

spiritual world-Unios-A Shaker settlement-"The Harper's

Ferry affair: hanging of John Brown--Washington: at the

Smithsonian Institution : a young pupil: negroes: Catholic

worship: Charles Sumner: lectures on Mollusca - Letters re-

specting Warrington: his religious position: doubts as to his

duty - Oppressed by slavery-A debate in the Senate: Mr.

Seward's speech-"Doctor of Philosophy"—"Robbie"

LAST YEARS IN England: 1860-1865. ÆT. 40-45.

Warrington Museum - British Association at Oxford: debate on
Darwin's theory: University sermon: his changes in religious
feeling the Litany: his sister Mary: Priestley statue: "many

superior people -Letter on the Christian Life-His marriage:
adoption of Robbie-Collections of shells-Resigns the ministry
at Cairo Street Chapel-Work for the Smithsonian Institution :
"Lectures on Mollusca "—Supplementary Report for the British
Association-Slavery in the United States: letter to Mr. Seward
-"Rambles of a Lecturer :" Bristol: Cornwall: a majestic sea :

a tipsy fellow-traveller: "no longer parson "-Removes to Man-

chester daily life-Greek Church-Hartley Institution: testi-

monials-Distress in the cotton districts: teaching the unem-

ployed-Emigrants to Canada-Lark Cottage-Results of his

work- British Association at Newcastle :
"the great negro

fight: Mr. Craft Committee on Nomenclature-Visit to Sir

W. C. Trevelyan-Natural History and Physics-His collections

-Trading naturalists-Declines the Liverpool Domestic Mission

-Fire at the Smithsonian-Leaves for Montreal ...

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