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THIS CALENDAR is the only authorised Academical Record of general information respecting the University and Colleges of St Andrews. It is published annually, with the necessary alterations, as soon as possible after the close of the Winter Session.

The New Regulations for Graduation in Arts, Science, and Medicine will be found printed in full at pages 60, 79, and 98. The attention of Students who are entering the University for the first time is particularly directed to the Regulations relating to Preliminary Examinations, pp. 44-58 and 483.

Students who began their course previous to 1st October 1892 are at liberty to complete it under the Old Regulations, which will be found in the Calendar for 1896-97 and previous issues. If they prefer to proceed under the New Regulations, they may qualify themselves for doing so by passing the Preliminary Examination, if they have not already passed an equivalent one.

Although various new avenues to the M.A. Degree have been opened up, it will be noticed from the Programmes of Classes that the necessary instruction in several of the alternative subjects has not yet been provided. The following is a list of the subjects at present taught at St Andrews, arranged according to the Faculties in which they qualify for Graduation :

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