Supplément au Recueil de principaux traités d'alliance, de paix, de trêve ...: précédé de Traités du XVIIIème siècle antérieurs a cette époque et qui ne se trouvent pas dans le Corps Universal Diplomatique de mrs. Dumont et Rousset ...


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Página 473 - His Catholic Majesty promises and engages on his part, to cede to the French Republic, six months after the full and entire execution of the conditions and stipulations herein relative to His Royal Highness the Duke of Parma, the colony or province of Louisiana, with the same extent that it now has in the hands of Spain, and that it had when France possessed it, and such as it should be after the treaties subsequently entered into between Spain and other States.
Página 477 - French ships coming directly from France or any of her colonies, loaded only with the produce and manufactures of France or her said colonies, and the ships of Spain coming directly from Spain or any of her colonies, loaded only with the produce or manufactures of Spain or her colonies, shall be admitted during the space of twelve years in the port of New Orleans, and in all other legal ports of entry within the ceded territory, in the same manner as the ships of the United States...
Página 112 - DON CARLOS POR LA GRACIA DE DIOS, Rey de Castilla, de León, de Aragón de las dos Sicilias, de Jerusalén, de Navarra, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valencia, de Galicia, de Mallorca...
Página 471 - Robert R. Livingston, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, and James Monroe, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary of the said States, near the Government of the French Republic; and the First Consul, in the name of the French people, Citizen Francis Barbe...
Página 473 - United States, in the name of the French Republic, forever and in full sovereignty, the said territory with all its rights and appurtenances, as fully and in the same manner as they have been acquired by the French Republic in virtue of the above mentioned treaty concluded with his Catholic Majesty.
Página 152 - Córcega, de Murcia, de Jaén, de los Algarbes, de Algeciras, de Gibraltar, de las islas de Canaria, de las Indias Orientales y Occidentales, Islas y Tierra Firme del Mar Océano, archiduque de Austria, duque de Borgoña, de Brabante y de Milán; conde de Habsburgo, de Flandes, Tirol y Barcelona; señor de Vizcaya y de Molina, etc.
Página 152 - Cerdeña, de Córdoba, de Córcega, de Murcia, de Jaén, de los Algarbes, de Algecira, de Gibraltar, de las islas de Canarias, de las Indias Orientales y Occidentales, islas y tierra firme del Mar Océano, Archiduque de Austria, Duque de Borgoña, de Brabante y Milán, Conde de Habsburgo, de Flandes, Tirol y Barcelona, Señor de Vizcaya y de Molina, etc.
Página 196 - ... months, or sooner if possible, to be computed from the day of the signature of the present treaty. In witness whereof, we the undersigned, their Ministers Plenipotentiary, have in their name and in virtue of our full powers, signed with our hands the present definitive treaty, and caused the seals of our arms to be affixed thereto.
Página 471 - THE President of the United States of America, and the First Consul of the French Republic, in the name of the French people, desiring to remove all source of misunderstanding relative to objects of discussion, mentioned in the second and fifth articles of the convention of the 8th...
Página 194 - It is agreed that creditors on either side shall meet with no lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value in sterling money of all bona fide debts heretofore contracted.

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