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Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host,

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

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Ento thy hands, O Lord, I commit myself, my spirit, soul, and body. Thou hast created and thou hast redeemed them, O Lord, thou God of Truth. And, together with myself, I commend unto thee all my friends and all my possessions; thou, O Lord, hast graciously given them unto thy servant. Grant me to remember Thee upon my bed, and meditate on Thee in the night watches, and when I wake up, to be present with Thee, for Jesus Christ's sake.-Amen.

Our Father, &c.


The Third Hour.

It is the Third Hour of the day.-Acts ii. 15.
Be filled with the Spirit.-Eph. v. 18.

Hymn of Praise.

THROUGH the tender mercy of our God, the day-spring from on high hath visited us. Glory be to thee, O Lord, glory be to thee, who as on this day, didst create the light, and enlighten the world. THE VISIBLE LIGHT-The rays of the sun, The flame of fire, The day and the night, The evening and the morning.-THE INTELLECTUAL LIGHT That which is known of God,-That which is written in the Law. The revelations of Prophets-The melody of PsalmsThe instruction of Proverbs-The experience of Histories,-A light which hath no evening. God is the Lord, which hath shewed us light; keep holyday in multitudes, even unto the horns of the altar. Glory, &c.

Derout Aspirations.

1.-BY thy resurrection, O Lord, raise us up unto newness of life, grafting in us fruits meet for repentance. 2.-Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, that Great Shepherd of the Sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make us perfect in every good work to do his will, working in us that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever.

3.—O Thou who, on this day, didst send down thy most holy Spirit on thy disciples, take not, O Lord, that holy Spirit from us, but daily renew Him in us who call upon thee.

The Sixth Hour.

Peter went up upon the housetop to pray, about the Sixth Hour.-Acts x. 9.

Preparatory Ejaculations.

1. MY hands I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved. 2. Open thou mine eyes, and I shall behold. 3. Incline my heart, and I shall love thee. 4. Order my steps, and I shall go in the path of thy commandments.

A Prayer for Grace to keep God's commandments.

I.-O Lord God, be thou my God; but beside thee let me have none other, none other and nothing else but thee. II.-Grant that I may worship thee and serve thee in spirit and in truth. III.-In bodily devoutness and decency, with the praises of my tongue. IV.Publicly as well as privately. V.-Grant also, that I may render honour to those who have rule over me, by submitting myself to them, by obeying them. Natural affection to those who belong unto me, by taking care of them, by providing for them. VI.-Grant that I may overcome evil with good. VII.-That I may possess my vessel in sanctification and honour. VIII.-That I may have my conversation without covetousness, and be content with such things as I have. IX. That I may speak the truth in love. X.-That I may desire without concupiscence: especially that I add not lasciviousness to concupiscence, nor walk after mine own lusts.

Hear me, O Lord, for the sake of Jesus Christ, my Saviour.—Amen.

The Ninth Hour.

Peter and John went up into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the Ninth Hour.-Acts iii. 1.

Profession of Faith.

I Believe in God the Father Almighty, &c.

Devotions on the Creed,

Hanc sanctissimam fidem, semel traditam Sanctis, Credo, Domine; Adjuva incredulitatem meam, Adauge quod mihi est pusillum fidei.

Et mihi concede benignus,

ut in Patre pietatem diligam,

Omnipotente potentiam reverear;

Ut ipsi, ceu Creatori fideli, commendem animam meam

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Crebra meditatione in infernum descendendo,

Resurrectionem Ad vitæ novitatem resur






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meliora sunt,

Timore adventus secundi, Me ipsum judicando antequam judicer.

A Spiritu recipiam Spirationem gratiæ salutaris,

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O Spes omnium finium terræ, et eorum qui sunt in mari longe; O in quem speraverunt patres nostri, et liberasti eos, in quem speraverunt, et non sunt confusi; O spes mea a juventute, ab uberibus matris meæ, in quem projectus sum ex utero, esto tu spes mea dehinc et semper, et sors mea in terra viventium.

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