Whose mind is but the mind of his own eyes, III Wings have we, and as far as we can go 30 Dreams, books, are each a world; and books, we know, Our pastime and our happiness will grow. 36 There find I personal themes, a plenteous store, Matter wherein right voluble I am, To which I listen with a ready ear; Two shall be named, pre-eminently dear,-1 40 And heavenly Una with her milk-white Lamb. IV Nor can I not believe but that hereby From evil-speaking; rancour, never sought, 1 1827. There do I find a never-failing store * Compare The Prelude, book xii. 1. 151 (vol. iii. p. 349) 1807. ED. 45 † Wordsworth said on one occasion, as Professor Dowden has reminded us, that he thought Othello, the close of the Phado, and Walton's Life of George Herbert, the three "most pathetic" writings in the world.-ED. Smooth passions, smooth discourse, and joyous thought: And thus from day to day my little boat 50 Blessings be with them and eternal praise, 55 Then gladly would I end my mortal days. The text of the poem was little altered, and was fixed in 1827. It had no title in 1807 and 1815. The reading of 1807, my half-kitchen my half-parlour fire, was a reminiscence of Dove Cottage, which we regret to lose in the later editions. In the Baptistery of Westminster Abbey, there is a statue of Wordsworth by Frederick Thrupp of great merit, placed there by the late Dean Stanley, beside busts of Keble, Maurice, and Kingsley. Underneath the statue of Wordsworth are the four lines from Personal Talk Blessings be with them and eternal praise, Dean Stanley found it difficult to select from Wordsworth's poems the lines most appropriate for inscription, and adopted these at the suggestion of his friend, Principal Shairp. -ED. VOL. IV D ADMONITION Intended more particularly for the perusal of those who may have happened to be enamoured of some beautiful place of Retreat, in the Country of the Lakes. Composed 1806. - Published 1807 Classed among the "Miscellaneous Sonnets."-ED. WELL may'st thou halt and gaze with brightening eye !1 The lovely Cottage in the guardian nook Hath stirred thee deeply; with its own dear brook, Its own small pasture, almost its own sky! * But covet not the Abode ;-forbear to sigh,2 5 As many do, repining while they look; Intruders-who would tear 3 from Nature's book This precious leaf, with harsh impiety.4 Think what the Home must be if it were thine, with harsh impiety. 1815. 5 1827. would 1807. * Compare the lines in Peter Bell, vol. ii. p. 13- ED. The roses to the porch which they entwine : The cottage at Town-end, Grasmere - where this sonnet was composed-may have suggested it. Some of the details, however, are scarcely applicable to Dove Cottage; the "brook " (referred to elsewhere) is outside the orchard ground, and there is scarcely anything in the garden to warrant the phrase, “its own small pasture." It is unnecessary to localise the allusions. -ED. ““BELOVED VALE!' I SAID, ‘WHEN I Composed 1806. - Published 1807 One of the "Miscellaneous Sonnets."-ED. "BELOVED Vale!" I said, "when I shall con 5 1 1838. would melt, and melt away! 1807. 2 1827. Distress'd me; I look'd round, I shed no tears; 1807. I stood, of simple shame the blushing Thrall ; * 10 Doubtless the "Vale" referred to is that of Hawkshead; the "brooks" may refer to the one that feeds Esthwaite lake, or to Sawrey beck, or (more likely) to the streamlet, “the famous brook within our garden boxed," described in The Prelude, books i. and ii. (vol. iii.) See also The Fountain, vol. ii. p. 92.-ED. "HOW SWEET IT IS, WHEN MOTHER Composed 1806. - Published 1807 Placed among the "Miscellaneous Sonnets."-ED. How sweet it is, when mother Fancy rocks The wayward brain, to saunter through a wood! An old place, full of many a lovely brood, Tall trees, green arbours, and ground-flowers in flocks; And wild rose tip-toe upon hawthorn stocks, 5 Like a bold Girl, who plays her agile pranks 2 The crowd beneath her. Verily I think, Such place to me is sometimes like a dream 10 1 1827. To see the Trees, which I had thought so tall, 1807. 2 1827. Like to a bonny Lass, who plays her pranks 1807. * Compare Hart-Leap Well, 1. 117 (vol. ii. p. 134).-ED. |