Imágenes de páginas
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A political earthquake convulses Europe-Affairs of Portu-
gal-Queen Maria Pia appeals to the English Sovereign
Palmerston's interference-Insurrection in Sicily-
The Pope leaves Rome-The King of Bavaria abdicates
The King of Hanover grants his subjects a liberal
constitution-Switzerland threatens the peace of
Europe-Frederick William of Prussia writes to the
English Court-Palmerston summoned to Osborne-
Riots before the Palace in Berlin-Grants the wishes of
his people-"Listen to the paternal voice of your
King"-The Crown Prince of Prussia in London-The
Queen and Palmerston-Revolutionary spirit in Eng-
land-The Chartists-Feargus O'Connor-Riots in the
provinces-Sedition in Scotland-Meeting at Kenning-
ton Common-London is alarmed-One hundred and
seventy thousand special constables-Lord John
Russell's coolest and most offensive manners-The day
of the monster Meeting-Attended by fifty thousand-
Crossing the bridges-The petition in the House of
Commons-Ridicule and laughter-The end of Feargus
O'Connor-Agitation in Ireland-William Smith
O'Brien in the House-Young Irelanders are filled with
hope-Violent speeches-Deputation to Paris-Trial
and disagreement of the jury-Efforts to rouse the
country to rebellion-Wild schemes-The Police of



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