Imágenes de páginas



Abrahemin, king of Kazan, ii, 58
Achus, Town of, ii, 12

Aculpa, king of the Tartars, ii, 51
Adultery unpunished, i, 93
All Saints' Day, celebration of, i, 82
Altar, one in each temple, i, 57
Altar of Alexander, ii, 12
Ambassadors, manner of receiving

and treating in Russia, ii, 112
Andrew, St., the Apostle of the Rus-
sians, i, 53

Animals of Russia, ii, 3

Anointing and confirmation, ceremo-
nies of, i, 63

Aphgasi, the people, ii, 77

Archbishops, authority of amongst the
Russians, i, 53

election of, i, 54

privileges of, i, 58

Archimandrites, i, 58

Arigo, Luchino, lviii

Berdebeck, king of the Tartars, ii, 51
Beresina, the river, i, 27; ii, 85, 153
Bibliography of the "Rerum Mosco-
viticarum Commentarii", cxxxvii
Biela, the fortress of, i, 23

the principality of, ii, 20
Bieloiesero, city of, ii, 31
Bielski, Dimitry, leader of the Rus-

sians against the Tartars, ii, 14, 66
Bishops, their functions, i, 58; mitres
of various kinds, i, 58; their privi-
leges, i, 58; their vestments, cro-
ziers, i, 58

Bison, the, ii, 95

Blud, the councillor and betrayer of
Yaropolk, i, 14

Bona, wife of Sigismund king of Po-
land, i, 47

Boranets, ii, 74

Boris, Grand Duke, ii, 23
Borisov, the town, i, 27
Borysthenes, the river, ii, 21
Botrigari, Galeazzo, i, 183

[blocks in formation]

Baptism, ceremony of, i, 73-66

Brandy drunk before dinner, ii, 128

Breslaw, the town, ii, 147

Bread, a token of favour among the
Russians, ii, 128

of the Blessed Virgin, ii, 137

Brensko, the city, i, 23

Buda, ii, 47

Buffaloes, ii, 96

Barbara, wife of Sigismund king of Bulgaria, i, 6; taken possession of by

Poland, i, 47

Barbaro, Josafa, lxvi

Barmai, i, 44

Barni, ii, 82

Bartholomew, metropolitan of Russia,
i, 54

Bassalich, i, 96

Bati, king of the Tartars, i, 17
Bears, i, 205

Bears, white, abundance of, ii, 37, 39
Bears, kept for exhibition in games,
ii, 137

Beaver skins, i, 115

Beluga, a large fish, i, 39; ii, 13


Vasiley, i, 19; by the Tartars, ii, 50
Bulgarians conquered by Svatislaus,
i, 12

Bull of Alexander VI respecting the
baptism of the Russians, i, 74


Cabot, Sabastian, i, 191; first voyage,
192; second voyage, 193, 223
Cæsar's altar, ii, 12
Calmucks, ii, 76

Calor, or the Heat, a common disease
in Russia, ii, 6

Cameniporas Mountain, ii, 39


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Cirpach, the town, ii, 13, 14

Codaiclu, a Tartar, is baptized, ii, 59
Colchis, ii, 77

Colmogor, ii, 36, 37

Communion, ceremonies of, i, 78
Confession, i, 77

Constantinople besieged by Oleg, i, 9;
delivered from the Turkish siege,
ii, 53

Contarini, Ambrogio, lxxiv
Cor, Jean de, li

Corela, the river, ii, 30, 104

Corn, wonderful fertility in, ii, 7
Corsa, the idol, ii, 16
Corsira, the town, ii, 14
Corsula, ii, 149

Corsun, a city of Greece, is besieged
and taken, ii, 27; is restored to the
emperor of Constantinople, i, 17
Cosatzkii, the people, ii, 76
Coseri, the people, exact tribute from
the Russians, 1, 7
Cosle, the town, ii, 174
Cossin, the fortress, ii, 41

the river, ii, 41

Cotelnitz, ii, 45

Cotoroa, the river, ii, 33

Councils or Synods, authority of

among the Russians, i, 60
Cracow, praise of, ii, 156
Crepitza, the city, ii, 168
Cronon, the river, ii, 146, 147

the town, ii, 86

Cropivna, the river, i, 28
Crubin, Simon, ii, 10

Cumeri, idols, i, 16

Cupa, the river, ii, 77

Czimburgis, married to Ernest, Arch-
duke of Austria, i, 47

Czubaschi, skilful archers, ii, 58
Czutzko, the lake, ii, 28


Daniel, Archbishop of Russia, i, 54
Dantiscus, John, ii, 143

Dantzic, the town, ii, 100
Dasva, the idol, i, 16
Deacons, obliged to marry, i, 56
Demetriovich, the town, ii, 19
Deng, the coin, i, 109
Derbt, the town, ii, 101
Desna, the river, ii, 14

Dignity, titles of, among the Tartars,
ii, 82

Dimitriov, the fortress, ii, 30
Dimitry Danielovich, ii, 74
Dimitry Michailovich, Duke, i, 18
Dimitry, the Grand Duke, overcomes
the king of the Tartars, i, 18; his
posterity, ii, 18

Ditciloppi, the country, ii, 107
Disla, the city and lake, ii, 147
Divorce, i, 93

Dnieper, the river, i, 5, ii, 21, 83, 84, 85
Dnyepersko, the village, ii, 21

Dobrina, daughter of Calufcza, i, 12
Dogs used for draught by the Rus-
sians, ii, 46

Don, the river, 5; ii, 11-13

the lesser river, ii, 13

Donco, the town, ii, 10, 12, 13
Dowry, things given in, i, 92

Dress, mode of, i, 100

Drevlians, the people, i, 7; are con-

quered by Olga, Empress of the
Russians, i, 10

Drogobusch, citadel of, i, 23

Drogobusch, the town, ii, 19

Dront, ii, 107, 108

Drunken priests whipped at Moscow, | Gastaldus, Jacobus, i, 201

i, 56

George Danielovich, Duke, i, 18
George, the Little, i, 50, 84; ii, 46

Dukes of Muscovy, election and in. George, Grand Duke, routed and

Dubna, the river, ii, 30

Duna, the river, ii, 22, 145

auguration, i, 39

Dverschak, the town, ii, 151

Dwina, the river, i, 83, 145; ii, 35, 36, 147

the province, ii, 35, 36

the lake, ii, 22

the principality, ii, 25


Emanuel, king of Constantinople, i, 21
Emperor, name of, why given to the
Dukes of Russia, i, 33
Englishman, anonymous, xvii
Engroneland, ii, 36, 43, 87
Eraclea, the river, ii, 77

Erlingen, the town, ii, 143

Ermine skins, i, 115

is celebrated, i, 78

slain by the Tartars, and death,
ii, 50

George Pisbeck, a German knight,
ii, 90

Gerodin, the town, ii, 151

Girdle of the world, mountain, ii, 42
Givoites, worshipped reptiles, ii, 99
Golden Old Woman, ii, 41
Gostinovosero, the island of mer-
chants, ii, 68

Gostomissel, Prince of Novogorod, i, 9
Gostomissel, advises the Russians to
choose princes and emperors for
themselves, i, 9

Gothland, island of, ii, 101
Gothland, i, 212

Grand Dukes, power of over their
subjects, i, 30

Eucharist, ceremonies with which it Greeks, war of, with Svyatoslav', i, 12

Eustace Tascovitz, ii, 63, 64, 83

Gregory Istoma, ii, 105; account of

his itinerary, ii, 105-108

Grinki, the town, ii, 146, 154

[blocks in formation]

Falcons, abundance of in Muscovy, Grustintzi, the people,

ii, 135

[blocks in formation]

Gustavus, king of Sweden, ii, 103
Gyr-falcons, ii, 43; abundance of in
Muscovy, ii, 135

[blocks in formation]

Hamerstete, Lucas, a valiant soldier,
ii, 102

Hares of various colours, abundance
of, ii, 20

Hedwige, wife of Joachim of Bran-
denburgh, i, 47; Queen of Poland,
Helen, Duchess of Lithuania, i, 22
Helen or Olga, Empress of the Rus-
sians, is canonized, i, 12
Herberstein, Sigismund von, his title
of "Discoverer of Russia", ii; birth
and parentage, lxxxviii; anecdote
of his family, lxxxix; hereditary
estate, xc; his education, xci;
enters the army, xciv; made stand-
ard-bearer, xcvii; diplomatic mis-
sions to the Archbishop of Salz-
burg, &c., xcvii; mission to Chris-
tian II of Denmark, xcviii; first
journey to Russia, cii; arrives at

Moscow, cvi; leaves Moscow after | Jacobites, heresy of, i, 62
a stay of eight months, cxii; the
estates of Styria appoint him their
councillor, cxv; ordered to appear
at the celebrated diet of Worms,
exvii; his marriage, cxviii; his
second journey to Poland and Rus-
sia, cxviii; reception at Moscow,
cxxiv; retires to his estate to re-
cover his health, and is publicly
thanked by Ferdinand, cxxxiii; re.
ceives the title of freyherr, or
baron, cxxxvi; dies in his eightieth
year, cxxxvi

Jagellon, king of Poland, exploits,
i, 45

Jaick, the river, ii, 47, 73, 74
Jamma, the fortress, ii, 29
Jamschnick, master of posts, i, 108
Januza, the river, ii, 152
Japhet, settles himself
Danube, i, 6

Herberstein, route on his second
embassy, ii, 16; journeys into
Russia, ii, 143

Holmia, see Stockholm

Holy Nose, the headland, ii, 106
Homicide, punishment of, i, 101
Honey, i, 204, 207, 209

Hordes, division of the Tartars into,
ii, 53

Horses in Russia, i, 96; their speed,
i, 108; care of among the Tartars,
ii, 55

Hranitza, the city, ii, 157
Hungary, i, 5; digression on its miser-
able condition, ii, 159-166
Hunting, as practised by the Russian
sovereigns, ii, 133

Hyperborean mountains, ii, 43

near the

Jaroslav, the city, ii, 9, 33, 34
Jasonica, the river, ii, 154
Jausa, the river, ii, 5
Jepiphanovlies, the wood, ii, 11
Jerom, the citadel, ii, 40
Jester with brooms, ii, 17
Jews, passover of the, i, 63
John the Baptist, fast of, i, 82
John's (St.) headland, i, 2, 77
John Albert, king of Poland, i, 46
John, metropolitan of Russia, letter
to the Roman archbishop, i, 59;
canons, i, 66

Jordan, Johann, an artilleryman, a
German, in the Russian service,
ii, 64, 65

Jug, the river, ii, 37

Jugaria, or Juharia, the province, ii, 46
Juhrici, the people, ii, 45
Jurgenci, the people, ii, 75
Justice, venality of among the Mus-
covites, i, 105

Ibn Batuta, li

Ibn-Fodhlan, vii



Kaiemai, the people, ii, 106
Kama, the river, ii, 45

Kantinger, Justus, lxxxiv

Igor, Emperor of the Russians, i, 9; | Kesleni, i, 96

his actions, i, 10

Igumens, i, 57

Ihedra, the lake and town, ii, 50
Ikhri, i, 70

Ilmen, the lake, i, 3, 53; ii, 27
Interiano, Giorgio, lxxi
Irtische, the river, ii, 40
Ivan, the Scribe, i, 31
Ivan, great lake of, ii, 11
Ivan Vasilievich, monarch of all Rus-
sia, i, 24; occupies the principality
of Obskov, ii, 29; his decrees, i,
102; war with Novogorod, ii, 25;
life and character, i, 24; death, i,
25; success in war, 24

[ocr errors]

Kestud, dies in prison, i, 45
Khurland, ii, 100

Kiev, metropolis of Russia, ii, 84
Kitai, the lake, ii, 40

Kitaisko, the lake, ii, 39

Knesi, i, 36, 82

Koninskawoda, the river, i. 72
Koninzki, the river, i, 82
Koroll, i, 33
Kovar, Ivan, ii, 64

Kral, Kyrall, or Koroll, Slavonic name
for king, i, 33

Kretzet, the birds, ii, 135
Krim, the city, ii, 77
Ksi, ii, 82

Ivan, Duke, war with his son-in-law Kulvio, the river and lake, ii, 38

[blocks in formation]


Ladoga, the lake, i, 54, ii, 24, 27
Lamas, the town, ii, 154

Laplanders, ii, 109; manners and cus-
toms, ii, 110

Lech, prince of the Poles, i, 3, 6
Lechi, the people, i, 6

Lent among the Russians, i, 82
Lepin, the fortress, ii, 39
Leytha, the river, ii, 159
Limidis, the lake, ii, 27

Linski, Michael, a valiant soldier, ii,
88; his wonderful liberty of speak-
ing, captivity, exploits, and death,
ii, 91-93

Linz, the town, ii, 144
Lipnik, the town, ii, 157
Lithuania, i, 6; is laid waste by the
Muscovites, i, 29; description of, ii,
82; its produce, ii, 87; bishoprics
in, ii, 87, 112; inhabitants of, man-
ners and customs, ii, 94
Lithuanians, war with the Muscovites,
i, 22, 29

Livonia, description of, ii, 101
Lopata, Feodor, is taken prisoner
and ransomed, ii, 64
Loss, the animal, ii, 97
Lovat, the river, 53, ii, 22, 27
Lublin, the palatinate, ii, 145
Lucomorya, the people of, die every
year in the month of November,
and rise again in April, ii, 40; de-
scription of, ii, 41
Lutinitsch, the lake, ii, 150
Lynxes, skins of, i, 115


Macedonian heresy, i, 66
Machmethemin, king of the Tartars,
i, 23

Machmetgerei, king of Taurida, his
warlike actions, ii, 61-65; is slain,
ii, 81

Macosch, the idol, i, 16; Grand Duke
of Muscovy, i, 6
Magnus, Joannes, i, 212

Maldittus, prince of the Drevlians, i, 10
Malpont, the river, ii, 168

Maluscha, daughter of Kalufcza, i, 12
Mamaii, king of the Tartars, i, 18, ii, 80
Mandeville, Sir John, liii
Marco Polo, xxviii
Marriages, i, 91

Mary, the Virgin, fast of, i, 82

Master Merchants, hall of the, ii, 114
Matthæus, cardinal of Saltzburg, ii, 158

Maximilian, the Monk, a religious
reformer, i, 83

Meeting, day of, mode of celebrating
it among the Russians, ii, 52
Melnik, the town of, ii, 145

Memel, or Mumel, the city, ii, 86, 146
Men of monstrous shape, ii, 42
Mengarlia, ii, 77

Merchants, island of, ii, 73
Merchandize, articles of, and mode of
carrying it on, i, 111-116; mutual
exchange of, ii, 40
Merula, the river, ii, 77
Meseriz, the town of, ii, 145
Metals of Norway and Sweden, 217
Methodius Patanczki, bishop, ii, 49
Metropolitans of the Russians, whence
they derive their authority, i, 53;
election of, i, 54

Mezen, the river and village, ii, 38
Michael, emperor of Constantinople,
the first who introduced the Sla-
vonic letters into Bulgaria, i, 7
Midwives, i, 73

Miesko, the citadel is occupied, ii, 89
Miracle of the cauldron, i, 8
Misceveck, a marshy place, ii, 13
Moabites, the people, ii, 49
Mohilev, ii, 85

Mologa, the city, ii, 32
Moloscha, the river, ii, 18
Moncastro, i, 5

Money among the Russians, i, 109
Monks, their fastings, i, 83
Monte Corvino, Giovanni di, xliii
Montecroce, Riccoldo da, xlvii
Moon, light of, i, 214
Moravia, ii, 47

Moravians, i, 6

Mordwa, the people, ii, 9, 48; their
manners and customs, ii, 9
Morse, the animal, ii, 39, 111; its
teeth, i, 112

Mosaisko, a fortified town, ii, 20
Moscow, prince of, why called the
White King, i, 34; the city, capital
and metropolis of Russia, descrip-
tion of, ii, 1; is occupied by the king
of the Tartars, i, 18; is beseiged
by Andrew and Dimitry, i, 20; is
fortified by Ivan Vasilievich, i, 24 ;
Grand Duchy of, i, 19
Mosier, the city, ii, 95
Mosqwa, the river, ii, 1, 5, 9
Motka, the promontory, ii, 807
Mountains, burning, ii, 111
Msta, the river, ii, 150
Munster, Sebastian, 201

Muscovite hermits, i, 58; money,
i, 109

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