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sion of women would then have exactly the opposite effect from that which was intended.

From what has been said it is obvious that the position of women varies greatly in different nations, and that this variation is not based on logical grounds. A given profession may be open to women in one country while another is closed; in another country the exact reverse is the case. In some countries women have municipal, and in some parliamentary suffrage, while in some they have both and in some neither. The place which women hold is the result of sentiment, chance, and efficient leadership, and it varies accordingly. Only behind these things there would seem to be a constant and steady tendency on the part of women to press forward, to assert their powers and to claim their opportunities, and to meet men, not as their superiors or inferiors, but as their equals. And up to a certain point they have succeeded. It is becoming evident that, wherever women are concerned, the services of women are needed; it is admitted that women should, together with men, overlook and control the teaching of children, the wants and conditions of the poor, and many municipal and social matters. Women are more and more eagerly resorting to female doctors; and the latter are daily becoming better recognised and appreciated by medical men.

Of course this trust of women in women is by no means yet universal; and there are plenty of women who scorn the female doctor, but accept the advice of no matter who, so that he be a man. But it seems evident that the whole tendency of development is the other way; and, unless there is a great change, it appears likely that the new century will not have grown very old before women are established as professional managers, advisers, and inspectors where women, and even in some cases where men, are concerned. And what is to happen then? Will women proceed still further; and will they equal men in creative power? Are we to look in the future ages for female Beethovens, Shakespeares, and Raphaels? or are women capable only of administrative power? and is the creative faculty denied to them? This is a controversy which excites great heart-burnings amongst all who are interested in the question of the progress of women, and it has the merit or the fault of being at present completely

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insoluble. No doubt if, as Dr Harnack believes, Priscilla wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews, it would go far towards settling the question; for, if a woman could write a work of such depth and originality, there can be few things which are impossible to her sex. Whatever may be thought as to the probability of Dr Harnack's theory, it cannot be said to be proved; but, on the other hand, it has not been disproved; and the reviewer in the Guardian,' who pronounced against the theory, merely argued that because no woman could have written the Epistle to the Hebrews, therefore Priscilla did not do so-an argument which can hardly be said to be convincing. Even the authorship of the Odyssey' has, in these revolutionary days, been attributed to a woman; but we can hardly set Mr Samuel Butler on the same level of scholarship as Dr Harnack; besides, he may not have meant it.

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Those, however, who deny the creative power to women often confuse the issue. They are wont to assert that, because a woman has never written a great poem or painted a great picture, she therefore should not sit on a borough council, forgetting apparently that the gentleman who will take her place there is in all probability equally incapable of painting and poetry; and that those who elected him did so on account of his administrative capacity-a capacity which was not that of Raphael or Shakespeare. Great creators are not usually found actively engaged in administrative work; and, on the other hand, men as well as women may be administrators of the highest class and yet be wanting in creative ability.

Still, while the controversy has but little real bearing on the claim of women to equality with men in administrative affairs, it is interesting in itself. On the one hand, there is no doubt that, so far, women have not rivalled the great poets, musicians, and artists. Mr Fuller Maitland, in the paper which he read before the Congress, dwelt on the absence of great female musicians. There have been song-writers, of course, and very good ones; but in the higher branches of the art women have so far not excelled, though there is now every opportunity for a woman to do work of the highest class if she have the necessary inspiration. On the other hand, we are

* Report of the Congress, vol. iv, p. 81.

reminded that Sydney Smith said exactly the same of women's achievements in literature; yet in fiction women have certainly since then shown that, if they cannot rival men, they can very nearly approach them. This, however, is not conclusive. The success of a novel depends very largely on power of observation; and in power of observation women excel. A great novel is not as great an instance of creative power as a great picture, a great symphony, or a great poem; and therefore the excellence of female novelists does not conclusively prove that women have the creative power as men have it. Mrs Browning, fine poet as she was, does not prove the contention either, for her greatest work is to be found in the 'Sonnets from the Portuguese,' poems purely of passion; and she is certainly deficient in the creative power which characterised her husband. The quality may, however, exist in an undeveloped condition, and may be ready to emerge when opportunity and education have raised all women to a higher level of capacity than they at present possess. Before it can be conclusively proved that women are deficient in creative force, many years of full opportunity and endeavour must have trained and developed the female sex.

Finally, if it be not too hazardous a suggestion,, it is possible that women may never rival the highest achievments of men, and yet that they may be in no way inferior to them. For across the path of many women to fame there falls the barrier of the home, of wifehood, and possible motherhood. It is difficult to estimate how far this will always affect women; but it is more than possible that, even if they were in all ways intellectually equal to men, the home, the husband, and still more the children, would attract them more than the greatest positions in the world of art and letters. It is an instinct as old as humanity, sanctioned and sanctified by the highest example, glorified alike by nature and revelation. Those who fear that the opening of professions to women will turn them in any numbers from the longing for marriage and motherhood, might as well fear that the ebbing tide would not again flow.

It may thus be that what will hold women back is not the lack of intellectual power, which, properly developed and educated, would attain to a far higher level than it

has yet reached, but the presence of another faculty which exercises a dominating force over their nature. This faculty, which shows itself in the desire to love, in the desire for children, in the quick spiritual insight of women, in all the special qualities, physical, intellectual and moral which in their fulness belong to the ideal mother, will, it is probable-may we not say, it is to be hoped ?-always predominate. It may be that in the future, after years of opportunity and achievement, women will approach as near to Shakespeare, Beethoven, and Raphael as they have to Thackeray or Scott. Nevertheless, to our mind such an advance is unlikely, not because the capacity is absent, but because it will move in a different channel. In order to produce the creative faculty in women, the fullest development is needed; yet perhaps, when that development has been reached, the result will be not the realisation of great creative achievements, but the existence of a stronger, nobler race.

The nation will surely benefit, not by a limited and incapable womanhood, but by one whose faculties and powers are developed and cultivated. This development is desirable, not only in the interest of those women who must support themselves, but in the interest of the whole community, by whom the work and the special qualities of women are required. Nor need it be feared that any disruption of society or of family ties will ensue. Far from exalting family life, the belief that women are fit for nothing else actually lowers it by treating it as the occupation of those who are incapable of other work. On the other hand, if women, by their professional success, and by the high place which, as we have seen, they have taken in administrative work, can obtain the recognition of their intellectual equality with men, and if they then elect to make marriage and motherhood their chief aim in life, the home will take a higher position. It will rank with other professions, for there is in it scope for genius as well as for ordinary ability. It may be that, only when women who are the intellectual equals of men become the mothers of the race, will the nation attain to its highest power and development, and be able to take its place under the new conditions which, during the centuries to come, appear likely to prevail.

Art. XI.-NEW LIGHTS ON MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. 1. Papal Negotiations with Mary Queen of Scots during her reign in Scotland, 1561-1567. Edited, from the original documents in the Vatican archives and elsewhere, by John Hungerford Pollen, S.J. Scottish History Society, 1901.

2. The Mystery of Mary Stuart. By Andrew Lang. Second edition. London: Longmans, 1901.

3. Mary Queen of Scots, and who wrote the Casket Letters? By Samuel Cowan, J.P. Two vols. London: Sampson Low, 1901.

4. Calendar of the State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, 1547-1603. Vols. I, II-1547-1569. Edited by Joseph Bain: 1898, 1900.

5. Mary Queen of Scots, from her birth to her flight into England. By David Hay Fleming. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1897.

6. A Bibliography of Works relating to Mary Queen of Scots, 1544-1700. By John Scott, C.B. Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, 1896.

7. Palaces, Prisons, and Resting-places of Mary, Queen of Scots. By M. M. Shoemaker. Revised by T. A. Croal, F.S.A. (Scot.). London: Virtue, 1902.

THE remarkable interest which has so long been manifested in the story of Mary Stuart is due, not only to the personal qualities and charm of the woman, to the mingled elements of romance and tragedy in her life, to her resolute courage and bearing in the face of death, but also to the uncertainty which has shrouded many of her acts and motives in mystery. The keenness of the interest, from her own time onwards, is strikingly illustrated by Mr Scott's Bibliography, which, although ending with the seventeenth century, contains the titles of two hundred and eighty-nine works relating to her. Had the list been continued to the present time the number would have been legion. From her birth to her execution there is hardly an incident in her career which has not been the subject of prolonged discussion and minute enquiry. After more than three centuries of such discussion and enquiry, an amazing number of points survive on which contradictory opinions are still ardently held, and not a few on

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