Imágenes de páginas

611, Bell at heel. A morrice-dancer wore from 20 to 252 bells

on each leg.

613. Butts. The marks at which the archers shot.

614. Robin Hood. At such festivals as this the games ofter represented Robin Hood and his merry men.

630. Wight. Here probably an adjective, valiant or strong. 632-633. Cf. with the wrestling match in Shakespeare's As You Like It, I. ii.

638. Fare. The manner in which he fared.

641. A golden ring.

"The usual prize of a wrestling was a ram and a ring, but the animal would have embarrassed my story."-SCOTT. Did he plan the coincidence in that a ring had also been given to Douglas's daughter?

653. Rood. Rod.

660. Ladies' Rock. A point between the castle and Greyfriars' Church, much used for viewing the games.

680-691. Thus judged . . . known. Is this a universal truth 692. Gambols. Usually applied to children, or to the lower animals.

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hound. Remember Scott's love of dogs.

724. Needs but a buffet. Needs but a buffet to fell the groom.

740. Misproud. Wrongly proud.

747. Ward. Confinement.

752. Misarray. Disorder.

776. These. Antecedent? This seems satirical. See the no bility of nature shown by the Douglas.

783. Kind. Kindred.

794. Ward. Ward off.

810. Trailing arms. As at a soldier's funeral,

819. Common fool. Was fool suggested by the French foule, &

crowd? Cf. Shakespeare's" fool multitude,” Merchant of Venice, II. ix. 26.

830-832. See Marmion, Canto VI., 1. 902: "O woman, in our hours of ease," et seq.

838. Cognizance. Heraldic markings.

847. Loose. Ungovernable.

856. Lost it. Explain what was lost.

868. Vulgar. Crowd. Latin, vulgus.

882. Civil jar. Civil war.

887. Earl William. The Douglas who was stabbed at Stirling by James II.

898. Pennons brown. Explain this closing personification.


1. Find the little touches which make this account of the combat so vivid and forceful.

2. What was the exact cause of the quarrel ?

3. What were the standing causes of feud between Lowlander and Highlander?

4. Is there any artistic reason for the reference (11. 301–303) to Rome's empire over this region ?

5. How do you interpret the lines

"Thus Fate hath solved her prophecy,

Then yield to Fate, and not to me"?

6. How did each combatant evince his courtesy ? Was ** to have been equally expected of each?

7. How does the description of the sports at Stirling afford a pleasing respite from the combat?

8. Why was this a skilful method of introducing the Douglas to the King and to us?

9. Make out a careful outline of this Canto, filling in the sub



The stars of Faith and Courtesy shining amid war clouds.


I. On the way to Coilantogle Ford. Stanzas II.-XII.

II. The Challenge and Reply. Stanzas XIII-XIV,
III. The Combat. Stanzas XV.-XVII.

IV. On the way to Stirling. Stanzas XVIII.-XXI.
V. The Games. Stanzas XXII.-XXVI.

VI. The Outlaw and his King. Stanzas XXVII.-XXX.
VII. Message of intended Battle.


The coming of Sorrowful Evening.

Stanzas XXXI.-XXXII.


2. Dark city. Stirling.

3. Caitiff. Wretch. Often with a dishonorable meaning. 9. Kind nurse of men. Cf. 2 Henry IV., III. i. 5, and other references to sleep in Shakespeare, notably in Macbeth.

15. Gyve. Fetter for the ankle.

42. Harness. Armor of man and horse.

47. Adventurers. Scott tells that James V. was the first to introduce a body-guard of mercenaries, in contrast to the ordinary Scottish army, which was composed of the barons and their retainers. 53. Fleming. A native of Flanders, a fertile country. 60. Halberd. See picture in Webster's Dictionary.

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65. Fray. See hint at close of Canto V.

78. Trent. A river in eastern England.

87. Troll. Sing. An old ballad word.

88. Buxom. Lively. The derivation and history are interesting. 129. Glee-maiden. A little girl who accompanied the mediæval juggler, and did tumbling and dancing. Therefore the epithet was gross disrespect to Ellen.

132. No, comrade. How dignified is Bertram. 136. Purvey. Furnish.

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170. Needwood. A royal forest in Staffordshire, England. He had been outlawed from England for deer shooting.

183. Tullibardine, A home of the Murrays, some twenty miles from Stirling.

199. Errant Damosel. Like the damsels described in mediæval times, the feminine counterpart of the knight-errant.

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234. Barret-cap. Cloth cap. He wore the purse as a knight wore a favor.

242. Master's face. Douglas. It was the minstrel's duty to be with his patriarchal chief.

265. But I loved. "Unless I had loved."

269. Thy Lord. Brent misunderstands him and takes him to Roderick.

295. Leech. Physician.

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