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In pursuance of the proclamation of His Excellency Governor William A. Richardson, the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nebraska, met in Extra Session at the Capitol, on Tuesday the 21st day of September, A. D. 1858.

The House of Representatives met at two o'clock P. M., and

On motion of Mr. De Puy,

Mr. Stewart was appointed Speaker, pro. tem.

On motion of Mr. Steinberger,

The rules of the last session were adopted for the government of the House during the temporary organization.

On motion,

The following named officers were appointed to act during the temporary organization:

Chief Clerk, E. G. McNeely,

Assistant Clerk, Harry Creighton,

Sergeant-at-Arms, A. S. Dye,
Door keeper, George Dixon.

On motion of Mr. Seymour,

The Clerk was directed to call the roll of counties in their order, which being done, the following named gentlemen presented certificates of election:

For the District composed of Richardson and Pawnee Counties-Wm. C. Fleming, and A. C. Dean.

For the District composed of Nemaha and Johnson Counties-M. F. Clark, Jesse Noel, and S. G. Daily.

For Otoe County-John Cassell, O. P. Mason, H. P. Bennet, Geo. F. Lee, Wm. B. Hall.

For Cass County-Wm. R. Davis, Wm. J. Young, T. M. Marquette, R. G. Doom.

For Sarpy County-Charles C. Norwood, Stephen H. Wattles.

For Douglas County-James H. Seymour, Clinton Briggs, Augustus Roeder, James Stewart, Wm. A. Gwyer, R. W. Steele, John A. Steinberger, George Clayes.

For the District composed of Dodge and Platte Counties-Henry W. De Puy.

For Washington County-C. D. Davis, P. G. Cooper, L. W. Kline. For Burt County-David L. Collier.

For the District composed of Dakota, Cedar and L'eau qui Court Counties-John Taffe, D. T. Bramble.

On motion,

The following named gentlemen were appointed a

Committee on Credentials-Messrs. Gwyer, Steinberger, Mason, Bramble, De Puy.

Mr. Steinberger moved to adjourn.

On which the ayes and nays were called, with the following result: Ayes-Messrs. Bramble, Clark, Clayes, Cooper, Gwyer, Kline, Steele, Steinberger.-8.

Nays-Messrs. Bennet, Briggs, Cassell, Collier, Davis of Cass, Davis of Washington, Daily, Dean, Doom, De Puy, Fleming, Hall, Lee, Marquette, Mason, Noel, Norwood, Rankin, Roeder, Seymour, Shields, Stewart, Taffe, Wattles, Young.-25.


Mr. Gwyer from Committee on Credentials reported the following named gentlemen elected members of the House for this session, viz :

Mr. H. P. Bennet, D. T. Bramble, Clinton Briggs, John Cassell, M. F. Clark, Geo. Clayes, David L. Collier, P. G. Cooper, Wm. R. Davis, C. D. Davis, S. G. Daily, A. C. Dean, R. G. Doom, Henry W. De Puy, Wm. C. Fleming, Wm. A. Gwyer, Wm. B. Hall, L. M. Kline, Geo. F. Lee, T. M. Marquette, O. P. Mason, Jesse Noel, Charles C. Norwood, Augustus Roeder, James H. Seymour, R. W. Steele, John A. Steinberger, James Stewart, John Taffe, Stephen H. Wattles, Wm. J. Young.

Also, B. P. Rankin and Matthew Shields present, without their certificates, and recommended that they be admitted.

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A committee of three was appointed to wait upon the Secretary of the Territory and request him to administer the oath of office to the members elect.

The committee performed their duty, when the Secretary appeared and administered the oath in due form.

Mr. Steinberger moved to adjourn.


Mr. Seymour moved that the House now proceed to elect permanent officers.


Mr. Rankin moved to elect by ballot.


Mr. Mason moved for a suspension of rules in order that the election might be by ballot.


Nominations for the office of Speaker being in order,

Mr. Clayes nominated Hon. Wm. C. Fleming.

Mr. De Puy nominated Hon. H. P. Bennet.

Messrs. Miller, Taylor and Doane, Committee from the Council, appeared and informed the House that the Council had organized by the election of

Hon. L. L. Bowen, President,

S. M. Curran, Chief Clerk,

J. G. Treadway, Assistant Clerk,

John McA. Campbell, Sergeant-at-Arms,
John Reck, Doorkeeper,

and were now ready to proceed to business.

Mr. Kline moved to reconsider the motion to elect permanent officers. Lost.

Mr. Rankin moved that members be privileged to interrogate the candidates for the office of Speaker, in regard to their political senti


On which the ayes and nays were called-result as follows:

Ayes-Messrs. Bennet, Bramble, Cassell, Clark, Clayes, Cooper, Doom, Fleming, Gwyer, Hall, Kline, Norwood, Rankin, Roeder, Shields, Steele, Steinberger, Young.-18.

Nays-Messrs. Briggs, Collier, Davis of Cass, Davis of Washington, Daily, Dean, De Puy, Marquette, Mason, Noel, Seymour, Stewart, Taffe, Wattles.-14.


After which the House proceeded to vote for Speaker.

The roll being called, the vote stood as follows:

For Mr. Bennet-Messrs. Briggs, Cassell, Davis of Cass, Davis of Washington, Daily, De Puy, Hall, Lee, Marquette, Mason, Roeder, Seymour, Shields, Stewart, Taffe, Wattles, Young.-17.

For Mr. Fleming-Messrs. Bramble, Clark, Clayes, Cooper, Dean, Doom, Gwyer, Kline, Noel, Rankin, Steele, Steinberger.-12. For Mr. Gwyer-Mr. Collier.-1.

For Mr. Stewart-Mr. Norwood.-1.

Mr. Bennet having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared duly elected Speaker.

On motion,

Messrs. Rankin and De Puy were appointed a committee to conduct the Speaker elect to the Chair.

The Speaker having taken the Chair,

The House proceeded to elect a Chief Clerk.

The roll being called, the vote stood as follows:

For H. N. McGuire-Messrs. Bramble, Clark, Clayes, Cooper, Fleming, Gwyer, Kline, Noel, Rankin, Steele, Steinberger.-11.

For E. G. McNeely-Messrs. Bennet, Briggs, Cassell, Collier, Davis of Cass, Davis of Washington, Daily, Dean, Doom, De Puy, Hall, Lee, Mason, Marquette, Norwood, Roeder, Seymour, Shields, Stewart, Taffe, Wattles, Young.-22.

Whereupon, E. G. McNeely was declared duly elected.

The roll being now called for the election of an Assistant Clerk, the vote stood as follows:

For Harry Creighton-Messrs. Bramble, Clark, Clayes, Collier, Flem‐ ing, Gwyer, Rankin, Steele, Steinberger.-9.

For Hugh McNeely-Messrs. Bennet, Briggs, Cassell, Cooper, Davis of Cass, Davis of Washington, Daily, Dean, Doom, De Puy, Hall, Kline, Lee, Marquette, Mason, Noel, Norwood, Roeder, Seymour, Shields, Stewart, Taffe, Wattles, Young.-24.

Whereupon, Hugh McNeely was declared duly elected.

The roll was now called for the election of Sergeant-at-Arms.
The vote was as follows:

For Lewis Driskell-Messrs. Bramble, Clayes, Cooper, Fleming, Gwyer, Kline, Norwood, Rankin, Shields, Steele, Steinberger, Wattles.-12.

For J. D. N. Thompson-Messrs. Bennet, Briggs, Cassell, Clark, Collier, Davis of Cass, Davis of Washington, Daily, Dean, Doom, De Puy, Hall, Lee, Marquette, Mason, Noel, Roeder, Seymour, Stewart, Taffe, Young.-21.

Whereupon, J. D. N. Thompson was declared duly elected.

The roll was now called for the election of a Doorkeeper, and the vote stood as follows:

For George Reeves-Messrs. Bramble, Clark, Clayes, Collier, Cooper, Dean, Doom, Fleming, Gwyer, Kline, Noel, Norwood, Rankin, Shields, Steinberger, Steele.-16.

For E. H. Rogers-Messrs. Bennet, Briggs, Cassell, Davis of Cass, Davis of Washington, Daily, De Puy, Hall, Lee, Marquette, Mason, Roeder, Seymour, Stewart, Taffe, Wattles, Young.-17.

Whereupon E. H. Rogers was declared duly elected.

The House now proceeded to elect a Chaplain.

The roll being called, the vote stood as follows:

For Rev. Smith-Messrs. Briggs, Clayes, Davis of Cass, Davis of Washington, Daily, Lee, Marquette, Mason, Noel, Rankin, Shields, Steinberger, Stewart, Taffe, Wattles.-15.

For Rev. Watson-Messrs. Collier, Dean, Gwyer, Norwood.-4.
For Rev. Bergen-Messrs. Hall, Roeder, Seymour, Young.-4.

For Rev. Barnes-Messrs. Bennet, Bramble, Cassell, Clark, Cooper, Doom, De Puy, Fleming, Kline, Steele.-10.

There being no election, the roll was called a second time, with the following result:

For Rev. Barnes-Messrs. Bramble, Cassell, Clark, Cooper, Doom, De Puy, Kline, Lee, Steele.-9.

For Rev. Bergen-Mr. Hall.-1.

For Rev. Watson-Messrs. Collier, Gwyer.-2.

For Rev. Smith-Messrs. Bennet, Briggs, Clayes, Davis of Cass, Davis of Washington, Daily, Dean, Fleming, Marquette, Mason, Noel, Norwood, Rankin, Roeder, Seymour, Shields, Steinberger, Stewart, Taffe, Wattles, Young.-21.

Whereupon, Rev. Smith was declared duly elected.

On motion,

Messrs. Daily and Rankin were appointed a committee to wait upon the Hon. Secretary of the Territory, and request him to administer the oath of office to the officers.

The committee having discharged their duty, Secretary Morton appeared and administered the oath in due form.

On motion of Mr. Davis of Washington,

The House adjourned until to-morrow morning at nine o'clock.

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